first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

No idea lol. I found a whole fertility diet thing that is basically eating super healthy. Having a salad, a green juice, and a fertility smoothie every day along with like a gallon of water. I'm gonna start that monday. Tomorrow me and DH plan to spend all morning together. I told him I feel like we should reconnect with each other so I came up with the idea that all morning no going on our phones, no getting ready. Just lying around, preferably naked, talking, cuddling, watching tv. Whatever we want as long as it's just us. I didn't like feeling resentment towards him for not DTD so I planned out this day. We are too busy to do it for a whole day but I got him to agree to doing it for half a day :haha: we have so much going on that we never just relax alone together. I'm hoping it will help our stress. He is working 2 jobs, studying to apply for another, trying to fix the head gaskets on his truck plus renovating our house and then on top of it all we are trying to have a baby. It's all just becoming too much. Hoping next month will prove to be better and I will finally be joining you.

Do you know if you will get to see the baby tomorrow or just hear it? FX everything goes well. Good luck keeping it under wraps until christmas. Th at will take some self control lol.
Hey guys lots of baby dust from Ireland!!! I am finally here and busy getting everything squared away. Boxes to open and arranging everything and looking for a car to buy and getting me registered at the council office and everything else. Me and bf already had lots of :sex: it's nice to be finally here. This month might not be our month but we are practicing and I can get my body ready for the next month :) so i'm in for next month with you Gina :)

Lawes... I'm sorry your still not getting your bfp... I am it happens soon because a missed AF is pretty weird.

Welcome back Rex :) I don't think we've had the pleasure of talking :) good luck for this month :)

Hey Mini :) everytime went well with the move :) and I'm happy you are feeling better. Is tomorrow the first ultrasound? So excited for you :)
Hey guys lots of baby dust from Ireland!!! I am finally here and busy getting everything squared away. Boxes to open and arranging everything and looking for a car to buy and getting me registered at the council office and everything else. Me and bf already had lots of :sex: it's nice to be finally here. This month might not be our month but we are practicing and I can get my body ready for the next month :) so i'm in for next month with you Gina :)

Lawes... I'm sorry your still not getting your bfp... I am it happens soon because a missed AF is pretty weird.

Welcome back Rex :) I don't think we've had the pleasure of talking :) good luck for this month :)

Hey Mini :) everytime went well with the move :) and I'm happy you are feeling better. Is tomorrow the first ultrasound? So excited for you :)

Agreed. Another :bfn: this morning and still no AF or signs of AF. I'd rather just know now it's doing my head in. Even if AF comes I'll know where I stand.
Yeah I get what you mean.. I hope you finally have either a bfp or af. Got my fingers crossed for the bfp. :)
Finally back home after a busy morning! The obgyn office was in a separate place as the imaging center to do the ultrasound, so after the appointment we had to drive across town to the other place. Which was no big deal but it ended up taking a while. We got to see the baby on the ultrasound and hear the heartbeat! Baby was VERY active, kept doing little flips and lifting it's little arms up ny it's head. So cool! Our next appointment is already set for October 31 (Halloween lol) so I guess so far everything is progressing well. I still have to do the blood test this week, so I'll be waiting on those results. Keep fingers crossed that everything looks good!!

Gina, that diet sounds intense. But I think the time with just you and dh reconnecting is a great idea. ..especially since you've been so busy lately.

Glad you are settled in, Velathria!! I'm sure Ireland is gorgeous right now, perfect atmosphere for baby making lol.
Awww that's great :) sooo cute... congrats mini :) yeah weather is amazing :D lots of :sex:

Hope everything stays well with you. :) how far are you now?
Awe that's so awesome mini. I'm glad he/she was active for you. So exciting :)

Glad things are going good in Ireland velathria. How does your son like it so far?

Lawes I'm sorry your stuck in limbo. It happens to all of us it seems. Hope that bfp comes soon!
I'm out. AF arrived this morning, heavy and bright. 3 days late. Just as I was about to take another test. Oh well :coffee:
Awww sorry lawes... that really sucks :( then your with me trying next month... atleast you know now though.
@gina: my son is doing good. He is adjusting well.. he has been sleeping a bit rough but that's just because it's a different place and he has to adjust to that but he is a good boy :) how r you?
I'm good. Lazy day today. DH took my jeep to go work on his truck and then has work tonight so I'm just hoping my friend will come over at some point. Lol.
Hello ladies, I am new to this forum and would like to join in on your conversation, if that's okay. A little about me: My hubby and I have been together for 8 years, married for 4 years. Both 24 years old. We suffered a miscarriage back when we were both 18, which was really a blessing in disguise because we were so young and not ready at all.. Well, when we got married at 20 we decided to not really try but not prevent getting preggo either..aaaaand absolutely nothing for 4 years! So I decided to get on some BC (nuvaring) to regulate myself, thinking that was the problem.

Well I just stopped it last month (Sept. 13th) so we could TTC again and had my withdrawal bleed for 5 days, like normal. Then Oct. 1st (CD18) came around and I started spotting. Well today is now day 11 that I've been bleeding and I have no idea what's going on! I had called my OBGYN this past Friday to ask about this bleeding and she was absolutely no help at all. Told me to wait it out to see if it gets worse or if I get a positive HPT and to call on Monday with results. I'm calling them tomorrow to make an appointment to get everything checked out (bloodwork, ultrasound, pap, the works) because it's gotten a bit worse but no where near close to my typical AF off BC. This is just so unusual. The last time I was on the nuvaring and stopped it, this didn't happen.

I'm just so glad that I found a place I can vent about this kinda stuff cause I'm sure my hubby is tired of listening to me by now lol. :-#
Awww sorry lawes... that really sucks :( then your with me trying next month... atleast you know now though.
@gina: my son is doing good. He is adjusting well.. he has been sleeping a bit rough but that's just because it's a different place and he has to adjust to that but he is a good boy :) how r you?

Yep. Many many humpies in October! Lol.
Welcome. These forums are a great place to vent and get some support/advice. I did the same thing. Hubby was getting stressed hearing about every little thing, I only have one friend that knows we are trying, so I found these forums. I would think the bleeding has to do with coming off the birth control. It can take a few months for things to get back to normal. Definitely a good idea to get checked out just incase. Keep us updated!
Welcome Emmy :) everyone here is amazing. My bf keeps making fun of me about how I'm stressing... Lol just bought Damiana pills. They are supposed to help with fertility.... But my bf doesn't believe in all that natural way xD
Emmy all that spotting is probably from getting off of the nuvaring. It's surprising how your body changes when you are ttc''s annoying. I came of a non-hormonal IUD and I still have a totally different cycle and suddenly spotting... But having a doc check everything out before hand is still a good idea :)
Hope it all goes well :)
Don't you hate it when you are already out for the month with trying and then you know you have to wait till the next month to start again.... It's horrible. Which it were november already. I want to see what happens when my bf and me try for real this time.
I actually just looked into damiana today but got scared away by some of the possible side effects. Im such a worrier Lol. I will be adding maca root into my smoothies this month. And hemp and chia seeds whenever I feel like it lol. I try to stay as natural as possible. Went shopping last night and got soooo much produce haha. Just doing a green juice a day is going to take so much. I used to drink them all the time but it's just such a pain to clean the juicer and to go through so much produce. Spending all night tonight prepping everything. I'll be making and freezing all the smoothies I can, making non dairy ones for me and dairy ones for dh. It's gonna be crazy (especially because I have no kitchen atm.) :haha:
gina: so glad you're on a positive mindset with the TTC journey! Sometimes just prepping with a plan like that helps ease the stress of the process. I've started my healthy diet too. I cheated a little with movie popcorn last night, but I needed it!

Mini: so glad to hear the appt went well! That's SO exciting!!

Hi everyone else! Sorry to Lawes on AF, FX for next cycle :thumbup:

AFM: I'm not totally sure what DPO I am (estimated based on my cycle length and CM), having cramping and HUGE boobs, super lower back is aching, and I've been waking up to pee. Hopefully all good signs, but who knows. I didn't temp/chart/do anything this cycle because I've been so busy with traveling, work, fixing up the house, etc. We'll see!
I definitely think prepping for the next cycle is helping me stay positive. Still hoping I won't have to go onto next cycle but it won't hurt to start this diet now either way. I am anywhere from 8 dpo to 10 dpo. Starting to have a little more hope for this cycle for some reason though.

Popcorn isn't bad, it's mostly air. So if you gotta cheat, it's a good choice :haha: and everyone needs some bad stuff in their diet. If not you end up bing eating like I do all the time :haha: those symptoms sound great! Being busy is good. FX not charting gives you a bfp!!
Thank you for the warm welcome! :hi:

I think you ladies are right about this spotting being because of getting off BC. The first couple weeks after taking it out, I swear I was preggo because I had pretty much every symptom in the book! And when I first started spotting, I was convinced it was implantation bleeding since it started out pink then brown for almost 4 days. But when it turned red, I lost my hope. And now that it has continued several days, I don't have any symptoms anymore, besides a few headaches. Took a test 2 days before the "real" AF was due (Oct. 10th) and BFN.. Going to test again tomorrow before I call my gyn just to be sure but there's no way a baby could survive this amount of bleeding..

I couldn't call my gyn this morning because I forgot to take the HPT. Whoops. I'm useless in the morning until I have my cup of coffee haha!

But once this stupid spotting stops, I plan on using OPKs and temping. I've never done either before, but I'm really trying to get pregnant this time. Oh! And maybe some Preseed if I can manage to get my hands on some! I heard that stuff works wonders! I'm already taking prenatals, so hopefully that helps.
It definitely sounds like it is due to coming off the BC. And I have heard good things about all of those! If I am not pregnant this cycle I will be using a few opks next cycle. I only have 4 left and don't want to buy more so I'll have to make do. Lol. I had to use one yesterday to put my mind at ease. I was having watery cm and cramps even though I should have been 10 dpo I just had to make sure. It was beyond negative thankfully.

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