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First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Oh j I'm sorry, delays are so hard! But I did take heart that my RE would only go forward with an optimal cycle and it worked out in the end. It sounds like it's not a bad thing, hopefully your lining will cooperate better last time and so great that they arent willing to risk your embryos.
Red hows your cycle going?
Well I'm at the beach right now for my sisters wedding, and feeling so emotional and huge! My belly is really big, and hard already, the muscles at the top are sore and stretched tight. I'm so early! Is this normal other twin moms? I feel like I look at least 6 months.
Also I'm so hormonal. I had to wear my sunglasses at lunch today because I had tears running down my face, the only reason I could think of was that I was tired and hungry.
Trying to keep my eye on the prize and how wonderful it will be when my healthy babies are here, but sometimes get overwhelmed with how I'm going to get through the next 5 1/2 months.
Sorry I have been MIA lately ladies finally getting to catch up with the thread.

Messica- Love your gender reveal pic your looking great and love the names. I also really like my contours don't get me wrong but it is a very big system but its awesome it is so versatile :) Since we rely on public transportation so much in Korea having something bulky scares me although I doubt with 3 under 2 I will be going out very much.

redbrick- good luck on your cycle :)

jsquared- so sorry to hear your cycle got canceled but it is great that your doctors are being careful that all the conditions are right for implantation this time around.

Mono- Congratulations he is gorgeous enjoy every minute :)

lanet- your bump is looking great but I totally get your feeling right now. I have been having a lot of hormonal emotional days and am absolutely huge and it is easy to get over whelmed. Try to take it one step at a time and you have every right to be hormonal.

As for me officially measuring full term and am absolutely exhausted all the time everything hurts but the babies are still inside and doing well so happy for that. Hope everyone is doing well and you enjoy your weekend.
Morning ladies :flower:

So I am good to restart meds for the new FET cycle on Wednesday. Yay. RE is having me take my estrogen pills vaginally (oh boy.) to see if that helps the lining do better this time. Three times a day. I have decided not to fret about this and just be a big girl and do it. Yep. :dohh:

But I've got a question for you gals--did any of you give yourselves the PIO shot? My partner always gave me mine, but she's travelling for work some this fall, and I'm wondering if this is something I can do myself or if I need to involve someone else to fill in (I would so prefer not to do this). I'm not there yet, hopefully will be in a few weeks. I'm sure the nurse can guide on this too, but I thought maybe you girls could speak from experience.

Love reading about your pregnancies rocking right along. Happy times. :)
jsquared - I didn't do the PIO in first tri, but rather started a once weekly PIO injection week 17. I have no idea if the compound is the same, but there are times that it really, really hurts.

I've done two myself because hubs wasn't around to, and I managed well enough, but the ones that sent me through the ceiling I don't think I could have finished myself. I have read many, many women who manage just fine, but if would definitely have hubs help whenever he can so you can relax through as many as you can :flower:

redbrick - sending so many prayers that tomorrow kicks off THE cycle for you <3

(Afm - we officially hit 24 weeks and I am so grateful for that. Friday's appointment Reed was measuring 1lb 6oz already and Evan was measuring 1lb 11oz. They are perfect in everyway we can tell -BUT- it seems now I've developed GD. Throughout all this I've been able to keep perspective and stay positive but I'm beyond shattered with the diagnosis..... It seems silly but there aren't even words. I can't pull out of the funk that's settled over me. It's so, soooo many needles.....and totally kicks up an insane amount of fear I finally felt I was ok to start to let go of. Why does it never end?? :cry: )
J yay for starting again! I had to do pills vaginally before and it isn't that bad. As for the shots I never did those myself and wouldn't but I know people have. You can also ask of you could them elsewhere for those days.

Messica I will be 15 weeks tomorrow and have already been diagnosed with GD. I felt sorry for myself for that day and then moved on. Considering what I've been through to get my little man it puts it a little more into perspective. You only have a few months left and for you if babies get a little big it wouldn't even be a bad thing : ). The eating part was a little tricky at first but eating well is a good thing and of course the 4 blood checks a day (that's what I have to do) are inconvenient but better than pio and I don't need anyone's help. After they come it'll go back to normal and you won't have to worry about it anymore so you can focus on babies.
Good Morning Ladies!

Monoke - He is absolutely stunning! Congrats!. I hope you are feeling good and having lots of snuggles with your little man. xx

J - I am sorry your cycled got cancelled. Fingers crossed that your lining will sort itself out shortly xx Waiting is so hard. I really feel for you xx

Messica - Happy 24 weeks!! God time flies!!

Lanet - I hope you and your belly are feeling better xx

Peachy - I really cannot believe that you are 15 weeks! That is seriously crazy. I don't really know where the time has gone. Forgive me and I feel silly asking, but I don't know what GD is...?

Afm, af was 2 days late but it showed up around dinner last night :happydance: Called the clinic this morning and stims start tomorrow. I am so excited!! I've been doing the suprefact shots a home to suppress my eggs and they have been going well - that actually give me tons of energy which is nice. I'll keep you guys posted. Please say a little prayer for lots of eggies :hugs:
Red so exciting to start tomorrow! Once the stims begin it goes so fast! I truly hope it's your time to take home baby! GD is gestational diabetes. It's a bummer but not the end of the world. Trying to stay as positive as possible : )
red and J-best of luck on your up coming cycles. Keeping everything crossed for you.
Hey Girls,

I am on day 3 of stims and not much to report. I have 12 follies on my right and 8 on my left - all are under 5mm today, Fingers crossed that tomorrow there is something to measure. I can feel things happening in there so hopefully that is a good sign.

How many follies did everyone have to start? How many eggs were retrieved? and how many days did you stim for? I feel like I am a newbie to this program:wacko:
Hi everyone!
Messica I hope you are feeling better about the gd, I know it just be hard to hear but once you get it under control everything should be fine.
J I have taken vaginal estrogen and progesterone before an iui, my lining did fine. Any word yet on yours, have you started yet?
Seoul how tall are you? I'm 5'3" and it scares me to think about measuring full term so early!
Red so exciting that you're started again!!! I had 12 on one side and 14 on the other to start with I believe. I ended up with 22 eggs, 16 mature. I stimmed for 10 days.
Peachy and I are only 5 days apart but it seems like she's already known the gender for so long, and it will still be awhile for me!! October 24 is the official date.
I'm starting to feel better as far as nausea but now I'm having weird aches and pains which I assume are round ligament. I'm hoping to work until Christmas but we will see!!
I'm also starting to feel a little movement and it's so exciting!!! I can't wait until it's more obvious and regular and my dh and dd can feel it too!
Red, I can't remember what I started out with, but I know they got 25 eggs (ouch!), 17 fertilized, but only 5 were normal after PGS. Sounds like you're off to a great start!

Lanet, I was wondering when you would find out genders! What fun that will be! :)

Peachy, how are you feeling? You're right, the new estrogen method is not so bad. Not so fun, but totally do-able.

Messica, that's a bummer but you'll stay on top of it and will all be okay. :flower:

As for me, today is day 3 of the estrogen. My first check on meds will be next Wednesday. Really hoping this cycle is better and that we can transfer in about three weeks. I had a good bleed on the provera and am inserting those little blue pills as instructed, so fingers crossed we see improvement.
Red I can't remember for sure but not all my follies contained eggs and that's ok too. I truly believe in quality over quantity. Can't wait to hear about your next visit I'm sure they'll be growing like they're supposed to!

J I'm glad you're finding it easy : ). 3 weeks is quite a while to get that lining nice and thick. You will still be transferring one right?
Jsquared- I never got a number of how many follies my doctor just said too many but I agree with Peachy quality over quantity so don't stress. Hope everything goes along swimmingly for you.

Lanet- I am 5 foot 1 and weighed about 130lbs before I got pregnant so not terribly big or small. I guess it is normal to measure 6 to 10 weeks ahead. I am 28 weeks now and measuring 38 so definitely on the higher end of that. I've now gained 20 pounds which is about what I gained with my DD total I hope you can hold off the uncomfortableness longer than I could it sucks.
Seoul it sounds like you're doing pretty good, I'm glad you're also short! Everyone I talk to is much taller. Id like to know what I'm measuring now bc it' does seem much bigger. I'm scared to know what I've gained so I'm not really even looking. I eat because it takes the nausea away and there isn't much I can do about it. Are you very uncomfortable or is it ok for now?
Red - I don't remember how many follies they thought I had before retrieval, but they got 8, 6 were mature and all of those fertilized (at the end of the day only 2 made it to day 5 though). I don't remember how many days I stimmed for but I want to say it was either 12 or 14. I started out strong and then my ovaries just petered out at the end.

Lanet - at 23w5d I was measuring 30 weeks. I'm on a huge twins board on fb and it's very common to measure 5-10 weeks ahead. I'm 5'5" if that helps to compare - in general the taller a woman is the less she pops out because she's got more room to expand within her torso. To make it to "twins" term (35/36 weeks) it's not unusual for uterus to measure well past 40 weeks.

jsquared - I'm glad things are trucking along as anticipated for you!

As for my GD I started insulin yesterday. I have to test 7 times a day (minimum of resting, and before and after every meal - if I hit a particularly bad spot though I have to test then as well) and you bet I'm throwing a pity party about that! It freaking sucks! No offense because I realize the support is coming from a good place but I'm getting tired of people telling me it's no big deal!!! You bet it is!!! I feel awful for people with type 1 who have to live their entire lives like this....always being mindful of everything they put in their mouths and even when you do everything right things still spiral out of control. Eating shouldn't be like this - for anyone!

When I first woke up in the morning it was nothing for me to be at 100-120, and despite following a strictly timed meal plan where in the beginning I had access to 3-4 carb choices, then limited down to 1-2 I was still throwing numbers over 200. I can't keep gaining weight like I need to without *some* carbs in my diet so the insulin was the next step. It thankfully hasn't affected my boys yet, and I'm grateful my insurance company covered the prefilled pens. I've only had to do two so far but it makes taking the insulin much easier to deal with (and they're loads easier than the hydroxyprogesterone so I guess that's something).

I also had to add a mess of meds to keep me pooping because that's become nearly impossible with all the meat and cheese I've had to start consuming. So far it hasn't helped but it's only been a few days (Miralax powder, Citrucel pills and suppositories round the clock). I feel like managing input and output of my body has become a near full time job lol.
Messica I understand how consuming it is. It's damn near impossible to manage when I work 10 hour shifts to find the exact time to eat and the exact time to monitor. However if I don't I feel absolutely terrible. I feel worse even and sweat and get shaky when it goes too low. I felt sorry for myself because most women don't even find out til later (including my sister who had it) so I have to deal with it longer than most and I know it will only get worse. For myself I just had accept it and try to put a positive spin on it because there isn't an alternative. I don't know where you live or with ins you have the option but I am seeing a nutritionist on the 26th and going to a class the beginning of Oct. (My ins pays for both thank God) because as you said all the meat and cheese sucks so I thank God for peanut butter and at the class they give lots of meal ideas and such because I've found that the hardest. My diet is so limited and I am unable to eat with my family. If you'd like after I go I can send you any recipes they give. I'm sure we won't like them all but I definitely need more variety. I don't know what the constipation is like because I have the exact opposite problem and I'm afraid to eat at work most of the time because I don't have the time to sit in the bathroom. Hopefully it gets easier for you soon :hugs:
Messica I understand how consuming it is. It's damn near impossible to manage when I work 10 hour shifts to find the exact time to eat and the exact time to monitor. However if I don't I feel absolutely terrible. I feel worse even and sweat and get shaky when it goes too low. I felt sorry for myself because most women don't even find out til later (including my sister who had it) so I have to deal with it longer than most and I know it will only get worse. For myself I just had accept it and try to put a positive spin on it because there isn't an alternative. I don't know where you live or with ins you have the option but I am seeing a nutritionist on the 26th and going to a class the beginning of Oct. (My ins pays for both thank God) because as you said all the meat and cheese sucks so I thank God for peanut butter and at the class they give lots of meal ideas and such because I've found that the hardest. My diet is so limited and I am unable to eat with my family. If you'd like after I go I can send you any recipes they give. I'm sure we won't like them all but I definitely need more variety. I don't know what the constipation is like because I have the exact opposite problem and I'm afraid to eat at work most of the time because I don't have the time to sit in the bathroom. Hopefully it gets easier for you soon :hugs:

Ugh. I'm glad you're able to put a positive spin on it but am so sorry it started so soon for you.

I know exactly what you mean when you say how crappy it can make you feel both high and low. It's like nothing I've ever felt and it's an overwhelming slew of physical crap that just floods your when you're off!

I actually had a meeting with a nutritionist last Monday after seeing how bad my levels were over the weekend. That's who set me up with the 3-4 for meals, 1-2 for snacks. When my levels were still off the charts Wednesday I went in and met with an actual diabetes counselor. She's who dropped my levels further and tried to help me sort out a way to still get in my 3,500 calories a day with even less carbs. When my levels were STILL out of whack despite following her explicit meal, snack and timing instructions (literally to the minute!) that's when we went in yesterday and she set me up with the insulin.

Last night and today have gone better (knock on wood) and I feel like I'm finally making progress getting a grip on things. I slept well last night and actually felt rested this morning. Breakfast didn't leave me exhausted and on the war path. It's AWESOME!!!

You'll have to let me know what goodies you learn in your class. I have a good bit of literature I was sent home with in pamphlet and booklet form. Breaks everything down plain whole foods as well as combination for easy go to meal choices - carbs and sugars as well as when and how to prep them. She told me about some phone apps for when I'm eating outside the house too that I haven't checked in to yet but have heard they're great. Right now I just utilize a "glucose buddy" app on my phone.

Like you, eating separately from my family is crummy and I was nervous about how to handle family get togethers until I heard a lot of the information is mobile.
lanet- I would say I am pretty uncomfortable but still manageable. I am not in extreme pain or anything like that which I am thankful for but I no longer can sleep through the night I get up almost every hour to pee and that greatly affects headaches and mood the next day. My back doesn't really hurt but everything below my belly button aches. I also have had this nerve pain just under my right rib cage that is really annoying. But also keep in mind I do not work I am at home most of the day and sit and lay down when I need to I think this helps a lot the days when I need to stand more or I am out and about I tend to be very sore. I know your job requires a lot of standing so being uncomfortable might seem like it starts way earlier for you (Hope I am wrong). I've noticed walking doesn't make me as uncomfortable as just standing. By the way how have you been feeling?

lanet and messica- Hope you guys can get the GD under control sounds like a real pain but its good you guys found out early and are able to manage it. I hope you get it all squared away soon. The couple people that I know who have had GD say its a learning curve at the beginning and then not that bad I hope that is the case for both of you.
Seoul I am feeling ok. The nausea is starting to ease up although I still have bad moments. Hoping it's totally gone soon, I want to eat normally and my grocery bill is sky high because I can't eat normal food or cook dinner.
I'm only working 4-5 hours a day but even that seems long. Im having strange shooting pains on my public bone. The dr said not to worry. But of course I do. I'm not sure if it's round ligament or not. I'm feeling really tired but I think I'll be feeling amazing when the nausea is no longer an issue. Also feeling much further along that I am!
I hope to work until Christmas which will be 28 weeks but I just don't know. I'll see how it goes. Thanks for sharing your experience! You're getting so close!
I hate to complain, I'm so very thankful for this miracle, it's so amazing to finally be able to look at and buy baby things, but man, pregnancy is rough! Lol
Hi Ladies!

Just checking in. I'm stimming away - not looking great though....day 6 of stims and only 2 follies growing. Still have a bunch that I am waiting on... I know its early but I am on a huge dose of Gonal F - today they bumped it up to 300iu's so I'm hoping that will help. Fingers crossed for some more growth!

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