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First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Hi girls!
Messica and Seoul you guys are moving right along! Since you guys both bought the contours can you tell me if it would fit in the trunk of a car? My car was refinanced and funded ivf so I cannot get rid of it yet and we are all just going to have to fit. It will be fine since dd is almost 12 and can ride in the front or between the babes . Dh only rides with us if we are going to family etc.
Seoul I hope that medicine is doing the trick, you scare me about measuring so big, I measured big with my dd and she was just 1 baby! I can't imagine this time around.
Mono I was thinking it must be about time for you! Wow I never even got to 37 weeks, I made it to 36 and 6. It seems so real when you have everything ready to go!
I keep up with peachy so she's already updated on all my moaning and groaning;)
I'm 11 weeks, and starting to feel less sickly although today was rough again. I also still have the subchorionic hemmorage and it caused a HUGE bleed at 8 1/2 weeks. It was just pouring out of me and through my pants. The dr says it's in a good place and that she isn't worried at all, that it will be gone by 20 weeks. However I have to go to the hospital any time I see red and thats exhausting and expensive. It's scary and I want it to stop! She's letting me have a scan every 2 weeks right now just to make me feel better;)
When did everyone feel movement with second babies? I'm so excited for that, excited to find out genders, excited to do some major baby shopping too!! We are buying 2 cribs soon, but mono I also decided to get a play yard with a bassinet for their bed in my room, and another for downstairs.
Mono how exciting! You're almost there you're so lucky! Can't wait to hear all about him!

Seoul I'm so glad the medicine is doing its job. I've been worried for you and hope you still try to take it easy as you can. I know it's probably hard with your other little one but do as best you can and make hubs help. A lot : )

Messica I can't wait to hear all about your party. Will you do 2 cakes or will you do half and half for each baby? Or am I way off and you won't have a gender reveal cake at all? Perhaps you should be eating cake it helps me gain weight all the time : ). Wish I had a hard time gaining weight .

Seoul I forgot to ask... why if they're born early would you only get to see them 20 mins a day?

Lanet you need to squeeze in all the over time you possibly can. Ivf is going to seem cheap compared to those shopping bills : )

J how are you doing? Getting ready for the next fet?

Morana how are things going?

Red I hope you're doing well...

Kay8 hope you guys are great as well!

Afm I got my Harmony test results back (seemed like forever) and 99.9% that baby does not have trisomy 21,18, or 13. Such a relief as I'm always waiting for the worst :dohh: we were also able to find out from the test that we are having a boy and hubby is over the moon. Now I feel as I have to wait forever to meet him : ). Had an u/s at 11 weeks and things looked good. Since I am a hypochondriac I will have another at 13 weeks when you're supposed to be in the "safe" zone. Lots of boys on this thread now that I think of it.
Mono- You are so close yeyy :) Best of luck hope everything goes smoothly and you meet your little man I can't wait to hear your update. The baits are measuring right on track the boy about 3 days ahead and the girl about a week behind its just that my stomach fundal height is that of a singleton 32 week old. DD was tiny only 6 pounds 11 ounces at 39 weeks so not expecting these two to be too big.

Peachy- Yey on being team blue. I am so glad to hear your test results came back well and baby is growing perfectly. Totally get that you want another scan for reassurance. The reason I said I could only see the babies 20 minutes a day is because here in Korea they are very strict about their NICU visits only mom can visit twice a day for ten minutes you are not allowed to touch the baby hold it breast feed it nothing that seems normal and intuitive :cry: they have excellent medical care which makes me feel a bit better but I am really hoping they stay in until they are considered full term so I don't have to go through that. I have tried to find a hospital that is more lenient but seems to be standard throughout the country.

Lanet- Can't wait for you to find out genders. I am glad they are scanning you every two weeks for reassurance the bleeding is terrifying I am sure. I started feeling these two around 15 weeks here and there but non stop starting at 18 weeks.

The contours stroller to be honest I had my parents buy it at this awesome store that sells out of box items near their home for half the price this one was missing two screws (that I ordered directly from contours and got over nighted for free) so it only cost me 100 bucks which is why I had them buy it right away. It is very comfortable and has great features but I think it is way too big especially for Korea although I have seen it here. I actually have a picture of how it fits in the back of a Kia Sorento I will upload the pic so you can see it doesn't even have the seats in that picture but the seats won't take up that much room. I thought about getting another one but decided to give it a go anyways because the price was so good. To be honest if you have a small car I would suggest this: get the double car seat frame stroller I will attach the link for one on amazon and use it with just the car seats until they are out of the car seats then go for something like the chicco peg perego maclaren or combi twin strollers whichever suits your budget then. They are like two umbrellas next to each other but they recline they are super light and they fold up really tiny. Anyway just a suggestion if I had not gotten such a great deal on the contours I would have definitely done that.

Here is the picture of the stroller it did fit in the trunk of a saturn ion so it will fit but not leave you with much room.


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Hi all! Sounds like everyone is doing well!

Peachy, a boy! How exciting. :happydance:

Afm, I was so anxious to start again right away, but AF showed about four days after I stopped the meds and my estrogen was still elevated at baseline. So...birth control, waiting, etc. Now meds start for next FET this Thursday and hopefully my next transfer about three weeks from that. Only thing we're doing differently this time is adding aspirin and a heparin injection. RE says it's probably overkill but can't hurt. He was very encouraging at the consult, said sometimes everything looks perfect and it just doesn't work, but he's confident we'll get a baby out of the four frosties left. Here's hoping.

We will transfer only one again. He said this was fine, and that transferring two might only get us there quicker, but if we can manage the patience and potential disappointment, then putting them back one at a time is best. I may change my mind for the next transfer should this one be another BFN, but for now, I'm sticking with one since we know the embryos are not the problem.

So glad everyone is doing well. Lots of joy here. It's nice to see. :)
J I'm glad your dr was encouraging. Delays are the worst but here's hoping you do get to transfer soon! It took me 6 months to get to transfer!
And now going through this, I agree that unless you want twins, you should probably put back just 1! Look at all the twins on here!
There's another girls that put back 3 and is pregnant with quads, that's a very scary situation.
I told dh that IF we transfer again, and that's a big IF bc I'm currently still sick so hard to think beyond that, that we would transfer just 1. He agrees. We are sooooooo happy to be having twins but not sure I could handle it twice!!!
Hi Ladies!

So nice to hear that everyone is doing well :hugs: I am so happy for everyone!

I have been enjoying my summer and trying to clear my head to get ready for the next cycle which start Sept 7th!!!! Long protocol beginning on the 7th, then stims should begin the week of the 15th. To be honest, I am nervous...not about the procedures etc, but of the outcome. This is our last try, so please pray for lot of eggs!!!!!!!!
Saturday was awesome. We are 99% decided on Reed William and Evan John for names and it couldn't have gone better :flower:


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Praying for loads of eggs redbrick :flower:

Lanet - I'm actually in humongo love with my Contours Tandem lt stroller. We had the opportunity to meet up with other MoM's at a group my hospital has set up for us all. At that event I got to check out loads of different models and all their options because everyone brought their kids in one lol. I'm personally not a fan of the snap and go's because what are you going to do with most of them past infancy - and everything else seemed huge and so heavy compared to the lt.

Baby Jogger City Select was exactly the same but at more double the price (no thanks for us) and had less options (and was uglier - sorry for anyone who loves them!). Baby Jogger City Select Double side by side was tipsy and awkward as a side by side (and weighed just 2 or 3 lbs less). I struggled to maneuver it up and down curbs. Joovy Scooter x2 (again just 2 or 3lbs less) and Big Caboose were BUSSES.....HUGE, WIDE, awkwardly bulky and the Caboose was almost 10 lbs more than the Contours. I don't think there's any way you'd get either inside a car trunk. Instep Double Jogging and Graco's Duoglide (THE stroller to have around here) strollers were heaviest. Pregnant I didn't feel comfortable lifting either.

After seeing them all side by side I was glad with the choice we made.

Unless you're going to get a plain jane collapsible double umbrella stroller I don't know how you'd get much smaller (but then again with any side by side good luck fitting through most doorways).

I didn't see the ones Seoul referenced but did see a Chicco brand that was super light weight. It wasn't the Maclaren and wasn't a side by side. It was the only one there and if you could find out which model of theirs it was it might be a good option for you.

Contours maneuvers like a dream to me. Turns on a dime and easily gets through tiny Target store aisles (I took my nieces for a test drive in it and was shocked at just how easy it was to get anywhere). I don't know why it wouldn't fit in your car! If you want me to I'll happily take measurements for you collapsed so you can check. Or better yet pass them on to hubs so he can do it :winkwink:

I think at the end of the day, you have to get what works best for you. That's just my take after getting my hands on a bunch.

jsquared - I can't tell you how much I'm hoping this FET does the trick for you!!!

Peachy - we had a cake, but didn't announce that way. The kids shot their bows at black balloons filled with blue paint! I have video of it but can't figure out how to share save for uploading to youtube again....
Redbrick so excited that you're getting started again! Keep us updated.
J squared any news from you?
Messica that's an adorable picture! And I've had my eye on the contours for awhile, I love how you can switch the seats around. I just wish I could see one in person! Theres a MOMs group in town and they're having a big sale and I'm sure id be able to find one there, but it's the weekend I'll be at the beach for my sisters wedding! Of course.
I did order 2 cribs today. I figure if we buy a chunk at a time it won't seem like so much. I also found these adorable onesies on Etsy that say "worth the wait....and wait....and wait" perfect!
Still feeling sickly, extra today. Gosh it better be done soon.
Messica what a lovely pic! You're really going to have your hands full very soon!

Red brick I am so excited for you to get start again! I hope everything goes perfectly and will be here waiting for your great news!:hugs:

Seoul your babies will be born at term so we won't have to worry about that ridiculous 20 minutes!!

Mono any news??

J how is your cycle coming along?

Lanet you all make glad I'm only having one just so I don't have to worry about picking out a damn double stroller :haha:
Hi Ladies. Just checking in--looks like everybody's doing well. Messica, love those names! Looks like you guys had a good time with the gender reveal. :)

So...I had my first lining check today, and I'm not thrilled. I'm on cycle day 8 and my lining is only 5.75mm; my estrogen is 1200 though! ??? Last FET my lining was 9 and my e2 was 500 at this point. What is happening?

My RE is keeping my meds the same, and the nurse said it's still early, plenty of time for improvement, no one is concerned. Except for me. I am. Right here. This girl.

Next scan is Tuesday. Here's hoping for growth between now and then. Didn't really see this coming after responding so well last time. (Although that cycle didn't work, so really, who knows.) Ah, fun times.
J you have plenty of time so please try not to worry or compare. Every cycle is going to be different and unfortunately you don't have a lot of control. That's the worst part isn't it? Things can happen so fast though and Tues will probably be great and then you'll just be kicking yourself for ruining your whole weekend worrying :hugs:
J I agree with peachy, just try not to compare and trust the dr. I know its hard.I don't even remember my E2 levels in my fet. and I think your lining has plenty of time to catch up. when is transfer scheduled?
Ladies these babies are getting big and looking like babes! One was kicking the other in the head. My heart melts. Also it looks like the SCH is gone and Im off restrictions!! wohoo! Im sure my hubby is happy:wink wink:
Here are the pics and a picture of my bump right before second trimester! yay!!!!


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Lanet - you look amazing!!!!!! I can't believe that you are 13 weeks already!!

J- how is everything coming along?

afm, I started suprefact yesterday. Just waiting for af to show...should start stims Sept 16th!!!!!
Messica what a lovely pic! You're really going to have your hands full very soon!

Red brick I am so excited for you to get start again! I hope everything goes perfectly and will be here waiting for your great news!:hugs:

Seoul your babies will be born at term so we won't have to worry about that ridiculous 20 minutes!!

Mono any news??

J how is your cycle coming along?

Lanet you all make glad I'm only having one just so I don't have to worry about picking out a damn double stroller :haha:

Hello Guys:

Sorry to update just now...schedule has been hectic...
I gave birth last August 25 at 4:54PM. It was a successful VBAC, my son Aragon Jason "AJ" came out with full set of hair complete with side burns...lol. His hair was so thick when I he was crowning, the doctor was making a Mohawk out of his hair...

He is 7.7 lbs 19 inches long and with slate grey eyes right now (Mr Google said it will still change)...I've been sleep deprived for almost two weeks now. My husband took off the whole month of September to help out...

I hope all is well with everybody...so wonderful to see those progress and beautiful scans!!!!


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Oh my goodness mono congrats! What a beautiful head of hair!! My dd had hair like that.
Red best of luck, hoping af cooperates!!!!
Omg Mono he's beautiful! Huge congratulations to you and your family! What an exciting time! I can't wait to be there so I can finally "relax"!

Red so excited to hear you're starting again. Please update often!

J how is your cycle going? Hope that lining thickened up nicely for you!
Mono, beautiful boy! Congratulations!

Peachy, bad news. They cancelled my cycle yesterday. My RE did the ultrasound himself because I was also having a mock transfer to see if I can do the next one without anesthesia (good news: I can) and he said the lining was thicker than the first check but not forming well. He put me on provera and said he wants me to bleed and then we'll start over with the estrogen. He said this just looks like an off cycle. Hmm. In his estimation this only delays things a couple of weeks; I fear it may be longer but whatever. I'm actually ok with it. I want it to be right, we all want it to work, and I feel good knowing he won't go ahead with anything substandard. Still, getting cancelled sucks. :(
Mono, beautiful boy! Congratulations!

Peachy, bad news. They cancelled my cycle yesterday. My RE did the ultrasound himself because I was also having a mock transfer to see if I can do the next one without anesthesia (good news: I can) and he said the lining was thicker than the first check but not forming well. He put me on provera and said he wants me to bleed and then we'll start over with the estrogen. He said this just looks like an off cycle. Hmm. In his estimation this only delays things a couple of weeks; I fear it may be longer but whatever. I'm actually ok with it. I want it to be right, we all want it to work, and I feel good knowing he won't go ahead with anything substandard. Still, getting cancelled sucks. :(

hi j:

getting cancelled does sucks but like what you said your RE wants to do the best and right thing... if there is anyone who can attest to that is Lanet...she got cancelled couple of times and now she has her two beautiful beans baking....it will be worth the wait. :thumbup:

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