First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Lanet I am sorry you had to go through that as well its beyond words. You're going to be just "peachy" this time though. You know that's a name my sister uses or did for aol and when I started here I couldn't think of anything so I used it and I really don't like it. Haha. Oh I forgot to tell you! We went to walmart on Sunday and I got that my spy birdhouse! So like an idiot I get home and I'm like Ummm shit there's screens on all the windows! Anyhow the only one I don't is the huge window in the living room. The middle is all glass with 2 windows on each side that open/close and have screens. So I will put it there but not sure if anyone will live there because even flying into their house they could see my cats or dogs sitting on the couch in the window. I will take a photo when it's up (I've been nagging but I'm on a hill and there's lots of snow under it : )) I still have to try

Amanda I know it sucks but those stupid little cysts are so common and they just went through soo much! Hopefully the bcp's quiet them down and you won't have much longer to wait :hugs:
Peachy - your latest preg test looks darker to me. I have to say that after my second beta, that's how my preg test looks like on FRER, I was told it was at 104. Also, my RE only did two betas, after that the next appointment was for U/S to look for a heartbeat. I guess in a way it saved me from hanging in uncertainties. I can only imagine how it is to be in a beta limbo. Those penis mushrooms are funny...are they edible? I am having an issue too with our lawn right now...we are a corner house so our lawn is on the side and front of the house...My hubby was trying to save money so he goes "I can do it, we don't have to hire professional people to maintain it..." so I fired the gardener and the pool maintenance people and of course it was easier said than done...he was good at first couple of weeks and then neglected it...until we get a ticket from the city saying that we need to upkeep the lawn because neighbors are! I can understand though our lawn is horrible :) same with our people, its nasty and now we are back to the people who are maintaining it and I have the satisfaction to tell my hubby .."I told you..." lol!!

Lanet - I still have one vial of Menopur if in case you need it let me me and I'll send it to you..its better to be of use to someone that go to waste..

Red - I read some posts from people who went through the same predicament as yours and some experience the same thing like you who didn't see fetal pole or even heartbeat at 7weeks. In my opinion it could be just a developmental difference. I am praying for you for your next u/s.

Amanda - on my first IVF, I had a very big cyst too but the RE, aspirated it so it only delayed me for a week. After the aspiration I went back after a week for an u/s to make sure that its not there anymore and then he scheduled for a transfer. You should be fine...its better that everything is checked so you have higher chance of a successful ET. FX'd cross for you!

Misc - Congratulations on your BFP. You're daughter is beautiful!

Seoul - Good luck on you transfer today :) sending you baby dust..

AFM - We found out yesterday we are team blue! I put on 5 lbs...
Hi Amanda, I'm sorry you have to keep waiting and prolonging this! I hope you get the all clear soon and get your bfp. So close!
Peachy walmart has them? I really need one! I could put it on my sliding doors or the top of a window.
Took my rings in today to be cleaned and checked, we have warranty as long as they are checked every 6 months they will replace diamonds for free if they get lost. Well they told me every one of my prongs is suddenly loose and needs replaced and will cost $400. If I don't replace them, and lose a diamond, warranties off. If I pay it now, it will cover it if it every happens again. Like I needed another $400 expense right now. Oh and our renters asked if we could get them new carpet. No! Lol
I make my big payment to the dr on Thursday. $7850.
Thanks Ladies.

Amanda - hang in there. Hopefully this will be on the right path soon.

Mononoke - YAY for team blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lanet - so sorry to hear about your m/c. Too bad about the ring! but you don't want to lose a diamond. Making the payment is a big step - means that you are on your way!

Peachy - lol I have a terrible phobia of birds - big or small - any size doesnt matter. That would be a small nightmare for me lol
Mono I just saw you post. Sorry I missed it! Yay for team blue!!!! So exciting that you're already at that point! And 5 lbs is awesome! And thank you very much for the offer. I'll let you know if I run low!
Red so I guess you don't like the Alfred Hitchcock movie "Birds"? Hehe
Oh and Amanda I missed your questions, stims start Friday. But they said it depends on af. So does that mean af has to come before then? When should I expect it after the last pill??
Lanet I started AF on a Wed Feb 26th and started stims on Fri Feb 28th, I think they like for you to start the around CD 2 or 3. Oh my AF came 3 days after my last BCP.
Mono that's so funny! The lawn is like my husband's baby now and he's alway like "well what do you think" and if I say even the littlest thing he gets all pissy and says" if you can do a better job then you start taking care of it" lol but remember we only get about 3 months to enjoy it around here anymore. Damn winter. CONGRATULATIONS! :dance: and you wanted a boy didn't you? That's just wonderful and we needed some good news around here! Are you feeling well?

Red last year I found a young turkey in my garage and it took my 20 mins of chasing it around to catch it. I thought it had lost an eye but the guy at the wildlife rehab center said it was an infection like pinkeye. If I had known you like them so much I could have fixed him up myself and sent him to you : )

Yes Lanet it was walmart but it could be at walgreens now that's usually where I get my as seen on TV junk.

Amanda if they aren't gone maybe you could talk to doc about aspiration like Mono did.

Messica how are you doing?
I just got a bill for my infectious disease testing. $908 just for me. Well not covered by insurance BUT insurance discounted it to $112!!!! Woohoo!! I love it when insurance comes through
Lanet- Yeyy for insurance kicking in that would have been quite the bill.

Peachy- I agree with mono your last test looks darker to me so I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you and hope you get your miracle. BTW those penis mushrooms are hysterical they have those all over the place here in Korea and they like to do mushroom stone statues in a lot of the parks that look a lot like them haha

Mono- Congrats on team blue did you have any preference for one over the other?

Red- My hubby also always was the positive one and Peachy is right you are still pregnant and you are allowed to get attached. IMHO you become a mom the moment you see that first positive you change your whole attitude towards your body and you immediately get a vision of what it would be like once the baby arrives just because things don't turn out eel doesn't mean you don't have that feeling already. I will keep praying for you to be one of the lucky ones who gets a positive outcome.

AFM- transfer went well it took forever and I was stressing because I knew hubby needed to get to work ASAP but it all worked out. The doctor and nurse both separately told me they were excellent looking embryos and to just relax for the next couple of days. I once again talked to them and told them to grab on tight I hope they listen. This time around they forgot my little sedative pill and the whole procedure was not so pleasant but not terrible. I am trying to relax as much as possible but I feel I am failing miserably I was getting a little down about it. I have 3 different floors in my house and I have to feed and let the dogs out at the basement level eat and feed DD in the main floor and her room and mine are on the third floor so of coarse I have had to go up and down a lot because I forget something or someone knocks on the door or the dogs want to be let out or she wants a snack. So I am trying to just not panic at the moment. A lot of women don't rest at all and get pregnant as well no? I thought I wouldn't be so stressed this time but in some ways I think I am worse this time around. I am already symptom spotting which is stupid especially since it hasn't even been 24 hours and all the hormones I am on anyways could cause the same stuff. Ok done ranting ;)
Seoul YAY for transfer!! I wouldn't worry about it as long as you don't do anything aerobic. Honestly I don't know about where anyone else lives but I'm surprised my embies even stayed in after driving through all the potholes on the way home that day (our roads are ridiculous after our winter). Then after laying around for 2 days I had more work to do around here than if I had just done a little at a time. I think it's wonderful how great they look. I know it's hard but now just try to relax and be good to yourself.

Afm I am all out of hpt's so I took a opk I have (clear blue digital) and that came back with a smiley face. Not sure what level you need to set that off but it doesn't hurt seeing a smiling face first day in the morning : )
peachy - the smiley face is a good sign! When do you hear back about your beta?

I had to call my clinic this morning, as I took the last of my progesterone today. They told me to not worry about refilling it I am pretty sure that is their way of telling me it's over. She said if the ultrasound on Monday shows something different they will put me back on it.

I confirmed a few things about the results, I was suppose to be 6w5d at my ultrasound, I only measured at 5 weeks. There is a gestational sac, but no yolk sac and not fetal pole. So it is way too far behind to catch up. Blah.

I feel ok about it. I think I had pretty much come to terms with it over the last 2 days. After our appt I just had a gut feeling it was over.
We will try again! I would really love it if we had a frostie or two, but
will try again with another fresh cycle. See what the Dr says on Monday. I'm glad I talked to them and don't have to play the guessing game with Dr Google for the next 5 days.

Lanet - are you going today or tomorrow for your appt?
Hello can I join this forum .i have started my first FET couple of days back .currently on estradiol actually my Ivf with Icsi was converted to freeze all cycle in February .going to transfer only one .wishing all here good luck .
Red brick good luck with your coming ultrasound.
Seoul yay for a good transfer! Did you do 1 or 2? Day 3 or 5? When will you test?
Peachy yay for a smiley face!! I cannot wait until tomorrow to hear your results! Don't they know they are keeping is all in suspense? Lol. what time will you know?
Redbrick I'm so so sorry. I'm glad you're ok with it and have a plan to try again. But I know you are going to go through ups and downs. Thinking of you though.
Hi amazing, there's another girl that converted to a freeze cycle on here, good luck!
My appt is tomorrow. Just waiting for af.
Red I am devastated for you. You can cry and freak out to us whatever you need to do. I am more than a little upset that they weren't more up front with you at your u/s. To have you quit progesterone means they had already given up hope and you could have stopped already. When I found out my babies heart had stopped they had me continue PIO until I had my d&c that Fri to maintain the pregnancy so we could have it tested. That may be something you discuss with them if it's something you're interested in. :hugs:

Amazing welcome and I wish you all the luck in the world on your fet! If I missed it in your post when's transfer?

Lanet I go in tomorrow at 8:15 for 2nd test and call the hot line at 3 pm for results. I am not very hopeful. I have no more sore boobs just tired,headache and cramps like right before flo. Stims start tomorrow right ?
Red I am devastated for you. You can cry and freak out to us whatever you need to do. I am more than a little upset that they weren't more up front with you at your u/s. To have you quit progesterone means they had already given up hope and you could have stopped already. When I found out my babies heart had stopped they had me continue PIO until I had my d&c that Fri to maintain the pregnancy so we could have it tested. That may be something you discuss with them if it's something you're interested in. :hugs:

I hear ya....if i wouldn't have called I would have been hopeful. All the Dr said originally that it does not look good. But it could be a slow grower...and then to take me off progesterone? and maybe they should give me a heads up of what happens when I go off of it. I have never been in this situation, but I know enough that if something goes in, something has to come our and I have no idea what will happen.

Lanet I go in tomorrow at 8:15 for 2nd test and call the hot line at 3 pm for results. I am not very hopeful. I have no more sore boobs just tired,headache and cramps like right before flo. Stims start tomorrow right ?

Peachy I am so pumped for you! Do your best to think positive. Someone on here has to have good luck.

Lanet - fingers crossed AF shows soon.

Amazing - Welcome. This thread is awesome. I'm sorry you are joining when I am going to be a crazy person for the next few weeks. Bare with me.
Red I am devastated for you. You can cry and freak out to us whatever you need to do. I am more than a little upset that they weren't more up front with you at your u/s. To have you quit progesterone means they had already given up hope and you could have stopped already. When I found out my babies heart had stopped they had me continue PIO until I had my d&c that Fri to maintain the pregnancy so we could have it tested. That may be something you discuss with them if it's something you're interested in. :hugs:
right ?

I hear ya....if i wouldn't have called I would have been hopeful. All the Dr said originally that it does not look good. But it could be a slow grower...and then to take me off progesterone? and maybe they should give me a heads up of what happens when I go off of it. I have never been in this situation, but I know enough that if something goes in, something has to come our and I have no idea what will happen.
Of baby isn't growing or there isn't enough progesterone to support the pregnancy then bleeding/cramping could start. At this point in the pregnancy it would be more like a period or a little worse because it's very early. For some women progesterone supplements aren't enough to stop flo or miscarriage from starting. I am upset about the slow grower comment because if that were the case why not give it chance or not say it at all? With me i really wanted to know why baby didn't make and I know a lot of times there us no answer but for me there was one. A boy with trisomy 13. It helped give me closure and know that it wasn't a genetic issue with either of us.
Red you had genetic testing didn't you? And peachy didn't you say trisomy 13 isn't tested for?
I had a d&c when I had my miscarriage, but the dr did say I had already passed most of it on my own. I was just in so much pain they put me to sleep to finish it.
Peachy - you are so right about the whole thing. Don't even mention the slow grower...just say it doesn't look good and you should prepare for the worst. Eff that would have been way better than "slow grower" fml

I don't know ladies. My head hurts - I decided I need a big mac and fries tonight for dinner. lol..

I heard the D & C is sometimes quicker and less painful.

I haven't had any spotting so we will see. My guess is by Sunday (4 days) after no progesterone I should have some sort of action happening.

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