Hi ladies! It's been so long since I checked in, I just caught up reading all the updates on this thread
Gina and Velathria, it's so exciting that you will be testing on the same day! It's coming up, and it's great that you both are feeling so positive about this month. That goes a long way. Baby dust to everyone!!
As for me, I'm at 14 weeks (already!) and just had the second ultrasound yesterday. It's too early to tell the sex for sure, but the ultrasound tech said if she had to guess, she would guess a little girl

So that's pretty exciting. I'm doing well, still dealing with nausea, though it's not as bad, backache, and of course, tired all the time. As soon as I get home in the evenings, I head straight to the couch lol. A few pairs of my jeans are starting to not fit me, so I guess pretty soon I'll have to pick up some maternity wear. Anyway, I'll keep an eye on everything happening here and keep my fingers crossed for everyone. I'll check back soon!!