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First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Thanks Messica that does help. It was around the same time as last time when we went in and there was no heartbeat and I thought I was going to pass out from nerves and anxiety. They did tell you that doesn't hurt them though right?
Thanks for all the well wishes! I'm getting excited about Team Blue, a week ago before we found out, I was a little iffy to be perfectly honest. I'm not sure I know what to do with a little boy, I thought a little girl would've been easier since I was one once upon a time, but I'll figure it out. :shrug:

Mono - We had boy and girl names already picked out, so he definitely has a name already. I now just have to wait for him to get here!

Seoul - I certainly hope that you don't get put on strict bedrest, that would be really tough with your LO at home. It's not awesome anytime really, however, you gotta do what you gotta to do!

Peachy - So glad the baby is doing well! The 24/7 migraine will eventually subside. It was so bad for me for a while that it was like a revelation one day when my head didn't hurt and it came a surprise since I was getting used to suffering through. (My new phase is Perma-cold as I'm calling it, sneezy, congested and mucus-y ALL the time - in the middle of summer!) I still have bouts of headaches, but it isn't constant anymore or migraine level. (When I was a teenager I was on a prescription for migraines - actually multiple - and had to see a neurologist - that 24/7 phase reminded me of that.)
Peachy- I know exactly how you feel about stressing about everything. Unfortunately once you've suffered losses, pregnancy is essentially ruined for you. As you very well know I was also freaking out about everything but trust me 176 is ok for the heartbeat and your little bean is looking nice and healthy lets just keep praying that continues. I hope your headaches subside soon. Mine came back with a vengeance as soon as I took that first dose of progesterone but hey if it helps babies stay in there longer guess I will take the headaches. Hang in there and stay positive hope you start feeling a bit more at ease soon although if you are like me I am still worrying.

AFM I have been having a ton of contractions today its driving me crazy I really do think its all a freaking mental game I felt great until they told me about the cervical shortening. Ive been drinking tons of water and resting as much as possible thats all I can do right? Viability day can't get here any sooner.

Hope all you ladies have a great weekend :)

Jsquared- when is OTD again?
Agree with Seoul. It's very likely related to your fear. Once you go through that, I imagine it's impossible to shake the anxiety. The younger the fetus, the higher the heart rate tends to be anyway, pair that with the stress of the appointment and BAM, 170's or higher.

I'd be willing to bet it's much lower than that most of the time and as you settle in you'll see it drop during appointments.

There's no evidence that those temporary jet up's are harmful. If baby's heart rate was permanently that high I'm very sure you'd see other evidence of a problem in your scans.

Do you have a Doppler by chance or do you think that would make things harder?
I don't think 170s is considered too high at all. My dd was always 170s, so were my nieces, that's how we guessed they were girls. It's a common heart rate. And I know you can't really guess by that but it worked for us.
My sisters an ob nurse and said she sees that heart rate all the time.
Actually a girl on Facebook just posted that her baby's heart rate was 170s at her 8 week appt. I think it's totally normal!
I'll let you know what mine are at my 8 week appt next Friday!
Mono those are great deals, I'm going to order all of it!
Seoul I hope the contractions stop and you get some peace of mind.
Hi everyone else, at work so quick post.
Seoul my OTD was Tues but I got the nurse to agree to Monday instead, which will be 13dp5dt. I won't test early. I've made it this far, so I can manage three more days. And next time I do this, whether it's next month or in a couple of years, I'll know I can make it without poas. I guess I'll decide on Monday if that was the right call or not.

Peachy it sounds like everything is going to be just fine! :flower:

And I hope you ladies who are feeling less than stellar get to feeling better soon!
J I'll be thinking of you, are you feeling one or the other about it?
Lanet I'm back and forth. I've had cramps that come and go since transfer. That and any other "symptoms" could easily be attributed to the meds. I've tried to make peace with a possible bfn while attempting to remain optimistic (so hard). We've got four more good embryos should this one not work, so I'm just trying to remember that.
Well ladies, BFN for me. We're bummed, but we get to try again as soon as my period starts (stopping all meds as of this afternoon--come on AF!). So in roughly three weeks I get to have another transfer. Thank God for our four little frosties. I know we are very lucky to have them.

As for why it didn't work, who knows. My RE is out town this week, but I may consult with one of his colleagues tomorrow. I had my thyroid labs run today, so we'll see if that provides any insight. I know RE will push to put back two next time, but I'm not so sure that's the answer. Just lots to discuss when we see him next week.

I was prepared for this. I had a hunch. Doesn't make it hurt any less. :(
I'm so sorry jsquared :(

I'm hoping you'll get some answers sooner rather than later. Won't make it hurt less I'm sure but at least it'll be easier to understand and then maybe things can be tweaked for next time. Follow your heart and stick to your guns if you're not keen on transferring two in the future. If you don't feel that's meant to be then don't let doc or anyone talk you into going that route next time, simply stay the course that feels right.

Hugs to you :hugs:
Si sorry to hear jsquared. I agree with messica do what feels right for you. I hope next time is your lucky transfer. I wish this whole process was easier and not so heart breaking. Sending lots of hugs.
J I'm sorry to hear that. I was really rooting for you. It seems there is no magic protocol that makes this work or not work, just pure chance. It's so great that you have your 4 frosties. You gotta have a baby in that bunch. Take a day or so to grieve this cycle but then I'm sure hope will spring again and you can get on with the next cycle!
J I am truly sorry. I know how badly it hurts however I am so glad you have your next cycle to look forward to:hugs:
Thanks for the kind words everyone. Got my thyroid labs back and they were good, so likely not the issue. My vacationing RE won't be back until next week (grrr) so I won't get any guesses on what went wrong before then. I'm thinking it was just unlucky? Circumstances seemed ideal--good embryo, good lining, my estrogen and progesterone came back good yesterday--so I guess I just fell into that percentage where it sometimes doesn't work. I was on prednisone so that should have covered an adverse immune response. I don't know. I'm trying to keep a level head and not get down about it. I know I have many blessings to count and am trying to focus on those. Just happened to see this on the Today Show this morning. Not sure this will post properly but I'll try. Relatable on many levels--one woman's IVF experience to date:

Anyway, I am supposed to call for a baseline whenever AF shows. Had my last PIO Sunday night so I'm not sure how long it will be before she gets here. Any ideas? I hope it's soon.

You guys are too sweet. Hope your pregnancies are going well and that the morning sickness is improving. :flower:
Hi ladies!
I haven't been around for a while so I skimmed through the thread. I'm so glad to see so many positives! I'm so excited for everyone!
I'm getting ready to go back for my frozen cycle in September. Wish me luck! :)
Best of luck Morana!

Jsquared- AF should show up within a week I would think maybe even sooner. Hang in there and have faith in your frosties one of those will be your lucky baby I am sure. :hugs:
Hello ladies I hope everyone is doing well. Would love to hear some updates from you all!
I hit 21 weeks this morning! Although I'm still struggling to gain weight the babies are measuring 63rd and 86th percentiles (if I remember right?) so they're obviously getting what they need regardless.

I've had some hypotention issues, but other than that we're all trucking along health wise.

I feel movement pretty much constantly. Sometimes I love it, other times I fear they're going to boot their way out my pooter or make me crap myself while we're out in public :blush:

Names we've chosen are Reed and Evan. Gender reveal/BabyQ with family will be the 30th. I found a heck of a deal on a pretty much brand new Contours lt tandem stroller and was THRILLED to finally get it home this morning. Save for crib frames and one more bedding set (I have Lambs and Ivy Hoot, want Echo for the other so we coordinate but aren't matchy matchy) we are about set now.

Childbirth classes done as well. I'm so beyond excited to deliver at this new hospital, they've come so far since I had my first two elsewhere. Birthing tubs, the delivery suites are AMAZING, super flexible and knowledgeable OB, professional massages, gourmet dinners, loads of freebe's (carseats, diapers, spa products etc). I warned hubs I might not want to come home afterward lol

I wanted it aaaaaaall done asap so I could focus 100% on relaxing towards the end to get them as far along as I possibly can :)

How the heck have you and your peanut been Peach???!
Messica- glad to hear babies are doing great and you are getting all of your prep ready. I also opted for the contours double stroller found a great deal as well on a new one :) I really like it but fear it is too big but I guess not much of a choice with the doubles most are huge. Enjoy your gender reveal Baby Q :)

As for me I am 24 weeks now and have officially reached viability it is such a relief. The last couple of weeks we had the cervical shortening scare which seems mostly under control with the meds they put me on I have also been having constant contractions like 4 or 5 an hour most day every day but very mild ones. The medication is supposed to keep my cervix from changing they will check again this week. I am starting to be ridiculously uncomfortable and am measuring 32 weeks at 24 yikes. Hoping to get most things organized in the next two weekends. We have kind of dropped the ball a bit on that I guess. I figure we have time before they are born and if they are born early they will be in the hospital where I can only see them 20 minutes a day total so I will have plenty of time to finish things up then I guess.

How is everyone else doing?
Hi Everybody!!!

Seoul- Wow, your babies are measuring big...was your DD big when she was born?

Peachy - How are you?

Lanet - not sure how far are you but do you know the genders yet?

Messica - you are halfway there!

AFM - I am 37 Wks and 2 Days, Last Friday I had an appointment and my OB did a cervical exam and she said I am 4cm dilated and my water is bulging in the cervical opening already. I have pretty much expected it since both of my DD's were 37 weekers. However, she gave me an option if I wanted to be induced and deliver that day or just wait till my water breaks on its own. I chose the latter. So I am just resting here at home waiting for my water to break. My diaper bag is ready, the baby gears as well. We bought a V4 Stokke Xplory Navy blue w/ a carry cot for the little man and someone gave me a chicco keyfit travel system, so hubby decided we just install one each for both of our cars. I don't have a crib and decided to get two reversible playards instead. We have also decided to bank my baby's cord blood with CBR so I have that collection kit ready too....

I am very uncomfortable now and can hardly rise up on my own from the bed.

Good luck to everyone and will update you guys once my little man make his appearance :)

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