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First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Red I did 48 solid hours of bedrest. Only getting up to go pee. But lots of people have success without it. It just has to be what you feel comfortable with. My clinic requires it.
Red when will.you he starting bcp's? July is going so fast. Do you feel a lot better now?

Afm my u/s at 6 weeks yesterday went very well. Baby is measuring 5wks6dys and had a heartbeat of 103. That seemed a little slow to me but I always have to worry : )
So unbelievably relieved and happy for you Peachy!!!!!!!!!! :hugs:
Peachy so happy for you. My babies measured 5 weeks 6 days as well when I first went and the only baby we saw the heartbeat of was 98bpm I also thought it was low and worried but just turned out it was too early next scan 2 weeks later both heartbeats were above 155. Really wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy. How are your headaches mine seems to be better most days but I have about 3 bad days a week.

How is everyone else Lanet when is your scan? Sorry its been hard to keep up I will he back home in a couple days and hope to catch up.
Seoul my scan is next Wednesday. I'm starting to have nausea. Praying it's not severe this time. Sore boobs and feeling preggo and loving it!
Spammer lanet - about as icky placed as any but yeah, I wouldn't expect a response!
I was wondering about that! Oh well it's gone now!
Thanks so much ladies I appreciate it. Seoul that makes me feel much better and am trying to just take things one day at a time. What happened with spam?
Peachy I'll text you about the spammer, it was nothing really.
So I'm going to update you on the scariest day of my life which was yesterday. Before leaving for work i was in the bathroom and wiped...bright red blood on the toilet paper and in the toilet! I thought I was in a nightmare and even blinked my eyes a few time, and then started bawling and praying. So I went to the ER and each time I went pee there was no more blood. So after a 6 hour wait they did an ultrasound. During the 30 minute long scan the tech never said a word, just changed "number of fetuses" from 1 to 2. Then started measuring fetus a and fetus b. at the end she finally showed us each gestational sac and each yolk sac. She said that was all she could say until the radiologist read the report.
Well the horrible ER dr came in and said well there are 2 but 1 is measuring 4 weeks 6 days and baby b is too small to measure so probably didn't "take" and that it's sac was empty.the bleed was from a small subchorionic hemorrage by baby b.
well I got the ultrasound report and called my fertility dr. She said at 5 weeks 4 days they are all too small to measure and she is amazed that they saw yolk sacs and that reassures her. She thinks everything is great and that we will see heartbeats next week. She said ER machines arent nearly as good at measuring anyway. My hcg is 18,166 so she said that's great. Also right on the report from the radiologist it says gestational sacS and fetal poleS present!
So I have so much to process but I'm way too scared to get excited and I feel like I'm in limbo until I see those precious and very much wanted heartbeats. And I'm on bedrest until then.
Oh Lanet! I am so sorry you're going through this. Here's hoping all will be just fine, but in the meantime it's good you're on bed rest. And your hcg being so high must be a good sign, right? I'm sure your RE is on top of it and everything will work out. What a scare though! Thinking of you.:flower:
Very scary lanet - but YAY for TWO!!!

I will be praying for both your beans!!!!
Lanet how scary! Have you had any more bleeding? I will be praying for you. I agree with your fertility doctor the fact that they even saw anything is great. I will be praying both your beans will be perfect when you go in next. Remember twin pregnancies tend to have a higher rate of bleeding and with all twin pregnancies like my doctor says there is a 20 percent chance of there being a vanishing twin but 80 percent all being perfect so just hang on to that 80 percent chance. Remember with me at 5 weeks 4 days one baby had a heartbeat and measured perfect and nothing on baby B but both were fine at the next one. I will be praying both your babes are perfect next visit.
Thanks ladies.
Seoul the bleeding stopped after that one time. Although I still see the tiniest amount of tannish discharge on my panty liner. It's just so confusing going to an emergency room where they don't specialize in this stuff. I can't wait to see my RE! I have so many questions about the sch (bleed) but so far all I've heard is that it's really common. But I want to know if it's going to keep bleeding or?? So I'm just hanging on until Wednesday and hopefully I'll be able to celebrate then. I also see my OB Friday so I'll have 2 ultrasounds this week!
Oh Lanet! - so lovey to hear that there is 2!!xx So sorry you have to go through this. Everything is crossed here for you.

Peachy - so happy ! xx
Peachy - All you can do is take it ODAAT!! (There was an organization in Philly where the members would chant on repeat as their rally cry: "Who dat?! ODAAT!!" It both cracks me up and inspires me. :haha:) I am so pleased that the first u/s was good! Hang in there! :flower:

Lanet - That IS super scary but I am glad that all is well! How amazing that there are TWO!!! I am SO excited for you! Take care of yourself and your precious cargo. I hope your appointment(s) give you peace of mind. :hugs:

AFM - Anxiously awaiting the anomaly scan on Tuesday, praying that there are no issues and hoping the baby cooperates with uncrossed legs so that we can see what we're having.
Kay good luck on your scan! I can't believe you're that far already!
Afm I had my 2nd ultrasound today and 2 heartbeats at 126 each and measuring perfectly!!!
The could see the bleed and said it was small and harmless and I might spot until it's gone or reabsorbed! So so so happy!!!!!!!!

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