first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

Ttcn - Thanks! It's a picture of my very first little furbaby. She's a beautiful, silver Egyptian Mau. When I first brought her home, she had 25 cigarette burns all over her body and was completely terrified of the world. It just broke my heart. Now she's all healed up, well loved, and much less timid.

How many days past ovulation are you? I'd say odds of still getting a BFP drop after 12 DPO...but we also always try to stay positive and say that you're not out until the witch gets you :)

Wow your cycles do vary quite a bit. I would be tempted to test after 28 days every time. My cycles after bcp were 25, 24, 23, 22, 22, and then I assume it would have been 22 again but instead I got a BFP. Those last three cycles I O'd on cd12 like clockwork. I now agree with Vel on not testing too much. I don't know what I'm going to do this first cycle back to ttc since I have no idea if I'll be regular or if it will take a bit of time. My LP was 10 days on my 22 day cycles and my first BFP was at 10 DPO, so I think I'll just test at 10 or 11 DPO.

Vel - So glad the dryness is gone. Have you had any positive opks?

Wifey - all the best to you today <3

Jez - sending lots of hugs your way
Good thing I said something then hahaha... you should read up a bit about it online. There are some good informative sites that explain exactly how to do it.
Yes test addiction is hard to break lol I always want to test too but my dh keeps me from them xD he always says that I should wait and that it won't do me any good if I test early.

Ok then the ICs aren't too bad in price but it can still end up becoming alot lol. But if it makes you feel better and makes you feel at ease then test away ;) we don't judge here ^^

I'd say if you are at CD 33 then the longest one you've had was 34 so just wait another day. A day before AF though it should've showed up on the hpt test if you are pregnant...

It's normal with the cycles being out of wack when you start ttc. I don't know what it is but as soon as we ttc our body decides to do everything differently then usual. I hate it too. Every month something else comes up or doesn't and it makes me hope from new. It sucks but we have to keep trying ^^ one day it will work.
Hi ladies. Thanks again for all the kind words. I had my doc appt yesterday and it was a pretty horrendous day. I originally had the appt booked to find out what the next steps were after BFP, but then that turned into an appt about MC. Doc gave me an urgent ultrasound referral just to make sure it wasn't ectopic and a blood test to check HCG levels and I guess make sure they're decreasing over the next week. I was strongly considering not going these tests because I just wanted to go home and forget about TTC entirely, but I did go in the end. It was horrible esp. the u/s because I was bleeding so heavily and it was really uncomfortable, but I'm guessing everything is fine as far as ectopic concerns go because I'm sure they would've alerted me straight away there and then. I came home and cried my eyes out and have generally been extremely teary and low for the past few days. Poor DH is totally fine and just trying to be supportive. I feel much better today and a bit more optimistic in general. I'm sure a lot of it is also to do with all the massive hormonal shifts. Also, my doc didn't have much to say about my luteal phase concerns (even though I O'd on CD14, my cycles average 25 days so I was concerned the LP was not close enough to 14 days) so I started taking B complex vitamins to maybe try to make them a little longer. I am probably totally wrong but I feel like my progesterone had already been dropping when implantation happened and maybe didn't kick back up enough. Again, total speculation. I'd consider progesterone cream, but probably not a good idea while not under the direction of a medical professional. I know some of you guys that have used it have done so already knowing there were progesterone issues.

Les - now I know a lot of it is hormones because reading about your kitty made me tear up! I hear ya on the cycle mysteries too. I know our experiences were different, but I feel like it was really nice knowing I had a reliable cycle and now I have no idea what to expect. At the same time, it's a bit of a relief not to have set dates on the horizon, which at the moment feels like it would come with pressure. How are you and DH feeling about things right now?

Vel - For some reason I totally forgot what you said before, but if AF has not arrived, is there a chance you could be pg? Sorry if I missed/forgot something.

Wifey - I think I replied to your update on another thread. Thread crossover is always so confusing and awkward :p

ttc15 - hi there! You're definitely in the right place. There's plenty of venting and support and people going through the same thing here, and these ladies taught me to temp (and use OPKs) too! If TTC is becoming a little stressful, have you thought about taking a month off, stopping all the tests and stuff and just letting the intimacy happen as and when the fancy takes you? I've heard some women say that doing this has been a relief, and even that they got their BFP then, but of course people have different experiences.
OMG, honestly, I need to learn to write succinctly!
So much :hugs: Jezika. I'm so sorry to hear this. Very proud of you for going through the tough time of the doctors appointments. Glad to hear DH is your rock through this, and hope you find comfort. Wish I could just reach through the screen and hug you! You made an awesome comment though about the amazing support here, and yes everyone on bnb has taught me so much. I can't imagine TTC without this. And, I totally blame my phone for making me sound illiterate constantly. :haha: <3
Jez - Our experiences may be different, but there is no comparison here. A loss is a loss. I'm so very sorry :hugs:. It breaks my heart to see you go through this. DH and I are ok. The tears still come and go. We were told to use prevention until my next AF. As much as I wanted to just be pg again right away, it's been nice to have the time to grieve. My DH didn't break down until 2 weeks later when he knew I was ok, and he's still in a bit of a funk now. I wasn't tracking things, but I think I O'd early last week so I'm expecting to start my cycle late this week. We plan to start trying again next cycle, but I'm considering being a bit more relaxed about it (something between ntnp and ttc?). My ob was a bit iffy when I asked about progesterone too, and I get it...from what I've read the science on it is mixed. I, personally, wouldn't want to do anything unless a test showed I was low. She did, however, say I could come in for a blood test right away the next time I'm pg, and she'll check my progesterone then. Maybe your ob would do the same? I think the only thing I'm really doing differently is that I've completely cut out alcohol and caffeine. I figured it's better for me, and I could just keep it going. I'm also a bit scared to get back into my workout routine. I'm terrified of the same thing happening again. I'm terrified that it was more than just bad luck. I'm so scared, but I'll never know and I'll never be a mom if I don't keep trying.

Wifey - So glad your appointment went well <3. Sounds like you're as ready as you'll ever be for Clomid. That BFP (and beyond) is so close for you, I can feel it!
Les - I totally hear ya. I think 95% of be believes it's not my fault, but that other 5% wonders whether it's the caffeine, whether it's the beer I nursed just after possible conception, the stress, the fact that I probably had multiple illnesses/infections, the fibroids being in the wrong places after all, the brisk walking I do, the possible PCOS... the list goes on. But you're right, we'll never know, and neither do all the women who've been through it before and then went on to have perfectly healthy babies. Roughly when do you think you might O again? Maybe we'll end up trying roughly around the same time, though as of this moment I'm glad I don't really have to think about it for another week or so, because I'm not ready just yet.
Jez- im so sorry about your MC... that's horrible. And I can imagine thinking about rationalizing it but at the end it just happened but you know that. So that's good. And you should take some time to grief :) I bet if you go into ttc with a fresh mind it'll get better. ^^
And don't worry about what I said. You were busy with something much worse ;) just an update for you.. no I'm not pg and it seems like I ovulated the day before yesterday and hopefully my cycle is back to normal. Must've just had a annovulatory cycle.
Lots of :hugs: from me too jez. I know you can get through this and if you need to vent some more then have at it :) we are here for that. <3

Les- me and DF are trying it in a more relaxed way this month too. Luckily me and DF found a new show to watch so we have been busy with that. :) so I hadnt been thinking too much about ttc. We have actually had more :sex: lately then before so thank god for that. Maybe that will help you guys conceive too :) and hopefully it will stick this time. <3

AFM my son totally walked in last night when me and DF were dtd'Ing xD luckily we were under the blanket so he didn't see anything. So embarrassed xD still finished after putting him back to bed lol.. thank god he didn't comment on it xD xD
Hey ladies. I suck at replying lately. But I wanted to say I am so so sorry jez! It is never easy no matter how far along you are. That mother child bond is formed instantly. Take your time to greive. It's necessary and will make a world of difference. With my previous chemicals (I hate how that sounds) by the next time I O'd I was feeling up for trying again but everyone is different. For this miscarriage we took this month off and plan to have a very relaxed next month. Do what feels right for you and we are always here to help. As for the progesterone, I have taken it without a doctor saying to but I was using it as trying to clear out my uterus. It seemed to work because I got pregnant the next cycle but I have heard that low progesterone is not a cause of a miscarriage, that it is a symptom of an unhealthy pregnancy. So basically your body knows the pregnancy isn't healthy so it doesn't produce enough progesterone to terminate the pregnancy. But there is not alot of research done. And it's different for people with chronic low progesterone. They can do a blood test at cd 21 to check your levels if you are worried.

Ttcn15, temping is a great way to confirm ovulation. You have to temp at the same time every day (within like a half hour) and after 3-4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. You temp as soon as you wake up. Don't sit up, don't talk, etc. Just lay in bed, grab the thermometer and take your temp. I do it at 4 because I wake up at different times every day so that way I know it's at the same time. I wake up, temp, enter the temp in FF and go back to sleep until my wake up alarm. It works for me lol. But just remember temping gives you no indication that you are about to O. It only tells you after the fact but it's the only way to confirm that you did in fact o and didn't just gear up to.

Vel omg I would have been mortified! Good thing your son didn't say anything. How did your hair come out?! Your appointment was yesterday right?

Wifey, glad your feeling better! Can't wait to see the bfp!

Les, dh and I are doing the same thing. Took a month off and now plan to be very relaxed. I am actually changing my diet too. I am cutting out all gluten and dairy and only minimal caffeine. I have been dairy free for awhile but I have done lots of research on the link between gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance. They are very closely linked. I also read that to help reduce the effects of endometriosis they recommend cutting out gluten and dairy and caffeine so I figured I'll give it a try for a month and see if I notice any difference in how I feel.
Jez - Yea 95/5 is a great way to describe those feelings. If AF comes when I hope it will and my cycles go right back to normal, I should O on the 16th. Those are some big ifs though. Most women who go through a d&c for MMC seem to get AF 6 weeks after, and their cycles are irregular for 1-3 months. I'm different though since my cycles are shorter, and I chose cytotec still hoping for the best. I really actually haven't found too many other cytotec/misoprostol stories on here. While waiting, DH and I have actually remembered what dtd is like without ttc. It's amazing and I hope we can hold onto that as we get back into trying again.

Vel - So glad you and DF are enjoying the process :) and yea that's what happens when you have a kid right? Yikes! Glad he probably didn't notice. Also would love to see that hair if it is done!

Gina - FX the new diet helps. My mom tried over a year and then went in and found out she had endo. She had the surgery, and then conceived me the very next month.
Ttcn - Thanks! It's a picture of my very first little furbaby. She's a beautiful, silver Egyptian Mau. When I first brought her home, she had 25 cigarette burns all over her body and was completely terrified of the world. It just broke my heart. Now she's all healed up, well loved, and much less timid.

How many days past ovulation are you? I'd say odds of still getting a BFP drop after 12 DPO...but we also always try to stay positive and say that you're not out until the witch gets you :)

Wow your cycles do vary quite a bit. I would be tempted to test after 28 days every time. My cycles after bcp were 25, 24, 23, 22, 22, and then I assume it would have been 22 again but instead I got a BFP. Those last three cycles I O'd on cd12 like clockwork. I now agree with Vel on not testing too much. I don't know what I'm going to do this first cycle back to ttc since I have no idea if I'll be regular or if it will take a bit of time. My LP was 10 days on my 22 day cycles and my first BFP was at 10 DPO, so I think I'll just test at 10 or 11 DPO.

@ lesondemavie
Aunt Flo came by yesterday :cry: gonna have to ttc all over again

you have shorter cycles than me... but let me understand well since i still am not used to the bfp and all these short version meanings :) so you are pregnant now? in that case congrats :flower:
Good thing I said something then hahaha... you should read up a bit about it online. There are some good informative sites that explain exactly how to do it.
Yes test addiction is hard to break lol I always want to test too but my dh keeps me from them xD he always says that I should wait and that it won't do me any good if I test early.

Ok then the ICs aren't too bad in price but it can still end up becoming alot lol. But if it makes you feel better and makes you feel at ease then test away ;) we don't judge here ^^

I'd say if you are at CD 33 then the longest one you've had was 34 so just wait another day. A day before AF though it should've showed up on the hpt test if you are pregnant...

It's normal with the cycles being out of wack when you start ttc. I don't know what it is but as soon as we ttc our body decides to do everything differently then usual. I hate it too. Every month something else comes up or doesn't and it makes me hope from new. It sucks but we have to keep trying ^^ one day it will work.

@ Velathria oh well AF came yesterday, i have to ttc all over again, this time i will also take temp.

yeah it does suck especially when af is late and you think you are pregnant, why hope is the last to die! :sleep:
Oh thank you so much ttcn, but no not pregnant now. I was. I had a beautiful BFP on 12.31.15 (that was my 6th cycle ttc and my very first BFP). I had a wonderful 5 weeks of pregnancy after that...all sorts of symptoms, great line progression, no spotting, no bleeding. Sadly my 8 week scan showed a baby measuring just 6 weeks 4 days (6+4) and no heartbeat (hb). The ob told us that the baby passes away at 6.5 weeks. I took medicine that evening to induce the miscarriage, I bled/spotted for about 2 weeks, and now nearly a month later I'm just waiting for AF to return so we can get back to ttc. I will actually, for once, be happy when the witch shows.

So sorry AF showed for you :hugs:. It is hard every time. Hope we all not only get BFPs, but babies we can hold :)
ttc15 - hi there! You're definitely in the right place. There's plenty of venting and support and people going through the same thing here, and these ladies taught me to temp (and use OPKs) too! If TTC is becoming a little stressful, have you thought about taking a month off, stopping all the tests and stuff and just letting the intimacy happen as and when the fancy takes you? I've heard some women say that doing this has been a relief, and even that they got their BFP then, but of course people have different experiences.

Hi there, nice to meet you, it's nice to meet others that are ttc too especially since i did not tell my family or friends about it (they would stress me more..)

yeah i did try that last month, i tried not to test and did it naturally and you know calculated ovulation with my mind (no ovulation sticks), but then eventually on day 21 i ended up back testing lol. yeah i know.

anyway, af came yesterday so have to do it all over again.

i do not know your whole story but from what i read, i am really sorry, it is really not easy to go through what you are going through. I know of someone that mc twice and eventually now she has a newborn after so many tries. The thing is that doctors in my location say that mc are normal and common and do not blame yourself, it had to happen but one day you will have the perfect baby which will come at the right moment and at the right time.

@ gina236 thanks started temp today and it was 36.2 °C. i also ordered a fahrenheit since i read that it would be easier to see change in temp.

So let me understand well, when one sees the temperature drop (which i read means that ovulation will be near) one has to ttc at that time and continue until the temp goes higher (high temp means ovulation took place) right?
lesondemavie thank you so much for your kind words and I am very sorry for your loss I did not know that :( so sorry, i know someone that went through what you are going through and yes it is devastating, unfortunately everything happens for a reason which means that the perfect child is still not ready to come and will eventually come to you when the time is right. I'm sure s/he will.

Has anyone on here tried fertility stones? Reason i am asking is since my friend after her 2 mc wore mooonstone earrings and then she got pregnant instantly. she kept wearing them during her whole pregnancy and delivered a healthy baby.

I am wearing a moonstone but still did not get pregnant.

Also can anyone please wrote for me the short words that we use since i do not know them all. All is know is AF, MC, BFP, BFN and everytime i have to look new ones up so this way i can save them and use them :) thank you xx

AAMOF - As A Matter Of Fact

ACA - Anti-Cardiolopin Antibodies

ADN - Any Day Now

AF - Aunt Flo - Menstrual Cycle

AH,AZH - Assisted Hatching

AHI - At-home Insemination

AI - Artificial Insemination

AIH - Artificial Insemination from Husband

AKA - Also Known As

AO - Anovulation

AOA,AVA - Anti-ovarian Antibody

ART - Assisted Reproductive Technology

ATM - At The Moment

AWOL - A Woman On Lupron


B4 - Before

B4N - Before Now

BA - Baby Aspirin

BABYDUST - Good wishes vibe for getting pregnant

BBL - Be Back Later

BBT - Basal Body Temperature

BBs - BooBies AKA Breasts

B/C - Because

BC - Birth Control

BCP - Birth Control Pills

BD - Baby Dance (intercourse)

BF - BreastFed, BoyFriend

BFN - Big Fat Negative (Neg Pregnancy Test)

BFP - Big Fat Positive! (Positive Pregnancy Test)

BIL - Brother InLaw


C# - Cycle Number

CB - Cycle Buddy

CD - Cycle Day

CF - Cervical Fluid

CM - Cervical Mucus

CP - Cervical Position

CNM - CertifiedNurseMidwife


DA - Dear Angel

DH - Dear Husband

DP - Dear Partner

DD - Dear daughter

DS - Dear Son

DSD - Dear Step-Daughter

DSS - Dear Step-Son

D&C - Dilation & Curettage

D&E - Dilation & Evacuation

DPO - Days Post-Ovulation

DPC - Days Since Last Clomid pill was taken

DPR - Days Post-Retrieval

DPT - Days Post-Transfer

Dx - Diagnosis


E2 - Estradiol

EB,EMB - Endometrial Biopsy

EDD - Estimated Due Date

ENDO - Endometriosis

EG - Evil Grin

EOD - End Of Discussion

EPO - Evening Primrose Oil

EPT - Early Pregnancy Test

ESP - ESPecially

ET - Embryo Transfer

EW,EWCM - Eggwhite Cervical Mucus


FET - Frozen Embryo Transfer

FHR - Fetal Heart Rate

FIL - Father in law

FP - Follicular Phase

FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone

FBOW - For Better Or Worse

FTTA - Fertile Thoughts To All

FUR - False Unicorn Root

FV - Fertile Vibes

FYA - For Your Amusement

FYI - For Your Information


G - Grin

GAFIA - Get Away From It All

GAL- Get A Life

GFY - Good For You

GG- Gotta Go

GIFT - Gamete Intra-fallopianTransfer

GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike

GnRH - Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone

GP - General Practitioner


HAGD - Have A Great Day

HAND - Have A Nice Day

hCG,HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

hMG,HMG - Human Menopausal Gonadotropin

HPT - Home Pregnancy Test

HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy

HSC - Hysteroscopy

HSG - Hysterosalpingogram

HTH - Hope That Helps

HUTH - Hang Up The Horns


IAC - In Any Case

IAE - In Any Event

ICI - Intra-cervical Insemination

ICSI - Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection

ICBW - I Could Be Wrong

IDTT - I'll Drink To That

IIRC - If I Recall Correctly

IM - Instant Message (Instant Messaging)

IF - Infertility

IMAO - In My Arrogant Opinion

IMBO - In My Biased Opinion

IMCO - In My Considered Opinion

IME - In My Experience

IMHO - In My Honest/Humble Opinion

IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion

IMO - In My Opinion

INPO - In No Particular Order

IOW - In Other Words

IRL - In Real Life

ITI - Intra-tubal Insemination

IUI - Intra-uterine Insemination

IVF - InVitro Fertilization


JIC - Just In Case

J/K - Just Kidding

JMO - Just My Opinion

JTYWLTK - Just Thought You Would Like To Know


KISS - Keep It Simple Sweetheart (Stupid)

KUP - Keep us posted

KWIM - Know What I Mean


LAP - Laparoscopy

LH - Luteinizing Hormone

LMP - Last Menstrual Period (startdate)

LMAO - Laughing My Ankles (A**) Off

LMBO - Laughing My Butt Off

LO - Love Olympics (sex)

LOL - Laugh Out Loud

LP - Luteal Phase

LPD - Luteal Phase Defect4

LSP - Low Sperm Count

LUF,LUFS - Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome


MC,m/c - Miscarriage

MF - MaleFactor

MIFT - Micro Injection Fallopian Transfer

MIL - Mother in law

M/S, MS - Morning Sickness


NA (N/A) - Not Applicable, Not Appropriate

NAK - Nursing At Keyboard

Newbie - New to the Internet or Bulletin Board

NFP - Natural Family Planning

NIPing - Nursing In Public

NMP - Not My Problem

NP - No Problem

NPI - No Pun Intended

NRN - No Reply Necessary

NT - No Text


O - Ovulation, Ovulated

OB - Obstetrician

OB/GYN - Obstetrician/Gynecologist

OC - Oral Contraceptives

OD - Ovulatory Dysfunction

OHT - One-Handed Typing

OP - Other Poster/Original Poster

OIC - Oh I (C) See

OMG - Oh My God

OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit

OPT - Ovulation Predictor Test

OT - Off Topic

OTOH - On The Other Hand

OTS - Off The Subject

OTC - Over The Counter


PPAF - Post-Pardom Aunt Flo

PCO - Polycystic Ovaries

PCOD - Polycystic Ovary Disease

PCOS - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCP - Primary Care Physician

PCT - Post Coital Test

PG - Pregnant

PID - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

PMS - Pre-menstrual Syndrome

POAS - Pee on a stick (Home Pregnancy Test)

PPL - PeoPLe

PTL - Praise The Lord

PU - That Stinks


RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist

R-FSH - Recombinant Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone

RI - Reproductive Immunologist

Rx - Prescription


SA - Semen Analysis

SAHD - Stay-At-Home Dad

SAHM - Stay-At-Home Mom

SB - Step-Brother

SBT - Sad But True

SD - Step-Daughter / Step-Dad

SFAIAA - So Far As I Am Aware

SF - Step-Father

SFMP - Sorry For Multiple Posts

SHG - Sonohysterogram

SIL - Sister in law

SITD - Still In The Dark

SM - Step-Mom (Mother)

SNS - Supplemental Nursing System

SMEP - Sperm Meets Egg Plan

SS - Step-Son / Step-Sister

SO - Significant Other

STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease


TAFT - That's A Frightening Thought

TAYL - Talk At You Later

TCOYF -Taking Care of Your Fertility

TFIC - Tongue Firmly In Cheek

THX - Thanks

TIA- Thanks In Advance

TIC - Tongue In Cheek

TIME - Tears In My Eyes

TMI - Too Much Information

TOH - typing one-handed

TPTB - The Powers That Be

TTC - Trying To Conceive

TTFN - Ta-Ta For Now

TTYL - Talk To You Later

TTYS - Talk To You Soon

TWIMC - To Whom It May Concern

TWW - Two week wait (also 2WW)

TY - Thank You

TYVM - Thank You Very Much

TR - Tubal Reversal

Tx - Treatment


UR - Urologist

U/S - Ultrasound

UTI - Urinary Tract Infection


V - Vasectomy

VR - Vasectomy Reversal


WAHD - Work-At-Home-Dad

WAHM - Work-At-Home-Mom

WB - Welcome Back

WFM - Works For Me

WEG - Wicked Evil Grin

W/O - WithOut

WNL - Within Normal Limits

WOHM - Work Out of Home Mom

WRT - With Regard To

WTG - Way To Go

WTH - What The Heck??

WU? - What's Up?

WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get


ZIFT - Zygote Intra-fallopian Transfer[/QUOTE]
@ gina236 thanks started temp today and it was 36.2 °C. i also ordered a fahrenheit since i read that it would be easier to see change in temp.

So let me understand well, when one sees the temperature drop (which i read means that ovulation will be near) one has to ttc at that time and continue until the temp goes higher (high temp means ovulation took place) right?

You won't always see a temp drop. That's why temping can't be used for timing. All it can do is confirm. So you would still need to use opks or check CM (cervical mucus) to time things properly when temping. But once you do ovulate your temp will go up. For some it creeps up slowly and for some it jumps wayy up.
Good job on the TTC dictionary, Gina! I didn't know there were QUITE so many terms.

In case it's helpful, ttcn15, the most common terms that Gina listed that I see on here (in addition to the ones you already know) are "as for me" (AFM), days post ovulation (DPO), basal body temperature (BBT), ovulate/ovulation (O), cycle day (CD), obstetrician (OB), internet cheapie preg test (IC), home preg test (HPT), First Response Early Response (FRER), Clear Blue (CB), digital preg test (digi), human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), two-week wait (TWW), luteal phase (LP), cervical fluid (CF), cervical mucus (CM), cervical position (CP), EWCM (egg white cervical mucus), doing the dirty (DTD), baby dance i.e., sex (BD), chemical pregnancy (CP), miscarriage (MC), morning sickness (MS), Fertility Friend i.e., the app (FF), crosshairs i.e., on Fertility Friend to show ovulation (CH), fingers crossed (FX or FC). There are probably more, but I see these get used probably the most!

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