first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

Wifey I really hope tomorrow brings you good news. I will be thinking of you all day. I know what you mean with cost. I looked it up and my hsg alone will use up all of my hra plus some that is supposed to be for dh and i. My insurance doesn't cover much.

I know how bad you want this baby and I'm sure the universe does too. It will happen. I really really hope it's time tomorrow but if not, it will happen eventually. Have you tried soy? I thought that was like a over the counter clomid type thing. I could be wrong but maybe that would help you O more naturally if this cycle doesn't work out.

Sending you tons of hugs girl! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
thank you Gina, really needed to hear that. It feels so stupid to be "done" so quickly, but these bills are just so devastating. I think they dx'd me sooner than they should've technically, because I'm being asked to pay for the glucose tolerance test that gave me the insulin resistance dx. I think that's one thing, and infertility is another. That bill alone is over $750. Then there's all the other labs, the laparoscopy, the consults, the scans, all that.. It's a lot.

So sorry to hear your HSG is so expensive. That's crappy. I wonder if they'll give you a discount for paying in full or for not being covered? Some places by me do that, like hospitals and stuff. It's sad how much it cost to get your reproductive organs taken care of - like wtf. I don't understand how reproducing isn't seen as "medically necessary" --so if you can't have a baby on your own, oh well, you don't need to anyway? Its so inhumane and cruel. The people who wrote that crap up never struggled with this, obviously. It's just so sad. But anyways, I hope it goes well and your tubes are healthy. It was scary wondering if my tubes were blocked. Wish my RE had done an HSG rather than putting me through diagnostic surgery. Good luck on Thursday!! You'll do great! Pop some Tylenol before you go and you should be just fine. :) What did your job say about taking off?

I will probably try anything I can OTC in the meantime if Clomid is a no go.. I've heard of the Soya Isoflavones, even read up on a thread here about it too. Might try Vitex again, get a different brand and see if my body still rejects it. Of course, I'll try to lose some weight, but I don't really think that's an issue. I'm overweight, but not obese. I just dread the thought of going back to TTC on my own. I love having my RE working with me. I know what's going on, I have numbers and labs and actual proof of what's happening. When it's just me and FF, it's all in my head. I don't want to play doctor to myself and think of this all the time even harder than I do now. And I'm a nurse - after work my mind is dead with medical interventions that coming up with my own seems like a joke. If it goes back to just me trying stuff it'll never work.

Thank you so much for keeping me in your thoughts. I promise to update tomorrow morning good or bad. The appt is at 8, so I should be on by 10 or so, depending on how long it takes there plus my hour drive home. Glad I have the whole day off work, can't imagine going in after if I get bad news.
Checking in, 1st cycle TTC off BCP. I'm somewhere between 7 and 13 DPO. Been on BC for 11 years. Before BC, my cycle was ~24 days, in breaks during BC from 32 to 36 days.

So really, I'm just trying to figure out what the new norm is!
Copied from my journal --

Great news!! I have a 16mm follie on my R ovary!! :happydance::wohoo: My RE said this is exactly what he wanted to see, perfectly on track!! Eeeee!! He said that in a sense, today is CD10 for me since restarting the Clomid. So on CD12, I should be at 20mm and ready to go! OMG! I saw it immediately on the screen once he inserted the scan thing, I was so surprised and happy. It looked huge!

Advised me to BD tomorrow, just in case I O on my own tomorrow, but he is seeing me again on Friday at 11:15 for another scan and to give me the trigger shot!

I can't believe it. I thought for sure I was going to get another "no" today. I was feeling so down and out about it last night. However, DH and I had some exceptionally satisfying BD that uplifted my mood of course lol after talking about how we may be done with TTC for a while if still bad news, my heart was literally broken thinking about going in today. So now that I at least have a dosage that works for me, if I don't get a BFP this cycle I'm at least happy to carry on with more Clomid cycles. Should only need 1-2 more cycles if this one doesn't result in pg. The cost of scans, appts and time off work is breaking us, but I don't want to give up if Clomid will continue to work. And since they don't keep you on it for long, we kinda have to stick with it at this point I think.

I am just so thankful and excited that I responded well to the 100mg of Clomid - and didn't have to waste time on another cycle for it. It seems too good to be true! April 8 is the last day to conceive for a 2016 baby, and that's when my trigger shot is scheduled. I have a full blown chance! You all know how bad I'm dying for this to happen. Universe, please align for me and allow us to conceive a sticky, healthy babe.

Can't even believe I'm typing this good news. It seemed so far away just last night.

I'm going to continue OPKs, stocked up on some dollar store cheapies since I have only one CB Digi test strip left that I'll save for Friday morning. I have Preseed but not sure if I'll need it. Thank God I haven't had the dryness that Clomid is known to give. At least yet - I hope I don't dry out at O time! I don't know if Preseed will help or not. What do you guys think?

Thank you all to the moon and stars and back for all your support, well wishes and prayers. I'm feeling them! I appreciate you guys so very much and I'm so happy I have great news to share with you. I'm so blessed to have such beautiful friends from all over to cheer me on and listen to all my hopes and fears, and tell me honest advice and bring me back to reality when I go a little crazy. You guys are the best. Hopefully I will continue to have good news! Stocked up on IC's to test out the trigger shot, which will be fun. So incredibly happy this is finally happening. :cloud9:
Perfect timing kiki!! Get going girl!! :winkwink:

Vel looks like you ovulated?! Yay tww! Odd question but are you near Dublin at all? I'm trying to plan a trip to italy for my 2 year anniversary and the flights I found have long layovers in Dublin and I know you live in Ireland but I am a stupid American and have no idea how big Ireland even is :haha: :rofl: geography is not my stong suit. Lol.

I don't know... i test twice sometimes even three times a day and all i get is high on my digi opk... I am getting quite annoyed.. Ofcourse i totally forgot to temp through the most important days :( hope ff can still give me my crosshairs.

I'm still testing and still getting high fertility and i am on CD 20... is that normal? you've tested with Clearblue opk right?

I'm just getting frustrated now.. i hope the blood test my doc did on CD 14 will finally clear everything up..

Oh and i actually live on the total opposite of where dublin is lol.. sorry wish we could meet up. That be so amazing but it's a 3 hour drive or so.
It's fine i never knew what ireland was like until i moved here XD :rofl:
Copied from my journal --

Great news!! I have a 16mm follie on my R ovary!! :happydance::wohoo: My RE said this is exactly what he wanted to see, perfectly on track!! Eeeee!! He said that in a sense, today is CD10 for me since restarting the Clomid. So on CD12, I should be at 20mm and ready to go! OMG! I saw it immediately on the screen once he inserted the scan thing, I was so surprised and happy. It looked huge!

Advised me to BD tomorrow, just in case I O on my own tomorrow, but he is seeing me again on Friday at 11:15 for another scan and to give me the trigger shot!

I can't believe it. I thought for sure I was going to get another "no" today. I was feeling so down and out about it last night. However, DH and I had some exceptionally satisfying BD that uplifted my mood of course lol after talking about how we may be done with TTC for a while if still bad news, my heart was literally broken thinking about going in today. So now that I at least have a dosage that works for me, if I don't get a BFP this cycle I'm at least happy to carry on with more Clomid cycles. Should only need 1-2 more cycles if this one doesn't result in pg. The cost of scans, appts and time off work is breaking us, but I don't want to give up if Clomid will continue to work. And since they don't keep you on it for long, we kinda have to stick with it at this point I think.

I am just so thankful and excited that I responded well to the 100mg of Clomid - and didn't have to waste time on another cycle for it. It seems too good to be true! April 8 is the last day to conceive for a 2016 baby, and that's when my trigger shot is scheduled. I have a full blown chance! You all know how bad I'm dying for this to happen. Universe, please align for me and allow us to conceive a sticky, healthy babe.

Can't even believe I'm typing this good news. It seemed so far away just last night.

I'm going to continue OPKs, stocked up on some dollar store cheapies since I have only one CB Digi test strip left that I'll save for Friday morning. I have Preseed but not sure if I'll need it. Thank God I haven't had the dryness that Clomid is known to give. At least yet - I hope I don't dry out at O time! I don't know if Preseed will help or not. What do you guys think?

Thank you all to the moon and stars and back for all your support, well wishes and prayers. I'm feeling them! I appreciate you guys so very much and I'm so happy I have great news to share with you. I'm so blessed to have such beautiful friends from all over to cheer me on and listen to all my hopes and fears, and tell me honest advice and bring me back to reality when I go a little crazy. You guys are the best. Hopefully I will continue to have good news! Stocked up on IC's to test out the trigger shot, which will be fun. So incredibly happy this is finally happening. :cloud9:

OMG Wifey!!! i'm so happy you got that good news :D imagine how excited we will all be when you report a bfp :rofl: :happydance:

Got everything crossed for this time around.. And praying like crazy that you are lucky ^^

I kinda get your whole doing opks and never knowing if you O'd.. This cycle is another dud again.. i was so sure this month would be different with the opks and the temping and then after going to the doc and getting the thrush taken care of but again i am having a bunch of high's and no peak... and i think if i keep reading online or hearing from someone saying that i am not testing enough.. i think i will scream lol...

I literally have been testing almost 3 times a day.. With fmu... after holding it for 4 hours afternoon pee and then at night.. So i was really trying not to lose the surge but just nothing... :( i'm so defeated.. And it's not helping with bd'ing.. We haven't even dtd anymore because i am just done and disappointed again and annoyed..
And cm gets going from dry and sticky to suddenly super watery and even kinda milky white ewcm...
Can't wait to get the bloodresults back from the midcycle bloodtest... :( hope my doc can finally tell me whats wrong.
Thank you soooo very much, Vel!! I hope I get my BFP!! Will absolutely keep you posted along the way.

I don't know what to think about the CB Digis. I've gotten nothing but " O " the whole pack. I have one test stick left I'll use Friday morning. Even with my RE saying I might O tomorrow, if not then def Friday I feel like I should've had a peak reading today. I don't think I'll ever use those again, they were way too expensive and not as comforting as I thought. I would think getting all those high readings would be a good thing, but I know what you mean after getting them consistently like that.. Just hold still, smiley face! I would call your OB and see what they say, maybe the nurses there have an idea? I am so sorry you're going through a rough patch and am feeling crappy about this cycle. I know this is going to happen for you soon, though. Believe it! Even with the thrush being treated, it could still be affecting things. I would chalk this cycle up to the thrush, and now that it's treated next cycle will be better. I'm always here if you need to vent/talk, love. I knew you'd be soo happy to see my good news :) you've been a rock to me, a total shoulder to lean on. Happy to be the same to you <3 We will be bump buddies! Don't give up! :)
Perfect timing kiki!! Get going girl!! :winkwink:

Vel looks like you ovulated?! Yay tww! Odd question but are you near Dublin at all? I'm trying to plan a trip to italy for my 2 year anniversary and the flights I found have long layovers in Dublin and I know you live in Ireland but I am a stupid American and have no idea how big Ireland even is :haha: :rofl: geography is not my stong suit. Lol.

I don't know... i test twice sometimes even three times a day and all i get is high on my digi opk... I am getting quite annoyed.. Ofcourse i totally forgot to temp through the most important days :( hope ff can still give me my crosshairs.

I'm still testing and still getting high fertility and i am on CD 20... is that normal? you've tested with Clearblue opk right?

I'm just getting frustrated now.. i hope the blood test my doc did on CD 14 will finally clear everything up..

Oh and i actually live on the total opposite of where dublin is lol.. sorry wish we could meet up. That be so amazing but it's a 3 hour drive or so.
It's fine i never knew what ireland was like until i moved here XD :rofl:

When the digi sticks worked for me I would usually get 1 or 2 days of high, then 2 peak days, then another high before negative (I had to guess that it's what the thing would say because after a peak it doesn't let you test again for 2 days). But the last few months I used it I only got lows. Idk if the thing broke or what but I never even got a high even tho the stick looked dark. So it's possible yours is stuck on high or something. Your temp definitely looks like you O'd.

Damn that sucks that Dublin is so far from you. Not sure if that's where we will end up with a layover because my hubbys uncle just offered to use his frequent flyer miles to pay for our flights! So it's up to him I guess. Would have been awesome to meet up though!

Wifey I know I already replied on your journal but I'm just so freaking happy for you!! :happydance:
I'm rooting for a Gina and Vel meetup! That would be AWESOME! 3 hours is a trip, but would be soooo cool!
when will you be doing the layover? If you do end up to? Yeah i don't know if its broke or not.. But i had low and then it went to high and stayed and everyone of them i look at, the lines all mostly look the same although the ones from today and yesterday look darker to me so think i might O still now? so late? But my chart does look like I o'd now doesn't it?

I don't want to stop using my opks now cause i'm worried i might not see it.. But maybe the temping should be good enough.. oh well i think i am done with this cycle and just see what my temping does and just leave the stupid opks now...

And then next month i'll start over again and hope i catch the surge and if not then i'll just stay with temping and throw the opks out the window XD or at the sellers of those things :rofl:

for some reason opks just don't work with me XD

And yeah my doc said the blood test should take about 10 days so that was on friday i did it.. soo that'll be next monday i can call and ask about my hormones.. :)
My layover would be on the 12th of may. I forget what time. It was mid afternoon I think. But I have no idea if that's the flight he will get us.

Maybe your temp rise was a fluke and you are about to O? I don't haven't liked opks lately but when they work they are great! I just ordered more because my prenatals are an "add on" item on amazon so I had to buy something else that qualified for prime and of course the cheapie ones I used dont come with prime. So I will have to see if it was the stick or me. Lol.
Wifey- so excited for you!!

Afm, I broke down and poas but knew it'd be negative and it was.. I'll test again Friday at 11dpo.
Wifey hoooooray :yipee: so happy and hopeful for you!

Vel - it does look temp wise like you O'd. You just need one more up there and you should get ch. I've only ever used the cheapie opks. No clue on the digis. I like the simplicity of the cheapies. I always at least get one darker than control and that correlates perfectly with temp and cm.

Gag - definitely early fx for you.

Gina - so fun that you have a trip! I keep wanting to plan something but then think what if I'm pg. I know I'm going to be so worried this next time now.
I think i did too according to my chart.. and my bbs are starting to get tender and i'm feeling sluggish so i think i am officially in the tww and i don't think you pms symptoms if you don't ovulate right? maybe i did miss my surge or maybe it wasn't strong enough because i think my digi opk tests estrogen not lh or something like that and i am still worried that my estrogen isn't doing so well. but doc did a midcycle bloodtest to check those hormones so hopefully she can tell me something helpful. ^^
I definitely think you ovulated vel. Temps are more accurate than opks so I would trust your temps.

Gag hope it was just too early. FX!

Les, glad you are checking in. Hope everything is well.

AFM got my hsg today. Everything was all clear so just have 2 more blood tests and dhs SA to get done and then we will see where to go from there. My doc said either we can do something like clomid or get referred to a RE for more in depth testing. She said we will talk about it once all the testing is done. Hopefully we won't have to and this hsg will give me that little bit of extra boost I need. I've been told for the 3 months after an hsg your chances increase so fx!
I tested again today and really think I see something but think I might be just hoping...
Can you get a pic?! I have terrible line eye so I will probably see a line :rofl:
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I see that without even zooming in. I think you may be onto something there ;) FX!!!

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