Fireflies TCC a rainbow baby

sunshine, you should NEVER apologize for taking charge of your own health. you're your best advocate. no one knows your body like you do - truth. doctors have the information, but they don't intimately know your body.

i have crohn's disease, and i learned very early in my diagnosis that the doctors don't really care about me. they cared about pills, making sure i didn't die or sue them, and getting me out of their office. i switched GI doctors because one doctor wasn't listening to me. when i did tests at my new GI, he let me know that if i hadn't come to him, i could have died. obviously this isn't the same case with you, but really - don't ever apologize for advocating for yourself. you pay the doctor! he's providing YOU a service. if he doesn't like it, he can shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

ok, rant over. i'm just very passionate about advocating for your own health :)
side note, i went to the gym today and killed it. lifted weights, did 30 minutes of HIIT cardio, and burned 603 calories in 55 minutes (according to my polar watch, which i LOVE)
sunshine, you should NEVER apologize for taking charge of your own health. you're your best advocate. no one knows your body like you do - truth. doctors have the information, but they don't intimately know your body.

i have crohn's disease, and i learned very early in my diagnosis that the doctors don't really care about me. they cared about pills, making sure i didn't die or sue them, and getting me out of their office. i switched GI doctors because one doctor wasn't listening to me. when i did tests at my new GI, he let me know that if i hadn't come to him, i could have died. obviously this isn't the same case with you, but really - don't ever apologize for advocating for yourself. you pay the doctor! he's providing YOU a service. if he doesn't like it, he can shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

ok, rant over. i'm just very passionate about advocating for your own health :)

PREACH ON! haha...but seriously, YES.

side note, i went to the gym today and killed it. lifted weights, did 30 minutes of HIIT cardio, and burned 603 calories in 55 minutes (according to my polar watch, which i LOVE)

get it girl!!:bodyb: i just got back from PiYo class at the gym. that makes day 5 of working out this week, so i get tomorrow off, YAY:awww:
Thanks jtink. You're right! Love your feistyness. Unfortunately in Canada we're given a specialist for a Dr. So I can request to change to a new one next time, but I'm stuck with him until I get pregnant again. The plus side though is that it's all free. So, I do still have to be my own advocate but I don't have the flexibility Of scoping out another doctor. But you're right in every other sense, so thank you!

Jump - way to go!!!! And jtink!!! Awesome job ladies. I went to shred today. Got my butt served to me. But it felt good!! :) just reminded me why tsking 5 weeks off from the gym is a bad idea. I'm doing a bit of cardio tomorrow and then yoga to stretch these muscles. Friday I'll do another class!! Love all the workout queens in this group!
i am TERRIBLE at classes. i get so embarassed, and i have no coordination. my dad is huge into weightlifting, so he taught me about weights. so now i just do weights and cardio. haha. but i need to get into some yoga during the day to relax, i think. buy a good yoga dvd, do it while the kid is sleeping and then hit the gym when the hubby gets home!
also, sunshine, remember that you pay taxes in canada. your taxes pay your doctor. sooooo, yeah, you DO pay your doctor, in a round about way! :)
True, but it's nice leaving with armfuls of prescriptions and only paying 5 dollars lol.

Also, Dh is 95% a Dr, so Ive paid more than my share of health care for a life time haha. Tuition is crazyyyyyyy.
oh, i just meant that you pay taxes, so your doctor should answer to you as if you're a paying customer! demand that he treat you with respect! :)

making baked chicken, sweet potato fries and salad for dinner. yummmmm!
Yes. It can be a challenge changing drs. Hopefully yours is helpful when he gets bac .

Good work jump and jtink!

4k tonight. But on top of my injured right ankle I rolled my left one really bad! Grrr . Lane swimming tomorrow.
So AF seems to have stopped. That seems really weird. 2 days is super short. Not sure what's going on there. I usually have short ones 3 or days or so. But 2 is super short isn't it?
So AF seems to have stopped. That seems really weird. 2 days is super short. Not sure what's going on there. I usually have short ones 3 or days or so. But 2 is super short isn't it?

so that is weird :wacko:
ajarvis - Remind me - did you ever have follow-up with the OB...pelvic exam, ultrasound? I wonder about retained product which could explain the weird bleeding and still elevated HCG.
I don't have an OB. Ultrasound isn't automatic for a miscarriage. HCG is going down. I did get a blood test but the dr wants me to come in to the walkin again which she'll likely send me for an ultrasound. But I can't stand doctors - I feel she's incompetent. I have no desire to sit in her clinic for 2 hours. As she should have sent me for an ultrasound 2 weeks ago as she should have. Hoping my midwife can give me an idea tomorrow of her opinion. Because I was 12+ weeks when I lost the baby and then didn't start the full on miscarriage until January 2nd having HCG still isn't unusual.
Also. Everyone - Dr that I don't like, Midwife, dr google lol. has all said that if I had retained tissue it would cause infection. Fever, smelly discharge. Heavy bleeding. Etc. So can you have retained tissue without knowing or having symptoms?
Sounds like a pain in butt ajarvis :( but yes, you can. More than likely you would have above mentioned signs, but it is possible. I'm surprised they didn't send you for an ultrasound to check afterwards. They were pretty insistent that I go. As for the hcg level, It took longer for my first mc to go down as I was also over 12 weeks. This time it dropped quicker thankfully.
I was 11+2 when I lost this bub, had a D&C, and HPT's have been negative for about a week. I only bled for a day or two, spotted off and on for about two weeks and have been "clear" now for almost two weeks.

With my first loss, I was just over 5 weeks and had a natural miscarriage. I went back to my normal routine and thought all was good. I didn't see a Dr. about it at all because I figured there was no need as I was so early. I struggled with mood swings and spotting....over a month went by and, when I was out running, I passed what I now know was retained tissue. This is not something I want to ever experience again. I should have seen a doctor because immediately afterwards I went back to normal physically and mentally.

Everyone is different, this is just my experience of course. I definitely think it is worth double checking. Retained tissue can definitely lead to infection if untreated or if it doesn't pass on its own. I can't blame you at all for not wanting to wait at a walk in - 20 minutes is about how long I can wait anywhere before I feel like I should be compensated for my time.
I'm back to normal physically and mentally. So that's good. I have no signs of retained tissue at all. Not hormonally (moods etc) nor physically. We'll see. Maybe it only slowed down for a bit this morning. Find out later when I change tampons again :p the great mystery of our bodies haha
OK. no more comments from me. It didn't stop. At all. I'm just paying to close attention I think lol. Miscarriage has me noticing every little thing. Once it's done I'll take a HPT just to make sure it's negative, but I'm sure everything is fine
I'm back to normal physically and mentally. So that's good. I have no signs of retained tissue at all. Not hormonally (moods etc) nor physically. We'll see. Maybe it only slowed down for a bit this morning. Find out later when I change tampons again :p the great mystery of our bodies haha

I was just thinking that your temps were normal as well not to high or anything :flower: and my AF started light eased off then got really heavy then eased off to medium to spotting to light today
Yea it's getting heavier and I'm actually having cramp . Which is unusual for me. But I've read the first one after a miscarriage can be like tha .

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