first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

Thanks vel <3

Gag I haven't been tested for anything at all. I have been waiting for the 1 year ttc mark to make an appointment. I didn't even have an OB until my miscarriage so now that I do I have someone to go to.
Thanks vel <3

Gag I haven't been tested for anything at all. I have been waiting for the 1 year ttc mark to make an appointment. I didn't even have an OB until my miscarriage so now that I do I have someone to go to.

Oh wow :hugs: I'm so sorry for you, but hopefully now you can get some great care and find out what's going on. Then you can get your sticky bean. Please keep us updated..
Gina - I'm glad your appt is so soon. Will you let us know how it goes? How are you feeling about it?

Gag - GL in the TWW. I feel like it goes by soooooo slooooowly.

Vel - defo get the BDing in with that impending O. Also, I may have missed this, but it seems like you enrolled in a writing class? I'm so excited that it's going well, as is your book! Please tell us about both.

Wifey - again, your doc sounds amazing. Do keep us posted!
Gina - I'm glad your appt is so soon. Will you let us know how it goes?

Gag - GL in the TWW. I feel like it goes by soooooo slooooowly.

Vel - defo get the BDing in with that impending O. Also, I may have missed this, but it seems like you enrolled in a writing class? I'm so excited that it's going well, as is your book! Please tell us about both.
Thank you.. I agree, one day seems forever lol

How are you feeling? Any new line porn?
Aw, thanks for asking. I feel okay, but still v. anxious. Wondfos have been darkening, which is nice, and I'm going to take another FRER tomorrow morning. The last one I took was three days ago (I'd run out). I won't feel out of the woods for another few weeks but trying to remain positive. I have constantly sore boobs and intermittent nausea, which is kind of comforting, but of course I freak out when they lessen. Wish this whole process could be stress free!
Oh, here's the line porn you asked for.


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Jez lines look amazing! I don't think you have anything to worry about. I am nervous about my appointment. But the nerves is more just meeting the doctor hoping she believes me about the chemicals. I know some doctors just consider them late periods but so many in one year isn't normal. I was surprised they had an opening so soon. She said she had an appt Thursday and I'm like "this Thursday?!" Lol. It will be good to get the ball rolling. I just wish I wouldn't be bleeding for the appointment. Hopefully she doesn't want to do any internal exams. I am also nervous that if it comes to monitored cycles that my DH won't be able to perform. I can't tell him when it's O time as it is so if a doctor is ordering us to DTD idk how that will affect him.
Jez lines look amazing! I don't think you have anything to worry about. I am nervous about my appointment. But the nerves is more just meeting the doctor hoping she believes me about the chemicals. I know some doctors just consider them late periods but so many in one year isn't normal. I was surprised they had an opening so soon. She said she had an appt Thursday and I'm like "this Thursday?!" Lol. It will be good to get the ball rolling. I just wish I wouldn't be bleeding for the appointment. Hopefully she doesn't want to do any internal exams. I am also nervous that if it comes to monitored cycles that my DH won't be able to perform. I can't tell him when it's O time as it is so if a doctor is ordering us to DTD idk how that will affect him.
One step at a time.. I really am hoping everything goes well tomorrow
Gina-I think it'll be fine. Just tell him about all the positive pregnancy tests and just over dramatize it a bit.I did it at my doc's appt ;) it's just so they dont send you away and brush it off. You'll probably get a bloodtest done and an ultrasound to check your ovaries and tubes. ^^ but I bet it'll all be fine and you'll have that baby in no time ^^
And it'll work out with your DH I bet ^^ just try to relax and know that your doc knows what he or she is doing ^^

Jez-those lines look great. I bet it'll be fine this time. I have a good feeling about this ^^ is it past your AF due date already?
Oh my uhm well it's a romance book. . I'm a total romantic xD but might put a little fantasy in too cause I have this idea but dont know if I'll do that. For know it's kind of a book about a single mother who starts college after a rough childhood and relationship and well there will be something happening with the professor but um trying not to focus too much on the relationship but also on the rest of her life. Like with her amazing neighbor who is like a mother to her and her son and ofc her challenge with trying to juggle college and being a good mother while also providing for her son. ^^

It's still a work in progress. ^^

Gag-hopefully this cycle is it for you ^^ try to relax in the tww.. I know it's easier said then done xD but just try it ^^ do something maybe with your dh. Maybe go out ^^
Gina-I think it'll be fine. Just tell him about all the positive pregnancy tests and just over dramatize it a bit.I did it at my doc's appt ;) it's just so they dont send you away and brush it off. You'll probably get a bloodtest done and an ultrasound to check your ovaries and tubes. ^^ but I bet it'll all be fine and you'll have that baby in no time ^^
And it'll work out with your DH I bet ^^ just try to relax and know that your doc knows what he or she is doing ^^

Jez-those lines look great. I bet it'll be fine this time. I have a good feeling about this ^^ is it past your AF due date already?
Oh my uhm well it's a romance book. . I'm a total romantic xD but might put a little fantasy in too cause I have this idea but dont know if I'll do that. For know it's kind of a book about a single mother who starts college after a rough childhood and relationship and well there will be something happening with the professor but um trying not to focus too much on the relationship but also on the rest of her life. Like with her amazing neighbor who is like a mother to her and her son and ofc her challenge with trying to juggle college and being a good mother while also providing for her son. ^^

It's still a work in progress. ^^

Gag-hopefully this cycle is it for you ^^ try to relax in the tww.. I know it's easier said then done xD but just try it ^^ do something maybe with your dh. Maybe go out ^^

Thanks :hugs: we have a business trip this weekend for our side business and I think this will be a good distraction for me!
Gina! Yay for getting in so quickly! That's a great start. I know how scary it is. But you're brave, you're strong, and you want this. I agree with Vel, she'll probably run bloodwork and do an ultrasound to look at everything. Not sure if they'll do it while AF is there though, so you might have to go back in a week-ish. I hope that she is open, listens to you and takes you seriously. Good luck, and do keep us posted! Looking forward to seeing how it goes. And as for monitored cycles, don't even worry about that yet. You're far from it. And if that is a route you persue, like I said before - I used to think it was ridiculous, unnatural, all that stuff. But it won't be much different than it is now. If it helps, don't tell DH when it's "ordered", as you said you tend to BD around O naturally anyways. It won't be as bad as you fear. As crappy of a boat I'm in, it's still nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. We're all here for you, and I have a gut feeling it's probably something common genetically/blood wise that they'll test for, treat and you'll be on your way. Your body wants to be pregnant, it just needs a little bit of help! :) you'll be okay, my love. And when you're not feeling okay, I'm here!

Gagrl, I hope your weekend away with DH is a fun one! Taking your mind of TTC/TWW is something I haven't mastered yet lol but anything helps. Can't wait to see your tests soon! :D

Happy to hear everything is going well, Jez! Don't forget about us here and pop in sometimes to let us know how you are. I know it must be exciting to graduate to the pregnancy forums, but we'll miss you!
Vel - the book sounds super cool! That's totally the kind of thing I'd read. It also sounds like it has many layers and therefore lots to offer and keep the reader interested, so that's awesome. And I know a few stories of professors and students... so scandalous! As for when AF was due, it's hard to tell in case CP messed up my cycle last month, as I did O two days later than before, but AF was probably due 3-4 days ago. My FRER from this morning is below.

Gag - that's sweet of you, but I ain't going anywhere! I'm happy with my lines of course, but honestly, I'm still so scared. I feel like I see sooooo many women on here with MCs in their signatures, even at like 6, 8, 9, 10 weeks etc. that I find it really hard to imagine the same won't happen to me. It keeps me so scared and 8 months feels like so long to get through. So I'm not exactly excited to be on the preg forums, just nervous! The thought of getting comfortable and allowing myself to be excited only to have it all dashed is terrifying. I'm definitely a bit of a negative Nancy!


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Thanks ladies! Jez your lines are amazing! I have never gotten lines that dark. Even when I was 16 and didn't take a test until around 7 weeks. I actually thought it was negative because it looked more like your 13 dpo test and I thought the lines had to be the same color to be positive. That test right there is my "line goals" :haha: I really think this is your forever baby. But obviously stick around here! ;)
That's sweet of you to say, Gina. I can't remember my line from back in the day, other than it made me think ohhh sheeeeeyat. I really wish I could shift this anxiety. It can't be good for my body. I should probably go do school work and prepare for clinic. I'm so behind, but can't stop thinking about all this baby stuff. Wish it was possible to take a mental break from it all. Anyway, thanks guys, and sorry for all my whining <3
jez- I think that's normal after your CP.. You were so excited and you don't want to go through the same heartbreak but try to relax and don't worry too much. Try to keep yourself busy with something else. It might be the last thing you want to do right now but that school work and everything is probably a good idea to do ^^
The lines look amazing and normal so i think you are on the track of having those healthy 9 months ^^

Wifey- How are you doing? everything still active in the ovaries? Hope those eggys are becoming nice and big ^^

Gag- Yay for distraction ^^ i'm glad you can find something.

AFM so got my digi opks this morning and took one right away. it's low... SO looks like I am not ovulating yet. Now i'm thinking maybe i have been ovulating late the whole time and didn't even realize.. We could've been Bding at the totally wrong time :(
Let's hope this month works better. ^^ Maybe this saturday we'll conceive at the animecon. WE'll have enough alone time all night in the hotel room hehehehe...


:dust: for everyone and Jez don't forget about little ol' us ^^
I'm thinking it's more obvious now that I did not ovulate.. So the BD will continue..


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Vel I would bd just in case tho. Your temp is on a downward trend so it's possible you missed the surge. If it doesn't shoot up tomorrow and still have a low then I'd say you are safe to assume they are right. I loved using those for the first like 3 months. After that I only got lows? I bought a 2 month kit that lasted me way longer because I know when I O so I only used a few sticks a month so I wonder if they are programed to only work for so long. But if you do O later than you thought that's definitely an explanation on why it hasn't worked. That's why I took opks for a few months, just to know for sure that I O when I think I do. Oh and your book sounds great!

Gag, I'm not great with that app but does it give you CH if it thinks you Od? Doesn't hurt to continue to dtd just in case. You did just get bc out so it might take a few months until you are regular. Try taking opks for awhile. I'd try the cheapies so you don't waste too much money not knowing when you will O. That will give you a good idea of what's going on at least.

Jez, feel free to express your concerns all you want. That's what we are here for! I really think your fine but I obviously understand your worries. I don't think that will ever go away. Even when you give birth, you will forever worry about your baby. That just means you will be an amazing mother. :hugs:

Wifey, how is the stronger dose of clomid? Have any side effects?

Afm I got a menstrual cup yesterday that I am trying out. It's making me feel super dizzy though. I've read some women are more sensitive to suction on their cervix so I've been trying to break the suction every time I use the restroom. We will see how it goes. I love the idea behind it but it's definitely different. So nervous about my appt today. I took your guys' advice and wrote some stuff down. I too end up deer in headlights and think of everything on the way home lol. I figure today will just be mostly a talking appointment. I hope she is as nice as her reviews say lol. FX!
Vel I would bd just in case tho. Your temp is on a downward trend so it's possible you missed the surge. If it doesn't shoot up tomorrow and still have a low then I'd say you are safe to assume they are right. I loved using those for the first like 3 months. After that I only got lows? I bought a 2 month kit that lasted me way longer because I know when I O so I only used a few sticks a month so I wonder if they are programed to only work for so long. But if you do O later than you thought that's definitely an explanation on why it hasn't worked. That's why I took opks for a few months, just to know for sure that I O when I think I do. Oh and your book sounds great!

Gag, I'm not great with that app but does it give you CH if it thinks you Od? Doesn't hurt to continue to dtd just in case. You did just get bc out so it might take a few months until you are regular. Try taking opks for awhile. I'd try the cheapies so you don't waste too much money not knowing when you will O. That will give you a good idea of what's going on at least.

Jez, feel free to express your concerns all you want. That's what we are here for! I really think your fine but I obviously understand your worries. I don't think that will ever go away. Even when you give birth, you will forever worry about your baby. That just means you will be an amazing mother. :hugs:

Wifey, how is the stronger dose of clomid? Have any side effects?

Afm I got a menstrual cup yesterday that I am trying out. It's making me feel super dizzy though. I've read some women are more sensitive to suction on their cervix so I've been trying to break the suction every time I use the restroom. We will see how it goes. I love the idea behind it but it's definitely different. So nervous about my appt today. I took your guys' advice and wrote some stuff down. I too end up deer in headlights and think of everything on the way home lol. I figure today will just be mostly a talking appointment. I hope she is as nice as her reviews say lol. FX!
So Kindara doesn't, but I've been using that and FF and this morning when I entered everything into FF, I got my ch

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