First AF after mmc

This is my first month with it giving me my O day, so I dont know if it changes all the time yet :p

All I know if that I have the exact same odds, as my bd timing is the same for either O day it gave me lol
Ahh right, I've heard people saying its changed theirs before too so it must do it a lot. That's another thing that'd annoy me lol.
My first period after my miscarriages were not necessarily more painful but were different. They were "watery" if that makes sense. I would make sure to wear a pad for back up. Things were different but did not necessarily last any longer and were not any more painful (I've always had a lot of cramping though). Best of luck!

Same thing for me, had a few watery periods and cramps were in a different area, sometimes just as painful as the MC cramps but now 5 months later, they're a bit better. I asked GP about watery period she said normal, as long as I was getting a cycle every month, which my cycles are 28 days and luteal phase 13-14 days.
Ladies where are you?
How's the vacation CBD?
You testing yet Tek?
I am testing :) All BFNs. How about you? I suppose it is too early to test isnt it lol :p
heyy girls..

Still on vacation...and its my birthday!! :)) Excited to enjoy my day in this beautiful city.. Istanbul is lovely. If u havent visited it yet u should ;)

Amy- How are u doing..? Did u O yet?

Tek- It could be too early..keep testing..and its ok tcc buddy...We will get pregnant again :) although i feel ur pregnant already..

AFM- I'm not even giving my mind a chance to think i'm pregnant...My timing was terrible this month.. I went to the dr. few days ago for a checkup ..cause after the first af i started feeling heavy on my left side 24/7 ..she said its fluid from the follicular cyst that i had...i was terrified when i heard that but she said its'll go on its own..
I'm not tracking symptoms but ive seen alooooot of white CCM..too much for what i'm used to..i'm also bloated(but its just vacation food lol)... Also, i know i'm not pregnant cause my bbs aint sore..i'm sure they'd be a little sore and heavy..they look smaller lol..

Alright guys..I'M 25 TODAY AND I'M READY TO PARTY ! Gosh i feel soo old but ive been saying that since i was 19 which i think is stupid!! I'm still young and i'll enjoy it :) but gosh i wanted to be a mommy before 25..that was my wish..but i guess god has his plans for us..

Take care ladies.. Keep me posted..i read everything when i log on :) baby dust
Tek - I agree with CBD it's probably too early, keep testing though! What day is af due? It's deffo too early for me to test lol!

CBD - Happy birthday!! Hope you have a good day in Istanbul! I've never actually been out of the uk lol.
Oh dear I'm glad it'll go on its own, you had me worried then lol! I had a lot of ccm when I was pregnant by the way, it is a symptom!!

AFM - I'm sure I O'd yesterday and we've bd'd quite a lot (when oh hasnt been tired from work) but I've still got that feeling that its not gonna happen -.- oh's auntie was telling me not to 'dwell' on my mc yesterday! Telling me getting a tattoo in memory will be the worst thing ever, the thing that annoys me is only oh's mum knew about the tattoo idea & she pulled a face when she found out so she's obviously been round there saying how stupid we are.. Why don't people understand that I actually loved my baby & I want to remember! Grr.. Rant over :(
Oh amy i hope u caught the egg..stay positive!! :)

And a tattoo for memory is so cute..some people dont understand how important a lost baby is...because even if we never met them, they are still part of us..they were inside :( and now our wombs are empty..gosh how i felt so empty the day i lost it..because all the symptoms felt like a baby nagging and growing..but then it stopped :(.. anywho, i say do whatever u want! :) u and ur partner should be able to decide what u wana do.. Good luck hun and thankk u for the birthday wish!! :D

btw did u guys ever have sore bbs? I did with my pregnancy ..and it was a huge sign now i have in my head that i must have sore bbs to be pregnant. I'm sure of that
I hope I did too hun!

Exactly, our babies were an actual life it just winds me up how people don't see it. I wouldn't mind but they mc'ed themselves when they were younger they just don't bother about it cos now they've got healthy kids so the mc'ed baby has been forgotten. I can't forget my baby! I'm gonna just take your advice and do what I want ;) who cares what anybody else thinks lol!

I did have sore bbs at the beginning but then all my symptoms went (I think that's when minimoden died :().. But since your MC your body would of changed loads so maybe your symptoms wouldn't be the same next time you get caught preg. I know on the SMEP Thread some of the ladies that got their BFPs were worried cos they didn't have the same symptoms but now most of them have had healthy babies or are very far along!
Lol, I know I am such a POAS girl!

So, my temp took a big dive today, I think I am out. HOWEVER, I am totally not sure how to account for it in my chart. Opinions?

Basically, I normally temp orally, and sleep with my mouth closed. I was so congested and stuffed up last night though that I slept with my mouth open the whole night. I also had less than usual blankets, as apparently I am a blanket hog, so was trying to compensate last night :p

When I took my temp at usual time, it was super low at 97.48! Way below cover line. I took it 3 hours later (as I went back to sleep) and it had risen to 98.38, which seems like a huge rise for 3 hours. Soooo.... I kind of just put my temp somewhere in the middle? Which still brings it below cover line. Basically its just a weird fluke, or AF is coming early for me :(

Anyhow.... as for sore bbs during my first pregnancy I barely had any symptoms until I was a week late! And those were just forgetfulness, high sense of smell, and thats about it.

Happy birthday!!! 25 is so not old lol, I am turning 29 this month! In about a week actually, so we have close birthdays :D I had a moment the other day where I thought I was turning 30 lol :p

Amy, I am excited to follow your progress! Its almost kind of nice, as when AF gets here I will have another persons potential exciting time to follow ;) If that makes sense lol. I havent fully woken up yet!

EDIT : BLAST!!! The witch is coming for me. I have brown spotting today along with the temp dip. This makes me sad, as it means my LP is only 11 days this cycle? WTH??

Any advice ladies? Apparently I need to lengthen my LP :/
Tek - I know nothing about temping hun but I'm gutted the witch has made an appearance :mad:
I've just researched about making your LP longer, it says vitamin B6 will do the trick & most doctors suggest to go to a herbalist cos they can help.
Aww yeah that deffo makes sense, I get excited for you & CBD while I'm stuck with af & you two are ready to o, we all keep each other on our toes haha! :haha:
My symptoms were sore bbs, increased cm and I could not touch cheese it made me sick!! :( I loved meat and potato pasties though LOL..
Aww am I the baby of the group then lol I'm 19!
Lol, we have a nice wide range then! Excellent :D

Yeah, I am pretty annoyed that my LP is so short this cycle. I will def be getting some B6 pills and starting those asap! I'm going to do some research online as well.

Have you guys heard of that whole Geritol multivitimans rumor? Apparently there is a "baby in every bottle" lol. Its just an old wives tale, but I think I am going to try those, folic acid, and B6 next cycle, and just see what effect it has. I will be sure to keep you two posted!
I hate taking pills :sick: but if it works for you I'm deffo gonna try it!
Nope never heard of that but I'm gonna search about it see if there's any truth to it. I've never tried anything but bd'ing really, I should start experimenting really considering my first method isn't getting me anywhere lol!
Ugh, the witch came for me today, well, last night. I had something really weird happen...

I started spotting brown yesterday, and then... I passed tissue? It was about an inch or inch and a half, and deffo tissue, no red blood, or clots. It was really weird :S

I am wondering if it is maybe something that got missed during the m/c or my last period? Or a very early m/c??? I am so confused :( What do you guys think?

Part of me things something bad happened this month, but another part of me thinks, could something have really been that long already? The startings of a sac or something? Blarg, either way it wasnt nice. I went out and got blasted after that happened, then AF came in full heavy force during the night.

EDIT: Ok, I just did some research online, and apparently there can still be some tissue retained even though you are having periods/ovulating... weird!

I guess this is a good reason for having this thread! If this happens to you ladies, you will know that its normal!
Kitten this is true. I tried to ovulate last monday but I couldn't until my body got rid of a passive bit of tissue the size of my palm! It came and went in 12 hour rush. Now been ovulating 3 days straight. Hoping for a negative opk tomorrow
Yikes! That sounds super lame :S

The weird thing is that I have been ovulating, and having periods. This is my second period after M/C (not including the MC itself), and I had thought it was all out, as my hcg is 0. I guess it can linger. These things you don't know until they happen to you, hey? I'm just glad I have this thread to share, so if it happens to any of these other lovely ladies they wont be worried :) <3
It never happened to me but I'm glad that it didn't turn out to be bad hun! My heart literally sunk when I was reading that!!
It's definitely good having this thread I love being able to come online & share my journey with people who are sharing theirs, it's a really nice thing cos I don't really know anybody going through the same thing as me :)
Hi, sorry to hear about your loss :( I miscarried about 2-3 weeks ago at 7 weeks and I stopped bleeding straight after however a few days ago starting brown spotting and I had such hope that I was pregnant again and had ovulated really quickly and it was implantation bleeding, however this morning the bleeding got heavier and ad is in full flow now, I'm disappointed its hard when you want to be pregnant so badly and your not but also kind of relieved that my body has recovered quickly and I can now count down to next O so I can try again and hopefully get the pos I want! .. So I would say just be patient and af should come soon and I hope you get the BFP too! Xxxx
Welcome akl <3

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. This is a great group of girls in this thread, we're all very supportive :)

I just started my second AF after MC, and now am into my 3rd cycle. I too am very relieved to be ovulating, my first O came about 20 days after the MC, so I was very lucky.

During the first month I so desperately wanted to conceive as well, so I understand! I am trying to be a bit more relaxed about it, but its hard. It was my first pregnancy, and I didn't realize how much I wanted it until it was gone <3
Sorry to hear ladies. My first AF after first miscarriage was very painful and heavy. A bit of a reminder too which I think hurts the most. My second AF wasnt quite as heavy and the cramps had settled. After 2nd miscarriage it was a little different. Medium flow with slight cramping. Hang in there hun, it will get easier and theres even light at the end of the tunnel. I have a 1 year old daughter now. Conceived 3rd time lucky :) Dont give up, it will happen for you. Just take time to yourself and heal first x

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