I ended up getting the new iPhone 6sPlus - it's amazing! I love everything about it! It's rose gold which is really dainty

Just need a good case now though lol AT&T had a great deal, buy one iPhone, get one free (got DH the black one, he was not expecting that!!) and then since we got that deal we got an iPad mini for $99. Upgraded our data package from 7GB/mo to 15 for $10 more. It was a good time lol thank god I'm off my Windows phone, I hated it. My keyboard was jacked up, speaker blown, all kinds of problems.
I'm so glad you got in quickly, Vel. I had the same feelings about hoping they do find something or else it's just all unexplained and that's not helpful. If she doesn't find anything, is DH open to a SA? I know that doesn't have to do with the cycles/pain but maybe that's something in the big picture. I'll totally have FX for you and hope it's an easy fix

I did the same re: OPKs lol I know they say PCOS girls like myself shouldn't use them, but i think that's crap. If you O, it should pick it up. It's just a urine test, not rocket science lol I hope you like the CB ones, they're expensive but I'm going to enjoy just getting a digital read rather than frying my eyes looking at ICs all the time. Wish I was one of those who gets good progression on them. I get close to positive but never a true positive. This cycle is GOING to be different
The work drama could be greatly lessened if they would get rid of this mentally 14 year old 50 year old lady who thinks its cute to whisper, point and laugh at people, or tell a student to turn the lights off when I knock on the door. Like really? I'm sure my meeting with the assistant principal will alleviate this mess. That lady is just so weird lol and for some reason the other classroom assistants are intimidated by her so they just follow the leader. They take time away from the students education to play games with drama. It's sick.
And I hope that this cycle may be all I need to pay for out of pocket. On CD12 or 13 they start ultrasounds daily or so to do follicle tracking and see if you O, if it's big enough egg, if it releases, all that. But insurance won't cover these and its $100something per scan. Yikes! With the other testing they did I scored excellent/above average to likelihood to respond to stimulation so I'd be thrilled if I could O 2, 3 eggs and catch one or two! I think the Clomid rate of twins is 10%, but I really can't imagine myself getting so lucky. I'm getting in the mindset of, ok so if I do O and get a BFP, how hard is it going to be to keep it? Like, if I'm having this hard of time just Oing, does that mean I'll have a hard time holding onto baby? Time will tell...!
I have not seen AF since Jan 3rd. I spotted after the lap but that didn't count. So Provera works to give you a period, you take it for 10 days and then within a week or so after you'll get your AF. Provera is progesterone, so I think it's a withdraw bleed really rather than a true AF. But last time I took it, TMI, it was a darker red AF with tiny clots - more like the AF I had in my teenage years, like a true AF to me. So once I'm done taking these pills (7 to go ATM!) I'll wait, get AF and call my RE CD1 to schedule the CD12/13 ultrasounds. Start taking Clomid CD3 for 5 days, which induces ov, so I think it's 2 weeks after you're done with clomid you expect to O. I'm sure they'll do plenty of blood work in there too.
bedtime pillow talk with DH has been so stress relieving. He says he really think this will work and he feels like it's coming. He said to not worry, let it be and just follow Drs orders and all will work out. He then jokes and says don't worry I'll knock you up lol I'll put a baby in ya! Lol that's when I say HUBBY! Goodnight lol
And adding all my TTC abbreviations to my new dictionary is annoying