First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Amanda 8 more days will go fast it's not so bad. Have they given you a transfer day?

Lanet I know 3 weeks seems long especially after what you've been through but when you look back I don't think it'll seem so long. Is it possible to still fill up appts for the next few weeks? I know you're irritated with your sister but maybe throwing your mind into that will make time go a little faster? When is the wedding?
Yes I've made some calls today letting people know my vacay is postponed. I sound like a flake:( but people are already scheduling so I'll be fine. I already have appts scheduled in May, and I'm not sure how to handle that until I know where my thyroids at:( very frustrating.
I'm mad at my sister. She was very unsupportive yesterday. She basically said it was my fault and then to calm down. Not sorry or that sucks or anything. I've been there for her every day when she needs me for her boob job and her wedding and it just makes me sad. So I'm not talking to her right now. Lol
My circle gets extremely small when I'm sad. So I'm back to hubs and dd only now.
How are you feeling today?
Just found this forum... can I join too?
This is my first IVF cycle. I started my stim shots yesterday and I'll have to go back Sunday for a check.

I lurked a bit before posting only to realize how little I know about the whole process!
Hello Morana I hope stims are going well and it goes by quick!

Lanet you are not a flake and the peeps who know you know that. If people get nosy you just say unforseen things came up so you had to postpone. You don't owe anyone an explanation anyways so that's all they get. I am positive your sister can't even begin to fathom the emotional toll this journey is taking on you. After a little space hopefully she'll realize how ridiculous and unfair she was and come groveling back into your good graces : )
Oh and I called the credit union today(after convincing the mister it was for the best) and got a card with a $5,000 limit just to cover my bases. If need be it would cover meds for 2 more cycles. If not I will always need baby furniture : )
Hi Ladies,

I'm sorry for disappearing* and missing SO much but I've read backwards and caught up.

Amazing & Morana - Hi!

Seoul - I'm so glad the transfer went well! I am standing by super hopeful for you and send you lucky wishes. I cannot believe you had so many embryos. That's unreal!

Messica - You might want to try icing the area before & after the injection. I had the welt/bee sting reaction too, when using the UK equivalent (Busserlin) of the DR drug.

Mono - congratulations on your Team Blue news and for having your dream come true. So amazing!

Breaking - good luck with your lining. I hope it gets to the Goldilocks standard. (Not too thin, not too thick, but just right!)

Lanet - I am so sorry to hear that your cycle was delayed, but am very pleased that you're with a doctor who puts your health first and will do the right thing (even if hard on you) to give you the very best chance for a BFP! As for your sister, brides (as a broad generalization) can be actually crazy. I read online (when a friend was dealing with her relative who was wedding planning) that brides can suffer from "acquired situational narcissism".

Amanda - So sorry to hear about your delay as well. But hopefully, it also gives you the best chance. That's why we're here right? We want to succeed, so we have to channel our inner tortoise and try not be hares.

Red - I am so incredibly sorry for your rough ride. :cry: However, I admire your strength and resolve to carry on and try again. Gigantic hugs. :hugs:

Peachy - You are such an amazing lady. I'm really glad that I've 'met' you on this board. You are so supportive of others and full of wisdom/good advice. You've been through so much but keep such a positive attitude. I'm sorry you're in limbo still. Hang in there and stay awesome. :flower:

Kay nothing about ivf is easy and I think a compilation of stories could be soo helpful to others. If all of what I read is correct like 50% of us will become pregnant and even less will take home a baby for each cycle you try. A gal on another thread had 4 children all from 1 fresh cycle of ivf and still has frosties. You have no idea how badly I wish we could all have that kind of luck!

Peachy, you are so right. One of my best friends TTC'd for six years (including multiple rounds of IVF) and at the end of her journey adopted my now 6yr old "nephew" [We're Aunt K & Uncle N to him]. So, I knew years before it was my turn how slim the odds are and how utterly difficult this would be. I was fortunate that I had that insight because I think a lot of women are blindsided by the process and emotionally, mentally, and financially unprepared for this twisted ride.

My update: I stimmed until Wednesday the 26th, retrieved yesterday - 9 eggs, and learned this morning that I have 8 fertilized embryos!!! (5 from ICSI & 3 from IVF, the 4th IVF one fertilized, but abnormally.) Eight is truly MY number I LOVE the number 8. (I even had an 08-08-08 party. :winkwink:) So, I feel especially lucky and happy. :happydance:

Transfer will be either Monday or Wednesday. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about beta testing because I'll be in India when I should be doing them. We planned the vacay thinking it would be nice to get away if it was a BFN, or a trip we'd be unlikely to take with a baby if it were a BFP. I suppose I'll do a HPT and see what happens. They can test when I get back (and maybe do one the day before I leave, just to see.) I'll either stay pregnant or I won't. At that point it's so entirely out of my hands. :shrug:

* I'm not even going to lie, I got addicted to a new game (2048 - just a website not an app, you can even play it offline on a phone/tablet.) and seriously lost a WHOLE week trying to beat it. But I did it, this morning!! It was actually kind of nice being mindless and not thinking about IVF. Although, if I were philosophical and 'deep' I'd say it was just like cell division for our embryos - diversionary therapy. I can't afford retail therapy at the moment. :nope:
Peachy, thanks! It's the third day now and I drive myself crazy waiting for mood swings my doctor promised me ("oh, your cycle is stable? You'll definitely have mood swings, then!"). Haven't felt any side effects yet and I'm not sure what to wait for since we skipped IUI and went directly to I've due to my previous issues and DB's low everything :(
Kay, FX for you! Can you go to a doctor in India to do a test? It's an exciting trip you're going on! And I'm glad someone admitted to game therapy :happydance: that's what I do too to distract myself. I'm the owner of gaming consoles in our house :blush: :D
Morana clomid was way worse for me than stims. I was a lunatic!

Kay YAY!! So happy for you! That's an awesome number and I pray they all keep on growing! Will you be able to laze around a couple days or are you taking off for India right away? And you be careful over there as I'm sure you already know what's going on. That's so funny about the bride thing! Certainly not surprising but funny. I got married on 7-7-07 :) so thought it may not work for me until I'm 37. There are other 7 's as well but I sound crazy enough : ).
Thanks Morana!! You know I'm really not that [you fill in the word], I was going to say "pressed" but 90s DC slang is a) making me feel geriatric and b) not universally known. I doubt I'd go through the bother to find a doctor and interrupt the trip for that, especially if it's bad news. I'd rather just enjoy myself and deal with it when we get back - good or bad. A few days will make no difference. However, if the doctor here says I need to I will, of course, otherwise I'll just let it be.

I agree games are great distractions!

I had a period you could set a clock to and no known issues, but I really did not have any "mood swings". I fully expected a wild hormonal ride. One of my peeps warned me that she went FULLY crazy with her IVF (both times - 2 boys). I even had a terrible unexpected loss and had to fly back to the US for a funeral while on the drugs and I was not irrationally emotional. I was certainly devastated which was appropriate for the relationship, but I feared something straight out of a horror movie because of the drugs. My only real side effects were EXHAUSTION (missed my stop on the train tired), one nosebleed (injections not nose spray - go figure) and feeling like I had a cold/congestion at times. I didn't even bloat until I was nearly ready for egg collection and even then I just switched from pants to dresses.

Every body is different and will react differently.
Kay YAY!! So happy for you! That's an awesome number and I pray they all keep on growing! Will you be able to laze around a couple days or are you taking off for India right away? And you be careful over there as I'm sure you already know what's going on. That's so funny about the bride thing! Certainly not surprising but funny. I got married on 7-7-07 :) so thought it may not work for me until I'm 37. There are other 7 's as well but I sound crazy enough : ).

Thanks so much!!! We aren't leaving until the 11th. When I did all the estimates it would've been at the end of the 2ww but because I needed extra stims and the transfer is later than my crystal ball said we'll leave before the 2ww is over but over a week to laze and take it easy. So I'm sure I'll have a reasonably reliable HPT answer before we go. If I'm perfectly honest, I had little expectation of it working the first cycle when we booked it so I was just planning to start drinking at the airport. (I'm getting caught in the hope trap now though. Plan B is still to drink. A lot.)

I saw an awesome thing on a pub sign a few weeks ago: "Whether you believe the glass is half full or half empty, there's clearly still room for more alcohol."

I am beyond obsessed with numbers, especially 8!! For my party, 8-balls were the theme (combining my love of black and #8). It was amazing all the things I could get with 8-balls on it! I hate odd numbers generally - they are NOT my friends. I am not ashamed to own my crazy. Everyone close to me accepts it. :haha:
I forgot to add, on the theme of my crazy. I've already told my OH to start making plans for 8-8-16 - the eighth anniversary of 8-8-08. Wackadoodle, I know. But that's me! Lmao.
Lol its my 7th anniversary this year 2014 and 7+7 is 14. Lanet and I went over this a while back. Perhaps we are all a little superstitious. I wouldn't expect it not to work if I were you. You have a great number right now and chances are you'll get at least a few really damn good embies out of those. Lots of gals get first time lucky and there is absolutely no reason you can't be one of them! Now why did you choose India for a vacay ?
Whatever keeps us happy is worth it! I do remember reading that post.

Thanks, I'd LOVE to be one of the lucky ones but am cool if not.

My OH's grandmother is taking a cruise that starts in Mumbai and he did not want her to go alone at 85 years old (she wanted to!) and we're going to escort her to the start of the cruise, spend a few days in Mumbai then head to Goa - a resort town that used to be a Portuguese colony. Apparently, it is SO different to the rest of India. Also, seeing the entire world is on my life list so I pounced on the opportunity to go somewhere I hadn't been before.
Hi girls. Welcome morana!
Kay that's great news! Have a wonderful trip!
Peachy I got married on 10-10-10. So does that mean I will have 10 babies?;) lol
I finally started bleeding. Back on bcp Monday.
I'm depressed today but I think it has more to do with the fact that I'm totally wrapped up in this showtime series, I started from season 1 last week and I'm now in season 4 and the lover just died:( noooooooo!!!!
Lol, we all have our distractions. But I really want to cry because jimmy didn't even get to tell fiona goodbye:,(
Kay - thanks for the support. Is this your first trip to India? I loved it there its such an adventure (and I'm indian!)

AFM...quick update: had my cd17 lining check and it looks good...over 8.5...yay! My RE reviewed my u/s and b/w results today and decide he wants me back for one more check on Monday ...if everything looks good then FET on Sat - onem ore week!
Hi ladies! I am new to all this and I have a few questions. I call my doc when I start my period this month (should be the 16th). He said we'll do baseline ultrasound and check egg reserve.

Any info/experience you can share would be helpful. I am 38 and using donor sperm. We are skipping iui's. Too much expense with low success rates.

What all is tested for at the baseline ultrasound?


Thanks ladies for all the well wishes! :flower:

I'm REALLY looking forward to the trip, it'll be a good trip. I also need warm weather, living in London is no good for me weather-wise. I know y'all have had an awful winter, but the childhood desert rat from AZ inside me still lives. I was teased with nice weather when I flew back for the funeral earlier this month.

The trip also serves as a good way to kill time, I know that it is going to be like the "If you give a mouse a cookie" story, there will be something that I worry about next. So, if you give me a BFP, I'll ask to get to 6 weeks, and if I get 6 weeks I'll ask to get to 12. Alternatively, if it's a BFN I need to kill time before we can FET is we get any frozen or before fresh again if not.

Lanet - I say cry it out and don't hold back. I don't care that shows/movies aren't real, I still feel it. (Especially when you've grown attached over multiple seasons - you're invested.) Poor Jimmy. RIP.

As for you, bleeding is progress, right? It is an expected bleed, I hope.

Breaking - Barrage of questions: Do you go often? Where do you go (North or South)? Any travel tips/advice? Folks in the know always have little gems. (I'm now almost a professional tour guide here. Lol.)

Yay for your lining!! One week will pass in no time, then it'll be show time!

Ironmom - Hello & welcome. I'm actually doing my cycle in the UK so they do things slightly differently, so I may not be the best "advisor". So for example, I'd done my AMH(egg reserve) test months (Nov) before the month we started. [We actually had to delay our start date due to a death in my OH's family.] Also, I had an endometrial scratch (2/25) and started my DR drugs the next day. After the period while DR'ing I called and had an ultrasound that confirmed that it was safe to start stims - like no cysts etc - and started stims (3/12). During monitoring, I had my dose increased and stayed on a bit longer, my egg collection was this past Friday (3/28), and I'll transfer on Mon or Wed.
Iron welcome ! At your baseline they will just make sure your ovaries are "resting" no cysts and your lining is good. They just make sure everything looks good in there and you're ready to start.

Breaking YAY! So glad you're getting so close!

Lanet you've gone mad lmao. I don't know who Jimmy is but if you want to cry for him do it because he just lost his job. Lol I'm just kidding. I was really upset the other day when Hannibal killed off the Asian cop gal I really like : )

Kay I prefer If You Give a Pig a Pancake : ) but totally agree on the analogy!

Afm I am having ridiculous hot flashes. It's supposed to be mid 50's today so I am going to walk around the lake. I have to enjoy it because we then go back to the 30's again. Never ending winter. I should go to church but I really don't want to get ready. I am bad.

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