first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

Hi magical. Ya I finally bought a thermometer for temping lol. It's not a great one though (I thought it was good until I used it) it takes 3-4 mins to give me a temp -_- so I don't trust it too much but I figured what the hell, I'll try it. I should O around Saturday but with having a chemical last month idk. Finally got the cb advanced digital to work this morning but it says low fertility. Cheapies have a line but not too dark of one. But my sex drive has been through the roof the past few days (had sex twice last night after work :blush:) which is usually a sign of the day before O but seems too early. So just BDing and taking it one day at a time.
Omg i just wrote a whole giant text and it just deleted it all :dohh: :cry:

I'm doing good magicalmom but DS is still sick.. me and DP were about to DTD last night and then DS came in because he had woken up again from coughing... but we did it this morning so all is well :) :thumbup:

Gonna do another OPK in a bit because i can feel myself O'ing now... I am having extreme pains on my left side and a slight bit on my right side too...
AAND I FINALLY HAVE EWCM!!! :happydance:

Haven't had that for the last few months... it was always just dry or maybe watery... Hoping the environment is better for the sperm this time :)

I'll be trying hard tomorrow to cook my thanksgiving meal :) hope it goes the way i plan it.. I have been watching lots of videos about how to make the Turkey perfect XD Hope is goes that well with mine tomorrow :D
hahhah.. i hope something else is baking in my oven too :)

I dont think my DP has a problem with lots of :sex:

No black friday shopping but on saturday we are going to the big city and gonna go shopping!! :)

Christmas decorations? It depends.. DP doesnt agree with having decorations up that early but maybe i can convince him to put some up.. i love Christmas decorations. :xmas16::xmas12: so we shall see :)

How about you guys?
Hey thats great Gina!!! So did your DH finish too? Because you were worried it might not work this month. But I'm glad it is :)

Hope you are ovulating like you think you would ;)

Lots of baby dust your way :)

Btw got myself some more pineapple again for after O hehehe.. ;)
He did finish the first time. He knew he wouldn't the second time but he knew I was dying to again :blush: haha. I haven't bought pineapple yet. I probably should lol.

I always do cyber Monday instead of black friday. I hate crowds. Only think we will be going out for is a new pair of work boots for my dh. They are half off and his are falling apart. I am definitely being lazy with decorations this year. I don't think we are even doing a tree. We just don't have room for it with the remodels we are in the middle of. Can't believe it is almost December. I still feel like its back in October lol.
We'll probably get our tree on Sunday. It's been our tradition since we bought our place. There's a farm just down the street where we can choose our tree and cut it down. I'm a bit of a Scrooge when it comes to decorations for holidays, but DH loves it and I love seeing him happy. I think I'll get more into it once we have kids.

On Friday, we'll be out in the middle of nowhere with his parents where he grew up, so no shopping for us. I'm with you Gina - the crowds are too crazy anyway.

I have my thermometer and opks all packed. We haven't told our parents that we're trying yet. Too much pressure! I might even leave my birth control out just to throw my MIL off the scent. Is that bad? It's hard enough each time AF comes. I don't want to feel like they're disappointed too.
Hey guys so finally in the TWW :) opk was negative today and I am on dpo 1 :) yay!!!

Give me a few days and I wont be so happy about having to wait :D

Leson then your like my DP hahah... he is a scrooge too... he refuses to put anything up until the 18th of December.

Gina- sorry you guys don't have the room for a Christmas tree but it's just you and your dh for this one so I guess it's not too bad... bet next your you'll have your little bundle of joy and then it will be different ;)

How is everyone's thanksgiving going? We just finished dinner and I am super stuffed lol.. now relaxing a bit while watching a movie.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone :) hope your enjoying yourselves :hug:
Happy Thanksgiving, ladies! As much as I want to complain about my PMS symptoms and feeling out at 9 DPO... I would much rather focus on how thankful I am to have you ladies in my life. I don't know how I could take on this stressful journey without you. Thank you for your support and kind words. Sometimes the smallest things you say can make the biggest difference while taking on such a tedious journey as TTC. I have my up days and my down days, but no matter what day it is, you ladies are there with 100% unwavering support! You ladies are the best! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! Love you guys! :friends:
Hey magicalmom you are never out until AF comes ;)

I think it's amazing to have you guys.. wish this were a real group right around the corner of my house hahah... this is the only forum I am still on because of you guys :) and I would probably still be even when I get pregnant. :)

Love you guys too and I am so happy to have all you to talk to through this hard ttc journey :)
Happy Thanksgiving ladies!!
I too, appreciate you so much!! It's great to be able to come here to people
who can relate, for support and friendship. Baby dust and fc for gratitude being
the attitude that brings fortitude (and babytude)
Wishing you a fantastic Thanksgiving and following weekend!!

I will write more a bit later tonight.

I'm 3dpo and I feel this is finally my month! I have continued strong burning and dull cramps, the ovaries are taking turns aching so no doubt I ovulated from both. I just feel this is it. We perfectly timed everything, DH had an odd fear reaction right after the last bd which I take as his subconscious knowing it's now manifested reality! (hehe) Not that I just wore him down. (haha)
Happy thanksgiving ladies! I spent the day house hopping lol. Went to my parents first for dinner, then to DHS then back to mine. Haha. DHs cousin was there with her 4 month old. Spent probably an hour holding her <3 everyone saying how right it looked. I just smiled and nodded. FX it happens soon. Got a high on my cb advanced today so O is coming! :) hope everyone had a good day!
Fertileflower -yay we are cycle buddies :) I am dpo 2 today :) I don't feel different yet... I feel like this month won't be it because we only bd'ed like 2 times... one 3 days before and the other 1 day before. .. I hope that was enough.
I'm happy you feel like this is it. FX that you already have a bun in your oven (or maybe two heheh..)

Gina- finally time to BD heheh... time to make your dh to a sex slave hahaha...
Sadly we won't be cycle buddies this month. Let's hope this is our month :)

AFM on 2dpo and not feeling much except that my cold was going away and now I woke up with my nose fully closed up and my throat hurting really bad... I feel exhausted. But this is probably from the cold. :(
I don't think he will mind being a sex slave ;) another high today, still no peak, but started getting ewcm and cervix is HSO so definitely BDING when he gets home from work tonight! So close to O!

Velathria it only takes 1 sperm! They say the most important day is the day before O because it takes a little while for the sperm to make it to the egg so hopefully even though you only did it a few times, sounds like it was at the right time! Did you end up cooking thanksgiving dinner? The one downside of not hosting, we have no leftovers. Lol. Hope you feel better!
Yay gina!! You'll be joining us soon in tww :)

I'm 3 dpo today and I had extremely vivid dreams last night. They were so bizarre. Lol

Gina I hope your right lol.. it be nice if it worked out :)
And yes I made thanksgiving dinner. It was great and we have alot of turkey left over hahah... I love post thanksgiving turkey sandwiches :)

Oh btw I read that to help with implantation that you should make sure your feet are always super warm in tww... and drink lots of hot tea and soups help too. :)
Gina - I'm surprised you didn't hold on to that little one longer! I'm sure it suited you perfectly :). Hope this is the month for you!

Vel - So glad to hear your dinner went well :). My fav thing to do with leftovers is make savory hand pies. Only drawback to having thanksgiving elsewhere - no leftovers for us.


My thanksgiving was delicious and eventful. DH's grandfather was unfortunately diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Things were a bit tense, but he's doing ok so far and he looked really happy with everyone all together. My MIL and DH's aunt did a fantastic job with everything, and they held it together up until the very end. While we did dishes, they snuck off and downed a bottle of wine (and maybe some grappa too). It hit dear MIL just as we hopped in the car. She cried to ear-splitting music from blood brothers for the entire hour drive home. I've never seen her so plastered!

As for TTC matters, positive OPK this am. Right on time! I think my cycles have finally evened out. Excited to see if I get a thermal shift too. With the short LP, I really want that extra confirmation that my progesterone spikes. We've been BDing every other day since CD8 even with the holiday trip, and I'm not sure if it's preseed or natural but either way the ewcm is plentiful. Looking forward to joining everyone in the tww - AF due on 12/11.
I loved holding her. I can't wait to have one! But at the same time been talking to some new friends and they all want to go out drinking. Went out last night and didn't even go to bed until my temping alarm went off. Haha. So temp today will be deleted since it was way later than normal and after drinking last night. I got a peak yesterday afternoon so should O today. We dtd before bed last night at like 4am so we should be good.

Lesondemavie I had the same problem with the no left overs lol. My MIL is supposed to give me the turkey bones so I can make turkey stock but idk if she remembered. So sorry to hear about your DHs grandfather. That's terrible :( :hugs: your poor MIL. I can't even imagine. Great to hear your cycles are on schedule and you had good bd'ing! Really hope it's your month! Sounds like you guys could use some good news.
Magicalmom, any updates? Hope you are doing good!! FC

Vel, yay cycle buddy! How's it going? Feeling anything positive?

Leson and Gina, you are both in the tww now, right? Baby dust to you!!

AFM, 6dpo today and having had constant cramps since before O day. Very itchy boobs. Vivid dreams. I just "know" this is my month!!! I don't have more symptoms than other months. Obviously my body can be very convincing. But, my body tried the months before and prepped, but this is it, this will be a sticky one!! I just know it. My friend had a dream yesterday where I was pregnant also and there has been other unusual synchronizations. The way DH behaves is different also. It's in the energies. :))))
Fertile I can't wait to see your bfp!!! I know what you mean about the feeling. FX it's sticky!!

I belive I am O'ing as we speak. But from the right again. Which is weird. I had pain on the left side earlier in the week that I though was the follicle growing but it's definitely the right side. Maybe I will end up O'ing from both! :)
Hey ladies :kiss:

i'm happy everyone seems to be doing good :)

Gina- it must have been wonderful to hold that little cutey :winkwink: hopefully you will soon have your own to hold and cuddle. :) yeah the partying will be not possible after you have your little peanut but believe me you wont miss it only when they get older lol then you'll probably wanna go out again. hahaha... good luck with O'ing and i hope you catch that egg (or eggs :winkwink:)

Leson- i'm sorry about your Father inlaw... that is horrible.. but i'm glad he had a good time at thanksgiving.. Poor MIL though...

Hope you can make everyone feel a bit better with a new addition to the family :) FX that you catch that egg ;)

Fertileflower- Hey there cyclebuddy :hugs2:
i am on 5dpo today :) i have a few twinges and pulling in my lower abdomen but besides that nothing different then the other cycles.. I have white creamy cm and there is one thing thats different.. My boobies dont hurt... usually by now i'd have super tender bbs and weirdly they arent hurting so i'm hoping thats a good sign... Also been having some vivid dreams and they were very bizarre... i can't even describe them lol

Your symptoms sound super promising!!! :happydance: i so so hope this is it. Got all my fingers crossed for you and my toes hahah...

Lets hope you got a little bundle of joy growing in your belly :hugs:

AFM hoping to be pregnant this month because i will be testing on my BF birthday and that be the best present i could give him :dance:
Lots of baby dust for all of us

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
I'm not a big partier as it is but it's so hard to come up with excuses. I was trying to get this guy to come meet up with us Saturday night telling him it will be my last time going out for awhile using the excuse of I can't afford it and of course he offers to pay for all mine and my DH drinks if we go out to a bar near him. I told him there are other reasons that I am not at liberty to discuss but he wouldn't buy that haha. I'm not the first in the group to have a kid so I'm pretty sure they will still be around just sucks to not be able to go drinking with them. I've never had tons of friends and of course right before I get pregnant suddenly I've got tons haha. But I will gladly give it up for my baby. I believe I O'd yesterday and my temp did go up this morning but not much at all so definitely thinking I have a progesterone issue.

Velathria anything different from normal is great! I'm thinking last month maybe you dtd too much ;) only doing it a few times this month gave you some strong :spermy: FX it works.

Welcome back sophie! Hope everything is good for you!

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