Well at least she's finally here. How lame she kept you waiting so long in suspense.
AF came two weeks ago here, but I'm on a break for a coupe months trying not to pay attention to Ov etc.
After seeing the nauropath earlier in the week it seems like I have a thyroid condition (hypo seems most likely based on my symptoms) caused by leaky gut, and as a result of the leaky gut as well my iron and zinc are low as I'm not absorbing nutrients properly. So I'm on a break while I heal my gut, which the naturopath thinks is likely hand in hand with the mcs as well.
I see the GP tomorrow for bloodwork to verify the thyroid and iron, and will ask for them to check for mthfr as well. And schedule a pap. NAturopath wants me to have one sooner than later - its only been a year and a half since last one but better to do it before I'm pregnant again.