First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

There was another gal that switched jobs just to get insurance that covered ivf. Would that be an option for you? I would think you'd only have to be employed for 90 days. God bless you because I would probably harm hubby being in such a small space for too long : ). When will you hear from them on your embryo?
We're supposed to call on Monday morning to see if the embryo has made it. If it is still growing correctly, we will transfer Monday afternoon. I am really trying to stay hopeful.

DH has been looking for a new job, but since we've been having to travel overseas. DH had his title (though not his pay) demoted. He's had some interviews, but the best offer he's gotten so far was for $30,000 less a year than he's making now. (That's the same pay he was making six years ago...) That's on par with what a non-manager should make, but before all this mess, DH was managing a team. Obviously, he can't get manager pay ( or a manager position) if he's not had any manager experience for a year. :/ So even if we got insurance that covered IVF, we wouldn't be able to afford the copays, or our current living expenses.

There are so many screwed up factors right now. I know I sound like a negative Nancy, but we really do have luck this bad. No matter what though, I'm going to keep fighting for us!
Buny I'm so sorry to hear all you're going through. I can't help but think lab issue! I don't know much about it but of the ones they are working with during icsi are dying, it sounds like human error to me.
Also I go to Kansas City and the cost the monitoring, retrieval, icsi, transfer, freezing, and storage for one year is $7800. It's a university Hosptital so they ask that you let students watch (you can say no) and then meds are extra but still seems close to what you are paying.
I would have a hard time putting my trust back into an RE after losing so many eggs.
Hi everyone else! Hope all is well. We have an ice storm coming so after work I'm hunkering down with some ingredients for chicken pot pie!
Also does that clinic report success rates like here in the states?
An ice storm doesn't sound fun but I don't think we're getting above zero today. Staying in sounds nice thoughthough I am not looking forward to working tonight. Shots went ok this morning but the pills have to go. That's 6 a day and trying to space them taking with food and 2 hours on either side of dairy is a bit ridiculous. Can't wait til I'm done with them.
Hi Bunny:

I am sorry to hear what you are going through but I wanted to commend your spirit and strength to hold it together and all the sacrifices you both have done so far.

I also have to agree with Lanet that it is possibly most likely human error. Both of my IVF cycles are ICSI and both did not yield any frozen embies. but at the end I have at least two (2) transferrable embies by day 5. Both cycles I have 11 retrieved 10 fertilized and 2 matured. If you think about it its the "law of average at work" for every 10 tries you would have at least the possibility if getting two (2) when you say that all ICSI'd eggs died, its either the lab or the hand who did it.

I also don't know what is your ties in Ukraine but there are other countries that has good fairly success rates and I have few friends who went there and have had live births like Taiwan and Korea - the only problems barrier is language.

My thought are with you..and like what Peachy said before its the quality not quantity. What I did different on my second IVF try in which I am pregnant is that I took time for myself...I rest, rest and lowered my stress level. I also took time to rest after my first IVF attempt, for full six months. :hugs::flower:
The clinic we're going to has a long term success rate of 41% and are considered the best in the region (and comparable to the best clinics in the US), so if it's lab error, it has to be a fluke since they mostly do ICSI at our clinic. I spoke to my RE today, and she was saying that sometimes men have sperm that look good, but that those that look the best actually have issues. Since standard IVF is most likely out of the question now, she is recommending PICSI. Apparently some couples just have total failure with ICSI no matter what, but PICSI then yields amazing embies. It wouldn't be the first time we're in the small percentage. (haha)

I also told my RE that we can change our plane tickets to go back to the US later than originally planned (March 30), but we can only stay here until May 9, since that's when our passport expires for this 90 day cycle. Luckily, she said she can do another fresh cycle in that time frame if things don't work this time- so though I'm still a mess, at least there is a plan going forward.

So for now, RE told DH to go pick up some vitamins and antioxidants to begin taking in preparation for next cycle, and told us to remain hopeful for our embryo to make it to tomorrow.

I am trying to remain as positive as possible. After all, we did make it to the 10th week of pregnancy with our first IVF cycle. There is no reason to think we can't (eventually) get pregnant again.
Buny I know it's not my business and we all want babies asap but doesn't a man make new sperm like every 70 some days? You'd think he should take those supplements for at least that long and at both clinics I have gone to you have to wait like 90 days between fresh cycles to give your body a chance to go back to normal although you can do fets between if you have them. I am definitely not trying to tell you what to do i just know how it is to want this so bad and i want you to have the best chance possible. You have been through an awful lot. Did she give you an idea about your embryo?
Hi ladies

I had my egg retrieval yesterday...we got 15 eggs!!! was a long day and I slept most of it.

Embryologist just called to give fertilization report...

13 have fertilized !! Out of the 15, 1 was not mature and 1 did not fertilize...

I am so relieved....we are unexplained and I was worried about eggs and sperm.

Now I'm praying they grow to 5 day ..and then they will be frozen.

We are doing a FET bc my estrogen levels are too high.
Breaking congrats and so exciting! Were you asleep during the er?
Buny hopefully this little embryo will do the job and you won't have to worry about another cycle.
Peachy sorry about all the pills. That does sound tricky having to time it all right. Are you on them for the 8 days?
Lanet..thx Hun.

I was on an IV and given sedative. I was awake. But very drowsy ..could respond to nurses but did not feel any pain.
Breaking Dawn- 13 embryos is wonderful news, hun! :happydance: That is so crazy you were awake during retrieval. I know it's the norm at some clinics, but we do general anesthesia at the one I go to. (I respond absolutely horribly to conscious sedation and am not allowed to use it anymore, so I am amazed by how well many ladies respond to it.) So very happy for you! I hope you get many healthy blastocysts. <3 I think normal blastocyst response is 40% of embryos- so you could have 5-6 blasty babies come week's end!

Peachy- Usually, our clinic waits a cycle before doing another round, but since we can't afford to fly back to the US and then fly here again (another $3200) in a couple months they're rushing it for us I think. I've been looking into it, and from what I've found, the most recent studies into IVF show that it is generally fine to do back to back cycles- just most clinics don't do them since historically it hasn't been the norm.

Okay, so here's the bit about sperm that we've learned in the last couple days. Sorry it's a novel; we've had a lot of information thrown our way.

From what our RE said and the research we've been doing, we found out that motility isn't gained until the sperm are mature and out of the testes and this process is very close to the time of ejaculation (within a couple weeks), so it is a different system than the long maturation process. Because of this, it is the first thing to get better if issues are due to a nutrient deficiency and not to a hormone issue. (Forward progression is our biggest issue right now.) Luckily, we're most likely looking at deficiency since: 1) Things used to be totally fine. 2) DH's most recent hormone panel was normal. 3) DH has been strictly dieting for several months, cutting out all grains and legumes as well as most carbs including fruit... *facepalm* (Yeah... we didn't realize what that could do...) With correction of a nutrient deficiency, we've been told that sperm motility can begin to recover in a matter of days- especially if a man ejaculates frequently to clear out the bad sperm.

As for morphology, development of the body and tail is the very last stage of development before sperm leave the testes to develop motility. This means it is also in the last month of development. So nutrient deficiencies can show a very quick drop in quality, but also a very quick improvement if corrected. (This is our second biggest issue, so here's hoping!)

Lastly, deficiencies in anti-oxidants, post morphological and motile development, can cause sperm to die/be killed by the body once they are complete. DH's number of live sperm have been getting worse and worse, but there are still a ton of dead/dying ones there. (This is our final concern, so if it's anti-oxidant deficiency, we very well could see a swift recovery with this as well.)

Interestingly, we've also found several studies showing over the last decade that sperm production time varies from man to man. Some men can produce sperm from start to finish in as little as 42 days! (If DH does have any underlying hormone imbalance we're not seeing, lets hope he is lucky enough to be one of those guys!)

Phew! So that's what we learned today.

Anyway, so DH will begin supplements now and will have a SA in a month to check progress.If our current cycle doesn't work out, then this next cycle we will do standard IVF if his sperm have recovered, half IVF half PICSI if they are better enough, and PICSI if the sperm are not of high enough quality yet to trust with fertilization. No matter the result of this current cycle, even if we do manage to eek out a BFP, DH is still to be on supplements and have a SA at month's end.

PS: Thanks for bearing with me through all of that. It REALLY helps to explain it to someone else. Still trying to fully get my head around it all.
Breaking Dawn - that's exciting and good news...

Bunny - Thankss for the information, it was a good read, as on our part, it was a male factor fertility. My hubby has low count and low motility. Also, I was just curious it says on your signature that you had an FET transferred on 01/31 and was confirmed negative on 02/10... and you went for an Egg Retrieval on 02/28. So it only took the RE 18 days to complete an IVF Cycle. What kind of protocol did they use because in most countries like US and Australia there are two main IVF treatment cycles &#8212; a short cycle "antagonist cycle" which takes about four weeks with treatment commencing on the first day of a period; or the more common agonist cycle, which takes about five weeks with hormone suppression commencing on day 22 of a woman's cycle.

I am praying for your remaining embryo.
Hi Ladies

Two three days ago, I started feeling pulse in my upper stomach, right around the navel. I know for sure its not the baby because its slow and its way up there. So I know its my pulse because we have an abdominal aorta. However, I was wondering why I started feeling it and this is actually the first time that I have experienced this. I didn't have this before with my 2 DD.

Not sure if I have to call my OB or is it a normal occurrence in pregnancy and I am just more conscious about this pregnancy that I seemed to notice everything...Haay, the worry never stop really. :wacko::confused:
Breaking Dawn - that's exciting and good news...

Bunny - Thankss for the information, it was a good read, as on our part, it was a male factor fertility. My hubby has low count and low motility. Also, I was just curious it says on your signature that you had an FET transferred on 01/31 and was confirmed negative on 02/10... and you went for an Egg Retrieval on 02/28. So it only took the RE 18 days to complete an IVF Cycle. What kind of protocol did they use because in most countries like US and Australia there are two main IVF treatment cycles — a short cycle "antagonist cycle" which takes about four weeks with treatment commencing on the first day of a period; or the more common agonist cycle, which takes about five weeks with hormone suppression commencing on day 22 of a woman's cycle.

I am praying for your remaining embryo.

Hey, thanks for reading. :thumbup:

My IVF cycles are short because they don't suppress me prior to a cycle. (I assume that's because I do not ovulate on my own at all anymore so there aren't really any hormones to suppress, though I've never asked.) So either I go straight from one cycle to another, or I go into a fresh IVF or a FET cycle from an annov cycle. I'm lucky with this because I'm somewhat allergic to BCP (causes severe depression and flu-like symptoms).

For this last FET cycle, my OB/Gyn back in the US did an u/s on CD52 of the previous cycle to confirm that my ovaries were not attempting any kind of follicular development and since they were not, I started progesterone suppositories the next day to trigger AF, then started estrogen HRT when AF arrived. (Had I needed to do a fresh cycle, we would have flown to Prague while I was taking progesterone so I could have gone straight into stims.)

DH and I flew to Prague for a CD11 u/s (they check my lining before adding in progesterone HRT) and then on CD15 we had transfer. We flew home after transfer, but when our HPT was negative we flew back to Prague. I had testing to confirm the negative, stopped progesterone, started AF, and went straight into stimming on CD2.

Not sure what they do for other ladies that go to my clinic, just what they do for me. :shrug: Whatever they do, they do have great success rates- and almost 10,000 babies born over the last 20 years!
After 5 failed IUI's we will be doing ivf! Went for bloodwork this week new re wants a new SA. Got my BC pills just waiting on my period to get the ball rolling. Yay!
Hi Ladies

Two three days ago, I started feeling pulse in my upper stomach, right around the navel. I know for sure its not the baby because its slow and its way up there. So I know its my pulse because we have an abdominal aorta. However, I was wondering why I started feeling it and this is actually the first time that I have experienced this. I didn't have this before with my 2 DD.

Not sure if I have to call my OB or is it a normal occurrence in pregnancy and I am just more conscious about this pregnancy that I seemed to notice everything...Haay, the worry never stop really. :wacko::confused:

Ooo.... I don't know. Maybe you are just noticing everything more because you are paying so much more attention to everything? I know when I was PG last year I kept a log of even the teeniest thing I noticed. Then after my m/c I kept paying attention to see if those thing were just part of everyday life and a lot of them were. haha. But definitely call you doctor if it's worrying you. Worry is no good!
After 5 failed IUI's we will be doing ivf! Went for bloodwork this week new re wants a new SA. Got my BC pills just waiting on my period to get the ball rolling. Yay!

Hey congratulations on getting to start IVF! Such better success rates than IUI. :happydance:
Hi Heidi! Welcome, I'm on bcp now, probably for 2-3 more weeks. I can't wait to get this process going!
Mono I'm sure there are all kinds of normal things that could cause that, we do have Increased blood flow during pregnancy. but maybe for your peace of mind just check with your dr. I can only imagine the things I will analyze when I'm finally pregnant!
Buny I admire your strength bc I just don't know if I could to all you're doing without a break.
Amanda how are you?

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