Ooh hopefully!! You got any OPKs???
I have started light bleeding today. Probably AF creeping up on me. Only a teeny bit when I wipe, nothing there on the liner. Hmf!!
Ooh hopefully!! You got any OPKs???
I have started light bleeding today. Probably AF creeping up on me. Only a teeny bit when I wipe, nothing there on the liner. Hmf!!
UGHI hate when AF just takes her time, sneaking around
Just come on already so we can move on!
I completely understand the frustrations of waiting for AF. Its so horrible when you see the pinkish on the toilet tissue and then nothing on the liner. I had experienced that about a month ago. I thought I was starting. I had been due for my last "evil" shot on the 5th and I bled a dark brownish colored blood for a day then some normal spotting, then the pinkish on the tp..sorry if TMI. thanks for all of you support and baby dust or at least AF to get us all moving toward our BFPs....
Ooh hopefully!! You got any OPKs???
I have started light bleeding today. Probably AF creeping up on me. Only a teeny bit when I wipe, nothing there on the liner. Hmf!!
UGHI hate when AF just takes her time, sneaking around
Just come on already so we can move on!
I just downloaded that book to my kindle, thinking about trying it...but I should prolly wait to see if Im even cycling, what do you think?
Oh ok, I see. I could have sworn I replied to this already....oh well.oh sorry...lol the SMEP book...i guess i should make sure to put complete thoughts...:-\
Semis to just be spotting at the minute, looks like it's getting darker though. I hope it's AF to be honest, just get this cycle over with!
I only had one shot & it ran out, so to speak, in October...still haven't had a proper AF yet. Hoping this is a proper one, seems to have come with full force now. And with the period pains I've had, I certainly hope it IS a proper AF!!
I was just wondering, how long did it take yo guys to start having cycles again after Depo? I thought I had but now Im not so sure....Arg! so frustrating...Just wish it would happen in an obvious " AF is here" kind of way so I could be sure and start charting officially...