First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Amanda so sorry about your long delay. Lanet was delayed forever as well. It sucks but it really is for the best and hopefully we'll worth it in the end! I had no frosties so am starting a fresh cycle.

Morana I know how horrible beta hell is. I will pray it's not ectopic as well. Fx'd for u/s tomorrow :hugs:

Red so have you changed your mind about waiting an extra cycle?

Lanet I am glad you will be off work soon so your hubby will not have to post bail so you can make it to retrieval : )
lanet- Glad the stimming is going well good luck at your next scan.

red- Glad they have a new plan for you and I really hope this time is the charm.

Amanda- I hope your lining gets there soon I can imagine how frustrated you must feel but maybe all this extra waiting means your BFP is near.

Morana- So sorry for the slow rising beta's I hope you get answers at your scan and that it isn't ectopic. :hugs:

Messica- :happydance: Yeyy for the very positive beta. Can't wait to hear your next number.
Ladies I seriously cannot sleep anymore! And my heartbeat is so fast while Im resting. close to 100 bpm in bed! It's all I can focus on bc it's beating so hard. I was so upset after trying to sleep for hours that I finally googled and took a Xanax.(I found some places that said it was ok before transfer) but I really had no choice, it was that or freak out. I'm going to talk to my dr about it today but wth:( is it hormones? I have a suspicion my thyroid meds could be too high bc that's a sign. But I have so many things going on that it's hard to tell:(
Oh Lanet - I'm sorry you are stressed and cannot sleep. Check in with your doctor, maybe he can adjust your meds xx

Peachy - I have decided just to go ahead with it and not wait...there is no point, especially after the dr said I can start Suprefact next cycle. I will just drive myself crazy waiting when I know I could have the process started.

I feel weird about this time around....last time I was so positive and sure of the process that I had no worries. Now I find that I'm guarded about getting excited about the possibility... I guess that comes with the territory after a failed cycle. lol
Maybe once I see how I respond to stims this time I will be more excited.
Lanet, Seoul, Peachy - thanks!

Had u/s this morning and it was inconclusive. They couldn't see any gestational sac but neither any signs of ectopic... It's so weird! So another u/s scheduled for Fri next week, meanwhile I'm supposed to report to the office if I feel any pain which I didn't feel at all so far.
They also took another blood draw today so the beta hell continues, lol.
Doctor said, it's likely not an ectopic but they can't fully rule it out until they see something. Meanwhile I feel just fine except my bb's are sore as ever and slight nausea every once in a while which totally could be caused by antibiotics I'm still taking after my trip to the hospital the other week....
So... total confusion for one more week and I guess more needles for me!
Just got a call from the office... beta's still inching up, from 791 on Mon to 1021 today. I just don't get it, lol! Stubborn but lazy embie?! >_<
Lanet, Seoul, Peachy - thanks!

Had u/s this morning and it was inconclusive. They couldn't see any gestational sac but neither any signs of ectopic... It's so weird! So another u/s scheduled for Fri next week, meanwhile I'm supposed to report to the office if I feel any pain which I didn't feel at all so far.
They also took another blood draw today so the beta hell continues, lol.
Doctor said, it's likely not an ectopic but they can't fully rule it out until they see something. Meanwhile I feel just fine except my bb's are sore as ever and slight nausea every once in a while which totally could be caused by antibiotics I'm still taking after my trip to the hospital the other week....
So... total confusion for one more week and I guess more needles for me!

Hi Morana: Some OB would not even do an ultrasound until you are on 2,000 scale but then again every RE are different. My first beta was only 31 and two days after its was really low and then I didn't have anymore beta follow up after the second one. I went to have an ultrasound after 25 days of my second beta, and by that time I am already 7 weeks. I did a 5days Blasts transfer.

Not every woman is the same, if they are ruling out ectopic that's really good and your embies could turned out just implanted late.:thumbup: The fact that you are hcg is doubling it means only one of two things. It's early, or it's ectopic..and since they are ruling out ectopic ( you will have some pain and some bleeding if this is the case) there's a higher chance that its too early.

Congratulations to everyone, I am so thrilled and very happy to see all the BFP's Messica, Breaking, Kay, Morana, Amazing and Seoul...sticky vibes and baby dust to Red, Lanet, Team, Amanda and Peachy...

Seoul - so excited for your twin beans!!! I'm so relieved the other bean caught up and that they are both ahead of their gestational age... I started with a twins too but Baby B was always smaller and behind in size, she never caught up and her heart just stopped beating:cry:

Lanet - so glad that your thyroid cooperated...before you know it, it will be transfer time...when I was at that stage I was stress too and anxious and I took lorazepam every night so I can sleep and stopped three days before transfer.

Peachy - are you still trying to lose weight? did they ever give you a diagnosis of the bleeding that you had after sex? Like what you said, you do not have any problems with implantation but the key is producing best quality eggs so maybe you are right that they may have stimmed you so fast....when you think about it...its like baking or cooking, for you to get the taste that you want, it cant be overly cooked or undercooked, just the right amount of heat, seasoning and ingredients...(not sure if I'm making sense) maybe its the same for our be in the optimal state, it has to be stimmed in a slow steady pace...

AFM - We did the anatomy scan and confirmed its a boy...this scan took around 45 minutes and they scan all the vital organs, heart, kidney, they counted the fingers, they look at the face from nose to the mouth to see sign of cleft, spine, they look at the position of my placenta. I was so nervous because I don't know the standard protocol if doctor has to come in...the technician called the doctor in and I thought there must be something wrong..-it turned out that's the usual procedure and I was told they are going to send my result to my OB. Also sadly, Baby B is still there, like a little angel sleeping:cry: inside her tiny sac...and my boy's foot was directly next to the sac...Baby B was just as big as my boy's foot. Next appointment is in 4 weeks for my glucose test...
hello ladies.

Sorry for being MIA but have been following f along and reading.

Morana rising betas is always a good sign. Like mojo mentioned, my RE does u/s at 7 wks and not earlier. As there should be heartbeat. Kmfx for u.
Morana so sorry to hear your not getting clear answers. Being in limbo is the worst. It's good that they didn't see ectopic though, what did they say about your rising beta?
Mono so great that you had such a detailed good scan and that everything is well. So sad about the other baby:( will it eventually disappear?
Today was scan number 2. I have 15 big follies on one side, and 5 big on the other. Woohoo! Estrogen is 1400 something. They expect me to be done on Friday and retrieval on Sunday!!!!!!! I can't believe I responded so fast and so well. At least it seems I did, right?
Mono thanks, it made me feel better to know you took something to sleep. My dr did say it was ok and if it happened again I could take another, but none after transfer. She also lowered my thyroid meds a little as high pulse and insomnia is classic sign of dose being too high. Hubby is driving me to the appt on Friday, and all the others. I'm over driving myself!
Morana- so sorry your scan was inconclusive but like the others said if no ectopic was detected that is a good sign. How many weeks would you be now? My doc said most machines cant see absolutely anything until after 5 weeks and most likely their wouldn't be a heartbeat. Hope you get answers soon.

Mono- So sorry about Baby B I can't even imagine the bitter sweet feeling especially seeing it on the anatomy scan. I am glad Your little boy is developing well and congrats on officially being team blue.

Lanet- I had crazy anxiety too but mine mostly came after transfer my doctor said Tylenol pm is ok once in a while you may want to ask your RE just in case it helped relax me and get rest. Yet on the 20 follies sounds like your trekking along nicely can't wait for you to get past retrieval :)

Breaking- How are you feeling? When is your first scan?
mononoke - how bittersweet......breaks my heart reading about your bitty peanut but equally happy for your growing healthy boy :flow:

lanet - when I'd get my hot flashes during stimming at night, my blood pressure would rise and my heart would race as well. Often felt like a mild panic attack and was scary until nurses reassured me it was just the hormones. I'm not sure about your thyroid, but I can tell you that in my case they considered it pretty typical.

morana - sounds like baby just wants to get a jump on giving you grey hairs! Still praying for you every day, that you'll get some solid answers and peace very very soon!

seoul - 1202 :happydance:

peachy - your suggestion of triplets or quads made me have a pretty messed up dream last night.......NOT NICE!!!! I think with it only a little more than doubling today about rules that out (or at least that's what I'm choosing to believe :blush: )

Waiting for hubs to get home so we can figure out when works to head down for 7 week ultrasound :thumbup:

ETA - if retrieval was the 12th, and transfer the 17th, what would I be considered as far as dating? Lilypie says 4w5d, pregnancy apps say 4w4-6d but the nurse today said I was just 4w3d? Reason I'm wanting to pick that apart is they only do ultrasounds M-F. If I'm really only 4w3d like the nurse said then that would mean we're going to have to wait three weeks. If we hit 5 weeks by Friday however I can fight to get in in two :p
Messica and Seoul, thanks for all the reassurance. I've checked my heart rate at different times all day, even while relaxed and it's constantly around 100 or above, I know my normal is in the 60's. I'm really thinking my thyroid meds are too high so I'm glad it's being addressed.
I think I had this great plan to get 8 hours of sleep a night bc I read it can help egg quality and when I have to be up a early to drive then I'm laying in bed trying to force myself to sleep, thinking with each dwindling hour I'm hurting my egg quality and it's just totally backfired. I've gotten less sleep this week than usual:( will it effect anything:(?
Messica I'm not sure on the dates but I hope you get in in 2 weeks! Haha about your dream, I thought Peachys comment might shake you up! I bet you can't wait to see how many!
Do you guys thinks it's ok that it looks like I'll be done and going to retrieval a day before they planed?
lanet - what they told me, is it all boils down to what your estrogen level is and how many matures it looks like you've got.

As far as your sleeplessness goes, I can't imagine it helps egg equality to stress about it on top of not getting much rest! I know it's so easier said than done to just relax at this point but hopefully if they sort out why your bp is higher than usual that'll help you settle into a more restful sleep. I'm sure the two have got to be related. Not sure if you've tried it but meditation, chamomile tea and a little dabbed on lavender essential oil worked wonders for me before bed. RE's sit on different sides of the fence about melatonin too. I used it pre-ivf and my doc discussed studies citing it improves egg quality and others showing it may be detrimental. He wanted me on NOTHING throughout the cycle so I stuck with that but it might be something to explore if yours thinks it might help not only quality but your quality of sleep as well.
I thought about taking melatonin as I had read good things. But I'm just scared to add anything. Is sleepytime tea ok? My ivf paperwork says no herbal substance but I usually like to drink that.
I do a circle and bloom ivf meditation every night before bed. Last week I was so relaxed I couldn't even stay awake to finish it. Well the last few nights while meditating I can just feel my heart beating! Not very relaxing. I think the drive has definitely made things worse too, knowing I have to be up so early and have limited time to sleep. However, I can sleep until noon tomorrow if I wish!
How many follies did you have and what was your estrogen like at this point (day 7) if you remember?
I drank several teas throughout and one of them was sleepytime!

My RE said anything that didn't contain caffeine was ideal :thumbup:

I don't remember how many I had on or around day 7 unfortunately (although it may be here somewhere in this thread!). The only time I heard my estrogen numbers though were on retrieval day. It's how they estimated how many mature follies I had (estimated 5, ended up being 8 out of the 11 total that had potential during monitorings).

I want to say I had 11 pretty much throughout (maybe started with that many at antral count even?). I want to say I always had six on the right and five on the left and it was more about charting their growth during monitorings. I feel like there have been so many numbers throughout all this though it's hard to remember :tease:
Thanks Messica. I just drank some sleepytime tea with honey and I'm feeling quite relaxed! I may try some lavender oil too, I might pick some up tomorrow.
messica-:happydance: Congrats on the great number :) I went on this website to calculate my due date and how far along I was
It seemed right on according to my docs calculations as well.

lanet- I know it is easier said than done but try not to worry about the quality hun you have done everything you can do at this point. Try to hold on to the fact that things seem to be moving along just fine. Sometimes its not even the best looking eggs that making into tiny babies. I am glad the sleepy time tea has helped you relax a bit. Did they adjust your thyroid medication a bit to see if that is causing this?
Seoul yes they lowered the dose a bit. I slept good last night, and i just got dd off to school and I'm going back to sleep! Thanks for the reassuring words:)
Seoul.. I'm good...dealing with usual symptom...MS..nausea..sore boobs...seriously sore

My U/S is next just about a week to go!

How are you doing?!?

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