Fireflies TCC a rainbow baby

Thanks Niamh!!!!! I think I got it now. I'll see once I post this message lol.

Going home tomorrow. Yay!!!!!!

Also my OB called today, but I missed it. So I called my other doctor and they said my blood work is back. Dr wants to see me, so they scheduled me in for Saturday. I'm a ball of nerves right now. She usually just tells me the results over the phone, but this time she wants me to come in. I'm trying not to think the worst. We didn't do any genetic tests...but I'm terrified right now. Dh says she probably just wants me to go in because there were a lot of tests done, and now to go over. Or else everything came back fine, and she wants to go over next steps for investigation. I think he's just being optimistic. I feel sick :(
sunshine, i'm sure all is fine. i hate going into the doctors, but i'm sure they just want to review everything. i'm sure all is fine.
Thanks Niamh!!!!! I think I got it now. I'll see once I post this message lol.

Going home tomorrow. Yay!!!!!!

Also my OB called today, but I missed it. So I called my other doctor and they said my blood work is back. Dr wants to see me, so they scheduled me in for Saturday. I'm a ball of nerves right now. She usually just tells me the results over the phone, but this time she wants me to come in. I'm trying not to think the worst. We didn't do any genetic tests...but I'm terrified right now. Dh says she probably just wants me to go in because there were a lot of tests done, and now to go over. Or else everything came back fine, and she wants to go over next steps for investigation. I think he's just being optimistic. I feel sick :(

i say take advantage of the chance to actually meet with the doc face to face! you can ask questions and have an actual conversation not just a result.:thumbup: i never get to talk TO the doc; the assistant nurse always calls with results and if i have any follow up questions, i have to wait for her to ask him later that day and then for her NOT to call me back when she says she will. i wait over 24 hours, and finally i call and she acts like she was "just about to call" me and i get a short answer to my question.:gun: it sucks you have to wait, and i'm a horrible worrier, so i would say, let yourself worry. but only for a bit: think of all the possible scenarios, and what questions you would ask in each situation and what you would want, ideally, in each situation. write it all down and then put it away until saturday.:thumbup:
Sunshine I'm sure its just protocol. Could be something as what are you going to do next, which is done a lot better in person. Maybe they want to discuss medication? Who knows, but Saturday isn't that far away.

Talking about blood tests, I'm still waiting for my bloods/genetic testing to come back. Everything is so slow in the UK as I had the blood taken Christmas Day! I'll forgive them as it was the holidays and takes a while to get everything running smoothly, but still coming up to 2 months now. Temp went up again this morning, was going to test, but the kids had other ideas and at 5am I am not fully functional.
Sunshine even if there is something, the good news is you can do something about it. It's probably just protocol though, let us know when you find out xx
Sis4 that makes us cycle buddies. Started bleeding yesterday, even though its a chem it's just like a normal period. If I hadn't tested I wouldn't have known. I'm really tempted to try again straight away, I don't O until cd 17/18 so I have some time to decide but I'll keep taking aspirin just on case.
Thanks Niamh!!!!! I think I got it now. I'll see once I post this message lol.

Going home tomorrow. Yay!!!!!!

Also my OB called today, but I missed it. So I called my other doctor and they said my blood work is back. Dr wants to see me, so they scheduled me in for Saturday. I'm a ball of nerves right now. She usually just tells me the results over the phone, but this time she wants me to come in. I'm trying not to think the worst. We didn't do any genetic tests...but I'm terrified right now. Dh says she probably just wants me to go in because there were a lot of tests done, and now to go over. Or else everything came back fine, and she wants to go over next steps for investigation. I think he's just being optimistic. I feel sick :(

I see it :) :hugs: I also agree with Jumpingo and hope it all goes well saturday :hugs:

Thanks Niamh!!!!! I think I got it now. I'll see once I post this message lol.

Going home tomorrow. Yay!!!!!!

Also my OB called today, but I missed it. So I called my other doctor and they said my blood work is back. Dr wants to see me, so they scheduled me in for Saturday. I'm a ball of nerves right now. She usually just tells me the results over the phone, but this time she wants me to come in. I'm trying not to think the worst. We didn't do any genetic tests...but I'm terrified right now. Dh says she probably just wants me to go in because there were a lot of tests done, and now to go over. Or else everything came back fine, and she wants to go over next steps for investigation. I think he's just being optimistic. I feel sick :(

i say take advantage of the chance to actually meet with the doc face to face! you can ask questions and have an actual conversation not just a result.:thumbup: i never get to talk TO the doc; the assistant nurse always calls with results and if i have any follow up questions, i have to wait for her to ask him later that day and then for her NOT to call me back when she says she will. i wait over 24 hours, and finally i call and she acts like she was "just about to call" me and i get a short answer to my question.:gun: it sucks you have to wait, and i'm a horrible worrier, so i would say, let yourself worry. but only for a bit: think of all the possible scenarios, and what questions you would ask in each situation and what you would want, ideally, in each situation. write it all down and then put it away until saturday.:thumbup:

Great advice and I agree :thumbup:

Sunshine I'm sure its just protocol. Could be something as what are you going to do next, which is done a lot better in person. Maybe they want to discuss medication? Who knows, but Saturday isn't that far away.

Talking about blood tests, I'm still waiting for my bloods/genetic testing to come back. Everything is so slow in the UK as I had the blood taken Christmas Day! I'll forgive them as it was the holidays and takes a while to get everything running smoothly, but still coming up to 2 months now. Temp went up again this morning, was going to test, but the kids had other ideas and at 5am I am not fully functional.

ooooooh exciting how many dpo and will you test later, good luck :hugs:

Sunshine even if there is something, the good news is you can do something about it. It's probably just protocol though, let us know when you find out xx

so sad for you still :hugs: are you going to try any supplements or are you on any! vit E helps reduce the risk of miscarriage I am sure I have said that all ready, I just do not want anyone to have any more losses :hugs:
Niamh, I am getting a bit confused with all the vitamins actually. I am taking a vitamin B complex, pre-conception vitamin, vitamin D, and calcium. But some of these overlap and it's a mess. I think there is vitamin E in the pre-conception one but I don't know if it's enough. Also do you know how much magnesium we should take? On top of this I'm taking my thyroxine and low dose aspirin :wacko:
Talking about blood tests, I'm still waiting for my bloods/genetic testing to come back. Everything is so slow in the UK as I had the blood taken Christmas Day!

Whaaaaaat!?! :huh: That is crazy! We have really quick turnaround on tests here, all things considered and I still go crazy waiting. I can't begin to imagine waiting 2 months for blood work.

Yesterday: the last Wonfdo I have is cut into two pieces inside the package.
Today: I spill the cup of FMU in the sink before I dip the stick.

You think maybe this is a sign that I don't need to be testing?
Listen to the universe Melissa, listen to the universe. :dohh:
Ajarvis - I'm so glad you liked your new dr! Thats great news! Hopefully you will be seeing her very soon for a pregnancy!

sunshine - so sorry you are worrying about your apt on Saturday. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that its just protocol and to discuss everything and options for the future!

jtink - I'm in the same boat this month with deciding when/if to test. I dont think I'm pregnant. Usually by this time I have always had creamy white CM and none of that is happening. But I think I'll still test on Monday (cd28 for me!) if I get some tests in my hands by then!

mummy - waiting for test results that long is terrible! I had my d&c the week of Christmas and I am still waiting for some of the results. REALLY hoping my MD apt on Monday has some results for me!

OneMore - you have got some testing mishaps going on this week! I am a terrible person to ask about "listening to the universe" because I would just tell you to keep on truckin'! :)

AFM - I want to test Monday. See above; I dont think I'm pregnant.
Also, DH and I ran into some really unexepcted, ongoing expenses. Now we need to discuss if we will ttc at all...:( I just dont see how we can afford two kids in daycare with these added bills. I need to sit down and really crunch the numbers.
Good luck sunshine! Hope she gives you good news and going forward steps.

jtink what cycle day are you on?

I got a BFN this morning :D finally lol. Taking that as even more of a sign there's nothing left. Had some more bleeding/spotting yesterday which dr said will likely continue until whatever it is that's left in there comes out. Most likely due to the heavy flow of bleeding for so long 9 days :growlmad:
Also, DH and I ran into some really unexepcted, ongoing expenses. Now we need to discuss if we will ttc at all...:( I just dont see how we can afford two kids in daycare with these added bills. I need to sit down and really crunch the numbers.

I have been struggling with this also. Once I finish my degree and get back to work we will be OK financially BUT you add a newborn to the mix and those associated daycare costs and it might be a problem. All our other children are school age and we have no childcare costs at all. Plus I would like to stay home with the baby (never been able to do this - with my other three I was back at work full time when they were between 5-6 weeks old) but then what am I getting this degree for? I have my Associates already, am currently working on my Bachelor's. I don't know....this all stresses me out.

ajarvis - I am glad that you finally got a shitty as that sounds. My FRER today (SMU of course) was stark white - not even a squinter when held sideways, up to the light. :haha: Seeing the BFN is a yay/dammit kind of moment - bittersweet indeed.
As long as the BFN is on my terms I'm ok with it haha. Money situations suck. I can't imagine going back to work when baby is only a few weeks old! We get a year off maternity leave here. Then have to figure out daycare etc. at a year it still doesn't seem long enough lol.
Kozmik - I'm sorry to hear you have that stress going on. We Had to sit down and have a similar convo a couple weeks ago when DH finally cracked and told his mom/boss that he quits once all these projects are done. That won't be for another year (jan of next year) but I was still stressing balls over what he will do for a second income once that is all over because I don't want to give up TTC. He's reassured me that he will make sure he has something lined up, even if he hates it while he starts the process of applying for police officer training. It sucks that daycares cost so much, though. I know around here, lots of people end up finding small home-run day cares for a substantially lower cost. Is that an option for you, or is that kind of what you already have?

Ajarvis - I'm glad to see you have your bfn. I know, it's kind of a bittersweet thing but at least you can have your fresh start now.

AFM I am on day 4 of high fertility readings and I leave tomorrow, dang it! I kind of expected it though. I do have lots of ewcm today though. Usually I have 4 days of high and then peak so let's hope it stays the same. That way tomorrow I can wake up super early, test (hopefully I will be at peak and and egg will have dropped), and then jump hubby's bones before I hop on the plane! Hahaha. We have had lots of stress going on this month though. Dear old MIL insists on involving me in her issues with DH while I am trying so hard to remain out of it. DH has completely written her off and has said he is completely done with his parents which I can see kills him but I also see the way she treats him has affected him. It breaks my heart to hear a child (grown up or little) say in such a factual manner that he knows his mother has always hated him. Apparently he said it once to a family friend when he was 11 years old too. She said it was like a child stating that the sky was blue. I've heard him say it a couple times in the 3 years we've been together and it kills me. That's why I am trying to stay strong and supportive through it all but it's been such high stress. Not good for TTC, but I am trying hard to stay positive still.
I am CD 18. I have shorter cycles (25-27 days) so who knows when I ovulated this cycle? Will be doing opk's next month!
Ninja - we are already using a home-based daycare, which makes it significantly less. So it will be $1280/month when theres two kids going there.
However, to make matters worse, my daycare provider is going to be full by the time we have another child, so I'll have to go through the stress of finding another provider. Either for the baby, or for both of the children.
kozmik, i hear you about daycare costs. my son was in daycare for 3 months, and then i quit to stay home with him. the amount of money we paid in childcare + gas + traffic didn't make sense. we were barely breaking even, and i was dropping him off at 6:45 am, and picking him up at 6:45 pm. i was miserable being away from him, but even more miserable because i was basically giving all my salary to be away from him. so i quit. i don't know how people manage to put 2 in daycare. we are very, very tight budget-wise with me home, but we make do, and it's worth it.

seeing a bfn after a miscarriage is a relief and a little grief all at once. i was so relieved to see that bfn yet, it was sad. i'm ready for a really sticky bfp for us all!!!
Hey ladies...thanks for all the kind words re doctors appointment tomorrow. I'm still nervous - but DH has assured me that non of the tests we did are going to give me a "you can never have kids" answer. They should all be ones that we can fix something. We'll see. I'm still nervous, but he'll be able to come with me, so that's good.

Ninja - I'm so sorry for your DH. I can't imagine how he must feel to not feel loved by his Mom. That breaks my heart. I'm sure she does, she just obviously doesn't know how to show it. I'm so happy he has you. Are you in Canada also? I know you mentioned something about the Edmonton mall lol. I'm in Ontario.

Steph -I hope you're feeling better about everything, you do still have time to decide what's best at the time. From an outside perspective, I think giving your body a break is a good idea. You've been through so much and it's hard to go through it again...but what do I know. You can totally tell me to shove it haha.

Kozmic - Money is such a pain in the butt isn't it? Whatever you decide you'll make it work. But I agree with jtink, sometimes when you crunch the numbers you see what makes sense and what doesn't, and maybe if you calculate the cost of 2 kids in daycare + travel, it will be better to stay home (my fingers are crossed for that!)

Afm - I'm home with DH now. Well, he's not home right now. And he's currently bugging me so we'll see about dtd tonight lol. Also, my temp was super wonky today because I woke up at 4:30, then 5:30 and then finally temped at 6:54. I remembered the 5:30 one and should have just used that -- but since my normal time is 6:30ish, I went with that one. So it's a total guess today, but approximate anyways. I do seem to have more cm today though. So we'll see.
KozmikKitten: Childcare is a bitch to be honest. In my city we pay 50% more than anywhere else in the South West of England. So are fees can be up to £500 a month for one child. Normally the give you a small discount for the 2nd but if we have another it would be £900. So I'm a SAHM and we make it work for us. However, once you hit 3 we do get some funding to help pay for 2 and a half days, which is 2 if you met certain criteria. I'm also lucky we have a lot of family around who can help out if needed. Also having my first two so far apart (7 years) meant my son was already in compulsory education so I didn't have to worry about his fees. Nor did I have to worry about them not having a sibling bond, as they get on better than my sister and I and we only have a 2 and a half year age gap! So maybe if financially you can't see it working maybe a bigger age gap? Childcare costs go down the older they get due to not needed the amount of staff/support, at least in the UK.

Ninja I hope you catch the egg before you leave today.

AFM OH hid the pregnancy tests. Not that I poas often. Either he better tell me where they are or I'll buy some new ones later to test tomorrow.

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