first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

Welcome lawes :) yeah it's normal. ... the hormones try going back to normal so you might feeling a lot of things different and it can take a whike till your cycle gets regular and normal again... with some it takes a while and with some it goes pretty quickly. Hope it goes quick for you :)
Welcome lawes :) yeah it's normal. ... the hormones try going back to normal so you might feeling a lot of things different and it can take a whike till your cycle gets regular and normal again... with some it takes a while and with some it goes pretty quickly. Hope it goes quick for you :)

Thank you babe :-) well I ovulated for sure, had EWCM on 24th and 25th September and my Ovia App had me ovulate on 26th. So that makes me 11 dpo. I had a :bfn: yesterday morning. I'm waiting until AF is due on Thursday before I test again.
Gina I can so relate to what you wrote. It does feel unfair. I am almost 40 and never been pregnant. Well, maybe once two months ago but it didn't stick. It truly is a heartache. ^hugs^ I'm sure you'll get your BFP though!

Velathria, you lucky lady! I did not know until now that you are blessed with a child already! Yay! My DH keeps saying relax and it will just happen also. But in the last week or so he has been more inquisitive as to what helps to create a successful pregnancy so that's good!

Welcome, Lawles! I am 13dpo today so we're almost at the same point.

Baby dust and miracles!!

As for me, I have weird symptoms still, and I still FEEL pregnant. I have a raised temperature (I'm not charting so not sure by how much) and DH says I feel super hot. But since yesterday I am also freezing on and off. Can't regulate my body temperature at all. I've also gotten pimples on my back etc. I haven't had pimples since I was a teenager! These are new symptoms for me, and combined with everything else this month, I just think...but then the bfn that I keep getting with the cheapie$ test glares back at me with so much negativity. Yuck.
Yeah apps are confusing. I have three different ones and they all say different things even though I put in all the information.
Well I woke up today in a much better mood. Craved bacon and eggs this morning (haven't eaten it in years) and it was lovely. I'm really wet down there today, I'm 11dpo, its clear/white and sticky. AF is due tomorrow but no signs yet. No cramping, just little twingy pains.

I'm thinking of testing again when I finish work later. I did ovulate later then the App thought, 17 days into my cycle. It changed it once I had 2 days of EWMC.
FertileFlower, that was how my chemical was. I kept getting bfn but af wasn't showing. Until 4 days late, then I got a faint positive. And 3 hours later lost the baby. The world of ttc is heartless. So many people, myself included, get pregnant by accident but the women that are ready to be mothers and want it so bad have the hardest time. It's just not fair. Have you talked to your doctor about anything you could take seeing as you are over 35? Every little bit will help!

Lawes, no signs of AF is good! And so is weird cravings and that cm. When I was pregnant I had an abundant amount of creamy CM the whole time which I have read is a really good sign. I've started getting it again so hopefully it's a good sign and not becoming my normal.

It's so hard to keep trying month after month but I'm hoping we can all get our bfp soon! I have no idea what dpo I am so no urge to test. I will test on the 17th if AF hasn't shown. If it's positive, I might skip the party. I can't take drunk people when I can't drink lol. If it's negative I might have a beer but definitely not drinking much just incase. I took an opk yesterday just to see two lines. :haha: I'm so sick of only seeing one. FX this month is it. I go back and forth about whether I think I am or not. Hurry up tww!
Hahahaha it's rough the waiting. You guys all seem to have promising symptoms. .. I am cheering for all of you :)
gina236, my dr is not helpful at all. Since my period is regular he says there is no reason I couldn't become pregnant (despite ovarian cysts, tilted cervix etc).

My period started today like clockwork. :( 14dpo. At least I know now for sure that I ovulate, and ovulated super early (cd7) like the cbd said. Also that I have a healthy luteal phase.
This month I had a 20 day cycle. Shortest in my history. But maybe that means my body is trying? Idk.

Hello everyone.. DH and I have known each other for 2 years now and got married 8 months ago. This is my first time TTC. I haven't started charting as yet because my periods are so irregular I never kept track of it. No idea when I ovulate. Thought I wouldn't stress out on it so much but.... boy did that not happen. DH birthday this weekend and was hoping I could surprise him.. :-(

Anyway past one week felt very nauseous, didnt want to eat and very bloated. AF was supposed to visit today but didnt. Took one of the RIteAid tests and there was a BFN.

I hope to learn more about the process and see a BFP soon.... Good luck everyone
Welcome khanfazal :) we are happy to help. You definitely need to find out when your ovulating because having sex around it doesn't really help with getting pregnant.... you only have a 20% chance of getting pregnant every cycle so its Def important to know when that window is open.and when it's closed... your symptoms sound very promising. Have you come off any BC? Might be that your body is still adjusting.. I wish you luck and hope it will happen right away for you :) Lots of baby dust for you :)

@fertileflower awww I'm so sorry. Maybe you guys should try a different doctor... yours doesn't sound so good. And have you ever tried vitex or I read about this tea that has helped alot of people. It's called Diamana I think. .. or something like that. I'll definitely be taking those this month when I move in with my bf. Maybe it will help you and your dh. I really hope. You are definitely the ones who deserve a baby. Lots of baby dust to you too. :dust:
Right so, 12dpo, took a test with FMU this morning and got an odd result. The visible strip didn't have a line but underneath the max bit right before the visible bit of the strip started, there was a pink line after I used it. I peeled it back a tiny bit and saw it. I was in a rush to leave for work so I threw it in the bin and decided I'll do another tomorrow morning.

Also, AF is due today, no sign as yet, no crampy or bleeding at all and I had a good internal check.

My Ovia App thinks I've done a full cycle and told me it had be ovulating at CD19, when originally I thought it was CD17 as my fertility score was 10, the highest, that day and I'd had EWCM for a few days. So now I'm think... am I actually 12dpo or 10dpo?

Mmmh that's a good question.. so basically on it were two lines then? Just the second one was hidden first? I'd say just take the cheap test every morning for a week and then if you had a positive today then it should come up more stronger the next few days... and what dpo you are at ... mmmh I don't know.. did you BD at both of them?
It might have just had too much urine on it. Or the test wasnt made right. Either way I would retest tomorrow and see. If you are only 10dpo that's early to get a bfp so I wouldn't worry about it. AF not showing is the best sign there is so hopefully that test was just a misprint and the line wasn't put in right. Idk how they are made but there has to be something to cause a line in the same spot every time. Hopefully yours just had that stuff moved a little.
Yeah I agree that Ia probably it.

How are you doing gina? I am at the airport and about to leave to be with my bf *squeal* waaaah I can't wait ^^
I am doing good. No idea how many dpo I am and done trying to figure it out. If I'm pregnant great, if not, I will have a Christmas announcement to my family which is what I originally wanted, just didn't want to wait that long so trying not to get down about it.

Ahh can't believe its moving day already!! Good luck! Lots of :sex: coming up ;) haha.
OH well that be cool too right? Finding out on Christmas. Be a good present.

Yeah it actually went pretty quickly. :) I'm so so excited and that is definitely happening :) Lots and lots of it :D
God there is a woman here with three kids and her daughter is standing with me and keeps trying to tear down my coffee or take my sons gummy bears and the mom isn't even keeping an eye on her daughter also the little girl just tore through all the toys throwing them around.... why do women like that get to have baby's like crazy... so annoying.
I know what you mean. I saw a women at a pet store once with 5 kids. They were all running around touching things, banging on the glass, etc. And she just ignored them. Now I understand keeping control of 5 kids is hard but come on. It just makes no sense why she could have 5 kids and I struggle to have 1.

Ya my original anouncement plan was to give my parents presents that said I was pregnant somehow but I couldn't figure out how to not raise suspicion without it being a holiday or something. Christmas would be perfect. Maybe that's why I haven't been able to keep a pregnancy. Who knows how the world works lol. But I would definitely be okay with being pregnant now. My cousin just announced her pregnancy. I am sooo happy for her. She has endometriosis and they have been trying for years but at the same time, we would have been about a week apart with my chemical. We were both already pregnant at my second cousins birthday party. I just want it to be my turn.

Good luck on your flight. Hope you and your son love it in Ireland! And you get lots of writing done! :)
Yeah maybe the universe had it planned that way xD I know what you mean though... it's not worth waiting for another 2 months... I want it now too but alas I missed my timing this month :(
But atleast I'm not going through the tww... I'll be doing that next month xD

Come on... we were 4 kids and my mom had us well under control.. yes it's hard but you just have to have a firm grip on them and show them who is boss... omg I am wanting to shout at the mom... she isnt doing anything while her daughter is taking toys away from the other kids and hitting them and pushing them.. I just went up and said no.. cause I've had enough. Grrr... getting really mad now... why the hell do those people deserve children while you and fertileflower have been trying for so long.. it's not fair.
Ya I come from a family of 3 and we NEVER misbehaved like that. Being a kid is one thing but that girl needs to be taught some manners. People like that are the reason there are so many bullies. If that girl doesn't learn she will just get worse. Kids need boundries.
Exactly you know what it's like. Sure some kids are more headstrong. My son is too but you just have to know how to handle them and show them like you said boundaries. My son is actually protecting the other kids and giving the girl a lecture xD it's kinda cute of him. He is so well behaved even though he can be a devil sometimes xD

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