First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

I'm really good!, still in pregnancy shock I think. Just playing the waiting game now anxiously awaiting his arrival in a few weeks time.
Wow Zoie! I have just stumbled across your post above! :happydance::happydance::happy dance:

Massive congratulations to you and your husband. Not long to go now for you!
We are doing great over here things have been crazy adapting witth the twins and now in the process of moving back to the states. Here is a pic of my little ones almost 4 months.:flower:


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Kay and seoul what cuties!
Here are my precious ones, 4 weeks old!


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Thanks so much ladies! It's so good to hear from everyone and see pics of the little ones. So precious!

Seoul are you excited to be coming back?

J I have been waiting to hear news and hoping so much it's good!
Peachy unfortunately no good news here. This makes FOUR perfect pgs embryos now that have failed to implant. I am furious with our RE. Hindsight is 20/20 but he has been sloppy and contradictory this entire time. We live in a big city, and he owns the clinic but apparently spends most of his time lecturing or going on vacations because he has his head so far up his ass and the cost to us has been enormous on every level. He had the nerve to mention surrogacy at our WTF appointment. I was like, didn't we sit here three weeks ago and you said everything is fine just bad luck with one solid attempt, no need to worry?? Then he suggested going ahead with the last embryo and changing things that we know are working instead of taking the time to figure out the real problem. Not a chance in hell.

I've insisted on more tests--blood work and an SHG. I suspect either scar tissue, immunological issues (which he thinks is "voodoo") or poor scheduling of my transfer to suit his schedule (we transferred on cd16-- when he set that up the nurse even questioned it) resulting in too little time for the endometrial receptors to fully develop. And when I think of four wasted little lives I become so enraged I can't stand it. Utterly senseless.

So I'm getting the extra tests--I am overweight and thought this and/ or insulin resistance could be a factor but glucose is normal. RE says obesity does correlate with lower implantation rates but that I'm not overweight enough for that to be the issue--I think he is way wrong there---just sizing me up with his eyes instead of reading the chart. Because if losing weight is the answer consider it done. Please God let that be the answer.

We are also getting a long-overdue second opinion next week. There are a few other REs friends have used including the RE we're seeing for the second op. He does work in the same clinic, which is both convenient and a little concerning, but this guy has always struck me as a better doctor (older, Harvard educated, director of clinical research, wonderful bedside manner which is not essential but a nice bonus) and even the nurses suggested we switch to him months ago. Should have listened. They love us and were trying to tell us without blasting their boss.

We are devastated and I am so angry with myself for trusting our RE when my gut told me not to. We can manage another stim cycle but I can't even begin to think beyond that. Maybe I can't carry children for some mysterious reason, but I just don't think anyone can know that yet without more information. None of this feels right to me. I don't know what's going on but I am so sad and so frustrated.

We are smart people. Both lawyers and very educated patients. (Too educated, said our RE. And then my head exploded.) If I thought it was time to talk surrogacy I would be sad but I would get there. But something is off. Too many things don't add up.

And Peachy it does appear that research supports the scratch. I will see what the next RE says about that.

Sorry to bring this thread down. I welcome any thoughts or ideas.
Lanet- those babies are adorable! How is tein life treating you?

Peachy- How is your little man doing? I am very excited to move back we are in the process of buying a house so excited to be in my hopefully permanent forever home.

Jsquared- so sorry to hear this! I can't believe your RE said you guys were too educated I would have been livid. I think going to a different doctor is a good idea its more than obvious if you had any trust in this doctor it is gone away by now. I would give this last embryo a try with the other seemingly wiser doctor at the same practice other than teying again with the same guy. I like you think bed side manner isn't always as important as the medical knowledge but this whole process is so difficult that a little bedside manner doesn't hurt plus it is nice to at least think and have a feeling that this person is genuinely trying to make you a mom and not that you are just another patient that is helping them pay for their next vacation. I really hope you get a good second opinion and that you are able to find a good plan moving forward. And if for whatever reason it you won't be able to carry a child you need to hear it from more than just one doctor and a good freaking reason needs to be given. I am sending you lots of positive thoughts and hope that you guys are given answers and are able to move forward accordingly and become the moms you want to be.
Ladies - your little ones are so sweet!!!! I wish I could snuggle them all!!

J- ugh.....I'm so sorry to hear all of this. Trust your gut and go somewhere else. I cannot believe the stuff that comes out of his mouth....:hugs: I hope you find a good RE who you feel comfortable with.

Afm, I had my surgery last Wednesday and feel pretty good. I have to hear, and have a period, sonohystogram and then I'm cleared to begin the transfer process!
Hoping and praying for everyone. First time IVF and our FET is scheduled for Monday 3/23/2015. So nervous! This process is so mentally awful :cry:
Ladies i always used my phone to get on here and for some reason got kicked off and was unable to log on FOREVER! Long story. Anyhow i am dying to know how everyone is doing. I have been hoping and praying things went perfect J and Red! Marbear its obviously been a while since your post but i hope you had success!!
Hi Peachy!! Good to hear from you! How is your beautiful boy??

For me it's been a rough road. We switched drs (same clinic, but still--what a difference!) after the third transfer (of embies 3 & 4) failed. Unfortunately, the transfer of our fifth embryo was somewhat somber--it failed to re-expand after the thaw. Our doctor said there was still a chance, albeit small, so we went ahead and transferred, but as expected it did not implant. That was the last embryo from our fresh cycle. :cry:

So we talked with our dr. It was evident to us that he thoroughly disagreed with our other dr's treatment decisions throughout the first three transfers. He laid out a new plan for building my lining and we did another fresh cycle. Miracle of miracles: I got 22 eggs, 18 fertilized, 13 made it to freeze, and once again, 5 tested normal!! It was like somebody set the reset button. We are so grateful for a second chance.

My first FET with this batch is Thursday. After a letrozole protocol my lining was measuring 8-11 in different places and looking better than ever at last check. My dr advises a single embryo transfer since it passed PGS, so that's where we will start. We all agree it's the smart thing to do for now.

So I'm hopeful but I of course know these things can go either way. But I'm looking forward to transfer and feel so relieved to have four healthy embryos on ice. I never thought we'd get that lucky twice!

Red, thinking about you and hoping all is well. I'd love to hear how things are going.

Miss you all and hope those of you with little ones are doing well and are happy in love. :flower:
J i had wanted to tell you before that with my first cycle i had great embryos and all failed well except for 1 that i still have frozen but i ended up getting pregnant from a frozen transfer and ended up miscarrying. Turned out the baby had had T13 and which isn't even tested for because it's not genetic it's a fluke and that embryo got a top grade. During the years i just felt like it was all a crap shoot. Like sometimes there's no rhyme or reason you just finally get lucky. With things so tiny and fragile who knows. I am so excited though that you've moved so far along already though!! I wish you so much luck for tomorrow and hope that awful 2ww flies by! It's the worst! Plus you bother me for not being a crazy fanatic tester like some of us....:winkwink:
LOL Peachy--it kills me not to test!! We'll see if I can hold out yet again...:winkwink:
Will be stalking the thread for test results with fingers and toes crossed j :flower:

I still think of you all often <3
Messica what a lovely photo!

J I was hoping you'd update on transfer without me prying :blush: i hope everything went perfect and you're feeling great!
Hi Peachy! Yes, transfer actually did go great for once. The whole experience with my new dr is night and day from the last. We transferred one beautiful top grade hatching (like way hatching, I'd guess 75% out of its shell) pgs blast. Doc seemed very pleased with how everything looked. Now just hoping it finds a sweet spot to get comfy and stay there.

My mom and stepdad are here because the OH had a big deal mediation she couldn't get out of on transfer day, so mom was there, which was actually great. My handy stepdad is working on some stuff around the house and we're all just hanging out, taking it pretty easy this weekend. This dr insists on beta 14 days past transfer. I talked him down to 12. Still. Ugh.

Hope you're having a fabulous holiday with your little Yankee Doodle. :) And thanks for asking how things went--pry anytime!
And Messica--could your family be any more adorable?? My goodness! So sweet. Hope all is going wonderfully. How old are the twins now? They are too cute!

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