My first af after mc started out very typically. Lasted three days with day two being heavy etc. But it's been almost two weeks now and I'm still spotting.
Got my appointment for the clinical trial through for this Friday but I think I may ov before then. We can't try because I'm not sure if I'm having the rubella vaccine and if I am I can't get pregnant for three months.
Spoke to the dr today about my anxiety. She said my issues were too severe to just give me pills and has referred me to a psychologist. She did say to go right back if I want pills but I'm not feeling that at all.
I thought I was doing the right thing but now I feel like they're gonna come and steal son
God I'm such a mess.
Hi guys! It's been a long time since I've been here... Af came at 6 weeks post d&c and now it seems I'm pregnant... Again. Got a bfp on Sunday and since then- freaking out completely. I'm scared of a chemical, miscarriage or baby being sick again. I'm so scared I can't think of anything else. Dh are very cautious about saying the word 'pregnant'. I did a blood test today after getting upset over progression. Now I'll spend the whole day wondering. I'm just so tired.
hey ladies, hope all is well!
jarvis, so sorry about your job, but i'm sure it will all work out as it's supposed to. frustrating in the mean time.
decided to do opk's this month, just to record how long my luteal phase is, when i ovulate, etc. finally got a + opk today, and so that brings me back to before the mc - i usually ovulate on CD 13 or so, and have an 11 day luteal phase. (i always have had that 11 day luteal phase, even before i got pg with my son) so it's good to know that it looks like my body has gone back to it's pre-mc state. hopeing this month is the one! i am so done with ttc. i hate it!
Had my hospital visit with the trial people today and I've got to have the rubella vaccination. That means no ttc for three months August is forever away and there'll be no hope of me getting a bfp before my would be due date now.
I can't help with charts I'm afraid ladies, it goes completely over my head why do you think there is no chance this month?