First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Seoul I hope AF shows her ugly face soon for you so you can do things how you want to.

Red congrats on being pupo! When's otd?

Mono I am so glad your little one is staying strong! Prune juice? I would have to suffer because I would not be able to choke that down : )
Lanet forget about out antral follie chat. Lol the nurse was none too pleased over me doing my own reading again. They really don't like google. Anyhow I had about 11 I think but she said she isn't really concerned with or looking for that at this time as she doesn't even count the real small ones she's just making sure the ovaries are resting and no cysts like we talked about. When you start stimming more can pop up anyways and that's when they start paying more attention and counting. It will be interesting what yours says though. I have to call at 3 for my blood work results and if good I take my last bcp tonight and start stims Sat. I am still reeling over how much money I spent today:dohh: were there any programs that helped with Menopur? Crazy expensive
Hi ladies..

I don't think we need to pay any attention to the antral follicle count.

I had 13 follies at my baseline....then 4-5 were leading. a few days later. As of Friday I had 16 total follies and 5 leading.
And as of Monday I have 7 leading follies and 16 total.

So it changes quite a bit after you start stims

I go in again tomorrow...hoping I'm closer to 10 leading.

My ER will be Friday or Saturday.
Hi ladies just saw this thread and wanted to join in! We've been TTC for 21 months this March, with three failed IUI's. I'm not ovulating on my own, when I do I have very irregular cycles. I was hesitant about trying IVF but we were very fortunate to have found an IVF study through our doctor and we were accepted so we start March 1st and keeping our fingers crossed that it works. Good Luck to all of you, I'm happy to have found other women going through this with me!
Breaking sounds like great numbers!

Musician welcome! Does the study mean it's completely free? If so you are soo lucky!
Peachy- Thank you! Yes the Study is almost 100% free (I honestly almost fell off my chair when I found out I was accepted) It's something I hadn't really wanted to do (IVF)... morally I just am scared about what to do if we have tons of frozen embryos but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. I feel like this IVF study fell in our lap so it must be for a good reason. We start March 1st and have to pay approx $2000 out of pocket. Has anyone looked into doing genetic testing?? I think we can pay somewhere around $3000 out of pocket for that... I'm curious as to what people's thoughts are on that.

Anyways the study is this... we are in either one of two groups. The study group gets 2 of their best FET's transfered in that have been chromozomally tested as perfect. The other group gets two of their best FET's transfered that have not had the new testing. Either way... it's two babies transfered... so for those two weeks I'll FINALLY be pregnant. Just hoping they stick!!

When do you all start your IVF cycles? Any advice?? I've been doing IUI's with injectable meds so the only thing I'm really nervous for is the Egg retrieval and the progesterone shots :shrug:
Music so of you're in the first group you get pgd testing for free and if you're not you can't have them tested? Is there a reason you would want them tested?
Its a double blind study, we can't find out which group we were in until after we either are pregnant and give birth, pregnant and miscarry, or it doesn't result in a pregnancy.

If we are in the 'Study' group that gets the genetic testing then all of the rest of our frozen embryos are also tested and frozen for us for one year.

If we are in the other group the two FET's transfered are not tested but then the remaining FET's are chromozomally tested for free and frozen for us for one year.

So either way we feel like it's a win win opportunity. We have the chance to get pregnant via IVF for practically nothing and we will have FET's for the future that are tested for abnormalities --- I think it basically just helps to rule out which are the best FET's for future transfers and which ones are not.

I'm basically a lab rat but... I'll take it if it means I finally get pregnant!

If any of you have a RMA by you (Reproductive Medical Associates) I'm at the NJ/ Basking Ridge location, you can look at their website! They're still accepting people into the Study I think! My nurse told me I'm one of 250 selected out of thousands. They choose people who they think have the best chances of getting pregnant on the first IVF try.
Breaking Dawn, Good luck with your ER! (sorry I'm delayed you all wrote so much I'm just reading the posts backwards :)
Music I would be a lab rat too! So when will you actually get to transfer?
I'm not sure how it works exactly. I guess we all have to do FET's (no fresh cycle) so that they're all timed the exact same way.

My notes that I took when they accepted me say that I will do the injectables and the Ovidrel trigger then my egg retrieval (not sure the time frame of all of that since I've never done it but I'm going to assume it's approx the same length as an IUI maybe 10-14 days?)

They said they will do incubator photos every 5 mins for observation of the embryos that they will be frozen 5-6 days.
Then I have to get an Endometrial Desruption like a biopsy where they scrape my uterine wall to increase my chances for implantation.

The study begins 7-10 days after freezing and then it's 3-4 weeks before they put the embryos in for transfer... hmmm after reading this I guess I'm looking at approx two months in total then... gahhh and I thought the TWW was hard :wacko:
Hmm peachy I'm thinking about traveling to New Jersey! Lol. But seriously!
That's sounds awesome musician.
Mono so glad your little one is doing good!
Red good luck and I can't wait until I'm in your shoes!
Seoul I hope af cones soon, is this the af after birth control? Or are you taking that?
Ok peachy and breaking I'll forget everything we said about antral follicles lol. Did you guys do the saline infusion sonogram with your trial transfer??
haha Lanet I think you SHOULD move to NJ! ;) Not sure where you are all from but I know that RMA has several locations around the U.S. so it's definitely worth checking into!!
Lanet...i did not have a trial transfer...

But I did have a saline infusion sonogram done sometime ago to view uterus health etc.
I had one awhile ago too, but they are making me do another for ivf.
This is the 3rd day in a row that I've been absolutely starving, eat something, and then feel so overly full and nauseous for hours after:( I really hope this goes away. There's a reason I never took bcp for long:( I want to cry.
Yes I had the saline done after my mock transfer. Sonohystogram isn't it? I was lucky that my bladder wasn't overly full so they did it right after otherwise you have to go empty your bladder and assume the position all over again. Yuck. Blood work came back good so I start stims on Sat . I have to take pills as well. Doxy and Flagyl a.m. and p.m. pretty sure those alone will make me ill. Follistim and Menopur will both be in the a.m. Have my pre - op appt on Thurs. Just a little overwhelming : ).

Lanet I am without a doubt glad tonight is my last bcp but hormones are this whole process. I know it's hard but try to take it 1 day at a time. You have to keep your eyes on the prize! Sometimes I try to pick up sugar free candy to keep my mouth doing something have you tried that?
I get hypoglycemic easily so I think this is just making it worse so maybe the candy will help. It's called saline infusion sonogram (sis) but maybe it's the same thing.
I feel like it will all go quickly after I get off the bcp. This is just a long boring part. But I'm keeping my eye on the prize for sure. Or "my eyes above the waves" from my favorite song right now that's really speaking to me on this journey. Oceans by Hillsong.
Yay for getting good blood work and getting to start stims!!! I can't wait to see how everything goes for you. When is your first monitoring appt? Do you just start stims or have to go back for a baseline or did they already do that? And was the pre op appt for the retrieval?
Yes sis is the same. My baseline was this morning. I have had to have a pre-op both times so you may want to plan on that although I think it has to be done within 30 days of surgery. I go in Mon for labs then Wed for labs and u/s. They already had me make those. My chart says he plans on 8 days and I know that can change but I hope he's right. I'm hoping to get more excited as things progress just a little overwhelming at times.
hello ladies..

Lanet. Sorry to hear the bcp are making you feel awful!

Peachy...yay for your baseline!

AFM...had an u/s and b/w today and there are 8-10 leading is at 20mm.

However I'm not quite ready for ER tentative Sat/Sun.

I just got a call and have to decrease my stims again definitely getting close!
Breaking what happens if one is that big? Will the others have time to catch up?

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