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First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Red how is getting ready for your next cycle coming along?

J I wouldn't worry about any of that. Enjoy it as much as you can before baby gets here!

Mono I hope all of your friends are able to send a gift and maybe even come for a visit after baby comes. You are a brave woman to wait til the end! Have you guys decided on a name yet?
Peachy - how are you feeling?

I am thinking we will do our next cycle in September. Things are good! healthy living is good - I feel better. Just hate waiting, but I want to feel 100%.
Lanet- teeny those betas are beautiful. How are you feeling have they scheduled first ultrasound?

Peachy- how are you feeling? When is your ultrasound?

red- it's good your feeling healthy and even though the waiting sucks feeling healthy nod ready will do you great next cycle :)
YAY LANET!!!! That is awesome! :wohoo:

Red - September is fast approaching, it'll be here in NO time! I'm planning an event in early September and it already seems around the corner.

Peachy - Are you doing ok?
Seoul how's the headache? I have one too..

Red waiting is the worst! You're doing the right thing though and I admire you for that..

Kay8 how are things with you??

Afm beta today at 19dp3dt was 9317. U/S will be next Tues and I'll be exactly 6 weeks. Did anyone see a heartbeat then? I know some women do and I'm scared I won't and freak out but because of my ectopics they won't let me wait any longer before the 1st one...
6 weeks is still pretty early for hb's. My first was at 6w5d and doc was pretty surprised when she saw both. (I had ultrasounds with my first two late in week 5 and didn't see either so I was surprised too).

It's possible absolutely, but if you don't there's no reason to worry (even though I know full well it would be impossible not to!)
Peachy - That is a SUPER number!!! I hope you do get to see the HB on Tuesday. It'll be be so nice and hopefully put your mind at ease. But if not TRY not to freak out, it can still be all good. Promise. :hugs:

I was fortunate to see the HB at 6 weeks and a few days (actually might've been closer to 7 weeks than 6), but our sonographer was seemingly (pleasantly) surprised because it is not an all the time occurrence.

I'm doing great (aside from hip pain that makes me feel geriatric), thanks for asking. Went to my first pregnancy yoga class today, and it was so much harder than I expected. I am SO out of shape.:blush:

I'm also buying up a storm, or should I say my OH is. I gave him my wishlist and he set off to find deals/bargains etc. At one point, we considered flying to the US to buy stuff since it is so much more expensive here. Today I collected an eBay purchase from the seller's house for a Baby Bjorn bouncer - barely used in the box and with plastic for about half the brand new price. :yipee: eBay has been a good friend so far.
Kay that's so fun that you're buying things!! I can't wait! I snuck quickly into the baby section to have a look but that's it so far.
Today's beta is 2,109. Ultrasound is July 22nd, I'll be 6 weeks 3 days, hoping for heartbeat(s) too!
How is everyone doing ladies ? Anything new to report?

So awesome that you're getting all prepared! Love baby things!

J how is your cycle coming along?
Hi Peachy--how are you feeling? When's your first scan--tomorrow? How exciting!!

I'm rocking right along. First u/s last week showed lining at 9 after one week on the estrogen. I saw my RE today and he's pleased, said I've already got the triple stripe thing going on, so that's good. Next u/s is Wednesday, and if all still looks as it should, then we'll have the transfer on Tuesday the 22nd. Confirmed today with the RE we are only putting back one embryo. I thought he might be pushy about two, but he was fine with it and seems fairly optimistic, so I feel good about it. PIO shots set to start Thursday. Joy. :)
Yay what a great start for lining! It's already good enough for transfer and you have a ways to go! Just a week left is nothing. Will you do bed rest? The pio really isn't bad it just gets sore after a while. The shot itsself is easy you'll see. No worries :.)
Well my instructions say bed rest but my RE said yesterday that "home rest" will do--just take it easy and don't leave the house. I'll probably spend the first few days on the couch/in bed. Here's the other thing-- I'm having my transfer under general anesthesia--I know, that's unusual right? I had so much trouble with the IUIs--my uterus is tilted and every attempt was super painful and staying still was a challenge. Because of this, RE wants to do the transfer while I'm under. Of course I was concerned about how that would affect the embryo/implantation, but he assured me this is done from time to time with no adverse effect. I've read research to support this, but it still makes me a little nervous.

I think of it like this though: If he can't reach the uterus without causing me to jump and move, that can't be good for getting the embryo where he wants it be. I'm thinking there's a bigger chance of complication if I'm awake. I don't know. But he's awesome and the best in the city and yada yada, and he's been right about everything so far, so I trust that he knows what he's doing.

It's like there's never not something to worry about.
I agree that it's best if you're asleep and body fully relaxed. Are you sure it's general anesthesia though? That seems a bit crazy. I think that's when they put you completely asleep and you can't even breathe on your own. Now I went to sleep with retrieval but it's a light sleep where I could breathe on my own and it's not hard to wake up from.
Ok so on my form I had MAC which is a light form of anesthesia but I was sleeping so it would be like a 1 where general into a deep coma like sleep would be a 10 I imagine. I hope you don't have to do that. I hate it and am so darn nauseous afterward forever it's awful. I'm excited for you though because you know beforehand you're putting back a healthy viable embryo and I think that's awesome!
Yeah, I think you're right--it's intravenous and I'm out, but no breathing tube. Same thing I had for retrieval--they call it general, but I'm still breathing on my own, and it's for a very short time. I want to say they used Propofol. Anesthesiologist is there making sure I get just enough to stay out.
J you're getting so close! I think being asleep will be good too, I worried about how uncomfortable I was with my extremely full bladder and then she had to get a different catheter even though she had done a trial transfer (same thing happened in my iuis, she ended up dilating my cervix ouch!) luckily the second catheter went in just fine.
Peachy!!!! Happy 6 weeks and happy ultrasound day!!!!
Oh good that sounds right. That's what I had and you never know what happened. Is Lanet still crying about her bladder? : )
Peachy! I was traumatized by that bladder!! Aside from ohss it was the most uncomfortable thing in the whole process! Miss "I only had to have mine half full" ;)
Lanet and Peachy - your bantering is completely funny!

Did you both do bed rest? my dr seems to think I don't need it, but since you both had success I may do it!

J - so glad to hear everything is coming along nicely

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