first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

Hope the new doctor is better jez. UTIs suck. Maybe now that you can tell them you are pregnant they will be a little quicker.

I bought 2 more jeeps last night :P now we have my lifted wrangler, and 2 older cherokees. One of the cherokees will get fixed up, get all the rot taken out and replaced with new metal and will become my baby-mobile. All of the vehicles we have are 2 dr and I really didn't want to get a car seat in and out of a two door so we have been planning to buy a cherokee. Came across these two and the deal was too good to pass up. (2 running jeeps for 800 bucks) So at least that's one less thing I have to do once I am pregnant. But it also adds one more project onto our list. Now if I could just get my husband to quit his second job to have more time for these projects. Lol. Other than that no update for me. Bought 6 more old style FRERs from the UK to have on hand. Hopefully those will be the last tests I have to buy. Going to try to stop testing early and only test if I'm late from now on. So sick of wasting so much money on tests.

How is everyone else doing?
UTIs suck... I haven't had one luckily since I was a child but I never want that again so I get why you would wanna get that taken care of ... I'm surprised they are dragging it on so long.. usually where I'm from they give you the antibiotics right away.

Like gina said. Hopefully when you tell them you are pregnant they will hurry it up and will want it taken care of.

Gina- wow that is a pretty good deal for 2. I love big cars but stupid ireland refuses to let you insure a car privately that any bigger then a normal car... jeeps or vans need to be business insured. It's ridiculous!
Testing after af is due is a good idea. I've saved money with that one. I have only touched two of my hpt from the ones I bought last october and I still have many left. :)

Had a dream last night about having the baby already and just our normal day as a family. DF came home yesterday and said he stopped at the shop and had a look at the baby cots there... never expected him to actually look at them until I am pregnant. Moments like that reminds me that he wants this just as much as I do. He just surprises me alot. Lol

Also getting my hair colored today so looking forward to that and spotting has finally stopped so yay for that. Also Me and DF can finally BD again. :) I could before because it was too painful for some reason. I was actually scared of doing it again. Lol felt like a virgin again xD
That's crazy. I couldn't live without my jeeps :) I'd start up a business just to insure them :haha:

That's so cute of your DF! I love when guys look at stuff or think about baby stuff without being told to :) I've had so many dreams like that. Most of them involve me breast feeding the baby. Or trying to lol. Once it was even an African American baby :shock: not sure how that happened haha!

Good luck with the hair coloring! Are you getting it that blueish color? And I get like that sometimes. Lube is your friend haha!
Yeah it's stupid... but I guess I will have to live with a small car for now... lol

Yeah I love him for that.. it's just such a nice surprise especially when you think that maybe you are the only one that wants it as hard as you do.

Yeah sitting here right now getting it colored and yes.. it'll be a bluish color with like grey/silver.. it's amazing. Can't wait to see the finishing touch.

It wasn't really the pain of going in. That was wet enough lol.. it was inside. . Everytime he just went a little deep it felt like he was ripping through my uterus. It's was horrible.
I wanna see pictures!! :) I have wanted dark blue peek a boo highlights for so long but I haven't even been to the hair dresser in almost 2 years. Ive started to just trim my hair when my split ends get too bad. When I actually want it cut to a style I'll go back. I just can't afford to go.
hahaha well i'm totally blond now first.. she said it will take two goes to get it light enough and then we'll put the blue in. :) but OMG I AM BLONDE!! hahah... i feel like i am looking at a different person.. Its so weird. All my life i've had dark brown and now i'm blonde lol

And then next tuesday i'll be blue/white/grey XD i had an amazing time at the hair salon though. my stylist's daughter goes to the same school with my son and i found out that they always play together and that she plays hairdresser with him. He has to sit on a chair and get his hair done XD I asked him when i came home if he had a girlfriend and he said yes XD XD so cute. <3

Also had a long talk about ttc and she said it took them a long time with their last one because they were trying with her (the first two were accidents) and then when they gave up, she got pregnant so i guess there is something to the whole no stress and it will work. lol

It's easier said then done but it was just nice to talk to someone who was in the same boat. Finally i might have made a friend and hopefully a playmate for my son. :) How was you guys's day?

OH and gina you should definitely go get it done. It's quite nice to do something for yourself in the time of ttc. I felt so relaxed today. It was amazing and so good for me. I feel normal again a bit. All this focusing on ttc has made me feel tired and exhausted, mentally and physically..

AFM apparently i am in my fertile window so let's see what happens... i have just stopped spotting a day ago... but just gonna keep BD'ing and see what happens. :)

Wish me luck lol
helllo and welcome to our forum Babynina :) we wish you the same..

lots and lots of baby dust to you too :dust:
I worked all day. Blahh. It's board week so all the board members flew in and got a catered meal today after their meetings. My room is right next to the kitchen so I get to smell the delicious food all day but don't get any! :( lol. Now dh is at his second job and I get to clean the house. So not an eventful day.

I went blonde my senior year of high school. Was definitely very weird. Now I just let my hair naturally lighten in the summer but it's brunette in the winter. It lightened like crazy last year when I was on my honeymoon :haha:
i saw that pic on facebook. You were pretty blonde :) naw i don't usually get blonde or anything close to it so this is pretty amazing. As soon as i get my denim hair though i will take a pic and show all of you :)

My DF was so shocked when he saw me and the look on my sons face XD but DF said he prefers blonde so hehehehe... maybe tonight we will be making a baby XD
Hi loves! Totally can't wait to see the hair, Vel. So you get to have blonde hair for a few days before going blue? That's pretty cool to get to kind of feel like a different person for a bit... and then a different person again. Can you show us pics of blonde too? Also, is your DH Irish? What brought you to Ireland (or have you always lived there? For some reason I didn't think so, but now I've wondering whether I'm totally making that up).

And Gina, congrats on the car purchases! You do such cool stuff. I love hearing about how other people's lives are different. I don't think anyone I know would just go and get a pair of Jeeps, so that's truly awesome. And I agree with Vel - if you can somehow afford it, go get your hair done! It's such a nice lift, especially the first few days, and especially when you haven't changed things up in a while. I wanted to have something done because I've not had my hair cut in about two years too, but I can't figure out what to do! I have some light highlights sort of underneath my parting so that roots don't show through so much and I did plan on getting them done again and again till I go pretty much blonde (which I've done before) but I actually like the glimpses of caramel blonde.

Ohhhh, for some reason men getting excited about baby stuff and doing stuff related to it by their own accord is just soooo hot. DH is still a bit cautious right now, so the best I've gotten out of him is talking about baby names and him wondering if the cats will attack a baby.

So I'm really looking forward to going to the doc tomorrow so they can (hopefully) give me antibiotics for my kidney. On the plus side, I read online that it should be easy to treat that way, but on the downside I also read that this kidney issue can increase risk of MC and birth defects. I will actually cry if they think of some other BS reason not to give me meds or want to test more.

Hello BabyNina! How are you doing?
Les and Gina, I'm so sorry. At least the babies are trying to come through!! I know both of your times will come.

Vel, Rexmom I hope you ladies are doing well! *baby dust*

Hi Wifey!

Hi and congratulations Jezika!

Just wanted to check in with you all. Been thinking of you but have avoided the ttc focus as much as possible. Waiting for my period to start tonight. I know I am out because I feel nothing like last month, no symptoms except pms. Maybe our time will come too.

Best wishes and baby dust!
Fertile! I know that baby is trying to come through for you. He/she is just waiting for the perfect time. You wanted to give up so he/she gave you a glimpse of what was to come. I know you will get the baby of your dreams soon.

Jez I hope they give you medicine. That's not something to mess around with. I would say don't leave until they do. Tell them you are adamant that you want medicine, that you are pregnant and don't want to risk any harm to your baby. FX for you. I love my jeep world. I've owned one for just over 2 years and it's changed my life. I now have a whole support system of friends who are down for anything. It's really quite amazing. People complain about the price, because jeep wranglers hold their value so are always crazy expensive, but to me it's worth every penny. My whole childhood I was always jealous of people who were passionate about something. Didn't matter what it was, just to have that passion for something. I was always so wishy washy. Now I finally have my "thing" :)
Hi Fertile! The thread has missed you, glad to see you're doing ok though and hanging in there. I hope you get your BFP soon!!

RexMom, haven't seen you in a bit. Hope all is well hun :)

Jez, as a nurse I'm telling you if they don't treat it go elsewhere. As you know, it will only continue to get worse and of more concern. They should be able to come up with a pregnancy safe treatment plan. Its their job! Do not settle for less than the best. Try not to worry about the risks of MC due to your condition, like Les has said there I no need to worry, that whatever happens will happen and you'll never know until you're there. I know it sounds like crap advice, but hang in there and stay positive, happy and excited. Enjoy every moment of this pregnancy <3 <3 you'll be great! :)
Gina I can totally relate! For years everyone had a passion or hobby. Took me years to figure out what mine was and now I'm happier for it! Enjoy those Jeeps! :)

How is everyone else doing? Anything exciting planned for the weekend? Entering my TWW here. Finally had a spike on my chart for O. Pretty exciting!! Charting is so fascinating. I wish I had started ages before we began TTC. It's such a powerful thing to understand your body or at least have a small glimpse into it all.
Hey guys :) I will take a pic of my blonde hair today after my shower cause now its looking not so good anymore xD

Gina- it's always good to have something you love.. in my case it's too many hobbies xD I never know when to do it all lol. I love drawing, writing, playing video games and baking xD I feel like I'm forgetting something :haha:

Hobbies help you relax a bit. :)

Fertile- it's so good to hear from you ^^ looks like there is a baby trying to get through. I know you will be getting your bfp soon. One day we will all have our bfp. And I can't wait. :)

Jezika- did they give you medication for your uti? They better. . Stupid doctors sometimes. .. they never wanna give anything up. How are you feeling? Any symptoms yet?

And my DF is irish :) I moved here about 6 months ago.. wow it's already so long.. time flies. It's pretty amazing and definitely a change in everything here.. I resemble alot with germany and then my df always says. ."babe your not in germany anymore " xD

Yeah on Tuesday I'm getting my blue hair.. I hope.. they will be lighting it more with blond.. so they are hoping we can do it all in that one day.

AFM I'm still having unusual things happening to my body... spotting stopped but still have weird cramping everyday. .. and the worst thing is my vaginal dryness.. it's like a desert down there. . DF and I can't even dtd anymore... i even broke down crying last night... I've never ever had a problem with that. Never. I've always been extremely wet..but this is just very strange... what do you guys think? Does it have something to do with the spotting?
Fertile! So good to hear from you, and thank you for your kind words.

Hmm idk Vel. I might go see a doc just in case...esp with the painful sex from before.

I need a new hobby. I used to run, but that's been out since ttc. I miss it so much esp now. It was always such a good stress reliever. I still bake, but haven't tried something new in a while. I already solved all three sizes of the rubix cube a million times over so that's out, and my code cracking books are fun but I like to save them for trips. I want to get into woodwork and gardening, but we don't have the space here. Maybe I'll just walk the trails around here a bit more, and get into something related to that.
I'm feeling really scared and sad. Here is how my HPTs have gone:

Feb 21 (12DPO) - first squinter on wondfo
Feb 22 (13DPO) - similar squinter on wondfo
Feb 23 (14DPO) - clear line on FRER (the pic I'd posted)
Feb 24 (15DPO) - stronger line on wondfo than before (but still not close to control)
Feb 25 (16DPO) - [no testing]
Feb 26 (17DPO) - [no testing]
Feb 27 (18DPO) - line on wondfo is stronger than at 13DPO but definitely fainter than 15DPO

AF was due last Sunday (Feb 21).

I've been trying to explain it away but I really don't think I can. I used FMU all times. I guess it's possible it's because I've been drinking lots of water lately because of the kidney stuff and have gotten much better into the habit of drinking loads than I had been earlier on this week, but I thought that it doesn't matter as long as I don't drink much during the night before FMU. Having said that, sometimes a lot of pee just comes even when I stopped drinking water many hours ago. In any case, I think it's a stretch. And I know people say "a line is a line" and that all these sticks have different levels of dye and are not supposed to be quantitative tests, but I just don't buy it when I've seen so many people's wondfo lines reliably darken across time despite all that and I've heard of so many MCs when lines didn't darken or got fainter. And I've only seen a few cases on these forums of such light lines at 18DPO.

I wanted to take my final wondfo with more pee but it was an even shorter hold and I would've just been more upset if faint. I'll probably go and get another FRER today and test with FMU and try to not drink much in the evening (even though I should be drinking lots), but I've pretty much resigned myself to having a CP. I really wish I hadn't tested

ETA: My pee this morning was a very pale yellow, as it has been for the past few days presumably because I've been drinking lots. I don't know when it was, but I do remember having very yellow urine at some points that I've tested over the past week, but now I feel like I'm just clutching at straws.

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