first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

Awe that sounds so nice! I wish dh and I could do that tonight. It's his night off of his second job but we get to spend it working on his truck. He will be under the hood and I will be cleaning the mold out of the interior. It has been in his parents garage since March and they neglected to tell us they have a mold problem -_- so now the entire interior is covered. I told dh once I O I am not going anywhere near it so today is the last day he can rope me into cleaning it lol. Hopefully he will get it running by the weekend and we will be able to sell it! :)

Ireland always sounds so beautiful. I doubt I'll ever make it there but I love seeing pictures. My true love is italy. I will make it there someday! Lol.
Yeah he comes home at 4. It's nice cause he works close by. I get that. Mold for a baby is not a good thing lol ;)
Hello ladies! Been M.I.A. like always. I'm 8 DPO, hoping for signs of implantation right now. Haven't gotten a dip in my temps, nor have I had cramps or bleeding...but it feels like my "fertilized" egg has made it to my uterus. No other symptoms either. But I've read that you usually don't get symptoms until AFTER implantation, so until I have some kind of sign of implantation, I'm not going to symptom track so hard.

I see that gina and two are going to O soon!!! Have fun with BD!!!! I took a lot of TTC stress off DP by not telling him I was O. I just initiated BD and he finished every time. Then I'd go into the bathroom, lie on the floor, and put my legs and pelvis high in the air to help his little swimmers get in there! lol... I basically did everything in private. I took my OPKs privately and even used pre-seed lubricant without telling him. This cycle has been 0% TTC stress compared to others. Fx, this will be our month!
Good idea magicalmom. I haven't really told my bf so he doesn't feel like I only want to because I'm ovulating. I just get it going. ;) and then lay in bed with a pillow under my butt... hehehhehe.... the things we do... :D I really hope this is your month and it's good that you aren't symptom spotting cause that makes me go all crazy. Lots of baby dust your way.
Hello ladies!

This used to be my favorite thread when me and Gina was synced up time wise.
Now I feel I am so out of the loop!

Gina and Velathria, hope you have fun bd'ing and everything works out well!

magicalmom2be, I am 7 dpo so one day behind you!

I think this IS my month. I know I have felt like that before, and never having been pregnant it's hard to tell. But, since ovulation I've been really bloated with dull cramps. Yesterday the dull cramps turned into a/f like cramps and both ovaries was hurting and I have little twinges here and there and tons of CM. I keep waiting for an implantation bleed but so far none of that. But the major difference from previous months is that my abdomen is hard, swollen, and I feel pressure and "full". I am afraid to psych myself up and then get disappointed again, I just think this is it and it's difficult to deny those feelings. I even told DH no sex until I can be sure the bean/s implanted! He is not too happy about that, but...
Lawes1987, I did not mean to leave you out. I hope that things are feeling better now on your end. It does sound like your DH could use some anger management. I grew up in an abusive household and I couldn't deal with a partner losing his temper to the degree he broke things. Sending good vibes to you!
Magicalmom, hoping you get that bfp soon. Everyone is different when it comes to symptoms. With my chemical I was getting nauseous at 1 dpo. But I have heard most women don't notice anything until implantation. I agree not to tell the men. They don't need that added pressure. If we don't "finish" it's not a big deal, we need them to finish to have a baby lol. When we are done I try to just not sit up for awhile. They say gravity doesn't really help or hurt matters. That once the semen is in there as long as you don't work your muscles down there they shouldn't have a problem making it. But you can never be too safe lol.

Velathria, how are you doing?

Fertileflower I've missed us being on the same cycle. That was the cycle I actually got pregnant. Only 1 more week left of your tww! Listen to your gut instinct. It knows what your consciousness doesn't ;) so hoping this is your month!

AFM I'm cd11. Opks are still super light but been having ovary pain all afternoon. Thinking it might be the follicle growing because last month I had it and didn't O for 2 more days according to when AF showed. So forcing dh to DTD tonight no matter how tired he is X) just to have my bases covered in case it's the egg releasing this time. I'm so afraid of trusting these opks. I feel like I am just going to miss the surge with them and never know when the positive one was. We haven't dtd since Monday because we keep falling asleep so that is my mission once DH gets home from his second job. Haha.

Baby dust to everyone!!! Cant wait to see some BFPs soon!!
Velathria -- I agree! The things we do TTC! I felt rather foolish on the bathroom floor with my pelvis, hips, and legs high in the air, but if I get that BFP... I know it wouldn't have been in vain! :-)

Fertileflower -- We're cycle buddies! 9 DPO over here...and like you, I FEEL pregnant. This is OUR month, love! Baby dust to you!!!!

Gina -- Sounds like O is RIGHT there. And those cheapies will darken very soon. Once I get a faint line, I go ahead and start testing twice a day (or more) to catch the surge. Keep BDing, because it sounds like that egg will be popping out soon!

AFM, I got impatient and tried a FRER, which claims to detect pregnancy 6 days before AF. Well, I'm 5 days before AF and got a BFN...stark white, not even a HINT of a line, even hours later (which wouldn't count anyway, but still...) I was sad about it, but did a little research that made me feel better. Most ladies say they didn't get a BFP until 4+ days after implantation. Well, according to my chart, I think I may have an implantation dip today, which means I wouldn't have enough hcG in my system to detect. 4 days from now AF should be here, so I guess I'll wait 'til Monday. :coffee:
Lawes1987, I did not mean to leave you out. I hope that things are feeling better now on your end. It does sound like your DH could use some anger management. I grew up in an abusive household and I couldn't deal with a partner losing his temper to the degree he broke things. Sending good vibes to you!

Thanks babe. I think we have done as much as we could this month so it's just a waiting game. DH wants a summer baby so let's wait and see!
Gina, it's great that you at least know for sure you can get pregnant! For me, that would be a HUGE step forward if it was 100% confirmed even if it didn't stick.
I had a spike on my OPK at cd11 this month, and I had a lot of ovulation signs. It was almost a fluke that I kept testing because I was sure I had ovulated. Then on cd16 I got a GLARING positive OPK that made me question if I ever had a positive one before even. By that time we'd been bd'ing every day for 10 days or so and had to really squeeze it out of DH, literally and figuratively speaking. haha
I hope this is your month and all goes smooth!

magicalmom2be, so exciting!! I admit I took a ic yesterday too at 7dpo. Definitely stark negative. I knew it would be, since I feel I am implanting right now and it's still underway. But the urge to poas was too strong! :)
This is your first too?
This IS our month! Yay!

Lawes, it's a good feeling I think to have the stressful parts over with. The TWW is not a bag of chips, but at least like you wrote, you know you have done all you can.

AFM, still having really promising cramps! DEFINITELY new and very strong symptom! Goes from dull aching pain to day of a/f pains. My lower belly and area parallel with my hip bones I have strong blue veins that I've never experienced before. I have them on my boobs too but that is usual for me in tww. I am also really bloated to the point I look pregnant.
When I was in the shower I had 5-6 shooting twinges in my lower abdomen slightly to the right also. The large amount of CM is continuing too.
Something is definitely going on!! This is not an early period. If I am not preggo, I am going to think something is wrong with me. I wish we could upload pics directly onto here, I'd show you how my belly looks! It's nuts! I have a tilted uterus, and I've read that the can body try to correct it when one gets pregnant. I think that might be what it is.
I didn't want to get my hopes up, but too late for that now. They are WAY up!
Can't wait for you both to get those bfps. I know they are coming!! FertileFlower it sounds like you are having amazing symptoms! It's hard not to get your hopes up. Especially when you feel different than previous months. Hoping it is a good sign!!

AFM I am hoping that I O soon. I hate analyzing my chart over the TWW trying to see if I O'd any time other than when I thought so I figured opks would help that but they are turning out to be a pain. I took 4 yesterday lol. The one at 10 was the darkest but not even close to positive. So who knows. I really should temp to confirm O but I just know I'll never remember. Lol

Good luck ladies!
This guy at my work is killing me today. Everyone is dressing up for Halloween today and he dressed like a cowboy. My weakness! Lmao. And he drives a Wrangler! If you need me I'll be over here swooning haha.
Hey guys :) wow alot happened since I last checked. :D
Fertileflower that really sounds promising!! It has to be postive this month. Lol

Gina maybe your hubby should dress up as a cowboy and you as something that he likes ;) might make the whole dtd even easier.

Lawes I'm glad everything is going better for you :)

Magicalmom I got my fingers also crossed for you
. Looks like we will be having two maybe even 3 bfp this month :)

The deal with me? Well I am super confused about my Ovulation. .. I don't know what's going on....

Because of the sex I don't know if it's ewcm or just sperm and yesterday I had like just white thick cm not ewcm but then today it's watery... I had some cramps this morning on both sides but besides that I am having no ovulation signs.. oh well Me and my bf have been going at it for the past week hoping to not miss it.... my ovulations are always so irregular...

Besides that I am feeling really well about this month.... but I'm trying not to think about it too much or it will stress me out...
Baby dust to you all :)
I am having the same issue with the CM! It's so hard to tell. I had cramping last night but no idea if it was O related or not. My cervix is soft high and open though! :) wishing my opks would show something. I'm taking 3 or 4 a day and not seeing anything other than faint lines. If I don't get pregnant this month i will be investing in the cb digital opk. Just to make it easier. And we will be looking into getting dh a SA just to know how often we should be dtd. If his :spermy: is great we will try to up it to every day but I'm hesitant to do that just incase they are only average swimmers lol. So much goes into ttc it's crazy.
Fertileflower -- Hey cycle buddy! This IS my first....and I'm so like you! It's hard not to POAS! I have already tested on 7 DPO and 9 DPO and got a couple of BFNs, but there is still hope! As hard as it is, I'm trying to wait until expected AF (Monday) to test again. My symptoms are just like yours -- dull aches to mild AF cramps. All of your symptoms sound too promising! I feel BFPs coming soon!

Gina -- I feel some BFPs coming too!!! Checking your cervix is a good method to determine O, and SHOW (soft, high, open, and wet) means O is either there or coming very soon. How long are you cycles usually? When it comes to OPKs, I had gotten so obsessed with wanting to know for sure that I was using both IC and CB. Once my ICs began to darken, I'd use CB. This stuff gets costly, but we all know you can't put a price on getting a BFP!

Velathria -- Sounds like you are about to O. I believe CF gets watery right before it becomes EWCM. Mine was always still thick and creamy during O, which is the kind that blocks sperm from going in...however, I used pre-seed lubricant to help with that.

Lawes -- I can second that!!! I've done all I can this cycle. We BD'd 2 days before O, on O, and 2 days after O. And had OPKs and temp chart to confirm it. If I don't get a BFP, I'm gonna be super sad!

AFM... 10 DPO... AF would be here on Monday, but I'm claiming a BFP instead. I have 2 FRER waiting for me, and I'm gonna try best to hold off with testing until then. Baby dust needed over here! lol...
Hi guys... so discharge is still watery but maybe by tomorrow I will ovulate... it did say on the 30th so that would be tomorrow... I am having slight twinges on both sides of my ovaries... can't really distinguish which side it's coming from.

Gina- looks like we are still on the same cycle here :D
Hope this is our month :) what is a SA for your dh? I wish I could check with opks or anything but my kit is still on its way from amazon... I've never had anything take that long. I ordered them at the beginning of october.... it's been almost month.... I am just going by my mucus and symptoms now and having dtd every day in hopes of not missing the day. :)

Magicalmom - we all understand the constant testing xD it's so hard to resist... this Time I am telling myself I will wait till My period is due and go from there don't know if I'll be able to though xD

It's so funny how cycles buddies keep changing... xD I will laugh if suddenly we all get bfps this month xD
Just dropping in to say hello! I'm 3 dpo, feeling happier and more positive than I have in days. Whether that continues... Stay tuned!
News: finally clear ovulation signs... extreme cramping on my left side so yay!!! I'm so glad and relieved. .. didn't know what was going on.
Glad it made itself known! That always makes things easier. Lol a SA is a Semen analysis. Just to know where we stand. Hopefully we won't need to worry about it because I'll get a bfp but just in case we are gonna look into price and if his insurance covers it.

Magicalmom my cycles are 28 days. I usually O around day 14. Buy if I am stressed it seems to come earlier. I'm on CD 13 today with no real signs yet so hopefully the ewcm starts up. The day of O I usually have so much that I can feel it coming out. Planning to DTD today and tomorrow to make sure plenty of :spermy: are waiting for that egg. You have some great self control to wait! The only time I can do that is if I'm sure I'm out. I hate getting bfn so it's always better to wait, just so hard!

GL everyone. Baby dust to you all!!
Yeah that it does now I don't know if it's today or in about the next two days.... I can never pin point that... best bet is to keep dtding just in case xD

Oh I get it. Well I hope you don't need to do that SA too... got my fingers crossed for all of us.... this month looks like its going to be a good month

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