OneMore Time, sad to "lose" you to November

but i did the same thing with deciding to go by lmp (instead of 3 days earlier, which is what FF is telling me, based on when i ovulated), since that's what the docs will do. just less numbers to keep track of!
ajarvis, i love talking too (heck, anyone who has a journal is guilty of liking to talk!

) and i'm not saying it's happened/happening here, but it's something i'm sensitive (or try to be sensitive

) about. i'm mostly thinking about other threads i've been on in the past when it felt like everyone else was pregnant and i was still ttc. all the pregnancy talk was sometimes really hard for me. and some of that is my own issue, so i don't expect people to not do it, but i sort of imagine that, even if some people won't or don't feel they can come out and say so, it's hard to be struggling with a recent loss when a place that is supposed to be supportive and "safe" starts to feel less safe and actually just more painful. you know?

i also recognize that having people who have been through a miscarriage and have "successfully" gotten through (in whatever degree that means - simply getting out of bed some days is a huge success post-mc! or if it means getting pregnant again) is helpful and the insight that those people have was invaluable to me when i was having a hard time even putting one foot in front of the other. so, for that community to ALSO exist, is really important i think. anyway, all that to say, i think both have their time and place and i just want everyone to feel welcome SOMEwhere and whatever we can all do to make supportive places, that's what i hope we can do here.

to everyone!
jtink, my 2nd cycle post-mc was insane too!! so weird. delayed effects or something?! it's so frustrating that our bodies can't just go right back to the "old" normal. after 5 cycles, i thought i had it all figured out, only to get thrown back to zero with wacko temps and different O days.

at the same time, it's amazing that our bodies DO what they do even after something so horrible as a miscarriage. that they are able to, for the most part, get right back in the saddle. bodies are crazy and weird and also awesome!

malia, welcome

i am the opposite - i was terrified of something going wrong and didn't tell my family i was pregnant. i was waiting until i got a heartbeat and a picture before telling them but the 8+1 scan showed baby and no heartbeart. so then i ALSO didn't tell them when i miscarried. both situations SUCK, really.

i hope you can find some family (and if not, hang out here, with us!) that are supportive and understanding and can help you and your husband.
Lil_Pixie, thanks for this: "
We didn't do this. It's shit and it's unfair and it hurts but there is no blame to be placed on our shoulders...I didn't make it more likely that I'd lose my baby by telling people about it and it would still have happened if I'd kept it a super secret" so true.
Celtic, i haven't told my parents. it's quite a selfless sacrifice you are making, knowing your dad is in so much heartbreak and pain, and "saving" him from having to feel yours too. he's got a brave daughter, that's for sure.

i haven't told my parents for selfish reasons: my mom makes everything about her, so i'm choosing to deal with my grief on my own terms because the minute i tell her, it'll be about how SHE lost a grandchild, and my pain and heartache will take a backseat.

ahhh, i love this thread. you guys are the best.