Lawes, definitely see a line there! FC for you!!
Velathria, I thought I had implantation bleeding last month at 6dpo. Never have had spotting like that before. But alas, no bump to show for it though. Last month was really odd overall though. Ovulated on cd7 (mega early) and even had a small ovulation bleed.
Gina & Velathria, best wishes and bunches of baby dust! Looking forward to reading about your BFP's!
Magicalmom, hope you are doing good.
AFM, I was pretty sure I was pregnant until two days ago, when I knew something was not right. I got massive pains for a day but no bleeding. I didn't need the bleeding to know that I was out though as my hormones crashed abruptly too. I think I had a CP because next day the bleeding was in full force and a lot heavier and with more dark clumps than usual. It was pretty brutal and emotionally I was a total mess. I cried so much I even made DH cry. Which ended up being quite sweet actually. Brought us closer. New month now! If it was a chemical (all signs and the positive hpt's points to it) then that is the furthers we've come so far! So maybe my body is gearing up and this month will be it!