First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

I totally agree with you that they need to learn I just wish it wasn't so damn expensive lol
Buny- Wow that is a lot of decision making I would not be able to do it I walk in to my RE's office and tell him you tell me what to do and what not to do. You really are a strong woman and I hope you get your BFP soon. I will praying that your husband signs that contract soon and that it all works out for the best for you.

Amanda- I know its hard when things don't go as you plan and that you wish you could just have a transfer with this fresh cycle. I know the bigger stress is that your embryos freeze and thaw perfectly and I really hope this is the case. However, I am sure your doc is making the right call for you. My fresh IVF cycle I had a bit of OHSS and my doc was border line about to cancel my transfer but decided to go for it because I had a lot of embryos to freeze although I did get pregnant I ended up miscarrying because my body had gone through so much. I had to wait 3 months to start back up because of it and realized that the FET was so much easier on my body and it just felt 100 times more natural and better and this resulted in my DD. I am sure your doctor has reviewed your case carefully and decided that FET would give you the absolute best shot. All of this process is hard and sucks but don't lose hope FETs do work and on some women work better than fresh cycles.
Hey ladies! :wave: Yeah, it definitely can be rough- but I trust my RE to tell me if she thinks something is 100% necessary. This country is not a well off one, so the clinic is used to dealing with people who really cannot afford the price of any advanced procedures. Each cycle we have to specifically request video monitoring without dish movement, extended cultivation, extended precision monitoring, vitrification style freezing, even the more expensive (but much more precise) transfer catheter. It's even a special request to have DH in the room for transfer! Things are just very different here. But there success rates are as high as the top US clinics, so I trust them to tell me if I'm making a bad choice or if there is something they really think we need to try.

Also, I just got back from my RE. Results are in and it's a beta verified BFN. Scans showed that somehow my ovaries are already completely healed. RE was really surprised. She says this means that it is totally safe and no decrease in success chance to go into another fresh cycle soon. She likes to wait one week past the time ovaries are healed to begin stims, so I go in for a pre-cycle scan and consultation next Wednesday to get the ball rolling. Until then, I stay on high dose progesterone and estrogen to allow my ovaries to rest for a bit longer (same thing as being on BC). I'll likely stop these next Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, and start stims when AF arrives. I'm also to start back this evening on the supplements I was taking during IVF #1, Myo-Inositol and D-Chiro-Inositol. RE and I are hoping that they will improve my egg harvest this time around.

The HR woman at DH's possible new job said that she'd be talking to the CEO today so she should have news for us either today or on Monday. FX'd everything goes well.
@Peachy- Yes! I will definitely be happy to be able to do treatment in the US. And to get to move to NYC has been a dream of mine since I was a kid and first visited there. DH's possible new company sent over the insurance choices and it looks like which plan we get depends on which clinic we decide to go to and whether it is in or out of network- so that is a choice we will need to make very soon. Right now we are leaning towards Sher fertility clinic in NYC- have you heard of them? We had planned originally that if things were to not work out in Prague within 4-5 cycles that we would take a year or so off from IVF to pay off our debts, then get a loan to go to Sher in Nevada (DH's family is nearby in LA and Arizona). Interestingly, the female RE at the NYC office is specifically focused on IVF for PCOS women!
Happy Friday Ladies!

Buny - so much going on. Congrats on DH's new job and new insurance. That is fantastic!

Peachy - You NEED to take it easy to make sure everything is in good shape for tomorrow, I'm so excited for you. Do you know what time your transfer is?

Amanda - Sorry to hear your cycle didn't go as planned. That's a bummer, but glad they were able to freeze your eggies.

Lanet - I can't wait until you start your cycle!

Question for you ladies - I was chatting with my girlfriends last night (both have had children in the past year and a half). They said they took a prenatal vitamin along with an extra folic acid pill and a omega pill. I have just been taking my prenatal (religiously). Should I top up with the extra folic acid? I'm assuming yes and what about this omega business? I assuming yes to that too. Do you ladies have a plan or know anything before I head off and ask Mrs Google?

When I used to teach pregnancy health and childbirth education (before this whole crazy IF journey began) I always recommended increasing Folate and Omega 3 intake.

Folate (Folic Acid):

-Folate is very important for preventing neurological defects.

-Folate is required for the healthy copying of DNA in cell division.

-The standard supplement of Folate (or FA) is 800mcg/day for pregnant women at minimum. Most women do not get this amount from diet alone.

-Pregnant women who have dealt with IF or who have suffered m/c in the past are recommended to take a higher dose of 2000mcg/day. If you take a 800mcg Folate prenatal, supplementing with a 1000mcg capsule of folate each day is fine. You will likely get the 200mcg difference in you food.

-Folate is preferable to Folic Acid, as Folate is the natural form. Folate is more readily accessible and the body has a much easier time breaking it down. It is also easier on baby's developing system.

This is the form of Folate I recommend, as it is the most easily available to your body:


-Out of all the Omegas, Omega 3 is the one that should be supplemented in pregnancy for fetal development. The other numbers either cause inflammation or we don't know enough about them. Omega 6 can be especially harmful, as it causes inflammation and the average Western diet already includes 10 to 25 times more Omega 6 than in needed.

-Like Folate, Omega 3 helps to prevent neurological defects. Omega 3 is also one of the main building blocks of baby's vision system. Omega 3 is absolutely necessary for proper brain development and is an integral nutrient for you baby.

-Omega 3 reduces inflammation. It also reduces your risk of pre-eclampsia, per-term labor, and postpartum depression.

-Omega 3 in necessary for proper lactation. The Omega 3's you eat will be passed to your baby through your milk. This is crucial in baby's continued brain development- including both intellectual and social development.

-If you choose to get your Omega 3's from fish, make sure you are only eating low mercury fish. Salmon is a wonderful choice!

-If you want to supplement, do so with Fish Oil. Again, salmon is best!

-When choosing a supplement, make sure you are getting a high amount of both the long chain Omega 3's, DHA and EPA. These are the ones you need!

-Don't supplement with Flax Oil. Flax Oil contains short chain Omega 3's. These are not helpful. Also, though Flax Oil is a popular supplement right now, it is important to understand that it can bind to vitamins and minerals in your system, leaching them from the food you eat. This can mean not enough nutrients for you (or your baby). Try to avoid Flax Oil during pregnancy.

Omega 3 supplements are easily found at Whole Foods and most varieties work well.
Redbrick I would say it's up to you. I take a prenatal from a health food store that already has double what most prenatals have. I won't be taking anything extra. Last pregnancy I was so sick I'm pretty sure my vitamin never even stayed down;)
Buny we may be on the same cycle now! And yes I've heard of sher institute and I read lots of his articles!
Hope you are taking it easy today peachy.
Off for a day of fun!
Oh I see what you were saying peachy. I was like damn 2%!!
Amanda what was your amh, do you remember?
I'm really getting to see all the ways this could play out since you guys went first. At least I'll be prepared!

AMH was 0.4 and FSH 7.3
Hi ladies! SOrry I have been MIA :( Alot has happened, I ended up doing 11 days of stims and on Monday I triggered. While on the phone with the nurse that was telling me what to do, after that was done she proceeds to tell me that we will have to freeze all eggs!! I was absolutely devastated to say the least. She said that my progesterone had risen and was out of sync with my uterus lining. I only had 7 follicles!! So we went for ER on yesterday morning and got 5 eggs. The embryologist called this morning and 3 fertilized! SO now we are hoping and praying that all three make it to day 3 for the freeze. We will be doing a FET next cycle.

I will do some catching up on you all.

I know it's disappointing to have to wait but some REs prefer FET over fresh as your body is not fighting the stim meds in order to create a stable environment.

At my clinic we go in know that FET is the plan and if you do a fresh it's bc your embies will not survive freezing and have to transfer on day 3.

Just wanted to share bc in all the reading I've done many clinics feel this...just google fresh VS fet.

Now that I have done some reading I see that the success rates are just as high as a fresh. I'm just really nervous because we don't have many embryos to begin with and the thought of the 3 not making it to freeze tomorrow literally makes me sick :(
Buny- Wow that is a lot of decision making I would not be able to do it I walk in to my RE's office and tell him you tell me what to do and what not to do. You really are a strong woman and I hope you get your BFP soon. I will praying that your husband signs that contract soon and that it all works out for the best for you.

Amanda- I know its hard when things don't go as you plan and that you wish you could just have a transfer with this fresh cycle. I know the bigger stress is that your embryos freeze and thaw perfectly and I really hope this is the case. However, I am sure your doc is making the right call for you. My fresh IVF cycle I had a bit of OHSS and my doc was border line about to cancel my transfer but decided to go for it because I had a lot of embryos to freeze although I did get pregnant I ended up miscarrying because my body had gone through so much. I had to wait 3 months to start back up because of it and realized that the FET was so much easier on my body and it just felt 100 times more natural and better and this resulted in my DD. I am sure your doctor has reviewed your case carefully and decided that FET would give you the absolute best shot. All of this process is hard and sucks but don't lose hope FETs do work and on some women work better than fresh cycles.

Seoul, thank you so much for your kind words. I can't wait for tomorrow, I have been hoping and praying so much that these 3 precious embryos make it to freeze.
Red- I have been taking prenatal for over 2 years now and in the last year I have also started taking additional folic acid ( cant' remember the mg) I have not taken the Omega though.
Amanda- I am send you so many hugs right now. I know it is scary not getting many embryos. I about lost it when we only had one fertilize this last cycle. :hugs: I hope you get an amazing report tomorrow, and not only do they all make it to freeze, but that they all look beautiful as well.
Amanda- I am send you so many hugs right now. I know it is scary not getting many embryos. I about lost it when we only had one fertilize this last cycle. :hugs: I hope you get an amazing report tomorrow, and not only do they all make it to freeze, but that they all look beautiful as well.

THank you so much Buny!!
Red all my RE and OB cared about was that I was taking 800 of folic acid. Which as long as you have been baby should be just fine. So excited for you! Feeling prego yet? Transfer is at 11:45 but I have to be there an hour early. I honestly think I have a more painful full bladder than anyone else so am dreading it worse than retrieval : )

Amanda I'm praying for your embies too. Can't wait til you get that call tomorrow to put your mind at ease. Are you starting to feel more comfortable since retrieval?

Lanet have a blast today!!
Hi Peachy - good luck on your transfer tomorrow!! so excited for you!!!

Have a wonderful weekend everybody!!!
Trying to play catch up on this thread is hard!

Buny - you have so much on your plate right now and you're handling it with such a wonderful attitude. You are one strong chica!

Amanda - I will be keeping fingers crossed you get an awesome report tomorrow!

Peachy - the clouds have cleared and it's got to be a good sign, I will be keeping you in my prayers and waiting for an update with how tomorrow goes for you!

Saline sono yesterday doc said my uterus looked like a frowny face. He showed me the screen and we had a laugh at that. Otherwise he said it looks perfect. Ovaries are nice and quiet on the bcp's. Trial transfer went off without a hitch. He said he doesn't believe I have an angry cervix, either that or it just likes him because he didn't need to use the tenaculum, everything went in with ease and I didn't have any bleeding. The valium did nothing but take the edge off my fear but I spent the night at my parents house so I didn't have to drive myself home. Hubs met me there this morning and we took another trip down to do his bloodwork, a last semen analysis, signed all of our consents and paid the piper. Picked up all my meds on the way home, got a PHENOMENAL deal through Walgreens specialty clinic in Minneapolis. Down there total was listed at $2400. Up here at our regular pharmacy quoted me OVER $8000!!!!!! :shock: When we went in to pick them up I was able to give them med specialty discount cards the RE's office gave me for the Lupron and Menopur that dropped the price down to about $2000 even. We weren't going to argue with that.

Glad to be home now and relax a bit after a very busy last couple of days!
Thank you Mono I kind of feel like a crazy woman and still wish I had more info.

Messica how exciting to get all that stuff out of the way and a good deal on the meds. Did they say how long they expect you to stim? I go to that Walgreens as well and the good thing is that if you need more they will send it to you. Usually they say better to have too much than not enough but as expensive as it is that's just not the case with ivf : )
This is the tentative schedule they set me up on during RN consult:

Med amounts, additional monitoring and additional stim days will be adjusted as we go :)

ETA - he said he'd be surprised if I need to stim more than 8 days but we went ahead and scheduled the additional monitoring just in case.
Walgreens said they could overnight no problem if need be which is fantastic. They were so kind, and who can beat that kind of flexibility!

They threw in two extra follistim pens just in case of malfunction too. I thought that was nice because they said it's not like I'm just a hop skip away to snag another one lol

I've had issues with the prog suppositories making me bleed in the past so RE prescribed the injectable form in sesame oil instead. Not a fan of more shots beyond stims but hey, anything to NOT bleed after transfer right?
For fun, my stash :)

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