First AF after mmc

TEST!!! Maybe we will have the first bfp of the thread :D How fab would that be!

And yes, we have commenced the bding :D A little slow to start, but its happening :p Going to start the opks today, woot!
I don't think I'm gonna get my bfp this month. Just a feeling!

CBD where are you with that test result?!

Tek - you had a good few days?
Yes CBD, tell us :p

Ive had a good few days, very busy though! Coming into my fertile time soon ;) Lol, our town is doing an Oktoberfest thing on Saturday, maybe that can me my magic night :p Haha, we ordered costumes and everything! Should be fun :D
Maybe she's celebrating? I hope so!
That sounds like fun, what are you dressing up as?

AFM- I've realised I NEED my bfp before Christmas, otherwise af will arrive Christmas Day :haha: and that'd just be crappy!
GIRLSSSSSSSS!! Been urging to tell u!! as i told u my internet has been all over the place...Its fixed now.......anywho, I got a bfp!!! SOOO terrified though!!! Sooo nervoussss :cry: i hope this one stickssssss and livesss :cry:!!! My dr is out of town so i wont be able to get an appointment till the 1st week of november..!! I dont know how patient i'll be!... Girlsss,, praying for ur bfps this month sending baby dust ur way..:hugs::hugs::hugs: please pray for me..i cant be excited at all this time..I'm way too nervous!! I dont wana get attached:cry: i wont be able to handle another loss!

AMY- really sending vibes ur way...i swear this cycle my odds were like really lowwwww!! I kept on telling myself NO way! I really didnt think id get pregnant but God does what he wants! He takes he gives...theres a reason for everything

Tek- Really have my hopes high for u this month..keep bding...non stop

Omg girls i'm reallly really scared!! I need to chill!! lol..trying to forget that i'm even i told u dont wana get attached..:shrug: i am happy but i'm too scared to enjoy and celebrate...

Prayers ladies..:hugs:
Hi ladies I hope you dont mind me posting on your thread. I've been kind of stalking you all a bit since I had a mmc 10 days ago. Just wanted to say a huge congrats to catchbabydust. Im so happy to see a positive story- it makes me feel so much better about the future and ttc again. Sticky baby dust to you x
Johnson - The more the merrier hun :)

CBD - OMG ahhhh! I'm so happy for you! I had a feeling you had got your bfp! I understand what your saying about being scared :( just try to relax as much as possible! I really hope your bean sticks with you :) this is your rainbow, eek congratulations babe!!! Anything you did different?
I definitely think I'm out though, af is due tomorrow & I'm cramping -.- I've got my positive head on for next month though so hopefully me and Tek will follow you with those bfps?! :dance:
Thankk u!!

JohnsonGirl- So sorry for ur loss...dont give up..and stay positive.. A mc only happens when something is wrong with the baby.... i tell myself that everyday.. God wont take anything from u unless theres a neg. reason..just keep ur faith strong.,,.praying for ur bfp soon..if ur dr said its ok to try right away..try! really helps u move least for me it did...and thankfully i got pregnant by gods blessings..:) sending u baby dust

Amy- ahh i know !! Im still trying not to think im pregnant...ugh i dont want another heart break..just praying to god that THIS IS MY RAINBOW BABY!! ...I actually didnt do anything different.. just as usual lifted my legs high for 30 mins (when we got to bd which as i told u was twice max way before ov....MUSTVE ovulated earlier than i thought) ..and i always drink my prenatal vits and green tea.. ..I cramped alot me..cramping isnt a bad sign till u actually get af! So u update us..and im praying it doesnt show up!!

AFM-I dont know how i'll wait till my appointment :'( soo scareddd!! I cant even wipe down there without my heart dropping :( I want to make sure everything is ok..i'm actually over resting...seriously scared.. This pregnancy is way different than the other... The only common symptoms are the bloating..and frequently using the loo (as u say in england Amy ;) ) im so worried that i'm not having any morning sickness..freaks me out..last time i didnt and turned out the baby wasnt growing ..they say morning sickness is a great sign of baby growing :( ughhh i hope god gets me my rainbow safely ..
Oh my GOSH!!!! Awesome!!!

I am going to write more when I get home, I am just out the door.

Johnsongirl, Welcome! All these ladies are fab fab fab, and we're totally here if you have any questions <3
I've just realized I got my days mixed up, AF is due today :haha: I know that cramping can be a good sign, I cramped like hell with my first BFP but this is different it must be my AF :(
Don't think too negatively, you deserve this!!! I wanna start talking prenatal vits, I was talking about them to OH just now but I have no idea where to get them from in the UK..
Do you not have a walk-in doctors you can go to in the USA or an early preg unit? Just to get a blood test to put your mind at ease a little bit (I understand you mind wont be completely at ease til that little munchkin is born!)
LOL frequent loo using is a good sign! :p Don't be worried about no M/S tonnes of ladies get no M/S but have healthy pregnancy, it's called LUCK! :haha: < I love that smiley!!

What's your OH said? Is he overjoyed? I'm so chuffed for you! :cloud9:

Tek - I agree, we're all pretty awesome aren't we ;)
Thanks for welcoming me ladies :)
Amytrisha- im in the uk and get my vitamins fromTesco- there are all sorts to choose from but as long as it has folic acid and vid D then they're fine. I deceided to keep taking mine since the mmc so im super healthy next time!!

CBD- i had absolutely horrendous ms right until i went into surgery for the mmc so dont worry if you dont have any- it doesnt mean anything really, i think its different for everyone x
Blood tests sound about right..i might get one tomorrow and then two or three days later to see if it doubled...

Im gona have to pay extra to see an early scan.. The dr im dealing with is willing to do it for me for free..she's a family dr..thats why i wana wait... so i guess I'LL TRY and h ope i'll MANAGE to wait till next week..thats exactly a week from now..i hope....but i think i'll do the blood test thingy :) .
As for hubby, the poor thing, lol like me he cant get overjoyed but he is happy i can tell but last time he was alooot more excited..he was reading everything week by week and following up and getting excited for appointments.. Well, i hope his excitement comes back after we see a healthy baby on u/s ..hopefully !

Do u guys know if i should get my progesterone tested as well? I had low progesterone last pregnancy..i just dont know how frequent i should test for that.? should they double like HCGs?

I read on this forum somewhere that..all u have to say to urself for now is.."i am pregnant and grateful" and hopefully things will turn out good instead of just freaking out all the time... I'm gona try to follow that.. *good luck to me*

oh tek forgot to say thankk uu :) yes hun we'll chat up as soon as u can :D

btw, amy, remember one of my posts..i think i said the cramps were different from those of my pregnancy cramps..well, i guess it can feel either way lol
Johnson - Ahh I live right next to tescos lol! Can you tell me what the packet looks like? I neeeed some. I've never tried taking anything to get preg/get ready to get preg.. I'm certainly up for trying it :)

CBD - I'm too sure about the progesterone, but definitely bring it up with your doctor if it's on your mind, I hope you get to see the dr soon! If they book you a scan they may do it for in a few weeks just so they can see more, I think if they keep on top of your HCG results it should keep you at ease cos if they're doubling like they should be everythings on track!!
As for the cramps I couldn't tell the difference I seriously thought my af was arriving til I got my bfp.. Since my MC though my af cramps are so much different to before the MC!! They're sharper if that makes sense, before they were a dull ache..
I will bring it up to her..definitely!! As for the cramps, as i told u this time they were different..maybe since the mc..they were closer to af cramps that i used to get when i was a kid..ive always had painful afs maybe thats how i could tell the difference..but this was the first time i couldnt tell the difference..but last time..similar to af yet VERY different lol i dont know how to explain..

Omg, i just realized this is the first day i ever think and talk this much about my telling u i tried to keep it of my head till i see my dr..and it worked lol because today is a huge proof that i feel pregnant even starting to "feel" symptoms or maybe imagine them..
I have been taking Seven Seas 'Pregnancy'. Its in a light purple box with a pregnant lady's belly on the front! It can be taken pre and during pregnancy. I chose that one because it had all the right things and has been on offer for ages- 3 boxes for the price of 2!!! Im sure lots of the others are good too but they can be expensive so I like the special offer!

Its so funny hearing all the anti-natal care you guys get over there- blood tests and early scans. We dont get any of that in the uk- just a nurse appt and a 12 weeks scan- its very frustrating!!! I hear lots of talk on here about blood tests and scans after D&C too but I just got discharged from hospital with antibiotics and no follow up care. Im fine though but it would be good to track my hcg levels properly rather than relying on hpts.
......ok, rant over lol :winkwink:
Johnson - We do get that in the UK!! I had brown spotting, rung the local hospitals Early Pregnancy Unit & they told me to come in the next day for a scan to ease my mind, I went in found out baby had stopped growing 3 weeks ago, I was sent home to wait & then got rushed back into hosp that night with extremely heavy bleeding (too much bleeding).. I was in hospital for about 8 hours on a drip, then they checked my cervix had closed & booked me in for a scan for a week later.. Also a lot of people I know that having MC'ed in the UK & have gotten pregnant afterwards asked their docs for an early scan to make sure everythings ok & for blood tests and they've been allowed them.. I think some doctors are just horrible though & deny people!

CBD - I definitely feel as though my body has 'grown up' since the MC, as I've said before because of the way I can now feel ov pains & af pains & get cm (not good changes lol) but I can definitely understand my body more now..
Yay for symptoms! :D Your stuck with us now til we get our BFPs you know!! Then we can all be bump buddies :)
Haha I agree :D I think its just fabulous.

I was quite frustrated last month with getting AF after only 11 day luteal phase, but your BFP gives me hope :D I am trying to keep really positive this month. I am just going to keep taking my B50s (new method this cycle!) and BDing and see what happens. For some reason I just have this feeling... if I play my cards right, its my time. But who knows? I could just be feeling positive because of CBDs BFP ;)

The healthcare here isn't much better either. I am in a small town, and there is a Maternity clinic that is only open on Wednesdays, and it has 7 rotating doctors. You don't know which if the 7 will even be delivering your baby, it is whichever one is on call :/ Lol, lame system. I had some lame issues with getting a scan scheduled as well, and it wasnt until I came in with spotting at 13 weeks that they moved my scan up, which I wasnt due to have until I was 17 weeks! How lame is that??

Anyhow, I hope you ladies all had a great day :D Mine was stressful, but I am having a very large glass of wine while I still can ;) No drinking during the 2ww anymore for me!
For some reason I just have this feeling... if I play my cards right, its my time. But who knows? I could just be feeling positive because of CBDs BFP ;)

I have the same feeling!! I hope we're right!

Our healthcare isn't too bad to be honest well not from my experience, I got my scans pretty much the day I got worried & I had aftercare too. I must admit though a big problem over here is the nurses/doctors attitudes! When you go in for a MC they treat you as though you've got a cold & your over reacting :growlmad:

AFM - Still waiting upon AF, got some watery CM which generally happens just before AF so hurry up you b**** :haha: just wanna get it over & done with, bring on next cycle :happydance:
When I had my 12 week scan and the tech told me the baby hadn't developed past 8 weeks she was really really nice but then the doctors were just so clinical about the whole thing- just really matter of fact and it made me feel worse- like i was just one on a long list! Other than that i've had good care- i suppose we're lucky having the nhs and not worrying about insurance and things.

How are you feeling CBD?
Amy- any sign of the witch? I've got my fingers crossed for you.

AFM: Im still bleeding a bit but generally feel good. DH is back from working away for the week tonight so im looking forward to seeing him.:hugs:
When I had my 12 week scan and the tech told me the baby hadn't developed past 8 weeks she was really really nice but then the doctors were just so clinical about the whole thing- just really matter of fact and it made me feel worse- like i was just one on a long list! Other than that i've had good care- i suppose we're lucky having the nhs and not worrying about insurance and things.

I definitely feel lucky not having to get insurance ect.. I've heard so many women on here who have panicked cos they can't afford insurance, can't get hold of a doctor ect all from the USA, I'm rubbish at anything to do with money so if I lived over there I probably wouldn't have health care unless my OH sorted it out :haha:

Have a lovely evening with your OH :):flower:

Well I'm having plenty of cramps, just waiting now.. I've had a flick back through my diary & realised that Augusts AF arrived 25th, Septembers 26th so maybe Octobers will be 27th which is tomorrow? ..

Why does 'CD1' change by one day every month? Starting to see a pattern :wacko:

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