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First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Red so happy you have a plan in place! It always made me feel better too. I have never been a runner but I need to start walking again. Love walking around the lake.

J how are you holding up today?

Kay any news??

Seoul so glad you are finally feeling better. What a long road! So worth it though : )
Sorry you guys are feeling so ick lanet and red :( I swear between the Zofran and unisom/b6 combo it's the only thing that kept me out of the hospital.

Red - mid September is just around the corner so yay!

Keeping everything crossed for you jsquared :flower:

afm - started p17 this past weekend. Thought I dodged the bullet of progesterone shots during IVF - yeah, not so much. But at least it's only one a week as opposed to everyday because they are TERRIBLE!

In the truck on the way home Sunday night I felt the most awful pain. Felt like I was being turned inside out and wouldn't let up. The pain kept up through the night so OB had me come in. Ultrasound confirmed they both moved from head to head transverse to breech smushed right up close to each other and were now very front and centered directly over my public bone (YEOUCH!!!) but also that -

With them both being bums down the peenies were both clear as day lol. I'm the only one that knows!!! Kids and hubs will find out during gender reveal party August 30th. It's only been a day and already so hard to keep the secret!
Oh wow Messica congrats on 2 boys!!!! What is the p17? My butt is so sore I'm afraid I'm doing permanent damage to the muscles. 9 shots a week, but I'll be done soon enough!
I'm doing the b6 unisom combo too. It's definetely making it manageable. I'm just so worried that it might get worse:(
Thanks! I think the only one that's going to be a smidge disappointed is my daughter. She was really hoping for a sister and I can't blame her lol. I do think it'll make our bond that much more special though, or at least that's how I hope she comes around to the idea :flower:

The p17 is (hydroxyprogesterone caproate) designed to help prevent preterm labor. Since I dealt with that crap with my first two, and this is a multiples pregnancy insurance approved it and my OB was pretty gung ho on getting me up and running with it. I'm not sure how or why it works but it's about the only thing that's actually proven to get you further along than you would without it. Most of the internet says it's only approved for use with singletons but it's wildly popular for use in multiple pregnancies the last couple of years and is a pretty commonly used therapy.

I can't remember who exactly told me about it but I'm sure it was someone here on this board. Most of the women I've talked to that took it got to 36 weeks+ and avoided all NICU time for their babies or drastically reduced it. Doc brought it up at 15 week appointment and I started it this past weekend when I hit 17 weeks (I think most start 16 weeks+ and it's just once a week until 35/36 weeks)
Messica congrats on two baby boys--how precious!! Your daughter will have three sweet brothers looking out for her-- lucky girl!

Peachy I'm going out of my ever-loving mind. But during last night's pio I really thought about how much more it would suck to take that shot knowing it was for nothing. So ignorance is bliss for now. Only not bliss. Not even close. I don't know. I keep thinking this all should have worked, but then I think it couldn't have. You all know what I mean. Ughhhh.
Messica my daughter wants 2 boys, she wants to be the only girl;) what are your plans for gender reveal? Interesting about the p17. I had my dd at 36 weeks, but she was big and healthy like full term so not sure what happened.
J I know just how you feel, I only made it 5 days into the 2ww and went absolutely nuts! Hang in there.
Messica huge congrats on the boys!! Don't dress them the same! : )

J I know exactly what you mean. I admire you holding out I just can't comprehend it :winkwink: the 2ww is torture to be sure. Will you test day of or wait for them to tell you?
Congrats Messica on the two boys so exciting!! Those shots don't sound like fun but anything to keep those babes in longer each week that passes is a huge accomplishment in development.

Peachy- Did you have a scan today? I see you changed your pic but I want to know all about it :)

lanet- When is your scan?

Jsquared - I just want this week to fly for you to get your BFP :)

kay- Can't wait to hear how your scan went.
Peachy - NO worries about me dressing them the same. I have nothing matching, including bedding now, and have zero intention of ever doing the matchy matchy thing lol

lanet - our gender reveal party will be a "BaByQ." We'll grill, have everyone outside throwing beanbags, playing dorky baby games and soaking up the last bit of summer. Towards the end the kids will each shoot a black, pink or blue paint filled balloon with their bows to reveal the gender of each to family and friends. Kind of like this: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/123286108524747585/

Have to tweak the wording but invites will be something like this: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/19140367139400045/
I am so sorry guys, I got completely caught up yesterday and never came online. I woke up SO incredibly early anxious that something could be wrong and excited to find out what the baby was, that by afternoon after the appointment I crashed and went to sleep before heading out to dinner with my OH's family who were in town.

All went fabulously with the scan. No problems to report, the baby is entirely healthy. Larger than average sized head for age - looking forward to that push. :winkwink:

Like Messica and Mono, I too am TEAM BLUE!

Messica - Congratulations!!! That is exciting that you got to find out so early, sorry it came via a scare. Your BaByQ sounds AMAZING!!!

Peachy - Your little one in the avatar looks great! How'd the appointment go? All good?

J - Good things come to those who wait. At least, that's what folks say. I really hope that it is true for you!

Lanet - I hope you feel better soon.

Red - Sounds like a great plan! Running will help ease stress and make you feel good about your efforts after you've done it. I was doing a Couch to 5K (C25K) program just before this cycle and until I got to stims when the ovaries were too full for running. (I used to run, even did a marathon in 2005 -in a fit of psychosis, but then fell completely off the wagon and C25K was my way of rebuilding a good foundation. I don't like it, I'm not one with the running bug, but like what it does for me.)

Time flies - Mid-october is mere weeks away!
Kay- Congrats on being team Blue glad to hear everything went well with your scan. :)

AFM- I had a scan today and the babies are each almost a pound. The doc did mention my cervix is too short and gave me some progesterone to see if that helps. Of coarse I started googling and completely freaked myself out sounds like it can be pretty serious and may cause me to get a cerclage and be put on strict bed rest. Uggh I just want these babies to stay put for a while.
Messica that sounds like a fun way to reveal the gender!
Kay congrats on a boy!!!!!! And so glad he's nice an healthy!
Seoul that sounds scary, did the dr seem worried? Here's hoping you don't need bedrest so soon. Maybe the progesterone will help.
Afm, scan today, baby a heartrate 153 measuring 7 and 3. Baby b, much higher up and farther from the probe so gives me a moment of panic each time they look for him, but measuring exactly the same with a heartrate of 156. Yay!!
I get to reduce my delestrogen and pio next week, and then stop!!!! I can't believe it!!!!
Yay Kay!!! :happydance:

Seoul - I hold my breath as they're measuring cervix because that's always such a big concern. I hope the progesterone helps!!!

lanet - woot woot for almost being done with meds! I remember when I stopped I felt like I was forgetting or doing something wrong lol
Messica- Congratulations on team Blue... I clicked on the pinterest link...for the gender reveal party ideas and they look so much fun!

Seoul - I am glad that your doctor did recognize the issue of your cervix. I remember there was one person in this thread before...months and months ago that had a m/c because of incompetent cervix and in my opinion it arises from the malpractice of the doctor that should have known but failed to diagnose. So its a relief to know that you are in good hands :)...I also hope the progesterone will do the job too.

Lanet - yey for the twins!!! There are three sets of twins in this thread!!!!

Peachy - your u/s looks wonderful...Do you have a name in mind yet?... do you have sex preference?

Kay - Do you have a name in mind yet? Team Blue!!! woot woot

AFM - I am now 34 weeks and hoping to make it till 37 weeks, I know my OB said she is fine with 35 weeks but I am not looking forward for any NICU time...The stuff I've been buying online came today and I am getting more excited and everything is getting real. Today I got my Maxi Cosi AP car seat! yey, I got a deep blue v4 Stokke Xplory... oh and the coolest thing I did was I went to Craiglist and look for babies lot sale 0 - 3months and newborn clothes, then I chose the city where they are being advertised. I was able to buy bunch of clothes for 20 dollars from two couples in Newport Beach and most of them are new and some still has tags. Although I bought some new ones too, I thought that since babies grow so fast and they usually don't roll in the mud and dirty their clothes, I see no wrong in buying second hands clothes...so his closets are now full of nb, 0-3 months and only cost me 50 dollars...Next appointment I have is in two weeks and the doctor will perform vaginal swab to check GBS...
Mono that sounds like a great idea! I've been looking on craigslist for a rocking chair, I really want 1 upstairs and 1 downstairs. You are really so close!!! How do you feel? Do you have quite a belly?
I do have a big belly :)...from my check up yesterday my OB said, I gained 19 lbs... lots of my friends said that from behind I don't even look pregnant... I also carry my pregnancy high and that's probably why I get full so easy since my stomach can only hold so little food. Sitting in the couch and then getting up is quite uncomfortable now. I have bouts of insomnia too and oh one night, I had a shoulder pain that woke me up from my sleep..so that worried me because I've read from MR. Google that it could be sing of preeclampsia but luckily it was an isolated incident.

So far, my high blood pressure is maintained, I have no swelling nor varicose veins, no protein in my urine. Except for the discomfort of having a big belly and a constantly moving baby boy inside me...that sometimes wedge in my ribs...I really can't complaint...I can't wait to meet my little man:)
lanet- So glad to hear your scan went well and both babies are doing well. How are you feeling when is your EDD? My doctor does seem concerned she says she will give the progesterone 2 weeks but if not we have to discuss options I have read that bed rest helps a lot so I am putting myself on some moderate rest to try and not risk anything.

mono- You are getting so close how exciting. That's awesome you found those clothes I swear they are so expensive and used for such a short time.
Hello Ladies!

Good Morning, as I am getting closer to meeting my lil man (few more weeks)...I've been receiving freebies and coupons in my mail. So I though I share this with you that might be interested.

You guys can get free carseat canopy at carseatcanopy.com, 1 free nursing pillow at nursingpillow.com, 1 nursing cover at uddercovers.com and 1 baby sling at sevenslings.com...you will only pay for the shipping and handling cost of 12.95 the promo code to use for all the above is DMC914.

I ordered the nursing pillow, I am not too interested with the others item, but you can all get one for free. Hope all is well with everybody!!!
Mono that's so fabulous! You're so thrifty I just love it!

Kay Congratulations! So glad he cooperated for you!

Messica that sounds like a fun party and I can't believe hubby wants to wait to find out!

Seoul taking it easy is a good idea. Try to relax as much as you can and I pray the shot is just what you need to calm things down :hugs:

J I have everything crossed for you and can't wait to hear about a BFP!
Lanet I don't want to skip you : ) so can't wait to hear a little update after tomorrow's visit. I'll let you know what that prescription is if I ever get my lazy ass to Target to pick it up.

Afm sorry for not posting but I don't like doing it without knowing what's going on with everyone else and reading can be tough having a migraine 24/7. Ugh. On Tues I was 8 weeks and baby measured 8+3 and HB was 174. I'm nervous that the HB was too high. I'm still petrified that something bad will happen and can't help it. I will be having the harmony test done at 10 weeks but the results take 10-14 days to come back so I won't get the results until my 12 week appt I'm sure. It's just one long waiting game...
Peachy, not sure if it helps but I always get really nervous for doctors appointments. RE, FS and OB said that's probably why babies heartbeats were higher, especially in the beginning. I guess it's pretty common across the board. I've noticed that if I'm going in for a hum drum appointment now they're in the 140's/150's, but if I'm nervous about something they shoot up into the 160's/170's.

My bp is always really low, but they still said it has to do with stress hormones that get released when your nerves are a bit on edge. They can definitely affect a peanut's heart rate.

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