Fireflies TCC a rainbow baby

We are all in this what-the-hell-is-my-body-doing stage and it sucks! The TWW is really hard, the god-knows-how-long-wait after a miscarriage is worse. We need to get through and out of February, by then we should all be functioning properly and maybe the weather can suck a little less too. Hibernation? I'm in! :sleep:

The benefit of me spending days trying to figure out if and when I ovulated is that I am almost halfway through the TWW (if I trust FF's O date). I'll test on Saturday morning which should be 9DPO - that's when I got my first positive with the little one I lost. I don't feel the desperation and stress to be pregnant this cycle that I normally feel while TTC. Whatever happens, happens. If AF shows, that's really OK too. I feel very much at peace despite the unknowns.

Not that I am a huge believer in signs but, according to my FF O date, my due date if pregnant this cycle would be 10/29/15. 10/29 is our first wedding anniversary. Valentines Day BFP and an anniversary baby...too good to be true? Truth be told, I don't care when I get a BFP or when the due date is, as long as I get to bring home a healthy baby when it's all said and done.
I had my first AF about 30 days after my D&C, but I also keep experiencing spotting mid-cycle (like 3-4 days PO and lasting on and off til my next period). I think our bodies just take tons of time to get back to normalcy! do you guys think this is really af? It's a lot. It's definitely more than spotting. And like I said it's been 4 weeks since natural mc, 3 since d&c. But my hcg dropped significantly in between those two (34,800 to 9000). So It only had 9000 to drop in 3 weeks. I think I'm confident this is af... even though it's soon.
I would say it is if u feel like it is Sunshine!!
So excited!! Apparently DH is not going to be super busy with work next week so he booked me a plane ticket to see him! I should be ovulating around the day before I leave or the day I leave so Fx!
Well I'm calling this cycle day 1. Light bleeding now. More than spotting. I hope she's done by Valentines lol
ninja - thats great news! I hope you get there in time to make it count! :)

ajarvis - I really hope this is your cd1, to get this ttc show on the road!
Kozmikkitten I'm sure it is. She's been threatening for a while and definitely need tampon now. So on to a new cycle. Just hopefully not a 40 day one. Just 28 as per normal.
So excited!! Apparently DH is not going to be super busy with work next week so he booked me a plane ticket to see him! I should be ovulating around the day before I leave or the day I leave so Fx!

:happydance::happydance: whoo hoo
Yay Ninja! Ajarvis glad your limbo is over.

I'm back to ttc as well- had another chemical. I'm going to add vitex to my regimen and maybe progesterone cream too.
Sorry to hear that NDH - really hope you get a sticky one soon!!!

AFM - I'm NOT going to get a sticky one if my DH and I dont dtd this month...haha. I think I'm ovulating this week based on cm only (most likely O in the next day or two). It will be a no go tonight cuz DH will be home very late. Maybe tomorrow night?
Yay Ninja! Ajarvis glad your limbo is over.

I'm back to ttc as well- had another chemical. I'm going to add vitex to my regimen and maybe progesterone cream too.

Have a look at Maca and vitamin B complex make sure if your taking a prenatal it has B6 and B12 they help reduce miscarriage and help with implantation

Sharing this again for you
it mention vitex for preventing MC I never knew that
ajarvis - we're CD1 buddies!! YAY!!!

kozmic - tomorrow should be great, unless you can stay up really late tonight lol

Sis4us - thanks!

ninja - yahoo!! So excited you get to sneak in a well timed visit

NDH - so sorry for the chemical, and sorry you're back on the roller coaster with all of us. But at least you know you got your O date right! :)

Celtic - Hi! :)

Af is in full swing here. I'm so relieved, I was pretty irritable to poor DH the last few days. Now at least it explains why. I called my Dr about starting testing (day 3) and the secretary had no clue who I was/what I was talking about. Annoying. She said she would talk to him about it and call me back, but she never did. I'm trying not to get anxious about it. We don't plan to ttc this month anyways (I'll be away for work around O time), so I supposed I can get the tests done CD3 next month. But still, super annoying. And I get anxious/easily stressed out about that kind of stuff. Booking appointments, waiting on other people to provide me with info. So I'm feeling overwhelmed right now.

But...c'est la vie. Right?
Oh yay! Hope you hear from your dr office tomorrow. You don't have to be around on O day to get preggo ;)

Niamh will have to look more into this b6/b12 thing!
hey ladies!

hard for me to keep up with all of you. even though i stay at home with my son, i feel like i hardly sit down. haha!

ndh - so sorry about your chemical :(

sunshine - i'm jealous about all your gym work. we got a screw in our car tire two days ago, and haven't been able to get it fixed. which means i'm stuck inside (it's 25 degrees here in chicago!) and i need to get to the gym!!! argh. good for you! :)

i had a totally normal af, but today (cd 8) i had a bunch of ewcm, but tinged very, very lightly with pink. i'm guessing this is left over from the mc? i feel like i don't even understand my own body anymore! i had short cycles - 25 to 26 day cycles - so O'ing on cd 8 is possible, but early for me. i never used opk's or temped, and usually got my bfp early. so maybe i am really O'ing this early? i'm so confused!
Ugh, it's so frustrating isn't it....I never thought my life would revolve around bodily functions. Especially since I'm squimish lol.

jtink - thanks for the gym love. I felt so good yesterday. Today I can't move, so ya...that happened (or didn't happen). But I'll do some sit ups and weights tonight. I also need to get out (I live in Canada...not far from Chicago actually) in this crazy weather. I get major winter blues.

ajarvis - you're so funny, and absolutely right. But I'll pretty much be gone the entire time (and some after) this month, but back in time for next O! Woo!
Oh yay! Hope you hear from your dr office tomorrow. You don't have to be around on O day to get preggo ;)

Niamh will have to look more into this b6/b12 thing!

yep I know it really helps with short LP and helps with lining but also for embryo development and implantation anything that helps is good!

Omega 3 helps as well it is explained in the link and easy to get I have been taking that as well

Sunshine I hate when you ring and they say they will ring you back and do not I am sure there would be notes on the system! that she could of checked unless the doctor never typed them in! which is annoying!! I would ring them back again!
yeah maca is already part o my regimen and I am confident my vitamins have a good source of b vitamins that I don't think a B complex is necessary.
Hi ladies! So sorry that I have been MIA… Well, not really, I've been spending all night and day on FB! Hahaha! Things have been hectic with my job interviews, shadowing at potential future jobs (reallllllly hoooooooping), etc. It's just been *too* much to try to keep up both here and in FB. ANYWAY, I am sure I have missed a lot and I know there are some newer people on here… I will spend tomorrow reading as much as I can and try to respond as much as I can! I do miss it on here, but hey, life happens! I'm looking forward to catching up with all you wonderful gals! xoxoxox

sunshine, just call them back every hour! but be super sweet on the phone. they'll be super annoyed, but you'll have been so friendly that they can't even get mad. and do it until you get the information/appt/whatever you need! DO IT.:finger::rofl:

ajarvis, "now leaving limboland, ajarvis..." :thumbup::haha:

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