First Time Bubba's *New team*

I've managed to hide my mania from hubby so far, I did 3 OPK tests on Tuesday as I was so convinced I should have been seeing a positive :haha: I did tell him to switch the TV off last night and drop his pants - so romantic NOT!! :blush:

I use fertility friend to keep a track of my temps and last month a week before I ov'd I had a breakout of spots and that happened again a couple of days ago so will be interesting to see if that's the same this month!

How much does everyone want to lose weight wise? I lost 2 stone last year and have one more to go, was doing really well on the lead up to xmas and then have really struggled to get back into it. Am thinking of trying the calorie reduction for 2 weeks (saw it on my big fat diet show and they had amazing results).

In fact - I'm going to do it starting today!! 14 days of 1200 calories (excluding my bday next week of course!) that should keep my mind off TTC and hopefully I'll be able to drop 7lbs in that time too!
Hey everyone,

I want to lose about 1/2 stone; I really need to get in shape tho, I'm looking quite flabby these days! Want to get some exercise but it's hard in the winter to get motivated. And I hate the gym!

Any ideas? Thougt I might get an exercise dvd but I wouldn't have a clue what to get; though the dance ones might be fun but if anyone knows any good ones let me know!

Vicky- hope u get ur positive opk soon!
Hello ladies. I feel live I've missed so much being gone the past few days. I hope everyone is well.

As for me, sadly, the :witch: got me yesterday. I'm sad, but there isn't any help in me focusing on it. Just put my chin up and get started on this next cycle. I think I might try OPK this cycle. I think I'm ovulating, but I really don't know for sure.
Sorry to hear the witch got you Parkgirl x

Flake-y the ministry of sound ones are fun, but you do end up looking like a bit of an idiot trying to look good dancing like they do (I have no co-ordination so I look like I'm having some sort of attack :haha:)

I've also got the wii active games and me and hubby go against each other on that as you can compete, that's fun and they also have a 30 day challenge on there. The newer one is better than the first one I found.

Still no positive OPK but TBH I'm expecting it on Sunday or early next week now, fingers crossed anyway!

Had thai takeaway last night as hubby came home after a stressful day and said he wanted naughty food, so 1200 calories mission was not achieved yesterday! Am on track today though, just need to get some will power - anyone got any spare going??
I am trying to get my BMI into the ideal so i have a fair way to go, about 2 1/2 stone. I know i wont do it all in a few months but i really want to get it lower before getting a :bfp: .

We use the Wii fit + as well but i think it weighs you a bit heavy to make you feel worse and do more excercise!! I have tried the dirty danceing work out as that looked like fun. It started off ok but then all of a sudden he started going too quick and i coudnt keep up . . I gave up in the end :)

Maybe_baby - Good luck today, we can both be strong and resisit the nice food LOL

Parkgirl - Sorry the :witch: got you and fingers crossed for you this month. Loving the PMA and i think OPKs are great, i never OV on the same day so they really help me.
Hey everyone;

Parkgirl- sorry to hear :witch: got u; fx for next month tho!

Maybebaby- like the new piccie! Thanks for exercise tip; might try something for the wii, might get me off the couch!

Razcox- Dirty Dancing workout sounds so much fun; don't think I'd be any good at it but might be a laugh!!!!

I'm only online for a few mins tonight; have lots of accounts to do (yawn) & guinea pigs to clean out!

See you soon...
:hugs: Thanks ladies.

Razcox- I love my wii fit. Use it a few times a week. Usually on days that I can't motivate myself to go to the gym.

Flake-y-If you have a pool close by, swimming is a great workout and, at least to me, it doesn't feel so much like exercise.

Maybe_baby- That thai sounds good. I love takeout, but we usually just cook at home. Trying to make home versions of our favorite foods to keep the calories down.
Flake - y - I LOVE guinea pigs they are the best we used to have a whole group of them! I miss the little noises they make but i'm not sure they would be a good idea with my Lucher :dohh:

Had a bit of a panic this morning i thought my CBFM had broken! :shock: It came up with a little phone and then wouldnt turn on. After a bit of jabbing the button and shouting at it the stupid thing decided to work at last but i was not impressed i can tell you. The :witch: has gone to i am going to have a bit of a looksie at the softcups tonight and then enjoy some recreational :sex: i think LOL :happydance:
Flake - y - I LOVE guinea pigs they are the best we used to have a whole group of them! I miss the little noises they make but i'm not sure they would be a good idea with my Lucher :dohh:

Yes, guinea pigs are fab! We have too boys but they don't get on so have to be housed separately which is a bit of a pain. The squeaking is so cute; mine go mad when I rustle a bag; they think they're getting food & they run around in circles squeaking!

Hey, I was having a nosey at your website; ur dogs are beautiful!

At least we have our fur babies to tide us over...:happydance:
Hey all, been a bit quiet on here the last couple of days so how is everyone doing?

CD11 here and just waiting for the peak or high on the CBFM so we can get BDing. Had a play with a softcup but i dont think i quite put it in right as i had some ummm leakage :blush:
lol Razcox!! That made me giggle!

Sorry, just been so busy with home and work it's difficult to find a second! We went to see Avator in 3d at the weekend and I really enjoyed it, it was bloomin long but seriously amazing with the 3d graphics.

It's also my birthday today (woo! :wohoo:) so me and hubby are off out for a lush Chinese meal and the best birthday pressie is that I think my OV sticks are turning darker, so I'm hoping for a positive result this evening.

If it gives me a positive tomorrow, that will mean that exactly 9 days after a skin breakout I ovulate and this happened last month too! I'm feeling very positive about OV happening now, whereas Sunday I was ready to cry!

Graaah it's all so emotional isn't it?!

Hope everyones ok x
Happy Birthday Maybe_baby! Hope you have a goodun and that you get a really dark line. Either way birthday nookie is always fun :)
Hi girls, am I too late to join you? It seems like you've already got a nice little group here.

I'm 28, so is my husband, we've been married for almost a year (28 Mar). Came off BCP in about May and am now taking this TTC lark seriously!

This is our first time TTC, I'm sure it's a tough journey for everyone but for the first there is that added worry that your body just won't be able to do it... do you know what I mean?

I'm not really doing anything different yet, think I've got a lot of learning to do. Am taking follic acid, and have tried to cut down to one cup of tea a day (I say while sat on her laptop with a nice cup of earl grey steaming away next to me!), starting taking my temperature every morning about a week ago... any advice on what else I should be doing would be greatly appreciated.
Tor81 - Of course its not too late! We are a welcoming bunch so feel free to join the crew! I know what you mean about TTC #1 there is just that small worry at the back of your head that says what if we cant? I am sure there is nothing to worry about though, just another female thing i think x
Hey Tor81 Welcome! Know exactly how you feel about not being able to conceive; it's always a worry. But try not to think too much about ttc & hopefully it'll happen quickly!

Maybebaby-happy birthday! Hope you have a great night out. Plus, possible conceiving around birthday; bonus!!!! We went to see Avatar last week too; god it was long. Was really good tho. Am so desperate to see Wolfman; it looks amazing!!!
Hope you get your +ve opk!!!
I'm hoping to ov in the next couple of days; have already started using the preseed againl hoping it'll happen this month!

Welcome Tor! come join in on the madness lol!!

Well I have absolutely no idea what's going on, the lines were getting darker and then yesterday nada! The line has completely gone, I'm soo annoyed!! I'm really hoping that the OPKs just didn't work as they were cheap ones off ebay and I actually am OV'ing right now. My temps have gone up slightly today, so we'll see what they do tomorrow. Will defo have to get some extra BDing in tonight just in case lol!

Hope we all get out BFPs this month, then we can be bump buddies too x
Maybe_baby - I would get BDing anyway i always found with the IC OPKs i got the + the day before i OVed as it picks up the main surge and i always oved the day after this. It was OPKs and temping that has helped me see my whole cycle.
Hello everyone,

gosh, I have only been gone for around 4 days and I have missed loads! How is everyone? Who is still 'in the running' for this month? anyone in the 2ww? I am due AF next wednesday, but with our family things as you all know, we have not had much :sex: so not sure if this will be my month.

Flake-y I had my day 21 blood test today, it hurt! Results should be here next week sometime....

Missed you all!

Flake-y I had my day 21 blood test today, it hurt! Results should be here next week sometime....

Hey-how are you? Good to have you back!!!!

I'm still waiting to ov, should be in the next few days I think so I'll be getting the blood test about a week after that. I'm dreading it; can't believe it hurt!
Keep us posted on your results...hope they are good!!!

Thanks everyone, you're all so lovely.

Good luck to everyone this month, it's CD6 for me so got a while before things get exciting again this month. Hubby works away during the week but he's having to rearrange meetings etc to try and be around as much as possible during OV week!

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