first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

Soph - Welcome back. Hope you're doing well!

Fertile - Rooting for a sticky bean! You're about half way to knowing right? FX to you

Vel - Jealous of these vivid dreams! Hopefully it's a good sign!

Gina - Are you taking your temp at the same time everyday? I've had to adjust a few. I read that you can add or subtract .1 for every half hour you're off.

AFM: Temp shot way up this am. I'm a bit confused since my LH spiked yesterday, and it was still high just before I went to sleep. The charts predicted today as my O day, but they say you O the day before a spike. Maybe I did O today, just super early this am while I slept? I haven't felt any twinges like usual, so that would make sense. If so, wish we had bd'd earlier in the day...but oh well there's still a shot. If AF waits until the night of 12/11, that'll give me a 12 day LP again. So happy about that :)
When I work I take it at the same time but with those 4 days off for the holiday it was a little wacky. I deleted yesterday's temp because I knew it was super off but today it only went up a little bit. I'll see what it does tomorrow and if it's still slow I'll start taking my progesterone cream. But I believe I am 1 dpo today! Sounds like you did O overnight. If that's the case your timing should be perfect! FX for you!
Ah well I've seen some charts gradually climb rather than spike. Time will tell :)

Pretty sure I did O after all last night. CM is now creamy and LH test negative. All the signs are lining up! Glad I started temping to confirm O :). Makes me feel like I'm working fine and it's just going to take some time. Now just to keep temping to see that my progesterone is working as it should. That's the part I've always wondered about with the short it'll give me something to do during the tww :)

Silly question: Does that make me DPO 0 or DPO 1?
It sucks when you can't tell anyone and they won't leave it at that. ..

It'll work out :)

Are you using the progesterone cream now? Hope that works for you this time. :)

I think so too gina... cause I am literally feeling nothing except heartburn... and more heartburn. I seem to have super high energy and feeling great... my boobs don't hurt at all... which is weird. I have a good feeling about this month
I'm not using the cream yet. I wanted to see what my temps do first. But I have it ready to go for tomorrow :)

Ahh I really hope this is your month! What a great birthday present that will be! :)

Lesondemavie I'm not sure what that would count as. I think I would consider today O day so you would be 1 dpo tomorrow.
I so hope it is too gina... it would be perfect bday present and then right before Christmas :) I'm just hoping that not having anything is a sign that I am. Lol

How are you feeling about this month?
I've heard alot of women say not having any symptoms is the best symptoms of all!! FX

I have pretty much given up hope. Idk. I feel we timed things great and I'll probably conceive but at this point I just feel like it won't stick. My temp went up a bit today but I'll start the progesterone cream tonight anyways. Just not getting my hopes up at all.
Mmmh... that's probably best... at least if you do then it'll be a nice surprise :) and if not then at least you won't be as defeated... I wish I could do something to help you... I think it's cruel joke of fate to have someone go through all that.

I just hope that it is this month... but I don't know... I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much either. I don't want to be disappointed again...

Fertileflower and magicalmom how are you two doing?
I was playing around with FF and entered some high temps and it gives me cross hairs on yesterday. I felt myself ovulate on Sunday so idk how reliable FF is. I was in such pain from about 2 pm until bed. At least my temps do show a slow rise which is a sigh of low progesterone. I almost decided not to take it because I didn't want to self diagnose but from what I've read it can't hurt anything to have extra. Lol.
I'm having some emotional/hormonal issues right now.
Feeling really blue. I went from knowing this was the month, to just
feeling blah. I'm 8dpo today but have not tested yet. Last months I started to
test at 7dpo.
Other than the continuous dull/burning pain in uterus and alternating ovaries I'm not feeling much more. Just exhausted, oh, and did I mention blah?

I'm still coming in to check on you ladies and see how you are doing, just not that chatty right now. Wishing I could give out BFP's all around.
Vel - I third that! No signs is a good sign :).

Gina - Hope that progesterone helps you get a sticky bean! Good to know it doesn't hurt.

Fertile - I'm so sorry to hear how you're feeling. If it helps, I think that it's pretty normal. I almost always feel super hopeful around O time and then as the tww drags on, the hope fades and I start to feel convinced that I'm out. Big hugs and all the best to you.

AFM: Temp stayed up today - hooray!...but not so sure it's reliable. Our cat had a seizure last night (she has epilepsy) at 1230 am, then a staff messaged me calling out sick at 530 am and I ended up having to cover for him, and now I'm feeling sick myself :(. I love my clients, but they are little germ incubators. I almost never escape flu/cold season without needing a few sick days. We're volunteering at Boystown tomorrow so I really hope I'm better by morning!
I'm having implantation cramping. It has to be what it is. It's this pretty strong but not painful twinging/electric prodding feeling on the lower left side. Has been going on for hours now. This is the night of 8dpo/9dpo so implantation is right on time.

I'm still an emotional wreck though. Hibernating as best I can, but these twinges are really uplifting! I don't mind being a wreck if our bub comes out of it! Doesn't mean the implantation will be successful, but it IS happening! Can't imagine it being anything else, and again, I "know" that is what it is.

Will check in with everyone individually, Vel, Gina, Magicmom, leson......Baby Dust and FC for us all!
Fertile hope you feel better soon! Ttc can take a toll on you. I hope this month is your month. Your symptoms sound so good. Especially implantation cramps! You are right on schedule for that! :)

Lesondemavie from what I have read as long as you only take the prescribed amount of progesterone cream it won't hurt anything. It's not enough to overdose on it and the stuff I got is natural so it's not a bunch of chemicals. I started using it last night and I definitely agree with what I've heard. It does smell a little funny and it takes forever to absorb into the skin. But hopefully it works. No symptom spotting for me this month though. I have read progesterone will give you every symptom in the book so no symptoms will be reliable. Started figuring out our announcment to our parents last night. We have to make it before we even know if there is something to announce because of how soon christmas is but if it didn't happen this month at least we will have our announcement ready for when it does happen. FF is still insisting I O'd on Monday. No clue why but oh well. It's only a day off. I should get cross hairs for the first time tomorrow! :) hope everyone is doing good and lesondemavie I hope you don't end up getting sick from your clients! That would make the TWW so much worse lol

Hey all! So glad to see some new faces.

We took a little break from TTC for 2 months, we had a lot of stressors and wanted to focus on getting back on track for TTC.

Gina: so sorry to see there was another possible CP. Fingers crossed the Prog cream works!

Magical: glad to see you TTC, and with an excellent plan!

Everyone else: I loved catching up and reading your stories, FX for everyone to get a Christmas miracle BFP :)

AFM: I'm still not doing any charting/spotting for this first month back, but we DTD according to my period tracker, so hoping we caught the egg! It would be fun to have a May baby, as that's my niece and sister's birthday months.

2DPO if all is right. TWW ahead!
Glad to hear from you rexmom!! Hopefully a little break is just what you needed! I am 2 or 3 dpo (2 according to FF, 3 according to me) so we are cycle buddies!! :)
Hey ladies :) somehow I didn't get a notification that you ladies answered... anyway I've been feeling pretty good.. none of my usual symptoms are here.. I am in pretty good mood and usually I'd be a really moody and try starting fights... and my boobs are just now getting lightly tender.. usually it starts right after ovulation :) I am having like twinges and burning feeling in my lower abdomen... and yesterday I had stronger twinges and at night when we came back fron christmas shopping, I had this dark yellow/peachy creamy cm.. but it was a big chunk lol (tmi sorry hahah)

Hope that was a good sign. Have had white creamy discharge the whole time...

I want to think that this month is it but I'm worried to get my hopes up and then get disappointed. I hate not knowing.

Gina - I hope you caught that egg and that the prog cream works this time. ;) FX that this time it sticks. :)

Fertileflower- hey there cycle buddy :) I have the burning and cramping like you too... I just hope this is our month :) I keep going from this is it .. to "I'm out" in seconds... I just don't know.. but FX that you have a little miracle in there :)

Leson- I hope you don't get sick.. I have been fighting this stupid cold since the start of my cycle and it sucks.. it makes it all so much more annoying. Hope your cat is ok. FX that you caught the egg and it implants :)

Rex- hey there :) welcome back. I get why you took a break... sometimes that can clear your head and then give you a nice fresh start.. let's hope you get it right this month :)

Magicalmom- how are you doing? Haven't heard from you... hope all is good. :)

Lots of baby dust for everyone

:dust: :dust:
Rex: Thanks for the well wishes. Hope you enjoyed the break and welcome back to ttc!

Vel: Oh boy did I get sick. Took me out Wed and Thurs. Feeling mostly better today, but now caring for a sick DH. He's such a baby when he's sick. It's adorable, but it's like he forgets that I just went through the same thing.
Hahaha men are always such baby's when they get sick but mine never wants to go to the doctor when its really bad...apparently he doesn't get sick even though he is dying in the corner with a cough and fever lol...

I hope the sickness is totally gone :) mine is still hanging around... it's annoying... now I woke up today with my throat worse again and my nose stuffy... hope this cold disappears soon.
Gina236 and Velathria I was just reading the last few pages of this thread, good luck with everything! i will keep reading over the next few days hoping for good news for both of you!
Hey 2ducks :) thank you so much and welcome to our forum :) if you have any questions just ask away or if you just need to let out some steam... we'll be here to listen :)

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