Fireflies TCC a rainbow baby

Ninja wow just wow your right to not let that get to you :growlmad: I am not sure I could cope with that type of crap right now! I hope your brother recovers :hugs:

Mommy2o lol make him work for it :winkwink:

it is official I hate my ovaries :haha: the dam little brats wont work! so frustrated and I can not help but think it was the stupid pain killers at the start of my cycle or something else, had some signs I thought OV was finally going to happen yesterday but nope! I slept crap as LO kept waking up think he had a pain somewhere so doubt my temp is accurate at all :wacko: just another day in wacky cycle land. on a good note I am going to Dublin today to see a old friend :happydance: looking forward to that
Ninja those sound amazing. I'm very sorry to hear about your brother, I hope he is doing well. :( you definitely don't need the old MIL with all that going on, and your DH being away. I am glad you're staying positive though and focusing on you.

Niamh - UGH! I wish I could shake your ovaries. They are causing you so much grief and I'm sorry for that. I don't believe I have either though, and we're around the same timeline I think. So this probably just isn't our month, but a stromg body will do wonders for next month. So sending you hugs. Have so much fun with your friend. I love Dublin! Dh and I had an amazing time there, and I can't wait to to back!!

Afm --- since I'm a ff newbie, I JUST found out that the dotted lines aren't for sure cross hairs. Damn. SOOO, based on the info I've put in, it's just a guess right? Ah well....just didn't know. Kinda frustrating but whatev. Not confident I O'd this month as I've has lotiony cm for the last few days. C'est la vie!!
It's time for me to join you all properly I think. I've had fertile cm the last couple of days and i took an opk today which is showing as almost positive so I'm hoping I'll ovulate in the next couple of days! Soooo going to bd later for the first time since the d&c. The opk was negative a few days ago so I'm hopeful it's actual ovulation rather than leftover pregnancy hormones, and hpt is just a squinter now. I'm 3.5 weeks out from d&c now.

Sunshine looking at your chart i think it's because you recorded ewcm the day after ff recognised you ovulated by your temps. I have a feeling if you removed that it would give solid crosshairs. It could have just been leftover ewcm coming out so i wouldn't worry about the dotted lines, looks like that was your ovulation date to me. Good luck this cycle!!

Niamh i hope you ovulate soon, it's very frustrating having no control. Enjoy Dublin, i went in October and did the marathon and loved the atmosphere there!
Welcome jaspieM I'm sorry for your loss. :hugs: These ladies are a great support group, though!

Mummoy2o - I've mostly been playing a lot of final fantasy xiv but I also play swtor (Star Wars the old republic). DH and I are huge Star Wars nerds. We even had a Star Wars wedding cake! Oh, MIL cringed at that one! Lol, but then again she also cringed at my little flower girl walking my little white puppy down the aisle and it was soooo cute!

Niamh - that sucks, I hope you O soon! It's good that you get to go to Dublin and relax, though! I went there once during the week of St. Patrick's day when I was living in the UK and I loved it!

Sunshine - I have yet to use ff, but have you tried opk's too? I found those work the best for me.
Jaspie ---- thanks! I've removed it, will see if it changes. If not I'll put it back In there for my reference! Glad you think it looks good though. This is the easiest TWW though, I'm not expecting anything and have no idea when af will show. So that's good! Glad you are joining us now and have positive OPKS. So exciting!!

Ninja - I haven't used OPKS, I foumd temping was great before (just stressful) but I don't want to add any other method to the craziness that is TTC lol. Thanks though!
Sunshine, it could also be because you have open circles ( which are from changing of time you entered each day) so try changing the one on OV day to the same time as regular wake up time so you get a solid circle that could change the cross hairs to solid ones as well, As long as you are getting over 3 hours solid sleep at night then they are accurate I do not change the time. but I would be 100% positive you have ovulated :thumbup:

jaspie good luck TCC :flower: hope it is a short journey

Ninja I am thinking of getting some for next cycle never used them before though

Oh glad you all love Dublin :) that is where I am from :happydance: we a lovely drive up in snow, its melted now but I think more is on the way all the way from Canada :happydance: it was lovely catching up with my friend and her lovely little baby she is a little dote
I used the cb digital ones. I got pregnant the first time I used it too! That's why I decided to keep relying on them. Plus, I like seeing the little smiley faces! Lol

I'm glad to hear you had a good visit with your friend! We haven't had much more snow where I am in Canada but it sure has been freezing! Lol :p
I used the target brand opk's and then the digital one to confirm O when i got pregnant with my son. with this last pregnancy, i didn't use anything, just dtd every other day. so i'm not sure if i want to use opk's right now. not sure if they would stress me out or not.

ninja, your MIL sounds like a bonafide nightmare. my stepmother is really evil, too (i grew up with her from the time i was 9, and left home at 17. she was that evil). people like that you just need to cut out of your life. now, i only talk to my stepmom if forced to. i have a great relationship with my dad, and we just ignore the fact that i hate his evil wife, lol.

niamh, if only we knew why our bodies did what they did. hopefully you O'ed and maybe didn't realize it. if not, i'm sure next month will be the month. :)
I love the cake idea. We're doing a gaming cake for our wedding also, but not sure which yet. Besides what's wrong with being different, just ignore your MIL. I haven't played FFXIV in ages to be honest, but still play SWTOR from time to time. I also play WOW, Everquest and JRPG's. Not enough hours in the day to play everything I want, especially when looking after kids are involved and my OH makes me look after our daughter most of the time. I'm forcing him to do more though as it was me 90% him 10% but lately its 80-20 so its a start.

Jtink my son has a relationship like that with his stepmum. She's not horrible to him intentionally I believe, but more lack of understanding on how to raise him (due to his autism), then again his dad isn't any better. He's slowly getting to the point he doesn't want to go, so I suspect it will only be a matter of time he won't go and that's that. Although he's only 7 almost 8 he's huge and sturdy so picking him up and taking him is out of the question, but we'll cross that bridge when it comes.
So ummm... Apparently I have to put my ticker back up and rejoin my October due date groups cause my period wasn't actually my period. No wonder I didn't notice ovulation cause I was still pregnant. Got an undeniable positive that definitely doesn't fit with being a new pregnancy.
So ummm... Apparently I have to put my ticker back up and rejoin my October due date groups cause my period wasn't actually my period. No wonder I didn't notice ovulation cause I was still pregnant. Got an undeniable positive that definitely doesn't fit with being a new pregnancy.

Will you get a scan :hugs: excited for you :)
No I dont do scans. Gosh I'm glad I cancelled my appointment. I would have had the shock of my life to see a six week bean on the ultrasound last week!
Congrats NDH!

Hope you ladies are ready for another week :) I have an appt with my new OB today!! He's the infertility one, and I was hoping for the high risk pregnancy one. His secretary said because I don't seem to have issues getting pregnant, he may not keep me, and may re-refer me, but we'll see. As long as I don't have to see me old one again, I'm happy lol.
No I dont do scans. Gosh I'm glad I cancelled my appointment. I would have had the shock of my life to see a six week bean on the ultrasound last week!

for sure :haha: but a nice one though :thumbup: will you do bloods instead or leave it at this point :flower:
jtink28 I love pizza but haven't really enjoyed it since I was diagnosed with Celiac. Gluten free pizza is just not the same. Kudos to you for turning it down. If I could turn down Hershey's with almonds, my workouts would be more beneficial.

NinjaPanda I am sorry to hear that the MIL is difficult. I have been very lucky in the in-law department - I can't imagine having to deal with what you are dealing with...especially when you have to do nice things on top of it all.

CelticNiamh I am rooting for your ovulation as much as my own.
DH and I both really want to visit Ireland but it seems like such an impossibility right now. Perhaps when the kids are all grown...I will need a bottle or two or some of wine to get on a plane for that long but it is definitely on the bucket list.

I am not an expert but I think that the watery CM you reported on CD12 is making the CH dotted. Based on your temps I would say you O'd on CD 15. If there was no watery CM on CD12 I would guess your CH would be solid but, again, I am definitely not an expert.

jaspie :hugs: Waiting for the first cycle is crap - so many unknowns. I am hoping for you that you can pinpoint ovulation so you know where you are for sure. Thumbs up for BD - I was scared the first time after the D&C but I found it very healing to be close to DH.

NDH This is crazy...what a blessing! H&H 9 months to you.

AFM - Workouts have been awesome - feeling 100 times better after just one full week. I am completely at peace with my decision to stay home to finish my degree. It's financially scary but we will get through that, staying home is right for every other reason.
I started using OPK's and BD'ing yesterday - operation baby has commenced! :thumbup:

Wishing you all a painless Monday! :flower:

Oh NDH that's amazing! Congrats :)

Niamh hopefully your body behaves itself soon! How frustrating.

sunshine ff is weird. Today I put in my temp and I didn't temp on the weekend and it changed my ovulation day by one day. Makes no sense. So now I'm 6DPO instead of 7 according to it.

AFM I am oh so nauseous all of a sudden this morning. But that could be so many things. No other symptoms at all. I ended up drinking wine on the weekend - quite a bit. Had surprise company. But now that I'm at 7DPO (or6 lol) I want to cut out the alcohol consumption again til I get AF. Which should be in about 9 days.
Ajarvis I hate when FF does that! :wacko: and yea if I could slap my ovaries I would lOL

Got my new BBT this morning hubby was rolling his eyes at me LOL :haha: he happy to oblige me though

it is strange I am having lots of CM its ewcm and like clear water after having so much of it before I just do not trust it at the minute :dohh:
anyone ever used this before

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