Fireflies TCC a rainbow baby

jtink I don't think short cycles should have any issues as long as they are 21 days, anything shorter you need to see a doctor about when TTC. Not sure why, but I have a feeling I read up something about it at some point in my TTC journey as I had a random 21day cycle. It enjoyed it as it gave me a 4 day LP so I guess it knew I wasn't going to get pregnant so started everything early. Are you checking for ovulation just to make sure your keeping your 11/12 LP?

AFM nothing much to report. CD3 but I'm really loving my new periods minus the first heavy day. They are a lot heavier but go quicker, which I guess could be why I'm getting shorter cycles. Looks like I'll still have a November baby this month which will be great. I did feel really sorry for myself yesterday for not being pregnant so I pigged out and had a bottle of wine which is rare as I hardly ever drink (about once a year for Christmas) but hey I felt like I deserved that for not being pregnant and I may as well enjoy myself with stuff I can't have every AF.
Mummy2o that sounds lovely. I'm glad you indulged and cheered yourself up :)

We dtd last night, but my temp is still wonky. I think its not helping that I've been up 1.5 hours earlier than my temps last week. I was tsking it at 6:30 all last week, and now anywhere between 5-5:30 this week because that's when Dh is waking up. So they're all wonky. Ugh. Anyways. C'est la vie.
sunshine mine are all wonky too. Driving me battty! But I got a rise today. I had pains the two days prior fertile CM. so fingers crossed I ovulated lol. Did not dtd last night. Early bed. So tired. I did swimming in the am yesterday and a run in the pm. Apparently that wiped me out ha.
mummy - wine and food sound fab right now. I've got a few bottles of wine collecting dust (becuase I rarely drink, and when I do, its not wine!). I should do that too, maybe this weekend!

Officially CD1 for me. I knew it was coming but its still depressing! I should be more than halfway through my pregnancy by now. :nope:

Its been a rough week between the bad genetic counseling appointment, my friend telling me she is 9wks, and my daycare provider, who said, "You must be going for an ultrasound!" on Monday because we were dropping our son off early. (She knows about the mc, and was assuming we were pregnant again!). I had a total meltdown with her, and admitted I'm super jealous of the other moms who are pregnant at daycare. Then I felt rediculous.

Sorry for the rant! CD1 always does this to me!
Aww, kozmik :hugs: .... I know how you feel. There is a girl at my work expecting for next month and I am so insanely jealous every time I see her.

Afm, I feel like I might be out this month but I go through moments of "maybe I am" and "nah, I'm not".... I'm only 4 dpo so I still have a bit of a wait. *sigh* I just want so badly to be pregnant again but I feel discouraged when I think that if we weren't successful this month, our chances might not be as good next month with DH being away. He won't be back until the 16th of March and who knows if I will have I'd already or not. I need to stop thinking too much in the future though and focus on now. Need to hop on my new treadmill and lose the 5 lbs I gained from my week with DH. Lol
Wine collecting dust? Hmmm, never heard of such a thing ;) lol

Cd1 sucks. Nothing can make it not suck. But, just try to focus on the positive and your bodies being one step closer to being ready. You can tell me to zip it, but it works for me. After I sulk and hate the world for a day lol.

I'm off all this week. I'm going to the gym for some cardio and then a class. It feels good to just relax and work out. Right now I'm drinking tea and watching One born every minute. Addicted and terrified lol.
aww kozmik. Boo on cd1. I'm trying to prepare for cycle day 1 again right now. Don't want to see it!

Ninjapanda I know the feeling. I am around ovulation and already humming and hawing!!

AFM I had temp rise this AM. But it was 45 min outside my normal temping window - alarm didn't go off. how annoying. No BD last night either. Just didn't happen. So tonight I guess and hope that I ovulated on Monday like I thought. Such a guessing game
mummy2o I did feel really sorry for myself yesterday for not being pregnant so I pigged out and had a bottle of wine

I love food and wine...a lot. I am currently on the no crap food and no booze train, gives me mental warm fuzzies that I am doing all I can, the rest is up to stuff outside my control. That being said, I could really use a glass (bottle) of wine.

KozmikKitten I've got a few bottles of wine collecting dust
Officially CD1 for me. I knew it was coming but its still depressing! I should be more than halfway through my pregnancy by now.

I'm not familiar with this...unless its red. Red wine sits, white...not so much.

I try hard to forget where I would be in my pregnancy now but I can't. Every Friday I remember I'd be starting a new week and all the milestones that come with it. It's really hard. :hugs:

NinjaPanda I need to stop thinking too much in the future though and focus on now.

I need to work on this too...I feel like I'm wishing my life away sometimes. Then I wonder why times goes so fast.

ajarvis alarm didn't go off. how annoying

This makes me so mad. I actually shot up straight early this morning because I dreamt that I missed my temp time. :blush:

AFM - TTC is perfectly boring right now. CD3 - no tests to take - no BD'ing to do - no chart analysis to obsess over - no symptoms to spot. I hate starting new cycles simply because it means that I am not pregnant but there is a definite peace that comes with the first week of a cycle.

I hope all of you have a great day! :flower:
Ninja I would love for you to be pregnant this cycle so you dont have to worry so much about the distance! Fingers crossed for you!!

OneMore - I try so hard to forget, but I was due right in between two friends, one is due 2 weeks before and one 2 weeks after I was due. So I am constantly hearing milestones that I wish I could forget.
Awww kozmik and onemore, sorry things are rough right now. I understand. While I'm mentally stronger, being around pregnant people and stuff, I still don't want to know certain things. Its put things in perspective for me more, so I'm focusing on that right now. I just tried to have fb again and had it for less than 2 hours and 2 people asked me stuff. So I'm anti social media right now lol. But as far as my own situation, I'm doing much better. So I hope you have a good support system around you.

Luckily I have you ladies who check in on here often.
Does "fireflies" in the thread title refer to anything specific? I'm new to these forums so I'm still learning the jargon (just learned what a rainbow baby is, hoping to have one :)
Does "fireflies" in the thread title refer to anything specific? I'm new to these forums so I'm still learning the jargon (just learned what a rainbow baby is, hoping to have one :)

No it doesn't mean anything jargon wise :thumbup:

I have so much to catch up on, lots of reading back till I catch up, hope every one is ok :hugs:
Ok, I did it.... I went for a run today. I couldn't stay away from it. Took it easy though. Hadn't run since shortly after the mc (so about a month). Was averaging 10k a day in the summer, did 5 k a day after mc and only did about 3k today but I think it's best for my psyche to go baby steps back into it. Lol
My periods are shorter. Heavier, but shorter which I'm guessing why there is a change in my cycle length. Should be done by the end of the day, which is great.
Does "fireflies" in the thread title refer to anything specific? I'm new to these forums so I'm still learning the jargon (just learned what a rainbow baby is, hoping to have one :)

It only refers to a pregnancy thread called August fireflies a few of us were in before we had our losses, but we're all inclusive :)
Way to go ninja! I'm. Stromg believer in exercise being great for health, especially while pregnant. I need to stay active for my sanity, especially in the winter. I'm going to go to the gym every day this week. I personally love the classes, but try to get some cardio in before them. Today I have shred, cx woks then yoga. I would have liked to lose a few pounds, but with the classes that doesn't happen for some reason. They just motivate me to go and try my hardest for an hour. Anyways, it's still fun!

I had a temp rise today. Yay!!! Like a big we'll see what the next 3 days are like. Not too worried this month, but still trying to be as accurate as possible.
Does anyone here take the Garden of Life brand of prenatal? The more I've been researching vitamins the more concerned I'm becoming that synthetic supplements might not actually be beneficial, and in some cases possibly even detrimental.
I've spent the last couple of days researching different brands and Garden of Life is looking pretty good to me. Its not cheap but its a bit less actually than I'm currently paying. And if I can find a few other local women wanting to use them I can order 12 of them and save almost $10/bottom!e ($5/month)

Also I just found out that the vitamin e supplement I started taking recently only has alpha-tocopherol but it needs to be one with a balance of 4 tocopherols. I hate wasting so I'll finish the bottle (about a month and a half left) but in the meantime I'll look into possibly wheat germ oil instead of a pill. 1tbsp of wheat germ oil has (nearly?) 100% of the rdi of vitamin e
Morning everyone!

DH and I had a talk yesterday about expectations. I asked him if he wanted to try and "skip" ttc this month (or ntnp) because the due date would be December (close to Christmas). Another reason for us to skip this month is because we dont have any money in our Health Reimbursement Account or Flex Spending Account left because our son was in the hospital.
I also asked him if he wanted to go back to plan B (adoption).
DH says he doesnt want to skip this month, because it would be like skipping a potential bfp and wasting a month. He said we shouldnt worry about money because we will always find a way to pay for it. He doesnt care if the dd is right near Christmas. AND he said he wants me to use the OPK's because they have worked so well for us.
So! I am happy to report that we are officially ttc and going to be bd'ing and using opk's like crazy this month!
Love my DH and his honesty.
Good work ninja! I also agree exercise is so important! I did 3 last night. Heading out for 7ish tonight as long as the weather cooperates!

mummy2o that is a silver lining for sure!

sunshine that is a huge rise! Hope you o'd!

Not sure on the vitamin supplements I have a free prenatal from Sobeys lol. Sometimes I take the kids multivitamins to cause they taste good haha

AFM Finally have O showing! 3 days ago which is right when I thought! Fiance has been under the weather the last two days so hopefully we caught it. But spotting today! WTF? Anyhow. Planning on a Christmas baby mentally so this month will be a pleasant surprise if it happens since it's technically the first month after MC.
NinjaPanda Ok, I did it.... I went for a run today. I couldn't stay away from it.

The mental benefit of exercise is why I do it. I like to feel strong of course but my head needs the break that a good workout provides.

mummy2o My periods are shorter. Heavier, but shorter which I'm guessing why there is a change in my cycle length. Should be done by the end of the day, which is great.

I am CD4 today and only spotting a little - no new blood. Days 1-3 were pretty mild compared to my normal cycle. I would love it if this is my new normal. Fingers crossed!

sunshine2014 I had a temp rise today. Yay!!! Like a big we'll see what the next 3 days are like. Not too worried this month, but still trying to be as accurate as possible.

I saw your temp rise this morning and got excited like it was own ovulation. :haha: I hope the next few days look just as good for you.

KozmikKitten So! I am happy to report that we are officially ttc and going to be bd'ing and using opk's like crazy this month!

This is great news! Someone told me once that if you wait for the perfect time to have a baby, you will never have a baby. Life is all about finding love and your happy with however much (or little) you have. Where there is will there is a way.

ajarvis AFM Finally have O showing! 3 days ago which is right when I thought! Fiance has been under the weather the last two days so hopefully we caught it. But spotting today! WTF? Anyhow. Planning on a Christmas baby mentally so this month will be a pleasant surprise if it happens since it's technically the first month after MC.

I love it when FF gives me crosshairs! Your timing looks good based on the O date they gave you. Thanksgiving or Christmas baby...hopefully that is what we all end 2015 with!

AFM - like I mentioned above - AF seems to be leaving town. I have no complaints. I'll start using OPK's again probably on Monday. Not much else to report. Nothing wrong with an uneventful day!

Enjoy your day ladies!! :flower:

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