first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

how cool would it be to deliver a child on the same date too looolll
Haha that's so cool!! Yes it was a beautiful saturday!
Oh and vel I have always wanted to try cups but just get nervous with the lack of a string lol. But I might have to try it.
Haha, I'm with you Vel and Gina, but you go baby that's amazing! Totally going to overshare here...We were super active the first 2 years. Then I went through a really stressful year at work, which totally killed my libido...and I think like said Gina it just broke the habit. Things improved a bit after I switched from the district to a private company, but they definitely weren't like they were before. Then I went on bcp for 2.5 years, and I'm pretty sure that dried me up and killed my libido. It was hard on DH. He thought it was him. Tbh it didn't even really come back for our wedding/honeymoon. It was frustrating bc I knew we were so good together from before, but every time I tried it just didn't feel the same. I went off of bcp for ttc and boom everything came right back. Ttc has definitely helped us reconnect in that way, but it's still mostly just during the fertile window. My cm just isn't great outside of that time, and I hate lube. We love preseed, but it's far too pricey to use all the time. I probably won't go back on bcp until after we have our second, and even then it might be a tough decision now knowing that it was the root of the problem.

Pads are the absolute worst. I don't know how anyone uses them. I feel like I'm waddling around in a diaper. I had to use them after the cytotec to allow everything to pass, and it was awful on top of awful. I refused to wear jeans or pants that whole weekend. Thankfully, although there was a lot of blood, it barely touched the pad, so I switched to liners during the day when I went back to work. I still used pads at night though, just in case.
I hear ya on the BDing, Gina (and I think I said this before too). My mum popped over today and she suggested just taking things easy this next cycle and only having sex when the fancy naturally takes us. Ha! If we left it to that, we'd be relying on immaculate conception! The truth is that after eight years our intimacy habits have gotten bad. Like Les said too, it's taken a toll on my DH because it comes across as rejection, but then he denies being up for it all the time anyway. I think TTC will bring us closer once I've stopped making it regimented around O time.

Vel, I've definitely been tempted by the cup. How DO you not lose it up there, though? I feel like it would be like sending an unmanned mission into space.
Oh and vel I have always wanted to try cups but just get nervous with the lack of a string lol. But I might have to try it.

It's not that bad. You don't push it up as far as a tampon.. and the cup has like a long thing on the bottom to pull it out easily.
It's just the emptying of the cup that's a bit weird but you'll get used to it xD it's definitely amazing tho. I love it. Never going back to tampons. ^^
Les- I think that's normal with the bcp. That thing screws up your hormones. After I had my son I couldnt use anything hormonal anymore because during the pregnancy they found a benign tumor in my liver and said that hormones would make it grow and well thank god now it's gone. But I got instead the copper rod put in and it didn't change anything I still had an active libido. And in my opinion I was also wetter at that time. Now ttcing.. well I feel like I have nothing. Barely any wetness or cm. It's frustrating... and I am starting to think that maybe that is the reason why we haven't conceived.

Jez-it's quite easy actually. It says where it is and like I said to gina. You don't put it in as far as a tampon and the thing on the bottom of it is how you pull it out. :) you guys should Def try it.
I'm still here, guys! :) I like to use a computer rather than my phone to reply but its been my only choice lately lol this might be a long catch up post!

I'm doing pretty good, honestly. Work is still stressful with petty drama and now having meetings with administration on said drama. I had to step up. Our jobs are about the kids, and I don't take that lightly.

Just kinda hanging out and waiting for the 10 days of provera to be over, then wait for AF to take the Clomid. Its actually been less stressful, like I can just let my mind go a bit and let the meds do their jobs. Wondering if it will work or not constantly but trying to remind myself I'm doing all I can. What sucks though is that I'm pretty sure the laparoscopy ended my "diagnostic testing" and from here on out its fertility treatments which insurance doesn't cover. I hope these cycles don't get too expensive..! The meds were cheap though, 80 cents for Provera and $9 Clomid.

I was supposed to stop by the REs office yesterday to recheck my VitD levels, and totally forgot. Got home and realized, called them back and now have to be there at 830am today. Blows my morning off work, but its my fault. It just sucks to go that far for a 5 minute visit. Also, kinda wishing they'd done it Tuesday when I was already there, AND had blood drawn for hcg. Whatever.

So anyways, I can relate to the BD topic lol we do it once or twice a week, and daily/every other day in what I think are fertile windows (depending on if I O or not).. Maybe it was teenage hormones but we were like rabbits the first few years lol and it slows down and picks up now. I think it will come back after TTC because its just so mentally exhausting.

Its been great taking a break from temping here too, Gina! I sleep better in my last hour or so now because I'm not worried about bbt in the back of my mind.

Thanks for asking about me Vel! I hate typing so much on my phone. I'm due for an upgrade though so I'm going to check that out today and see what I can get.. The new GalaxyS7 looks amazing!.. And I still want to see your hair!! :p
Hi there guys ^^ finally got an app at the doc. Going on monday to get checked out. Is it weird that I am hoping she does find something.. nothing big but just something small..
Because at least that would explain why it hasn't worked yet.
Or maybe she will have some tips on how to achieve it better. Bought some more ovulation tests yesterday .. they were on sale at the store. Got the clearblue ones.. I have had it with the stupid ICs.. I just don't know if I ovulated or not. They are too hard to read...

Wifey I hope those cry babies at your work stop it. You'd think they are children themselves not taking care of some. It's ridiculous. It reminds me of when I finished my work placement... I was the oldest there because I studied later on (cause I had a baby) and omg.. I felt like I was in a kindergarden.

They were all 16 or 17.. the drama wasn't even funny.

Hope you get it resolved.

Sucks that you have to pay now for the fertility treatment. Hope it's not too expensive. I'm glad you can relax now a bit... and I bet that the clomid will do what it needs to do. So how do you have to take all of it now? How does the provera and clomid work exactly?

The Samsung s7 does look amazing ^^ I have the galaxy Note 4 and I love my phone. It's lasted through a lot too. My son has thrown it down the stairs and everhthing lol.

Hope everything goes as planned with the clomid and provera and that you ovulate and catch the egg.. maybe even too.. I hear with clomid that some conceive twins. :)
I ended up getting the new iPhone 6sPlus - it's amazing! I love everything about it! It's rose gold which is really dainty :) :cloud9: Just need a good case now though lol AT&T had a great deal, buy one iPhone, get one free (got DH the black one, he was not expecting that!!) and then since we got that deal we got an iPad mini for $99. Upgraded our data package from 7GB/mo to 15 for $10 more. It was a good time lol thank god I'm off my Windows phone, I hated it. My keyboard was jacked up, speaker blown, all kinds of problems. :wacko:

I'm so glad you got in quickly, Vel. I had the same feelings about hoping they do find something or else it's just all unexplained and that's not helpful. If she doesn't find anything, is DH open to a SA? I know that doesn't have to do with the cycles/pain but maybe that's something in the big picture. I'll totally have FX for you and hope it's an easy fix :) I did the same re: OPKs lol I know they say PCOS girls like myself shouldn't use them, but i think that's crap. If you O, it should pick it up. It's just a urine test, not rocket science lol I hope you like the CB ones, they're expensive but I'm going to enjoy just getting a digital read rather than frying my eyes looking at ICs all the time. Wish I was one of those who gets good progression on them. I get close to positive but never a true positive. This cycle is GOING to be different ;) ;)

The work drama could be greatly lessened if they would get rid of this mentally 14 year old 50 year old lady who thinks its cute to whisper, point and laugh at people, or tell a student to turn the lights off when I knock on the door. Like really? I'm sure my meeting with the assistant principal will alleviate this mess. That lady is just so weird lol and for some reason the other classroom assistants are intimidated by her so they just follow the leader. They take time away from the students education to play games with drama. It's sick.

And I hope that this cycle may be all I need to pay for out of pocket. On CD12 or 13 they start ultrasounds daily or so to do follicle tracking and see if you O, if it's big enough egg, if it releases, all that. But insurance won't cover these and its $100something per scan. Yikes! With the other testing they did I scored excellent/above average to likelihood to respond to stimulation so I'd be thrilled if I could O 2, 3 eggs and catch one or two! I think the Clomid rate of twins is 10%, but I really can't imagine myself getting so lucky. I'm getting in the mindset of, ok so if I do O and get a BFP, how hard is it going to be to keep it? Like, if I'm having this hard of time just Oing, does that mean I'll have a hard time holding onto baby? Time will tell...!

I have not seen AF since Jan 3rd. I spotted after the lap but that didn't count. So Provera works to give you a period, you take it for 10 days and then within a week or so after you'll get your AF. Provera is progesterone, so I think it's a withdraw bleed really rather than a true AF. But last time I took it, TMI, it was a darker red AF with tiny clots - more like the AF I had in my teenage years, like a true AF to me. So once I'm done taking these pills (7 to go ATM!) I'll wait, get AF and call my RE CD1 to schedule the CD12/13 ultrasounds. Start taking Clomid CD3 for 5 days, which induces ov, so I think it's 2 weeks after you're done with clomid you expect to O. I'm sure they'll do plenty of blood work in there too.

bedtime pillow talk with DH has been so stress relieving. He says he really think this will work and he feels like it's coming. He said to not worry, let it be and just follow Drs orders and all will work out. He then jokes and says don't worry I'll knock you up lol I'll put a baby in ya! Lol that's when I say HUBBY! Goodnight lol

And adding all my TTC abbreviations to my new dictionary is annoying :rofl:
Haha wifey about the ttc abbreviations on phones, I was typing something on Facebook the other day and it auto corrected to a ttc abbreviation! :rofl:

That's so good you have a plan. I really hope this is all you needed to get a good stong O and get that bfp!

Vel that's great you got an appt to see a doctor! Hopefully they find something simple and easy to fix. Cb digi opks are soooo much easier to use than ICs but definitely way more expensive. But it will definitely take the guess work out of it.

I have the galaxy s6 edge and it's been great. Had it for almost a year. I had att with my s4 but I read the fine print on their new plans and you end up paying 1000 dollars for the phone in the long run instead of the 600 it costs. So we switched to t-mobile and now have unlimited data and financed phones for cheaper than I was paying for just our plan on att. Service isn't as good but I am definitely wayy happier with them. I was with att for 10 years and would have stayed if they would have just let me keep my contract. Lol.

AFM trying really hard not to use tampons. Been bleeding clots alot more than normal so hopefully it's helping. I won't be updating my FF so don't bother looking at it haha. I don't want to see the predicted O date so I'm just not opening the app. :haha: currently got hubby making me gluten free pancakes then off getting ready for tomorrow. We are throwing my dad a surprise graduation party. He just finished his masters degree after 20 years of wanting it. So very proud of him! So I won't be on much this weekend as I'll be busy with that. :)
You know I have the same thing with the IC opks... there are lines but I can never tell if I ovulated and now looking back at them (yes I dug some out the trash xD) they look more like my body was trying to ovulate and then gave up.. which explains why I never have any ewcm or barely any cramping.. I read online a few women had normal af''s and normal cycles and still were diagnosed with pcos.. but I really hope I don't have that and that's its an easy fix.

That 50 year old woman sounds ridiculous... jesus she needs to grow up. I mean turning of the light when you knock? Really? Oh man I'd freak. I go off easily lol.. don't have alot of patience for people like that.

Oh that sounds good with clomid and provera then. And I'm happy your dh has a good feeling about this. I do too. I read a bit about a few with clomid and some said they got pregnant in the first two cycles.. let's hope you are one of them. :)

Lol would you have a problem with twins? Me and DF have twins on both sides of our family. And my son was a twin but I lost the other one at 11 weeks. Didn't know until after... I don't think you will lose it. I have a very good feeling about this. You have to keep a positive outlook. I think the stress and negativity makes it more possible. That's just me ;)
Me and DF actually had a talk yesterday about SA.. he was all like "I am not having someone touch my private parts and inspect them!" XD I told him that all he needed to do was give a sperm sample and they look into it. :rofl: god I was laughing so hard. But he meant it as a joke and he said that he would go if everything is ok with me. Just to get checked. Now he wasn't happy about it but he said he'll do it for me. Let's hope something is wrong with me because if he'd need to take something to change his lifestyle then we are in trouble xD

Iphone 6s is nice. My df needs a new phone too. But he wants the iphone5s. Likes the way it looks.

I am super nervous about the doc app on monday though. Hope they take me serious and aren't like "you haven't tried long enough so come back in another half year"
That's a good thing with the app gina. Just relax this month and it sounds like no tampon is good. It'll clear up everything down there. :) hopefully you'll be all cleared up and ready when you start ttc again. Have fun at your dad grad party :) it''s amazing that he accomplished something like that so late in life.
I'd be proud of my dad too :)
I so want to respond to everyone this morning, but my head is too foggy. I didn't get to sleep until 1 am, but like clockwork I'm still up by 6. I'm out in Palm Springs for a friend's bday. I'm still limiting alcohol, but I had 1 drink, stayed out with the group, ate pizza, and laughed. By the end of the night, I could barely keep my eyes open. More festivities to follow today...hopefully I can nap later! I'm just in a right mood though. I forgot my pills, which means I'm all itchy (my eye burns it itches so bad) and my nose is a runny faucet (I have really bad allergies to pollen and esp grass), AND no prenatals :(. DH thought I'd be fine bc we're out in the desert, but nope! Something out here must be flowering. I feel so irresponsible. Here I am hoping that AF will return this weekend (still no sign), and I'm not even doing what I need to do to give us the best shot at a healthy baby! I'll probably grab Zyrtec at the store today, but I also take a prescription so that will have to wait. The prenatals though...I'm assuming I'll just have to hope that missing 2 days isn't a big deal. Bah sorry for the rant. Just felt like I needed to vent.
Lol Gina!! - I can just see it now .. "Having a great day with my EWCM sweet family <3" hahaha! T-Mobile is horrible for service out here, we tried their unlimited plan but struggled to get one bar out here "in the farms" (insert county twang there :haha:) we actually are on a family plan with my parents, it's so much cheaper vs our own plan. I just give my parents our portion monthly and make sure to slip an extra 20 or 30 as a thank you. ;) but OMG did I love my T-Mobile sidekicks back in the day!! I loved T-Mobile when I lived close to a city. Congrats to your Dad! That's so awesome <3 huge accomplishment! And thank you for the well wishes this cycle, I keep seeing on threads here ladies releasing 3-4 eggies!

I would absolutely adore multiples. I would be the happiest girl alive to conceive and carry twins or triplets. I'm definitely not trying to get my hopes up that high, though. I know it'll be a miracle if I catch one so I'm staying humble. The rates are up though, so in reality I have to give that consideration.. And I'd be soon incredibly happy with twins. Higher risk, I know, but still.

Lesondemavie, you know you're in the right place to vent! ;) I hope you had a beautiful time at Palm Springs after you got your antihistamine. I'd love to see a scenic shot! And it's easy to be hard on ourselves for missed meds, I feel the same way when I forget mine. Turns into a failure moment in my head for TTC.. I wouldn't stress the prenatals though, given where you are in your cycle and while they are a lovely component, so many women conceive without them. Hope you're doing better now and laughed until you couldn't stay awake again :) glad you and DH got to get away for a moment :)

TTC Distraction: Made a cake for a girlfriends bday yesterday -- it was my first triple layer ever lol I'm pretty darn proud of it though! DH kept asking if I was going to ice the sides.. I said no hub it's supposed to look like that! Lol!
Les - hope you had fun and that you found something to control the allergies.
And don't worry about the prenatals. ^^ I only ended up taking the prenatals when I found out I was pregnant and that was a month in the pregnancy. So you should be fine.

Wifey-that cake looks amazing. ^^ I'd love a piece pls xD
Oh twins... I have a bad feeling ill be getting twins. They are on mine and DF's side lol I think the chance of it is higher. Lol
But it's good you are prepared for it. ^^

AFM had super strong cramps yesterday and today they are just gone. But they were only on the left side.. think I was ovulating again? Don't know.. Oh well I have my doc appt tomorrow. So nervous. .
Gina - Congrats to your dad! That's fantastic!

Beautiful cake wifey! I'm sure everyone just loves it :). I did my first triple layer a while's no small feat!

Here's a photo from the car on our way out. I've backpacked up the tallest peak there in the distance. It's a beautiful mountain.


Vel - Faternal twins actually only run on the female side (it's a genetic predisposition to release two eggs at once), but it is also more likely the older you get. Identical twins is just chance not genetic. So who knows :) any one of us could end up with twins. Hope your appointment goes well and you get some answers!
Here's the triple layer cake I did:


I iced the whole thing, made a ganache, froze it to make chocolate curls for the top and used the rest to add the chips along the bottom.

I'd definitely say yours gives mine a run for its money. You have such beautiful height on yours, the layers are so distinct, and the cake looks so light and fluffy!
Les-mmh can't see the pics sadly. Well that's good then cause I would rather have just one for now xD although I wouldn't hate it if it were so. Just want another one later maybe ^^

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