Fireflies TCC a rainbow baby

Yay Sunshine!! We'll be testing really close together!

Sorry Niamh, but it is correct that our bodies take time off on their own sometimes. Hope you get some answers on Tuesday.

AFM I have my blood work today to confirm no more HCG. Check Thyroid, and iron levels. Thinking on the way here I should have booked it for yesterday so I could get the results today. Oops. Guess I'll have to wait til monday.
Thanks ajarvis!!!! I won't be testing this cycle, but super excited to hear yours!!!! I don't even know what day it would be for us. Oh well.

Hope your blood work goes well, it will be a relief to know the results!!
I just need to relax and accept it is not going to happen as quick as I would like, I will keep DTD just in case strangely FF says my fertile period is now so we shall see what happens! I just miss being pregnant and feel so sad baby gone I am really teary all the time over it! so not me really!

Ajarvis good luck with blood test :hugs:

Sunshine so happy for you will be stalking your chart and Ajarvis as well for the next two weeks :happydance:

going to keep on plan with my food and exercise and it will show :flower:

mummy2o I hope so :hugs:
niamh, i know it's normal not to ovulate a cycle, especially after a mc. i'm wondering if the same happened to me this month. don't worry, we'll all get our rainbows. it's really hard waiting, though. i completely agree. i'm just losing myself in working out, waiting for spring and taking care of my son.

sunshine and jarvis, i can't wait to spot lines for you guys! :)
:hugs: Niamh. I miss being pregnant too. My hormones have finally settled it seems and I'm back to my not so teary self. My poor fiance if I get preggo again right away. He'll have to deal with me all crazy until Christmas and beyond :p
NinjaPanda there was nothing I could have done to prevent it but at that time I was overthinking and trying to find a reason for what had happened.

I so desperately wanted to know why. Once I learned definitively that I would not know, I started to let my mind wander about what could have happened...prenatals, too much exercise, not enough exercise. This was a bad place and I try to stay out of it. I know in my heart that it was out of my control, it's just hard to accept.

sunshine2014 Thanks for the temp rise love! Not reading too too much into it as its a NTNP cycyle, but still exciting to see

LOVE the temp rise. It is so gratifying to see a "pretty" chart.

CelticNiamh ASFM I was like a devil earlier I was so sure I have ovulated CD17 (wednesday) but temp this morning is down so guess not! cervix and CM were all pointing out that I did so frustrated with it all!

This part is not as much fun. It is particularly hard to take when our own bodies fight against us. I am keeping all my stuff crossed for you...may the egg be released!

I hope the doctor can provide some insight and, more importantly, some help.

ajarvis AFM I have my blood work today to confirm no more HCG. Check Thyroid, and iron levels. Thinking on the way here I should have booked it for yesterday so I could get the results today. Oops. Guess I'll have to wait til monday.

I hope this all comes back perfect - one less thing to think about. Waiting for test results of any kind makes me nuts. I am not the most patient thing that ever lived.

AFM - My cycle is over, I'll take it! I wonder if the D&C helped with this. I had really heavy and painful periods before, this cycle was almost entirely cramp free and never heavy. I hope it's the cleaning out effect of the D&C and not a malfunction of some kind. Only time will tell. I will probably start using OPK's earlier than Monday for peace of mind.

I need a little input from this unbiased group - I am overthinking and have paralyzed myself with "what-if's" (so 120% not who I am!). Here it is: I am at a crossroad and don't know which path to take and it's causing stress...I need to figure it out so I have a nice relaxed body for baby making. I have been back in school full time, not working, since October. I am about to start another term at school but we are coming up on a period in time where extra income would really be handy. I interviewed for a position this week and I expect an offer to come in soon. We are only dealing with about a 6-week period where our income will decrease. Do I give up my current student/SAHM status so I can pull in money to help get through this period or do we hope we can successfully ride out the income gap so I can finish my degree and keep the mom flexibility that I have? I love working, I always have. I never had the opportunity to be a SAHM. This is the first time I have ever been able to get my kids on and off the bus. I don't want to work M-F 8-5 again, it would change the whole dynamic of our family. Plus, I don't want to start a job that I either leave in less than a year if we conceive quickly or have an infant that I need to find daycare for. That being said, we have bills and I don't want to fall behind. *sigh* I don't know what to do. :shrug:

What would you do??

Onemoretime I'm not patient either. I just feel so much better that I think everything is fine.

As for the schooling. Personally I'd finish it instead of getting a job. In the end it's going to lead to better things for you and 6 weeks is not that long. See what you can do to buckle down and save for the 6 weeks to get through.
OneMore, that's a tough situation. You have a large family, and I can't even imagine - one kid seems expensive right now to me! MY DH has a 10 year old daughter from a previous relationship, so we pay child support, and we have my 2 year old at home.

That being said, being a SAHM has been the best thing I've ever done in my life. It's hard, and we don't have extra money for vacations or eating out too much. We aren't broke, and we don't live like paupers, but I do coupon and shop the sales and buy on clearance and pinch pennies. I make all of our bread homemade (so cheap and easy and tasty!), and I buy bags of bulk rice and beans, etc. All of our food is homemade, because it's so much cheaper. It's worth it to me. I love love love being at home with my son. Once I started staying home with him, my Crohn's symptoms even got better, my stress levels went down, and we are all happier.

BUT, I don't think being a SAHM is for everyone. And I mean that. It doesn't work for some families. If my DH and I ever want to buy a much bigger house, I'll have to go back to work. Either way, your kids will know you love them. You have to do what works for your family! :)
ajarvis - I am a firm believer that education pays off in the end also. I will be done by February 2016 at the latest if I stick with it. Stopping now doesn't feel like the right thing.

jtink - Since being home - life all around is so much more relaxed. I am more at ease and I LOVE the extra time with the kids. I think about school breaks and summer vacation coming for 5 kids is not easy (or cheap) to nail down.

DH pays an ungodly amount of money in child support. He pays more than double for 2 kids than I ask my ex to pay for our 3. There is the amount the court orders and the amount that I know a human being can pay and still be able to live themselves. I ask for a reasonable amount that provides fundamental support to the kids but still allows him to support himself. DH's ex is not as awesome as I am. :haha:

We have a budget and I enforce it but it could be tighter. I really think we could make it work.

When I worked full time I was always so on edge - rushing to get everywhere we needed to be. The kids are all involved in after school stuff and the sense of urgency never subsided. I paid so much money for childcare and gas to get to and from that I often wondered what I was even working for...especially if I add on fill time childcare for an infant (close to $400 a week last time I checked). Oye!

I think I know what is the right thing for us...I am just scared to pass up an opportunity for work and learn later that I should have taken it. I am not used to not contributing financially either - that is hard to get past.

Truthfully, I hope they don't call with an offer. :nope:
Jtink I won't be testing, but I'll be stalking ajarvis POas lol.

Onemore - that is a tough call, but personally I agree that you're almost done, and its only 6 weeks of stretching. You made a commitment to school, and it's hard, but important to follow through. I think you may regret it down the line if got so close but then called it a day. One day when the money is flowing it will seem like a shame. Plus, the value of being a sahm finally sounds like it's very important to you!
I agree with the other ladies on here, finishing your schooling will pay off in the long run so if you can stick it out and save to help you get through those 6 weeks, it's totally worth it. 6 weeks really isn't that long when you think about it.
I'm with the others with finishing school. I'm a SAHM and love it. Then again I'm planning on home schooling my youngest after mainstream education didn't help my son one bit, so I need to be home 24/7 more or less. I've always found on weeks we were tight for money we manage to get by. Not sure how, but we've managed it. That being said, you need to do what is right for you. I think deep down you know the answer and want us to confirm your thoughts/feelings. :)
Thank you all for the feedback - I do know what is right for us, it is just a huge change for me as an adult. It had way more positives than negatives however. I will turn the job down and refocus on school. I feel really good about it.

I am getting excited as I approach OPK using and BD timing part of the month. I'm ready to get the show on the road!

Make it a great day ladies. :flower:
Thank you all for the feedback - I do know what is right for us, it is just a huge change for me as an adult. It had way more positives than negatives however. I will turn the job down and refocus on school. I feel really good about it.

I am getting excited as I approach OPK using and BD timing part of the month. I'm ready to get the show on the road!

Make it a great day ladies. :flower:

glad your happy with your decision :flower: and good luck TCC :flower:
how's your weekends, ladies?

my husband bought a pizza at the store for lunch (his 10 year old daughter is here this weekend) and instead of eating it, i went to the gym and had a protein shake and english muffin with peanut butter after. i'm still thinking about that pizza, lol! but....i have lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks, so i'll keep skipping the pizza!!

AF is still here...i think i had like 5 days of spotting and then i'm at the tail end of AF. so obnoxious, because this is the first time ever that's happened to me! ugh, hopefully never again!
Jtink! Way to gooooo on the gym and protein shake instead. Super proud of you and I bet you feel amazing. It's a tough decision to follow through, but just enjoy the feeling of will power you had. So worth it. And way to go on the 4 pound loss. I'm struggling to lose even a few as well.

Happy weekend!! Dh and I went browsing today, ran some errands and picked up a bottle of wine. We love wandering the store and trying new wines. So tonight we're having some rice paper rolls, with stir fry (no noodles or rice), wine and binge watching The Killing (hooked!! People told me to watch this and I never would because I thought it was about murdering people every episode but it's not. Pfew!)

First, sit ups and squats.
That sounds like a great night, sunshine! I went to the city today, dropped of 6 bags of stuff at the Salvation Army, got groceries so I can make the monster in-law her stupid dainties for my father in-laws cd release party/music video shoot. I wasn't going to help and still don't want to after the way they have treated DH and I but DH begged me to because he doesn't want to make things worse. I'm still pissed at them for holding my dog hostage for three days!

Anyways! Now I am playing video games and baking! With DH gone, I'll probably just make a salad for dinner :p
Ohhh ninja. I'm coming over! That sounds delicious. We also did a good will drop off today, I purged yesterday big time lol. Sorry the mother in law is still being lame, hope they appreciate all you do for it.
Haha, thanks.... Yeah, I am making pecan pie bars, chocolate covered Oreo balls, skor bars, lemon squares, and razz ma-tazz bars (white chocolate, toasted almond, raspberry goodness). Yum!

She better appreciate them! Lol, honestly... I never thought in my life that things would be this bad with them, I knew they were intense and headstrong but ever since DH finally stood up to them and established boundaries they've been insane. I have thankfully been able to stay out of the middle up till now. I'm trying hard to be Switzerland but she keeps pulling me in. Atm, my brother is very sick (severe heart issues on top of some other health things. Plus,he has a condition called hydrocephalus). The day I found out my brother was sick in the hospital with heart issues again, my mind was absorbed in that and I apparently didn't say hello to my FIL (when I didn't see him) when I went to pick up mail at their office. Omg, World War Two happened. I apologized and told her what was going on with my bro but she went crazy and said it was no excuse. I lost it on her and was like "holy hell woman, my brother might be dying!". Seriously.

Anywho, I am quite surprised how well I am able to manage my stress levels through all this. I mean, I have my moments but I have actually been quite good at trying to make sure my stress doesn't get too high. I don't want all this stupid drama to affect DH and I having a baby and refuse to let it get to me.
What games do you play Ninja? I'm a massive geek/gamer so my ears always hear that word. I love the fact my son is now able to play games with me its so fun. I'm working on Erika though with sesame street website (once a week for about 10 minutes). The kid has to start somewhere and I found out of all the websites that one is the most baby friendly. I'm sorry about your brother. It can't be easy for you, I do think your in-laws are terrible and your MIL very self centered.

Way to go jtink. I'm terrible if there is food in the house I'll eat it. I had oreo's yesterday. Going to make a very good effort for March though. I have 2 birthdays and mothers day for us this month, with a 3rd birthday in April and Cake plays a big part in birthdays.

Onemore: I'm glad you've got your answer. Glad your looking forward to ovulation. I'm for once am not. I've not been in the mood since my period has stopped, then I did have a UTI yesterday, which touch wood, seems to be gone. Then I like how my OH is so sensitive moans about not having sex. So I think for the reason alone I should wait longer before he gets any.

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