Ttcn15- it would be great to be bump buddies

its oke we were all once new to all of this... do you have any ewcm around your ovulation? How long are your cycles usually? With temping you have to have a good night's sleep and not sick or anything so that's it's correct and as far as I know, gina said that she sets an alarm at 4 or so in the morning, takes her temp and then goes back to sleep. You can't move around to much before taking it.
But it's good way to pinpoint your ovulation. .. sadly I can't do it as I have a son who wakes up a lot at night so I don't get 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I rely on opks.. which opks do you use? Digital or ICs.
And tip in advance: I'd only test if AF is late because your going to end up spending a lot of money on bfns.. but that depends on you, if you can afford them and if you have a testing addiction xD
But hopefully you don't have to try much longer.. and I know ttc is horrible. It sucks so bad. Sometimes I just want to scream and throw something. When I get a bfn I want to break it into little pieces and just cry. But it's all worth it when we have our little babys. And we will all have that one day. I just know it.
Lots of baby dust for all you ladies
@ Velathria Yeah, that would really be great to be bump buddies.
Yes, I think that i have ewcm during ovulation, to be sincere i did not take any notice of it that much but will make sure to do that too.
Oh my god 4am! no no no lol, i actually took the temperature wrong today, i did not know that i have to stay in bed and not move, thank god you told me that and lucky we have such forum. I took the temperature after i woke up and got dressed. Tomorrow i will do that when i am still in bed before i wake up.
I use ICs bought from ebay, i bought some from the uk and some from china, they were quite cheap, they both work the same, the china one just takes a bit of more time to show results but overall if one cannot buy many at high price overall i'm happy.
i think i used over 200 now ovulation sticks from start of ttc!!! and pregnancy strips too!! I have always been on time with period always on track and always on same date but since i started ttc it is not always the same.
for example here are the days from july
29 days
29 days
28 days
34 days
29 days
32 days
31 days
and this month still no period, well i tried the pregnancy stick (again !!!!) and it's negative so i presume that i am not pregnant?!
so today it is 33days according to my phone app which is igyno, i just downloaded it 2 days ago so am still new to it.
yeah i know i shouldn't test that regularly, cause BFN shows. but you know curiosity and all

and yes i think that i have a testing addiction, i tried not to but it is too strong, i want a baby so so much!
How are your cycles?
I also have starting taking Folate 800mcg as from 31st January 2016 so now it's been over a month.
thanks for the encouragement, it really helps, and yes it is so frustrating, for example these last few days i am so that bit angry (it could be AF) but i know that deep down it is from the long wait.
Lots of baby dust for all you too, may we all get what we wish for