first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

Just catching up. Had a very busy and fun weekend. But re:wondfos, they definitely give false positives. Any time during my cycle I can get a faint line. It's super annoying. But if you can capture it on camera hopefully it's real!

So glad you are feeling better wifey!!

Vel I am sorry you have had such a weird cycle. I hope this month treats you better and you end up with a super long cycle (like 9 months long :winkwink: )

My temps show I ovulated. Opks never came close to positive so no idea what's going on. We didn't dtd at all so I'm out this cycle but that's what I wanted. I told dh I'm not ready to be pregnant again as much as i want a baby. I just can't take it yet. He is fine with taking a little time off.
I'm rooting for you, too, Jez! :D I've never had any false positives, or any positive HPT for that matter, but take the girls here on BnB for it, they know their stuff lol

Good to hear from you, Gina :) Glad to hear you had a fun weekend. Hopefully some time off TTC will be relaxing and refreshing for you to start new. We'll still be chat happy on your thread while you're away though if you don't mind lol

I'm sitting here wishing I would've taken the first appointment I was offered, for Friday the 26th.. Rather than getting a sub for me that day I just went with the next available date but that wasn't until Tues. March 1st. I just called to see if I could swap back to the Friday appt and he's totally booked full. Crap. Guess it's just meant to be.. I was just sitting here thinking how I could start Provera that much sooner if I went in on Friday.. Shit. Lol. Guess I'll just go on the 1st and let it be. Maybe it needs to be that way, idk.

It's definitely feeling like Monday here. Hope this week goes by smoothly and quickly. I'm doubting both but so be it. Work is such a drag.

What's going on with you guys?!
Hey guys... been pretty sick on this end still.. went to doctor and found out I have bronchitis but at least she gave me some antibiotics and I am already starting to feel better thank god. I've felt like death the last few days and I haven't gotten any sleep..

So weirdly the bleeding stopped suddenly on day 2 but now I've been spotting here and there since then... I just want this spotting to stop so I can continue for another cycle... so annoying. So I am gonna go do something for myself for a change, something non relating to ttc. I'm gonna go get blue hair done hahah and snake bite piercings... I've always wanted to do it but never had the money for it

Gina- maybe a time off is good for you :) just start a new in a month or two.. however long you need. We are here to talk if you need us :)
Wifey- ^^ it's always like that.. at first you for what is convenient and then you're waiting and Want it right now xD so cruel. Lol but I bet when you look back it'll seem pretty fast the time and before you know it you'll be on clomid and provera and ever so closer to your bfp. ;)

Hope everyone else is doing good?
Hmm Vel remind never did confirm O right? I hope it's not this...but perhaps it's just an off annovulatory cycle for being sick/stressed. I had one a few years back when I was racing in half marathons. I bled lightly for 21 days straight. My ob said it was annovulation from extreme exercise. I was confused bc I thought most women skipped periods when they didn't ovulate. She said that everyone is different, and that sometimes it just causes irregularities. If it is, you should go right back to being regular again next cycle. If it's not, I hope you're pg :)
I don't know if I did or not... I'm guessing it was annovulatory cycle.. ok that makes sense then.. i thought it might be that. So when would you say should I test for ovulation then again?
Hard to say. I ended up going on bcp after that cycle. I was racing and backpacking and not dealing with the mess of af (esp after 21 days) sounded glorious. Maybe just ntnp and wait until your next normal AF. I say that but having to do that now myself (without the ntnp part) I know how frustrating that is. You could temp or keep testing and probably catch it. You never know though. A girl on another thread just went from ttc to ntnp and was shocked to get a BFP this month.
I guess I'm just gonna let it go this month and see if I have a normal cycle length and then go test after that again for ovulation. This is quite annoying..but thanks :)
Gina - nice to see you here again. Glad to hear you had a fun weekend and taking it easy. Weird re: the OPKs, but as the old saying goes, "temps don't lie" (okay, that's not a saying, but you know what I mean). For some reason my doc told me some weeks ago that OPKs aren't very reliable. Not sure how much of that is true.

Vel - bronchitis sucks :( Hope you feel better soon. Good for you doing something fun though (what's a snakebite?! Sounds like a v. exotic piercing!). TTC can feel like it takes over your life for sure. I hope the bleeding gets sorted too and you can start afresh... that's if you even have to!

Wifey - I did another wondfo test the next morning instead of an FRER, in case the FRER would be less sensitive, and it showed another faint line, though still out of the five-minute window (maaaaybe there was a tiny squinter of something at five minutes, but not sure). All the ones before 12DPO were snow white though. And then...

I took an FRER this morning and got a BFP (see below - it's a LOT clearer in real life and appearch within three minutes). Might explain why I was bat-shit crazy last night and ridiculously emotional with DH, but anyway... We're just cautiously optimistic at this point because of the risks. Not sure if I should stop temping and testing now because it might just make me ore anxious if my temps drop or if wondos don't get darker.


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I took an FRER this morning and got a BFP (see below - it's a LOT clearer in real life and appearch within three minutes). Might explain why I was bat-shit crazy last night and ridiculously emotional with DH, but anyway... We're just cautiously optimistic at this point because of the risks. Not sure if I should stop temping and testing now because it might just make me ore anxious if my temps drop or if wondos don't get darker.

Congrats Jez!!!! I actually saw your chart this morning and I've been waiting for you to pop on to let us know ( chart stalking knows no bounds!!!)

So very very happy for you. FX for a super sticky bean and really dark lines soon. :hugs:
Ahhh that's a beautiful frer Jez. Congrats!!!

Personally, I would just let it be and enjoy it! Whatever happens, knowing sooner won't change it. My lines progressed beautifully, and I had zero spotting or bleeding...I'm pretty sure a 6 week scan would have still come back normal...yet here I am. I know it sucks, but really there's nothing you or the doctors can do at this point. Might as well just take care of yourself, celebrate, and hope for the best <3. Get ready for the longest wait yet...the wait for your first ultrasound!
Thanks, Iris and Les! Iris - chart stalking is a given; I do it all the time. I quickly updated FF this morning but then had to run to school so didn't have time to post. Les - that's a good idea and a very good point. I only have a couple of wondfos left and I might give my BBT thermometer to a friend so that I don't get temp-ted (get it?). You're absolutely right about it not making a difference, so I'll try to go au naturale... (after the remaining wondfos, ha).
Yay congrats jez!!! I had a feeling that was a real line on that wondfo!! I agree with les, stop temping and testing. It will only drive you crazy. And wondfos are known to have crappy progression so you don't want to stress yourself out for nothing. I would take a digital in a few days just to have that satisfaction of seeing it written but then just know that you are pregnant and move forward with that. Miscarriage is alot more common than people think but the percentage is still really low. And every day you progress it gets lower. So happy for you! Happy & Healthy 9 months!! :hugs:
yay Jez !! Congrats :) i knew when you were so quiet for a few days and i did see your chart too lol.. XD and after that wondfo.. didn't think it was a false. :)
i wish you a happy 9 month and hope to not see you back here for a long time lol :) (you know what i mean :) You may pop in to say hi to little old ttc'ers here hahha...

Can't wait to hear how you are doing in a few weeks. keep us updated :)
:dance: CONGRATS, JEZIKA!! :dance:
Happy and healthy nine months, love! Beautiful BFP <3 Keep in touch!! Or start a pregnancy journal for me to stalk lol ;)
Aww, thanks ladies. I might start a pregnancy journal over the weekend when I have more time, as I was planning a TTC one anyway. I'll add it to my signature if that happens, but I would like to stick around anyway 'cause y'all are awesome and genuinely are the reason I even started temping and using OPKs, without which I would have still been BDing at completely the wrong time (plus you never know if I would be back here anyway). So really, thank you to you guys (and DH's little guys) for the BFP, and you can't get rid of me! Moohahahaha...(And I hope you will stick around when you get your BFPs too).
When I get my bfp I am definitely hanging around. I wanna see everyone here getting a bfp. I'm glad you will too :) I just hope you don't have to come back to ttc anytime soon. I wish you a sticky bean and beautiful and healthy 9 months :)
Argh I'm having a really rough time with UTI and trying to sort out this enlarged kidney that an ultrasound picked up on 3-4 weeks ago. Doc already made me wait for urinalysis results to come back before giving me antibiotics, which is fine, but on follow-up I did tell her the symptoms are definitely lingering (this is the same time the u/s results re: kidney came back) but she wanted another urinalysis to make sure it definitely was still lingering... so I had to wait another week and a half for that, then almost another week to actually get in to see her, and I've been feeling increasingly shitty with so many different pains all over, including now my kidney. I'm constantly peeing and have horrible painful twinges in my bladder and urethra (as well as what I suspect to be cramping, which is obv another worry, though apparently pretty normal?). I moved my appt to this Friday with another doc coz I didn't want to wait. They will obv see in my results that I still have an infection and I really hope they take it seriously. When I was 19, repeated UTIs led to a kidney abscess that landed me in hospital on IV for two weeks with sepsis and pneumonia. They want yet another urinalysis on Friday though. They better not make me wait for those results before treating me yet again! Earlier on I was curled up on the couch, completely fatigued and just feeling really malaised. But better now, but still concerned. I'm sorry... just venting.
Jez the first few days after my BFP were some of my most instense symptoms. I became extremely thirsty, I had to pee all the time, I felt nauseated at dinner, and I was yawning non-stop by like 6 pm. That's all without the UTI issues. Some cramping can be normal. Plenty of women with healthy scans from my September group had some cramping. I had zero cramping. Some of them even had some spotting. I had zero spotting. It's not necessarily predictive. Everyone who has ever gone through a loss will tell you that everything was okay until it wasn't. The worry is real and it can be crushing, but you can't predict it and you can't control it. The best thing you can do is celebrate every day (no matter how sick you feel), your energy should return a bit in second tri, and if stats help remember that 80% of pregnancies are healthy.
Ah, do you mean 80% of pregnancies are healthy right from conception? I read somewhere that there is 50-60% chance of chemical pregnancies? I have no idea if we discussed this before. My memory sucks!
I think it's that 50-60% maybe never even implant or never implant properly (which I believe is the case with many chemicals) BUT that number is an estimate and includes a ton that would never even show up on an HPT. Once you get that BFP, I'd say you're solidly in the 80/20 stats.

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