Fireflies TCC a rainbow baby

boo. I guess cycle went off when you started MCing rather than when you had the d&c. Hopefully a fresh stat will lead to a bfp next month. And hey, Valentine's day nookie! The bad thing about testing around valentines day is it could either be the best news or totally ruin the day.

either way (ovulating or testing around valentine's day) if you get a positive, future kids will do the math and think, "eeww!!!! i'm a valentine's day baby!!"


I was a valentine's day baby.... But when your our age and TTC you don't really think of it like that. Well I don't at least. Good things about valentines day babies. We won't be pregnant for Christmas, we still get a birthday and Christmas present (compared to people born closer to December, my friend was born on Boxing Day and mainly only got 1) we can have some fun with themed parties (more so in the UK as we have fireworks night, but you could have a Halloween party also).

So, DH just broke news to me that he just found out he will be living away from me for a year now... At least he will only be 2-3 hours away as of April, not 14 hours like he is now. Life is throwing a huge kink in our TTC plans. Jesus. This has been a shitty year so far.... Have a mc, then a week later, great uncle dies, then a week after that hubby finds out he has to move temporarily for work.... Enough! Lol. Rant over.

I'm so sorry :( Hopefully you'll just get lucky and when someone is visiting the other you'll just get a BFP. Or you putting all TTC plans on hold now?

Girls please DON"T LET ME TEST! About 9 dpo today and I'm really feeling the urge to POAS after being suddenly overwhelmed with the feeling like a bean just implanted. I feel like I'm nuts but I can't shake the feeling. I've nearly told DH I feel pretty certain I'm pregnant a few times this afternoon but I keep biting my tongue in case I'm just getting my hopes up. I really ant to b done with early testing

You can wait. I always remind myself how disappointed I'll be if a BFN glares up at me.

Ninja panda oh wow that's awful when does he have to go

NDH I always trust my gut and I am liking yours I am going to hold out till at least 11 DPO

My temp took a huge jump this morning woke up and it was 37.0 so hope I am not coming down with something now

Good like Niamh. I hope to see some BFP from some of you soon.

the OB doc says we can try this month. woohoo!

likely ovulating february between the 14th-16th
having a colposcopy on february 25th
then will try to hold out until 12dpo to test

try to :haha:

That's great news jump. I hope you'll show me a BFP at the end of the month.

AFM nothing to report although just the usual things. My mum inisted on telling me all about the car mechanics pregnancy. He's due a week before I was and also having a boy. If he calls his son Daniel I think I'll just loose the plot. Also went into the bank and people were complaining about being pregnant. I was biting my tongue in telling them they should stop complaining and be more considerate about people who have lost their babies. It was suppose to be me having all those symptoms as I'd have been 25 weeks today :( On the plus side daily BD is going well. So I really hope it will be our month, despite not ovulating for another week yet!
I was a valentine's day baby.... But when your our age and TTC you don't really think of it like that. Well I don't at least. Good things about valentines day babies. We won't be pregnant for Christmas, we still get a birthday and Christmas present (compared to people born closer to December, my friend was born on Boxing Day and mainly only got 1) we can have some fun with themed parties (more so in the UK as we have fireworks night, but you could have a Halloween party also).

AFM nothing to report although just the usual things. My mum insisted on telling me all about the car mechanics pregnancy. He's due a week before I was and also having a boy. If he calls his son Daniel I think I'll just loose the plot. Also went into the bank and people were complaining about being pregnant. I was biting my tongue in telling them they should stop complaining and be more considerate about people who have lost their babies. It was suppose to be me having all those symptoms as I'd have been 25 weeks today :( On the plus side daily BD is going well. So I really hope it will be our month, despite not ovulating for another week yet!

yeah, i was doing all the calculations and if i get pregnant in march or april, the due dates are early december and december 31st.:shock:i really hope i don't get to march or april.:winkwink: really anything in october through early january is hectic though with all the holidays (halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, new years) but i also will take any birthday, as long as there IS a birthday, you know?:sad1:

my mom says stuff like that ALL the time.:trouble: before the wedding, it was entertaining (at best), when we were trying (but not publicly saying that we were trying) it was like, "yeah yeah, we're going as fast as we can. ha. ha.:roll:" and now after a loss, it's just...yeah, no. (she also doesn't know i was pregnant or that i had a miscarriage, so i guess i can't REALLY be too mad...?)

sorry you had to be surrounded by whiners. if they only knew...maybe one of these days we'll be bold enough to say something. not mean, just really witty and leave their mouths hanging on the floor and/or make them really embarrassed for being so ridiculous.:pop:
I got my bfp with my first on April 20 (LMP march 26 wow I can't believe I remember that lol) and she was due December 29 but not born until January 8.
Celticniamh, he left on Monday already. :(

Mommy2o, no, we are not putting TTC on hold but it sure will be a lot of a tougher task!
Niamh - I just had my first - hpt today. The last couple days have been super squinters, today finally not visible. Never thought I would feel relief looking at a BFN. I typically temp and check CM, not CP though. I just started temping a few days ago and have not checked CM to this point. My temp had a huge spike yesterday and an even bigger drop today. Interested to see what tomorrow brings. OB reminded me yesterday at my post-op appt to wait for one spontaneous period before trying - it makes me growl. If it happens before the first AF, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Que Sera Sera.

NinjaPanda - I am so sorry about your DH - I can't imagine what that is like when you aren't TTC. Having the distance while you are TTC must be heartbreaking and infuriating. :hugs:

NDH - I test even when I know it's too early and that I will see a BFN. I have a real POAS problem. For me, knowing something (even if it's not what I want) is better than knowing nothing. Thank heavens for internet cheapies or I would be in the poor house.

jumpingo - Congratulations on the all clear to TTC - that must be a huge relief. We are not preventing while waiting for AF and I am at peace with it. I am only afraid to face my OB if I end up there earlier than he expects me. He did say the suggestion to wait is primarily for dating purposes. Anyway - best of luck waiting until 12 DPO - I am hard pressed to get to 7 DPO. :blush:

AFM - Rite Aid OPK positive today with SMU, Wondfo still negative. Temp dropped dramatically this morning following the spike yesterday. My expert analysis is that my body is whacked. I will continue to temp and probably take OPK until AF arrives. I look forward to her arrival so I can have a clean chart that I might be able to make some sense of.

Also - I have had enough snow and cold. :brat:
Well I think the :witch: has finally landed been having spotting and horrible cramps and clots!! Since no AF in months I'm sure it will be a BAD one but I'm glad to move on !!

Happy almost Friday!!!
Hi ladies - hope all is well.

OneMore - I have never used Rightaid tests but I use Wondfos and they have never let me down. That is really strange that they are so different with your results.

Ninja - that sounds so hard to have hubby gone for so long. Hugs for you!

NDH - I have sworn off early testing each time and always caved. But I am really going to try and not test until my AF is late when we start ttc again.

AFM - I *thought* DH and I had agreed to ntnp this month. But Tuesday night we dtd and he asked for a condom (?!) WTH? :growlmad:
Of course I was so upset I *almost* cried but I let him have it since thats what I should do. I didnt find 'in the moment' to be the appropriate time to ask "What are you thinking?!" so I let it go. I'm still upset and havent brought it up yet...
At least I wasnt anywhere near O yet. But I will be next week.
OK. Questions.
If you fall asleep with the thermometer in your mouth should you retake or is it still valid?

Second question. Once I get AF should I remove the positive pregnancy tests from my chart?
Kozmik sorry you guys have had a miscommunication. Hope you can work it out!
Celticniamh, he left on Monday already. :(

Mommy2o, no, we are not putting TTC on hold but it sure will be a lot of a tougher task!

Oh :hugs: I would be so sad that going to be hard regardless of TCC timing is crappy but glad you can keep TCC

OneMore Time I hate that they say this, when it is actually more for dating for them, I know some like to wait for many reasons but I guess it comes down to when you feel ready to TCC again then go for it :hugs: we do not have any snow but it has been bitter cold and I am looking forward to spring and summer

mommy2o thank you hunni :hugs: hurry up ovulation the swimmers will be waiting anyway :flower:

Well I think the :witch: has finally landed been having spotting and horrible cramps and clots!! Since no AF in months I'm sure it will be a BAD one but I'm glad to move on !!

Happy almost Friday!!!

oh hugs :hugs: hope AF is not to bad on you over the weekend :hugs: and yea at least this next cycle will be easier to read, I keep thinking that as well how if/when AF arrives it should be easier to temp and know what the hell is going on

OK. Questions.
If you fall asleep with the thermometer in your mouth should you retake or is it still valid?

Second question. Once I get AF should I remove the positive pregnancy tests from my chart?

Temp still valid :thumbup: I wonder if your cover line is off a little 36.3 would still be pre O temp how are you feeling in your self anyway been a bit of a limboland for you waiting and waiting

oh and I would leave the positive pregnancy test if /when AF arrives it will reset and start and new chart for the next cycle regardless of +HPT

Kozmik :hugs: hope you feel better after chatting to him

jumpingo that is great news :happydance: good luck TCC this month

Wanting hope your doing ok :hugs:

sending lots of baby dust to us all :dust::dust::dust:
Thanks Niamh! I was wondering if my coverline was off as well. I'll leave the +ive tests and just continue waiting lol.

I'm good. Focusing on my race. Bag of chips. Bottle of wine. Lol. If there's no AF by next week we'll see if I sing a different tune :p
Awwww kozmik, sorry that happened. But I'm going to bet that he didn't want to assume anything in the moment and it was just easier to ask for one instead of having the convo. Just mention it and I'm sure all will be fine :)

Ninjapamda - boo. Dh and I lived apart for 3 years, it was awful. I don't wish it on anyone, but I can promise it will be over before you know it. Plus, now you have an excuse to schedule timed visits ;)

NDH - step away from the tests lol. I know its hard, but save your sanity for as long as you can.

Ajarvis - you're so funny. I would adjust the temp. Because you breathes on it after you fell asleep, and the hot air Changes it lol. Sounds funny but I read it somewhere.
Sunshine I never heard of that re temps, with my one if I stick it in my mouth once it beeps that is it temp is taken and can not be retaken on till I reset it :thumbup: so it would just turn off and when I turn it back on it would show last temperature taken!:flower:

Ajarvis maybe she wont come! or are you pretty sure in your gut it was left over HCG :hugs:
Niamh I don't feel pregnant at all. Like no symptoms. Anything that was there must have been from my cold. With a strong BFP at 10DPO I should have gotten a positive at the dr. with held urine IMO anyways.

So I just don't think I am. I'd think based on the tests getting lighter I'd get AF sometime around this weekend or early next week though. I did check dollar store for cheap HPT. But I can't justify spending more than a buck or two on a test. SO will just have to wait!
Hi Ladies,

I know I'm late to join this thread, but I wanted to say how much I appreciated reading through all your posts and seeing all the support, encouragement, and hope you offer one another.

I had a molar pregnancy last summer - found out at our 12 week scan in July, though baby had stopped growing at 8 weeks. To top off the devastation of a MMC, it took 5 months before my HCG levels were low enough to be cleared for TTC again.

I've been feeling pretty stressed and anxious these past couple of weeks because the baby would have been due at the end of January. Reading through your posts has helped me feel so much better.

Unfortunately, for the past 3 months I've been experiencing spotting along with a weird burning/cramping sensation on my left pelvic area that starts mid-cycle and lasts until my period starts. I went to see my dr and had ultrasounds, but they didn't see anything abnormal. They also checked my blood and only my thyroid levels were elevated, but my dr said I could wait to see if they go down naturally before starting a medication (they were fine in Nov). My worry is I can't seem to get rid of this anxious feeling and I know that stress can elevate thyroid levels... I'm now on CD 12 and Fxed this is the month and I won't have to do any more blood tests!
Hi SWlady. Welcome to our thread! I'm sorry to hear about your mc and wish the best for you for ttc!
Jumpingo hooray for ttc! You must be so happy to get the all clear!

Ninja so sorry about your dh going away. I really hope his visit line up perfectly with ovulation and you get a little bean for company!

NDH I think our dd1s must have swapped places! Mine was due January 8th but she was born on December 22nd. Really wish she hadn't been in such a hurry to join us!

Koz I hope u sort things out with dh. Maybe he knew you weren't ovulating and the condom was for easier cleaning? We do that sometimes!

Ajarvis hope you find out either way what's going on.Try ebay for cheap tests! Here I get 10 tests for about $3.

Sis good luck this cycle and hope af isn't too bad.

One more time hope that temp goes back up, but if not that af doesn't take to loko to show her face so that you can start fresh!

Afm 8dpo and waiting. Pretty sure this isn't my cycle though.
Slwady welcome! So sorry for your loss, gosh all that waiting must have made things even harder. Is your thyroid overactive? I got results a couple of weeks ago that show I have thyroid autoantibodies so have been started on thyroxine. Hope you catch a rainbow soon.
ajarvis, good luck in your race!!:thumbup:
seems strange to be so far past your expected AF dates...though on my second post-mc cycle, my luteal phase was 15 days even though i usually only had a 11-13 day LP. hope you get an answer one way or the other soon! limbo stinks:dohh:

also, i read on FF that you shouldn't adjust your temps. i am a horrible sleeper and only get 3 hours of solid sleep before temping about half the time. if i'm way off on the temping time, i just stick it in as is. sometimes it makes a funny spike or dip, sure, and if it stays high or low, that's a different story, but one "off" temp here and there isn't going to make FF freak out.:haha:

i have the same kind. i always try to muffle the beeping though because i'm sure it annoys my husband!:shy:

welcome SWlady!:hugs: i'm sure due dates will be hard for most of us around here...:sad1: i'm a pretty nervous/anxious/over-thinker myself, so i can relate a bit to just a constant anxious feeling. sometimes it's just all consuming.:nope: does distraction work? logically, you've gone to the doctor and had things checked out, so try to remind yourself of that and then do something just for you that you enjoy and can forget about everything else, even for an hour...?:flower:

steph, YES! i hated waiting! waiting in january was because i want to be able to fly to my brother's wedding in september (tokyo to US) and i ideally wanted to get the procedure done in january since we were waiting ANYway, but of course:roll: they were booked solid when i called.:dohh: so, am glad they can both happen in february. just waiting for AF to see herself out now.:trouble::haha:

Kozmik, definitely a conversation to be had when not in the moment.:wacko: we women are so perceptive and smart.:winkwink: i hope you have a chance to talk to him though - being on the same page about ttc is so important/helpful.:hugs:

(but oh my gosh, how could i have not thought of using condoms just for easier clean-up when i'm not in my fertile window?!:shock::haha:)
Slwady welcome! So sorry for your loss, gosh all that waiting must have made things even harder. Is your thyroid overactive? I got results a couple of weeks ago that show I have thyroid autoantibodies so have been started on thyroxine. Hope you catch a rainbow soon.

She's not yet sure if I do, because they weren't technically out of the "normal" range, but they were very close on the high end. She wants me to come back in on Day 3 of my next period and she'll retest then. If they haven't gone down, then we'd talk about medication. Hoping I don't need it though! She said once you're on it, you can't safely go off of it while pregnant or nursing.

Jumpingo - Distraction is definitely what helps me the most! They anxiety goes completely away. It's just hard to find things to distract me when I'm bored or waiting. You're right though, so far the dr hasn't found anything wrong, so I need to focus on that.

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