First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

It's totally normal to feel that way. You're up up up and ready to go only to get totally deflated. It sucks. You should be honest with your sister about her insensitivity so it doesn't happen again. You don't need to keep dealing with that on top of everything else. I have to work today but at least it's a bit of a distraction. Dwelling on this sucks the life from us. You're very young hon and I know it just doesn't seem like it because you've been trying for so long but you are and I know how excited you were to have it happen so close to your bday but now it'll just be a belated bday gift : )
Hi Ladies, may I join?

I'm in Canada and we have been trying unsuccessfully for three years to have a baby. We experienced two early miscarriages at the very start and since have had nothing. We've been diagnosed unexplained infertility. We did 3 IUIs and 1 fresh IVF cycle and now will have our first FET this Friday (April 4th). Our first IVF fresh cycle was unsuccessful in December 2013 despite having a perfect 4AA embryo which was so heartbreaking.

Since then, I've had two endometrial biopsies (performed last month- once before and once after ovulation) in the hopes that inflaming the uterus will help with implantation during our first FET.

We have 4 frozen blastocysts, two of really good quality (can't recall the actual numbers) 1 not bad, and one day 6 sort of just making the cut.

I started progesterone suppositories last night, and will begin Baby Aspirin after the transfer.

I'm at the end of my rope. They can't explain why we're not getting pregnant. There's nothing "wrong" with us except that we're not getting pregnant. The two early miscarriages led ME to believe that I have an implantation problem however they didn't do anything special during the IVF cycle to ensure our perfect embryo would attach....and it didn't. Now I've had the byopsies and I just hope that they do what they're supposed to do because the emotional toll, and the financial toll are really, really getting to me. Augh!

Please keep your fingers crossed for me and I'll do the same for you!
Team Welcome! I know about being at the end of that rope but ivf is a numbers game and half the time it just doesn't work. My 1st ivf was a total BFN and I can get pregnant. It's not fair hon it's just the way it is. I wish I could afford to have my embies tested because I have spoken to several ladies that have had it done and said it was their best looking ones that were abnormal. So don't give up hope because that 6 day that just barely made it? That could be your take home baby. You'll definitely be in my prayers and transfer is right around the corner for you!!

Afm the clinic called to set up my u/s which is next Tuesday and she said I'd have to have a beta before then either Fri or Mon and I said listen I know by my numbers this doesn't look good and that's a long time to wait to start figuring this out (honestly ectopics are excruciating pain and the thought of not catching it in time makes me cringe). So I have a beta tomorrow as well.
Peachy - wishing your beta would be in the highs tomorrow...I totally understand about Vick but he is with the Jets now :) It was hard for me to cheer for him first and can totally understand why people can't forgive him, I myself is owned by a dog :)..but I also believe in second chances and could not imagine life without second chances. I'm glad you are coming in for a beta tomorrow, because you are right, time is of the essence when it comes to ectopic pregnancy. keeping FX'D for you.

Lanet - I agree with PEachy, you should tell your sister how you feel, after all how is she to know if you are not to tell her. Most especially in the time of her nearing wedding where it is totally understandable to feel that its all about the bride. But I am sure if you tell her, she will understand then it will be easier for both of you. Advance happy birthday to you too!

Team - Welcome Team. I hope they find something soon to explain what is going on. In my opinion having unexplained fertility is more frustrating because of the uncertainty of not knowing what the cause is. At least if you have a diagnosis, they know how to address the problem. Welcome and good luck on your transfer too.

Messica - I'm glad you figure it out, no worries, come 3rd to 4th day of stimming you will be a pro in doing preparing them and administering them as well:)
Seoul - Congratulations! Those tests look promising!

Messica - glad your q-caps got sorted out. It's quite a challenge when it arrives :) I was overwhelmed just by the size of the box they delivered. Now on day 5 it's not so bad anymore and my DB has fun helping mix the meds :D

Kay - it's great your little guys and gals are doing so great :) Your plans seem to be enough to keep all of you busy for a while. Just make sure to use plenty of sunscreen when you're down here! We are gearing up for summer already.

Lanet - congrats on your birthday! Mine just passed and I only saw a few people this year, no party or anything... Somehow birthday celebration doesn't mix with anxiety over the process :) I hope you make up with your sister though, just talk to her so she understands what you're going through
Thanks guys. I have talked to her. It doesn't help. It's always been this way. I give she takes, never reciprocates.
Redbrick how are you holding up?
Oh, that sucks. It's too bad... Well, I'm the only child with no experience of dealing with siblings so I won't bug you with any more advice, for sure :shrug: :D Just :hugs:
Thanks morana. I have 2 sisters and a brother so always lots of drama lol. She's the baby sister so that explains it;)
Peachy I finally watched Divergent today! I loved it and yes that guy is cute!
Lanet my daughter made me feel like a perv for thinking he was hot so I looked him up and he's like 28 or 9 I can't remember : ). I am still at work can't wait to leave. I've been feeling cramps with lower back pain all night. Hopefully tomorrow yields answers. Anything is better than being stuck. I really don't want to continue on meds either if I don't have to. I am ridiculously tired though. I feel like swimming.
lanet- that sucks about your sister mine is sometimes the same way I just ignore it and I know her comments and way are being are not spiteful I just tell her to back off for a bit she doesn't like it but give us both a few days and all is ok again hope it is the same for you. You need your time to be upset.

Time- Welcome! Your story seems so similar to mine. I had two early miscarriages as soon as we started trying then it was 4 years before I saw my next BFP and that ended in a m/c as well. FET are much easier on your body so I really hope it is sticky for you. Hang in there and don't lose hope just yet. Wishing you the best of luck this time around.

Red- thinking of you today!

Peachy- Hope those numbers are nice and high.

Mas and amazing- just realized I didn't welcome you guys. Welcome to the group these ladies are all fantastic. How are you guys doing?

How about everyone else? Hope you are all well :)
Peachy you're tired and feel like swimming? Lol. You know cranps can be a normal sign too. I hope you get definite answers soon too though. I'm glad you're getting another beta.
Thanks Seoul, it will pass, like you said I just need a few days.
I'm so lucky that my husband takes such good care of me, he knows what I need, whether it's a hug or a glass of wine. Tonight it's wine;) and I got my ring back and it's nice and sparkly:)
Lmao that probably sounded stupid huh? I think it's because I feel fat and bloated and miserable in general. Maybe while I'm tired I just want to float and feel weightless : ) I'll wait to pull a Michael Phelps til after I'm rested : ). I should live on an island surrounded by crystal clear water and sea turtles.
Sometimes the posts happen so quickly that between going out and the time difference, I miss so much so fast. :wacko:

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and for cheering on the little team of embies! I just want to hurry up and transfer them - not all of them! :winkwink:

Mono - Yay for another who bleeds green!!! I have 3 jerseys (pink - now being retired as bad luck, green, and black). I've never done the personalized ones because I've never been a fan of my last name. I am however hoping to be visibly pregnant by fall so that I can get a cute maternity Eagles top I've had my eye on ever since we started TTC. Believe me when my future babies are born the WILL have the right attire.

Frosties would be Grrreat!! Tomorrow cannot come quick enough.

Red - I hope you're holding up ok. You've been so strong and brave in limbo, and I hope you're hanging in there after your appointment. :flower: :hugs:

Peachy - I say this at risk of being evicted from this group: I love Vick (my jerseys are all #7 and I won't be getting new ones for Foles) and I love the Eagles for giving him a second chance. I will explain and you can ignore should you choose. He is an amazing athlete and extraordinarily good at his job. Other NFL athletes use their wealth and influence to get out of trouble (Roethlisberger = 2 rapes/sexual assaults & Ray Lewis (now hall of famer) = plea bargained away a double murder), but Vick actually plead guilty, accepting responsibility, for something he had less to do with than most people know and never tried to publicly clarify his limited role or downplay it. Having read the indictment back then, he did provide money (lots) as the now rich relative to his cousin but had less direct involvement than all the others but got more time. Time that, when I worked in law enforcement in PHL, was hard to get for people who harmed people. Not saying that what he did was ok - the whole thing was vile, however, he did serve his time and started over from the bottom with a $1M contract as backup in PHL having lost starter and $150M in ATL.

I know my defense of him may put you (and others) off, and I'm sorry. I hope you don't throw me out. :blush:

Leaving that topic but still NFL for a second, the Vikings played in London last year and there was a SEA of purple fans at the fan rally and at the game!

Re your beta, don't give up just yet. The lady has not sung.

Lanet - Families are so complicated and hard to deal with sometimes. Not what you need in the midst of all this. Remember to take care of yourself first. It is so sweet that your husband is so attuned to you. Cherish that and what you guys are trying to do on this journey. The family drama will always swirl on, if not one thing then another.

Happy Birthday! I know it may not be a super happy one, but we're all in the same boat. I'll be 34 and I was sure I'd be a mom by 30. Remember to try not to wish your life away, the baby WILL come!

Team - Welcome! My transfer is tomorrow so we'll be in the 2ww together. I understand your frustration. We've been TTC 4 years now with no diagnosed problem. I've never been pregnant, not even a MC, (not even in my 'reckless' youth.) That has always worried me.

Morana - Happy Belated Birthday!!!

I am so looking forward to the warmth and sun of FL, but in reality I know that a cold conference room awaits... I'll probably have no real need for sunscreen.
Kay lol I have to respond. This is all my opinion mind you.. comparing what he did to crimes others committed seems redundant to me and in no way detracts from his offense. I can't stand Worthlessberger however he was not convicted of that and Lewis well you should hear the things I have said about him. In my opinion anyone convicted of a felony should not be allowed to play in the NFL at all. I know many companies that will not hire them and the NFL should be no exception. Vick is no saint and I have no doubt handled the case the way he did on the advice of his attorneys. We weren't there so we will never know and I am certainly not his friend. There are plenty of athletes to fill the NFL. Wasn't Jackson just cut for throwing up gang signs with no proof of being affiliated? Hypocrisy at its finest... and no I am not upset with you at all just wanted to give my point of view as it's not just him and the bottom to me isn't a million dollars it's scrubbing toilets and earning your way back into polite society. I guarantee we wouldn't get off that easy.. Now to what's really important I hope your embies are growing fabulously and am truly optimistic about your transfer. For being nervous in the beginning you ended up having a great cycle! : )
Peachy - You're allowed to respond as vocally as you want. Variety and different opinions are the spice of life. ;-) It's awesome though when women engage in sports chat - it shows how dynamic and multi-faceted we are. Kind of like on

Desean was cut for being a whiny, distracting little Bi!#h and Kelly wasn't having it. As soon as the season ended he went off again wanted a yet another new contract. He was becoming like T.O. - a talented, tantrum throwing toddler-tyrant. The gang article coincided with what they wanted to do anyway. He was questioned by the police back in 2010-11, so the potential affiliation wasn't news. Hypocrisy abounds in the NFL AND within the Eagles - Riley Cooper is a prime example. They have actually been 'officially' silent on Djax's release and letting people speculate/conclude.

Back to the real stuff: I too hope that they're growing well. I wish transfer was today - I don't want any of them to stop progressing. I am still quite nervous as a newbie. I have been surprised with the good progress. I am glad you're optimistic (you know an awful lot); I'm still pretty apprehensive and not convinced that I'll be one of the few lucky ones. I plan on pressing for two - I KNOW they only want to do SET - but two gives the best chance for even one. Also, this is our only funded cycle and I want to make the most of it.
I was a member of peta for over 15 years so I'm a little crazy when it comes to animals (I no longer am because of a campaign they used sharks in) and I took psychology in college. I think anyone that can sit and watch animals ravage each other until death or until they kill them (and this takes a long time Dog fights can last a very long time and are ridiculously painful and debilitating) has a serious mental illness. It's torture. I think the problem with a lot of these athletes is that they have so much with no boundaries. They feel invincible and it should be stopped. Jackson is a cancer no doubt. Aaron Henderson is a prime example at the moment as he's looking at murder and was a suspect in a double homicide before this. That guy that played for Chicago had tons of money and got caught trying to sell cocaine to an undercover cop it's ridiculous. O.J? Tired of all the excuses. I'm pissed Allen went to Chicago and I've been a P.Manning fan since he went to Tenn. (I call him my husband and my real one has learned to deal with it through the years but still changes his commercials : ) I'm just hoping we can rebuild over the next couple years before our new stadium is done. We will be playing outdoors at the smaller Gophers stadium. We have made really bad choices but I'm excited about having a new coach so we shall see. Did they give you valium for transfer? What time will it be here when you have transfer? I know that makes me sound like a tard but I hate trying to figure that sort of thing out : ) it's cold and snowing and ridiculously windy. It's APRIL!!!

Messica how are doing? I hope you were part of the 18 inches some got up north.
Kay why do they only want to do set and if you get frosties how much does a fet cycle cost? Will they pay for that? Hopefully you'll get to do that in the future.
I don't even know if you guys are talking about football or baseball if that gives you any idea how I feel about sports. But of course we cheer on the St. Louis cardinals and my dh is excited about this season, we like to go to games.
Lanet - Lol. Are you in STL? We were there in Dec.

Peachy - We all have our things that get us fired up. I totally agree re the lack of boundaries! Lmao at OJ - I just watched a documentary about him last week. He absolutely thought he was above the law - he was visibly stunned with that robbery verdict. He never thought a jury would convict the Juice. Arrogant SOB. Peyton's got serious heart - I really respect the guy. I also love how he shouts Omaha. (I was born on an AFB there.) I have a number of love interests that my OH just has to deal with and accept - they predate him anyway. Lol.

You know, I was under medicated for collection (ow, ow!) I hoped for general but they don't do that, I had inadequate pain relief and was sedated but not enough. I am not sure if they'll give me anything for the transfer. I had nothing for the scratch. It will be about 6 am your time tomorrow.

We had "thundersnow" and hail last weekend! This week are headlines about dust from the Sahara covering cars here. Craziness.

They have a HUGE campaign (signs, pamphlets, websites) for single births and strongly discourage multiples. Fertility clinics up until recently were subject to sanctions for too many multiple births. I've already had a talking-to about wanting to transfer two, and I know it'll be another tangle tomorrow. But at least my OH and I are a united front and are prepared for battle. :growlmad:

If this fails, I can have one frozen transfer on the NHS. Any more would cost £1,750/$2,900.
As a newbie I so appreciate you all sharing your experience! I feel like a creepy stalker reading all your posts and not contributing much! :blush:

As soon as I start things in a few weeks you will hear from me lots! Just curious if there is anything the docs can do during IVF or at some point to help the embies stick if that's an issue?

Of course it's a question on my long list for the doc but I'm impatient and want to know now! :winkwink:


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