First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Sorry k9 I didn't see your reply until I had typed mine.
I know that my insurance specifically excludes treatment of infertility so maybe bc it's a direct treatment that's why?
Honestly I was surprised we got approved, but I think my being self employed (hair stylist) kind of looks bad on our taxes lol. Which works out in this case. So many deductions etc. whatever the case we are just so thankful.
I know what you mean about taking the blame. I would gladly take the blame off of dh. It's such a manhood issue I think, I don't care who has the problem just give us a baby! I'm sitting here thinking (hoping praying) that next year at this time I will be in a rocking chair with my baby (babies?) and all of this will be a distant memory. Just this big hurdle of ivf to jump over first, we can do it! I really do feel strong. Which is weird for me. Lol
K9 the first link Lanet gave me says everyone will receive a discount. How much depends on income. Hopefully it'll help you out at least a little.
Peachy no credit check. And how stressful to have to keep going back to get more meds. One more weight off our shoulders!
I get what you mean, like I said before being self employed I'm taxed to death if I don't use all my deductions and make it look like I made less which is great at tax time and bad at loan time lol
Peachy - I do not think they do a credit check, because I did not have to submit any ssn or other credit reporting information. Both apps were quite simple, and we submitted our last years W2 forms. I believe they base their decisions only upon your adjusted gross income... very frustrating for us because they do not take into account that we live in a highly taxed state (CA.... blah!). Also, not sure if your clinic participates, but there is a company called CapexMD, and they do medical loans, almost specifically for ivf and other fertility treatments. We have paid out of pocket thus far for all 4 IUI's, testing, meds, etc; however, we aren't going to be able to fund this on our own, so we are in the process of requesting a loan through them... Hopefully they think we make enough money to warrant a loan (such a crazy paradigm.. make too much for help, not enough for a loan... WTH?!?!?!) lol... anyway, might be worth some research, I know they partner with certain clinics, but are nation wide, not sure of APR, bc I believe that is case by case based upon credit checks, etc...

Good luck!! Hopefully you will get some assistance!!! And, if your clinic isn't giving you this info I would complain!! After talking to several other women, I'm feeling very fortunate that my drs have been very informative thus far...
Yes, they say everyone gets a discount... it's a mail in rebate (not too much $$$ off, but every little bit does help!)... Thanks ;)

We have also written back and requested a second review based upon net income, as I feel everyone's net income is a much better gauge of what a family actually lives off of... anyway, off my soap box...
Peachy since you've done ivf before how often are you monitored? Every other day? Every day at some points? Just wondering if I need to be prepared to get a hotel since my clinic is 3 hours away.
I looked into some ivf loan places and rates were ridiculous so that's why we decided to go with the home equity loan which is like 4%. In case anything ever happened I was worried about tying a loan that size to the house but at least the payment is affordable.
The same with my car loan thing peachy, I didn't want a high interest rate and this will stay at 3.9% and only raise my payment $70. Surely I can drive my car for 4 more years! Bc I will owe more than it's worth!
I don't remember exactly but the closer they came to maturity the more I had to go in. I think it was mostly every other day though as mine stayed on a pretty steady growth rate then of course is the trigger and retrieval is 36 hours after that. I wish you had a closer clinic but honestly the whole process takes over your whole life anyways. Do you like to read? I love audio books when I have to travel makes time go so much faster.
I love to read and I've never tried an audio book but that would be an awesome idea!
lanet - Yes, as I sit here, typing and thinking about all this money, stress, etc. all I do is hope and pray that this coming Christmas we will be blessed with the greatest gift we could have ever imagined... In the long run I don't even care about the $$, bc I believe it will all be worth it in the end. You should feel strong! We all should!!! That's what will get us through ;)

My dr has already done "preliminary" scheduling of my dates for monitoring, etc while doing injections and during that time, right now I'm scheduled for every other day... fortunately, my clinic has a satellite office just a few miles away... That is awful that you guys have to drive 3 hrs to your clinic...what an added stress that you don't need right now!!!

Peachy - when you were doing the injections, how did you feel?? I was on clomid I was a wreck, and could barely handle work, and I'm now very nervous (prob. more than anything else) about how I'm going to feel that week, and if I'm even going to be able to work, or function, like a "normal" person (not that I"m totally normal;))

have either of you ladies tried yoga or acupuncture?? my dr recommended both to aid in relaxation, and some studies have shown both can help with the process.. DH has me doing the acupuncture, despite the expense, in hopes that it does help...
I've done acupuncture and I love it! So relaxing! I will probably do it during this too. Oh and I had 1 injectibles cycle (not near the amount for ivf) and I found injectibles to be much easier to handle than clomid. But I'm not sure about this amount of meds!
Really?!?! That's good news... I tend to be very sensitive to medication, so I'm nervous about how I will respond to all of these meds. So far no issues with the bcp, which is a good sign, but we will see how the next couple of weeks go :)

Yes, acupuncture is amazing!!!! so relaxing :) DH also go me a kindle for christmas, so I have books to read and movies to watch while I'm waiting, etc...
Im so sensitive to meds too! And a scaredy cat about side effects. But like I said I didn't take as much as required for ivf so we will see...
And I have a kindle too, I got it for my bday, now I'll have to get some audio books.
And I've only taken bcp a few months in my life and I didn't like it:( how long are you on it?
I don't try to worry about the money as my husband does that enough for both of us and I just try to keep my eyes on the prize! Clomid was awful awful awful! I felt terrible and acted like a maniac! I am very sensitive to meds as well and had more trouble with the bc pills ( took them at bedtime so I didn't have to think about it) than any stim meds. The only thing I felt was a little discomfort and bloating as the follies got bigger. Plus it's such a short time you aactually have to do them and I felt no craziness from them at all. We did do the PIO injections though and those were the only ones that I found to be uncomfortable and those were in my backside. I still prefer that to suppositories though so will do them again and hubby became a pro at giving them.
As a matter of fact I even take my prenatal vitamin at night because it makes me nauseous. Hopefully we all have short stim times.
Lanet with my frozen cycle I knew a little more so set it up so I only had to be on them for a little over 3 weeks. First cycle was close to 6 weeks. It all depends on the calendar. Try not to worry about them though just think of them as the first step in your journey.
Yep I will do what it takes. Progesterone makes me sooooo moody. Like I want to pull my own hair out:(
I'm wondering if I'll respond well bc I ovulate late, even in clomid/bravelle/femara I only made one follie a little later. So hopefully this will be totally different. The dr thinks I will respond well bc of my age/hormone levels but I guess we shall see!
lanet, this is the first time i have ever taken bcp, and I will be on it for a month total... I started on day 4 of this cycle (a week and a half ago) and will go until Feb. 17th. I then have two apts and scheduled to begin injections Feb. 20th...

So far I haven't had any real issues with the bcp. I don't like taking it (or any meds for that matter), but I've been taking them at night along with the vitamins, mostly bc I too was afraid of side effects, etc... so far, the only thing I have noticed is sore breasts, and a couple nights I felt a little nausea, but not so bad that I could not sleep or anything. All in all, so far much better than anticipated. Like I said, I'm not a big meds person in general, but like Peachy said, I just look at it as a step in the right direction, drink them down, and try not to think too much past that :)

I never thought that the progesterone would be more intense than the shots, but good to know. I did request suppositories, only because a friend of mine had to be on it recently due to previous miscarriage, and she had a bad reaction to the oil based shots. She recommended suppositories saying that they were much easier to administer, and since I have a pretty serious fear of needles, the fewer shots the better:)
I really don't think you should worry about your response as this is a whole different ballgame. I'm sure you'll do fine. I would be more worried about over stimulating. I am a true believer in quality over quantity anyways. It will go well you'll see. Have you talked to your daughter about it at all? Is she excited?

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