First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Hello Ladies,
I started lupron last week and go tomorrow for my day 3 ultra sound and should be starting gonalF and repronex tomorrow night. My clinic only does FET so that will be in May as long as everything goes well. Im very nervous and stressed about the money (8000.00 approx) and am not sure what I am going to tell work about all the appt.'s. I am trying not to feel anxious but it is very hard. I am also excited because I just want this show on the road - we have been dragging our feet about IVF because I really thought I didn't need to go this far:( We have a ten yr old son - why can't we do it again? I have come to the conclusion after everything else has failed that we need to just go for it. Wow - it is going to be an intense few weeks!!
Peachy and Kay...thank you so much! It's been a quick decision and at our consult we decided to start in June. Then a week later we told our doc we changed things around and want to start ASAP. So after a fairly brief call he said to let them know when started my period. I really like him and didn't ask too many questions. :blush:

Now I have a million questions of course...
lanet - thanks! I don't cry often about tv shows, but I'd cry if I felt like it. This way you can have your good cry and blame it on Jimmy.

Kay - So exciting, I'm now feeling sorry we didn't plan anything for after... but DB wouldn't even let me close to a plane if he'd think there's a chance I might be pregnant :)

Iron - we skipped IUI too (IUI wasn't even an option of us), but most of my tests were done well in advance. In part that's due to all the issues that I had, they had to do another D&C in November and take out a fibroid and septum. And my AMH and u/s for egg reserve (and trial transfer) were done in January. So at the baseline all I had to do was bloodwork, u/s and meet with IVF nurse to get the protocol.
Make sure to ask your questions! I'm almost to the point of running the list of them since I have a million when I read papers at home and then I remember none of them at the office :blush:

Mas1118 - Hello! So I guess, TTC #2 is no less stressful, but in a different way, huh?

Peachy - 50s and hot flashes are not so bad :) Here in FL it's already around mid-80s! I kept having hot flashes yesterday too and I wish we had 50s :D

AFM, yesterday was bad, right after I posted that I don't feel anything, got a bad migraine and hot flashes.... All better today, went for a follow up in the morning and it still hurts. But I have 6 follies on the left and 2 on the right (and I had little hope for the right side, it's doing better than I thought!). Now I'm waiting on the instructions and getting a little anxious about it
Hi girls, your comments are making me lol, especially peachy, jimmy lost his job! Lol, but that said, I'm not over it yet:( lol.
Quiet weekend, beautiful outside, keeping to myself, ignoring phone calls, and feeling melancholy. It's just been an exhausting road with no guarantees.
Hope everyone is well, welcome to the new girls, and breaking your lining sounds great, best of luck on your fet!
Peachy - I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by your pig preference given your avatar. (I love that pig!) I just watched a YouTube narration of the story. I suggest you just don't give a pig a pancake...unless, it is as cute as the one in your picture.

Sorry to hear about your hot flashes. They are certainly crazy. I'm not looking forward to menopause at all!

Ironmom - wishing you the best of luck! Hitting fast-forward will make it even more of a whirlwind but there is lots of info and support here. I too never had IUI. I did a few months of Clomid with follicle tracking last summer. But IUI comes out of the IVF funding pot, so I wanted to keep as much in as possible for stuff like we ended up needing/wanting like ICSI & 5 day/Blastocyst culture.

Morana - I won't be able to stay off a plane & my OH is a plane enthusiast. Even if we hadn't planned this trip, I have to fly in the early days anyway if we get a BFP. I'm heading to your neck of the woods (FL) in May for a conference then zipping around the US to see friends and family since I can't travel during the fall due to teaching. British Airways has a policy letting you fly until 36 weeks with a single baby and 32 weeks with multiples. Since I live overseas, I know that I'll likely have to fly when pregnant (no matter when that is) and fly with a little one.

Yay for your right side!

Lanet - Sorry you're having a low day, but happy you got a laugh. :hugs:

Mas - Hi & welcome. May will be here before you know it.
Breaking- Congrats on being so close hope all continues well.

Ironmom and Morana- Welcome! Good Luck on your IVF paths.

Peachy- When is your next test?

lanet- How are you doing?

Red- How is it going? Is your next ultrasound tomorrow?

AFM- I decided to test with an expired test I had from November on Sunday morning so I was not even a full 4dp5dt I was totally expecting a BFN but sure enough there was another line that showed up and I didn't even have to squint to see it. So since it was an expired test I took another one with a non expired test and it looked just like the other one. This morning I again tested but using a cheap test I bough at target and I wish I hadn't because it was soooooo light I could barely see it and then I started freaking so I took another expired FRER and the line was super dark. Hubby is super excited and I am cautiously excited. Guess I have had so many losses in the past that until I see a heartbeat I won't quite celebrate. But I will take it for now and plan on this working out :) i will try to post a pic of the tests and the evil target one as well if I figure it out.
Ok I think they should be on see why I freaked with the Target test?


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Morana and Ironman - Welcome to the thread.:flower: The ladies here are very knowledgeable and supportive, so ask away because they have a lot to impart.

Peachy - When is your next appointment? Are you exhibiting more pregnancy symptoms now?

Lanet - It can be very frustrating to have another delay but it is reassuring that your doctor is doing every step to make your cycle successful.:thumbup: I've had one of my parathyroid removed back in 2007.
I don't know who Jimmy is :) we don't have a cable because I've cancelled it like three years ago and we live on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Videos and Crackle. I get my news on the internet and watch Hockey (hubby is a big Flyers fan)from our laptop and during Football Season, its our excuse to go to the bar and have fun. Anyway, but I can imagine being in stim drugs and all, it can make us very sensitive and even have cry spells sometimes.

Kay8 - Its amazing to know that British Airways allows up to 36 weeks! We are going on a cruise this week for kids spring break and they have my OB sign a medical clearance that I am not more than 25 weeks of gestation. I love flying and going on trips but I have chronic hypertension, and has been on High blood medication since I was 27, with this pregnancy I am still taking HB medication. Since I have that risk, I cannot fly now because I do not want to risk flying and adding another variable (high altitude) to my pregnancy.

What a change of weather for you from AZ to London, that's like night and day. I was there on November last year, when I visit I stay with a good friend that lives in Hammersmith Road...Have fun on your trip to India :plane:

Seoul - I know its early but still am very happy for you :happydance:

Red - FX'D for you for your u/s tomorrow, I am keeping you in my prayers.

Amanda - I hope you respond well to the BCP to quite your cyst. Like what Peachy said maybe you can ask your doctor if he does aspiration. My aspiration was just an outpatient and was very quick. I was not under any anaesthesia, just a higher dose of valium and the RE did it with a ultrasound guided needle.

AFM - crazy week, the quakes :wacko: are here and there, strongest at 5.1 and the center was just 10 miles north of our city...we felt it big time. I will be having my quad screening on April 7th and anatomy scan on April 28. This week, I also started wearing maternity clothes.
Seoul oh my goodness I want some of your ivf luck!!! Congrats! Those are great lines and early too! So happy for you!
Thanks mono. I thought you already had an anatomy scan? Or did you just happen to find out early? Have fun on your cruise! I have the opposite, low blood pressure. The nurses sometimes comment saying I have the blood pressure of a child. But it's normal for me, but sometimes have to be careful not to faint!
And seriously loling that everyone on here has mentioned poor Jimmy's death. Thank you all for supporting me during my grief over a fictional character. Haha! I do this with books too. So funny! The worst part is fiona finally trusted and loved someone, and she has no idea he died, she thinks he just left her like everyone else has.:,( whaaaa! I think I'm projecting my sadness about my ivf being delayed onto a tv show. Lol
Peachy how are you feeling now? Still having hot flashes?
I picked up a new pack of stupid bcp. Here we go again. And my boobs were just finally feeling normal again! And I'm having quite a heavy af too.
Lanet - We found out about the gender in my OB's appointment last 03/24, she said that she is 90% sure it is a boy when she scan was little hard to see it because the umbilical cord is sort of blocking the entire view in between the legs but she said she is pretty sure that she put it in my chart that its a boy. The scan I had at 12 weeks was the nuchal scan, it was to measure the thickness of the back of the head of the fetus to screen for trisonomy 21. The anatomy scan is for my 20 weeks.

I hear you about crying on tv shows and movies...there was two movies that made me cry soo much (and I was not on stim med, can you imagine if I were)..I consumed half of the box of the tissues, my throat hurts and my eyes were swollen after I came out from the theater - My Sister's Keeper and Hachi. Those movies were so sad, I will not dare watch them again :)
Seoul - Congratulations!!! I know it's early days but those lines are so promising!

Mono - A cruise sounds great! I hope you have a fabulous time. I've never been on one...someday though. You're right, it is probably best not to fly if you have other health considerations. No need to take any unnecessary risks. Yay for your hubby supporting PHL - I am a FANATIC Eagles fan! (I moved from AZ to the east coast (DC/MD/VA/PA) before coming to London so it wasn't as dramatic a weather change.) It is so hard sometimes with the time difference. Hammersmith isn't terribly far from me, I live close to Victoria Station. It's nice that you have a friend to stay with, I have my peeps stay here with me regularly.

AFM - My call this morning said 7 of the 8 had reached the desired stage of 6-8 cells, so we're pressing on to blastocyst transfer on Wednesday. One more hurdle crossed. I want to go have a pep talk with them: "Hang in there little guys/gals!"
Thanks Kay Congratulations on making it to 6 to 8 stage. Good Luck on your transfer sending lots of sticky vibes.

mono- Thanks! quakes terrify me I hope they stay away. Yeyy for moving along in the pregnancy all these hurdles only get you closer to your bundle of Joy.

lanet- I hope you have my IVF luck minus my miscarriage.

Because I have experienced normal rising HcG levels only to find an empty sac on the ultrasound I can't quite get excited until I see the little heartbeat flutter on the screen and hear that amazing sound.
Knocked out baseline ultrasound and bloodwork yesterday morning. Lining was still a bit thick at 5mm but the RN thought I'd just continue to bleed a bit longer and it should thin out yet. I had 11 "quiet" follicles brewing and no cysts so I got the go ahead to start my stims today :thumbup:

My only dilemma now is, as I was going through my goodie bag of paraphernalia last night making sure everything was good to go for this morning I realized I don't have the correct needles for my menopur! I was instructed to use the 3ml twisties with Q caps but pharmacy only sent me 15 - 1ml pull off needles. That's not even enough for me to do it the plain needle way because on the video instructs you to reconstitute with a different needle than you inject with.

I do have many 3ml twisties that came with my PIO that I could use with my Q caps to reconstitute, but then I'm stuck at how to draw up and inject lol

Have to call right away this morning to sort out what they want me to do with what I've got or if I need to make a pharmacy run this morning now.
redbrick - you're in my prayers today.....I'm still holding out hope for the best for you today.....

lanet - I hope you're being kind to yourself and had a good weekend. I agree with the others who have said even though it makes you want to scream, your doc doing what's best for you is a good thing. Anything less could cause issues down the road and that's the last thing you'd want when talking about how much money, time and emotional investment goes along with each and every cycle. Doesn't make it suck any less, but at least moving forward it builds trust that they're not just out for your wallet you know?

peachy - did you pee at how gorgeous yesterday was! I did!!! :happydance:

kay - welcome! And best of luck to you and your blasts come Wednesday! 7 out of 8 is FANTASTIC!!!

Seoul - !!!! :happydance:

mononoke - My Sisters Keeper got me bad too, now you've got me curious about Hachi.........

Ironmom - welcome! I just shared what went down at my baseline ultrasound yesterday. It was just a vaginal ultrasound to check reserve, lining and to confirm there were no cysts. They also did bloodwork to check estrodial. That was about it :)
Hey Ladies!

Welcome to everyone who joined over the weekend!

Seoul - Yay!!!!!!!!! those lines are beautiful. How many did you transfer again? I can't remember?

Thank you to you all for all the well wishes. All you gals are the best :hugs:
Out appt is for 1:30. I had a tiny bit of spotting yesterday, it was very light. I have nothing now, but weird cramps...kinda like period cramps?? Not really sure. I am happy we will know either way today. If by some miracle they tell me there is a baby in there I will probably faint. lol
Kay -E A G L E S ! my husband was born and raised in Philly, I didn't mention Eagles because its hockey season. But we go crazy here for Eagles too. I kid you not, I have 8 jerseys on my own every color, including a customized one. Dds' has three each and hubby has 5, and all other Philly teams except 76 :) our bucket list, we will follow one whole season of Eagles wherever they play :) When people ask..are you from Philly I answer, yes..from the Phili -ppines :)

Congratulations on your blasts..its very likely that you will have frostries! yey!

Seoul - I know what you mean, this IVF is a hell of a ride..even if you have BFP then you worry about other milestones that you have to reach...

Have a good Monday morning y'all
Seoul YAY!! :dance: Totally understand the reservation as my betas last time were high as well but so far so good!!

Red I will be thinking of you today and prat you get some answers. Waiting is hell :hugs:

Mas welcome! Hope your cycle goes great!

Messica YAY for starting stims!! Hurry up and have them over night those Q-caps! Yes the weather was great but now we are back to garbage! Raining here now so no snow yet but it will and it'll feel like 10 degrees by morning.

Mono how could you even root for Philly with Vick there? Yuck. I will live and die a Vikings fan (I love football) but I said if that puke comes here I don't think I'll even be able to stomach it and watch : ). I hope those quakes leave you alone how traumatic but Yay for more u/s's! When I had mine with my son almost 16 years ago so things may have changed she told me they look for the testes not a penis so I asked her if she was sure she wasn't seeing ovaries and she just laughed at me and said she couldn't mistake the 2. Soo I would say it's a boy!

Lanet I hope you are feeling better today and the sun is shining for you! Waiting is never fun and I wish you were here because I desperately need my hair done. As a matter of fact that reminds me i should call right now for an appt because I have to get in. My hair needs bleach! And it's very long and kinky so if I don't get it layered it hangs and hates me : ). I just hate going because the foils take forever. I always leave with a wet head : ). Are you going back to work today?

Kay so happy for you to have so many growing so well! So exciting! Hopefully they're all still looking beautiful on a couple days and the ones you don't transfer make it to the freezer!! :happydance:
Messica congrats on starting stims!
Kay congrats on having so many good looking embryos!
Redbrick thinking of you today.
Peachy I'm off on Sundays and Mondays. I was super busy on Friday and Saturday so I'm relaxing today. Back tomorrow though. I would love to do your hair! Mine could be cut, it's super long, but I have to do it when I'm free and my coworker stylist is free, we trade.
I'm still feeling very quiet and bummed, not sure what's wrong with me. My sister finally sent me a text asking if I was mad at her since I haven't been answering the millions of calls. I just told her I was dealing with my own stuff. And my stupid birthday is coming up. I never like my birthday:( especially since I've been wanting a baby since I was 28, and I'm now turning 32. It's like a ticking clock.
False alarm, I'm just slow when it comes to adaptations apparently lol

RN consult and video showed a 3ml twisty syringe, so when all I had here was the 1ml weird looking ones I assumed they couldn't be used with the twisty Q caps. I did have those, they came in the box with the M vials, I just didn't think they'd connect properly to the weird 1ml syringes. A quick call into nurse line and they confirmed it was ok, that they don't twist onto the Q caps, but the end does fit snug inside the Q cap hole if that makes any sense.

I struggled to fill the syringe without huge bubbles, but ultimately got it in. Not as easy but it did work :)
lanet - I get super quiet when I'm overwhelmed/upset/scared/bummed too. I don't think there's anything wrong with that at all. It's merely a way to cope. Feel what you need to feel and do what you need to do. Everyone and everything else around you will sort itself out.

I hope your sister was at least kind when you offered an explanation. IMO you certainly didn't need to give her one!

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