My cycles have changed also ninja. They are heavier, but shorter and my cycles are shorter.
AFM I am pissed off by some pregnant women giving me advise on my short cycles. Admittedly, I guess it was my fault for posting in Erika's baby group for advise, but it still stung. I'm suppose to be 29 weeks by now and she's 12 weeks pregnant. Life really does suck at times. I just hope we'll all catch these sneaky eggs soon as I really hate us all having down times/days from time to time. I'm generally fine, but I left like punching here.
I completely understand what you're saying mummy2o. I have a few friends from other threads on the forums and they just got their bfp's this month and last. As much as I am super excited/happy for them, I still just want to scream sometimes. I am supposed to be 14 weeks by now and instead, I am back to square one TTC and in a situation that makes it a lot harder now with DH gone for work. Meanwhile, my mom is constantly trying to give me advice and ugh.... So yeah. You're not wrong or alone in feeling the way you do. We're all allowed to have those moments. I really hope we get some sticky beans very soon too!
Afm I have to go to the father in-laws stupid cd release party/music video shoot to help monster in-law tonight because DH begged me to. He doesn't want to make things worse. That, combined with being on day 1 of AF..... I might smack a bitch. Someone better make sure there is a big ol glass (or bottle) of wine in my hands at all times tonight.