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First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Kay- glad to hear all is going well hope the baby isn't shy :)

Lanet- woohoo so exciting. Twins just like you wanted :) :) wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Hey ladies! Hopefully you dont mind I join in your conversation. It looks like you all have been through a lot! I am just starting my first IVF cycle and was looking for advice. I am on day 2 of provera, planning to start stim as soon as my AF comes.
Hi sarlor! Good luck with everything, I'm sure between all of us we could answer quite a few question!
Lanet - That is FANTASTIC!!!! I'm so glad that the bleed is nothing to worry about. Even happier that the two little ones are doing wonderfully!! Awesome. :happydance:

Thanks! I can't believe how quickly time has passed either. It has flown by. So hard to believe that it is really real after all the wishing & waiting.

Seoul - Thanks a lot. Me too! I need the baby to cooperate.

Sarlar - Welcome! We're a pretty helpful group, and we've all come a LONG way in the past few months. More than anything the support has made it a lot better, just not being alone on the 'IVF island' makes a world of difference!
Hello Ladies!!!

yay Lanet I am so happy for you!!! TWINS!!!! after all the wait and delays, it was well worth it!

Sarlar - welcome to the thread!

Kay - How far along are you now...are you on second tri?

Peachy - when is your next scan?

Seoul - How's your vacation in the USA?

AFM - I am now 33 weeks. I was in the hospital two weeks ago (31 weeks) having preterm contractions...luckily it was false labor. My OB said she wants me to at least make it to 35 weeks... I know I won't go far beyond 37 weeks, as both my of DD's were 37 weeks...so having that scare, we started buying baby stuff...:)
Wow mono you are getting really close!! My dd was born at 36 and 6 so I wonder how far I would go too. Hoping you at least make it to 35 though. Do you have a nursery ready?
Hi Mono!!

WOW. You'd better get cracking and get ready, you're getting super close!
I can't believe you're 33 weeks already! That baby will be here very soon! How exciting! I am really excited for you!

I am glad it was only a false alarm and that the baby is still baking in the oven. Fingers crossed that you hang in there a few more weeks.

I AM in the second tri now and will be 20 weeks. Almost halfway there!!! :cloud9:
Mono yay for 33 weeks! I hope he stays in there and behaves himself : ). Getting everything is definitely the fun part! Are you feeling good otherwise? My next u/s is on Tues. I am worried as always : )

Kay congrats on 20 weeks! Seems like you just got your bfp!
Did you have your u/s yet? Sorry if I missed it..
Poor Peachy, hopefully Tuesday will make it better and ease some of your fears. I know how it is though, as soon as you put some to bed, others take their place. :hugs:

Thanks! I KNOW, right?! That BFP in India! You guys have been there every step of the way! You were especially encouraging when I was absolutely convinced that there was no way it could happen for me, certainly not on the first go. (It is still so hard to believe.) Thanks so much for the support! :flower:

You haven't missed a thing. Mine is Tuesday too. But because of the time difference, I'll be done very early possibly, before you get up - unless you're an early riser.
Well then when I check here you should have posted the results already : ). I'm always excited to hear what the baby is! Hopefully your little one cooperates. Will you start buying gender specific things after that? I would start on my way home : )
I'll certainly post after I'm back home. I hope the baby cooperates too.

I've ordered a lot of gender neutral stuff, in the hope that we can get started on #2 next year and use the "basics" again. I expect that we'll get lots of gender specific gifts, and we will buy gender suited things down the road.(Actually, I lie - already done it. I bought little girl tights when I was in Target when I was in the States because they were on clearance for $1.50 and I thought if it was a boy I'd give them to someone with a girl.) You'd be surprised, the majority of folks who have expressed an opinion about what they think I'm having have all said girl. Only one of my friends & a friend's 5 year old, are convinced it's a boy. I have far more girl votes than boy - I expected a bit more balance in the guesses.

I'm currently on a spending freeze having spent so much so fast trying to take advantage of the weak dollar. Thankfully, the place where the ultrasound will happen is less than a quarter-mile from home (a satellite place not the hospital) so I won't have my willpower tempted on the way home because I KNOW that I'll break when I see the first thing that would be cute on the baby as soon as I know what it is. :winkwink:

Good luck with your u/s! I've got everything crossed for you.
How is everyone? I'm smack in the middle of the tww and as you all know, it sucks big time. Beta is next week; I don't plan on testing early-- my clinic won't let me discontinue the meds if it's negative before beta, and if I test and see bfn, that progesterone injection will only be that much harder to take. Good times. :dohh:
jsquared- hang in there you are strong to not test early. Hope this next week flies by for you I have everything crossed for you.
J the 2ww is the worst! Do anything you can to keep busy and not think about it. Hard I know. You are a super trooper not to test early. I've never made it I always go crazy : ).
Seoul are you feeling better yet? I hope so because Lanet and I could use something to look forward to : )
J how many days in are you? You are smart to hold off testing but that does take a lot of willpower!
Yes Seoul how are you feeling? Please tell me your morning sickness just disappeared at around 7 1/2 weeks right????????? ;)
I'm laying in bed with tums, crackers, ginger ale, and zofran, and my stomach is actually rolling and making noises. I don't think I can take it much longer:( I'll have to quit working if it gets worse.
Thanks everybody. xo

Lanet today is 6dp5dt. I hope you get some relief soon! :flower:
Peachy and Lanet- I am feeling much better thankfully. Nausea eased up at 16 weeks headaches faded at 19 weeks I still get one or two a week but I will take that over the months of headaches. On the bad side my hips and back are already killing me I think the babies are just lying funny and causing me pain but I have more energy so I am enjoying that. There is a light at the end of the tunnel so hang in there :) Hope your symptoms ease up sooner than mine did. Also I am feeling them move all the time now and that just seems to make everything better :)

Good luck on your scans this week keep us posted!
J - tww....so hard! You are a strong lady to be able to hold out! I think I made it to 10p5dt....it was so hard.

Lanet and Peachy - I am sorry you are so sick...but here is hoping that its a sign of strong babies :hugs: Hang in there.

Lanet - is Zofran a prescription?

Kay and Seoul - so glad you are both doing well.

I have finally sorted out my time lines, but it doesn't look like I will start stims until the middle/late of September. Hopefully a babe will be in or put in on Thanksgiving - October 10th ish. I feel way better. i have taken up running....it is terrible and wonderful all at the same time lol. So feel good and am on the right track. xx
Red that sounds great, I'm excited for you to get started again.
Yes zofran is prescription, I had severe morning sickness with dd and ended up in hospital deydrated twice. I'm really trying to avoid that and so far I think I'm doing a good job.
I will have to start running all over again after I give birth. I was up to 5k. But that's ok! It really does make you feel good!

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