First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Terri - I haven't told him yet. I literally ran to the computer to tell you guys first lol. I did it this morning after he left just in case I was upset about the results. I was thinking of telling him tomorrow after I did another test. But now I'm thinking I won't be able to wait :) The weird thing is the test got a little darker after about 30 min. Is that normal? My beta isn't until Tuesday. Not testing was driving me crazy, but now having tested is driving me crazy lol


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:shrug: I've never done more than a test a day! Ha ha. I'd try to wait to test until Monday so you can see a darker test. So happy for you!!!
No I meant the same test got a little darker. I only took one.
Amy1976 That test looks positive to me! I've read that sometimes your liquid intake can affect the test, also different times of the day, just a thought but yippeeee :)

I feel you with the work thing, my director is being such a tool, we are re-arranging our offices and ok I'm a little OCD but this man, seriously dude there's an OCD limit, maybe medication will help you, geez lol...breathe and count to 10.

Brighteyez Sorry girl, when you are ready to vent, we are all here, been there done that, got the t-shirt - get angry, have a glass of wine.

Babywhisperer Fingers crossed your beta gets higher (I know it will), beside every pregnant woman I've spoken to has had spotting, I know it's worrisome and if I was in your position I would probably be in tears every time it happened but try to remember all those pregnant women who've had it and went on to have healthy babies.

AFM - OMG so jealous of you all talking about thanksgiving and the awesome food, I used to go to thanksgiving with my American friend, Steve, who's an excellent cook as well as a professional magician so we had yummy food and entertainment but he's away now :(

No pregnancy symptoms which is worrying but I'm keeping the faith, my sinus are still going crazy, we are still technically in Spring this is why.

So last night I had a mild panic attack as I did calculations in my head, my hsg blood test (think it's the same as a beta, maybe) is on Saturday next week but my period is due Tue/Wed (I have a 25-26 day cycle) but everyone has their beta before they get their period so I went searching for answers. Apparently the medication keeps your period away, I had no cooking clue about this, now I have even less faith in my RE, should he have explained this? This is my first IVF, the meeting we had about this procedure was less than 5 minutes, does this sound normal or am I over-reacting because I'm all emotional, can't tell, cried today coz my pups wouldn't come to me (turns out she found a bone she'd buried - apparently I come second to a bone, pffft).

Warning!!! TMI - Really wish I didn't have to bring this up but....ok here goes...went to the loo today, smelled vomit so I looked around (maybe one of my furries), nothing, happened again later, scrubbed my bathroom floor, again later, scrubbed my bath and cleaned out my cupboard. Smelled it again while I was getting undressed to bath, turns out it was coming from me!!! Ran to hubs, in tears (omg again), he said I'm smelling the acidity from the progesterone, when we smell vomit it always smells the same, we aren't smelling the digested food but the acidity. I was so grossed out I just sat on the bed in tears now hubs and furries are keeping their distance, I assume they think I've finally snapped my crackle. Please please please say someone, anyone, has experienced this. I bath everyday, wear pantyliners (ok today I ran out), change my underwear 3 times a day, now I feel so gross. See I told you TMI overload.

So irritated with my furry cat, the one who crushed his hip, so he wobbles and can't really jump - he knocked over a table which broke a picture frame and a vase and later he knocked over my cup of tea, urrgh - still love him to absolute bits tho lol.

You all must enjoy your thanksgiving and all your yummy food, I forget, which day is it on again? xoxo
Congrats Amy! I see the line & didn't have to enlarge the pic.

Leens - I say this from my own experience...please breathe! LOL! I know it is so overwhelming. I think you need to take a few minutes & either cry on your husband or sit in silence & try to let all the nonsense & negativity go away. All the meds make us nuts! As far as the test, how many days after transfer are they testing? I think some clinics do 10 days after transfer & some do 14 days after.

Got all my meds yesterday. So I am excited. Pissed a little because I couldn't find my memory card so couldn't make my vlog. But we took a pic & will add it in another time.

I volunteered at my library book sale today. I was so jealous of all the people loading up on childrens books! But by the time next sale, I will be pregnant. All of our BFPs coming in are making me so jealous!!! Jealous to start & get mine! :)
Good morning everyone...

Soooo my willpower failed me this morning and I tested :wacko:. I think I have a squinter here!!! Still feeling really unsure though because I would think at 9dp5dt a positive test would be a lot darker. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if the test gets a little darker tomorrow. Now I remember why I wanted to wait lol. What do you guys think?

So not a squinter! That's a bonafide BFP!! I'm so happy for you congrats! :happydance:

Also I'm sorry about the family feud. I know that can be hard. We don't talk to one of dh's brothers and we will have to see him Thursday. It's going to be awkward. At least your family is big and some people still get along. I think I was the catalyst for a bunch of stuff to come out brleteeen dh and his brother. It's a long history of dh bailing out his brother only to get a slap in the face, literally and figuratively. The brother is a bipolar narcissist. He's always pulling a scam, blaming others for his mistakes and he lies about everything. We thought Jack would help heal wounds and the brother would want to be in his life. He's seen Jack 3 times and he lives 20min away. It hurts dh but there's only so many times you can stand behind the horse and get kicked to know its not where we want to be anymore. Family issues can be so difficult to iron out. People have to own their part. We have turned the other cheek so many times and at this point we are done getting hurt. I hope you can mend fences. Life is short but both sides need to want it. Maybe your bfp will be just the thing to inspire everyone to get along. Meanwhile enjoy every minute.
Congrats Amy! I see the line & didn't have to enlarge the pic.

Leens - I say this from my own experience...please breathe! LOL! I know it is so overwhelming. I think you need to take a few minutes & either cry on your husband or sit in silence & try to let all the nonsense & negativity go away. All the meds make us nuts! As far as the test, how many days after transfer are they testing? I think some clinics do 10 days after transfer & some do 14 days after.

Got all my meds yesterday. So I am excited. Pissed a little because I couldn't find my memory card so couldn't make my vlog. But we took a pic & will add it in another time.

I volunteered at my library book sale today. I was so jealous of all the people loading up on childrens books! But by the time next sale, I will be pregnant. All of our BFPs coming in are making me so jealous!!! Jealous to start & get mine! :)

Aaaw thanks!!! Well my transfer was on the 17th, they are testing on the 29th (so nervous) so that's 12 days

I agree with you, this time next year, we will all be pregnant, all the BFP's are proof positive that it will happen :)
Leens-Sorry you are such an emotional wreck..I never noticed any vomit smells from taking progesterone, but maybe you have a different kind. Hopefully once you get your BFP you can switch to the oil shots or something. I must say, it is driving you a little batty. Are you taking anything else right now, or just the progesterone? And yes, the P does keep your period away. :hugs: It'll get better.

Thanksgiving is this Thursday. Yay!! I am working an odd schedule this week. Monday I'll go in and then I'll go in again on early Tuesday around 1am to work with the third shift people. Then I'll have off on Tuesday day. I'm undecided whether I want to go in on Wednesday. My boss will be gone and there will be no production so not many people will be there. Then, I have the rest of the weekend off. easy week once I get past Tuesday morning.
Congrats Amy! I see the line & didn't have to enlarge the pic.

Leens - I say this from my own experience...please breathe! LOL! I know it is so overwhelming. I think you need to take a few minutes & either cry on your husband or sit in silence & try to let all the nonsense & negativity go away. All the meds make us nuts! As far as the test, how many days after transfer are they testing? I think some clinics do 10 days after transfer & some do 14 days after.

Got all my meds yesterday. So I am excited. Pissed a little because I couldn't find my memory card so couldn't make my vlog. But we took a pic & will add it in another time.

I volunteered at my library book sale today. I was so jealous of all the people loading up on childrens books! But by the time next sale, I will be pregnant. All of our BFPs coming in are making me so jealous!!! Jealous to start & get mine! :)

Aaaw thanks!!! Well my transfer was on the 17th, they are testing on the 29th (so nervous) so that's 12 days

I agree with you, this time next year, we will all be pregnant, all the BFP's are proof positive that it will happen :)

Hang tight lady. The 29th will be here in a blink. As far as hormones changing our odor so can pregnancy. Change of hormone levels can do so much we don't anticipate including increasing our sense of smell. It will all be worth it I promise. Take a deep breath and try and stay busy. I know it's easier said than done. As far as Thanksgiving, we had ours with my brother, my SIL and my new nephew. It was great to spend the day with them. I wish they lived closer bc I'd be over there every week. I had my nephew on my chest sleeping and I forgot how that feels. It's so calming. The food was great but the family time was better.

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. No update from me. I've stopped poas bc it's just messing with my head. Tomorrow is my next beta and if all goes well the ultrasound is Dec 1. I hope I make it.

How are you feeling Bfp ladies? Any symptoms?
Good morning everyone. I am feeling so anxious right now with surgery tomorrow. I know it's no big deal, but I will just feel so much better once it is over. I think in the back of my head I keep thinking something else will happen to delay us. Also I am thinking th bcp are affecting me. My breasts constantly feel heavy & ache. I don't know if I told you, but this is my last week! I looked in my box today & there are 3 stupid pills staring at me...& those will be the last of them. They told me to stop them on the 27th. But not sure if that meant still take one on that day. So I will ask tomorrow.

Also work just feels so tedious. I don't think I told you guys, but on Friday my banker told me I was "wearing him out". I was so MAD I can't even tell you. His definition of wearing him out is pestering him about things that need to be done & sticking to the policy. We work for a BANK...not like it is okay to jus throw policy to the wind. I hope to get through this whole day without mentioning my day off tomorrow. They never look at the calendar & never remember. I left early last week to volunteer for the library. It was on the calendar & approved. I got up at 4 & just said I was leaving. My banker was like where are you going. I said to the place I am supposed to be. It is none of his business. He thinks everything I do is his business. He asked me why I was in an office with the door closed & on the phone. I told him I had a call with my manager. Again...NONE of his business. I am allowed to talk to my manager in private. I don't try to walk in his office when he is on a conference call. He said the door was locked so he was concerned. No reason he should have been trying to open the door. I was on the phone! I was using another office because my desk is out in the open so I cannot talk in private & also people will walk in & don't care if you are on the phone.

Ugh...anyways...sorry for all the nonsense. Just not feeling so great today. Just hoping for a fast day.

On a brighter note, I have married the best husband in the whole world. You guys may think you have good husbands, but you would be wrong ;) He has been working all of his days off. I told him Friday I was cleaning this weekend & for him to relax since he had been working so hard. I came home & the house was swept & he was working on laundry. So he was like I just did it so you could relax this weekend. he was looking over our list for tomorrow to be sure we had everything. He typed questions for the dr in his phone. And he asked if we were watching Netflix or if I wanted him to get me a movie at RedBox. He even said he would make me pork chops with the cheap mac & cheese which is my favorite combo. I only like the cheap mac & cheese when I make pork chops. Anyways...he is being awesome.
Moni - I totally agree with your statement "What a difference a year makes!" It's crazy to think of where I was last year. Right before my first pregnancy & mc and I hadn't even been to the RE yet! I could never have imagined everything that happened this year.

Amy - I'm so sorry that your family isn't getting along. I hope things improve for you all soon. So, any updates from over the weekend? Did you test again?

LadySosa - Your boss is the WORST kind of manager in my opinion. Nothing irks me more than micromanaging and I feel like a big part of being a good manager is to be able to delegate and put trust in your staff. Yikes - I hope things get better for you.

JKB - Thanks for the congrats. How are things going?

Brighteyez - Once again, so sorry for the negative. I hope you were able to treat yourself this weekend.

Leens - I'm sorry that you're feeling so crazed. I haven't had that same experience with progesterone but I can say that things are diiiiiiisgusting down there and there's nothing we can really do about it unfortunately. I would just try to focus on the bigger picture for now to try to get you through this.

Beagle - Yay for meds coming. It's overwhelming, right? At least that's how I felt.

Terri - Yahooo for a short week, right? I say take Wednesday off if you're really not going to have much to do.

Babyw - No symptoms here. You?

Beagle - Please don't feel anxious about tomorrow. The procedure's really no big deal and you'll be able to relax afterwards. I promise you'll be fine. That's great that your DH is being so helpful!

I had a great weekend but spent way too much money and ate waaaay too much. :dohh: I went out to dinner with my DH to celebrate on Friday. Saturday, I did some baking and then we went out to dinner with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. And yesterday, we had a "friends Thanksgiving" over at a close friend's house. It was such a great time so we're going to make it a yearly tradition now.

Second beta done this morning. Just waiting and praying now!
Good morning, ladies! :flower:

Beagle - I think it's normal to be nervous. You said this is your first time having surgery, right? Well, that alone would be nerve-wracking but add in the element of you just being anxious to get your IVF cycle going and I'm sure that adds another whole layer of complexity. You'll do fine and the surgery will go great. There's no reason to think otherwise, right? As far as work goes, I'm guessing that your anxiousness about tomorrow is adding to your feelings at work. It is super annoying when people try to get all up in your business. Hopefully, you can just get through today!!! :hugs: Do you have the rest of the week off after today? Or are you working on Wednesday? Hopefully you are off and you can just relax the rest of the week!

Babywhisperer - Good luck with your second beta today! I hope it goes well and your number is right where it should be. I'm glad to hear you had such a nice weekend. Most of the time, it's not hard for me to be so far away from my family but around the holidays, it can get a little tough. Even though we have friends to hang out with (who are awesome) and even though my family can drive me a bit crazy, it's still hard to not be with family time of year.

Terri - Even though it may be a bit odd, your work schedule for the week sounds pretty awesome! I am still trying to decide if I want to take Friday off of if I will just come to work. There will be hardly anyone here so it's a great time to get things done. I don't go shopping so it's not like I miss out on any of that insanity either. But it's also nice to just laze around and do nothing the day after Thanksgiving.

Leens - I hope you're having a better day today! :hugs:

Amy - How did DH take the news about your test? Have you taken another or are you just waiting until tomorrow now?

jkb - Sorry about the lost post. That's the worst! How are you doing?

LadySosa - Ugh. Sorry your boss is constantly breathing down your neck. Nothing like having someone always bugging you to help with productivity! :winkwink: I have quite the opposite issue. My boss rarely checks to see what's going on with me which is nice most of the time, but can also be a real motivation killer. It's like nobody cares what I do. :cry: Haha!

How is everyone else doing out there? I hope you had nice weekends!

I finally got around to making some of those pillowcases I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. I am making them for my friends' kids and some of my nieces/nephews (DHs side). My Mom makes them all the time for her grandkids and they love them so I thought I would try my hand at making them. They were super easy (once I got cutting them out down) and I think they turned out pretty cute! I made 4 of these yesterday with a trip my friends 3-yr old daughters birthday party in between. These are for girls and I have some cute Christmasy woodsy animal material to use for the boys. Still waiting on that to arrive in the mail........


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Good luck at your second beta today, kfs!!! I'm excited to hear your results. Your weekend sounds great!
Booger - those are cute!

Yeh the only surgery I have ever had was getting my wisdom teeth out & it is nothing like this. I have never even really been sick & have never been admitted.

My banker usually lets me run the office. Which makes it worse when he decides to have opinions on things. I was talked to a few weeks ago about where I kept my paperwork in the file room. Something I have been doing for the 3 years I have been here. I am just so over this office these days. We also used to buy cases of water to share. I told everyone to all buy a case when we ran out so we are all even. Well it didn't happen. My banker even said once he didn't have to buy water if we already had water. What does that mean? So basically if someone prepares ahead they get screwed & are the only ones buying. So I stopped. We have 3 bottles left. Now I just bring my own to work & let the fridge die. I know this sounds so petty...& it is. But these men make SO MUCH more money than me. I already have a husband, I do not need to take care of them too.

I cannot take any time this week because I am saving it all for after my transfer. I will have Thursday off though. And Friday is usually dead so I stay on Amazon all day. My office is usually empty.
Good morning girls, hope everyone had a good weekend. :)

Amy, congrats!!! I was super excited to see that BFP!!!:happydance::happydance: I know you are on cloud 9, and I'm so happy for you!

Brighteyez, I just wanted to say how sorry I am about the BFN. Trust me, I completely understand exactly how you're feeling. IVF is a lot to go through and then get a BFN. I dont think you posted over the weekend, so I'm wondering if you did any thinking over the weekend about next steps, or do you feel like you need to take a break? Either way, whatever your decision is, both help... taking a break and re-grouping helps, and also planning next steps helps too. At least, in my situation, they both helped.

Has anyone heard from knitgirl?? I recall she "felt" like she was out, but not sure what her actual beta result was.

Leens, will you be testing at home, or are you being strong and waiting until beta??
Kfs, can't wait to hear your beta!!! Post asap!

Beagle, I'm sorry about work. There is something about this time of year that get people on edge. If the banker says anything else about pestering him, just say you felt he'd like everything to be all done before the holiday so he could spend more time with the family. That should diffuse the issue pretty nicely. As far as the door, just say you didn't want to disturb anyone, and if they go a step further, walk outside to make a call. It's none of their business I agree, but when you reply that you're doing what you're doing by thinking of others, I find there isn't much more of a conversation after that. Good luck tomorrow, it will be fine and it will make implantation easier when it's over. Sometimes things don't happen on our timeline and there are reasons for that, we just don't know them yet.

Booger you are super talented! I can sew buttons, maybe a hem here or there, but those are awesome!

Terri good luck this week and enjoy the time off!

Afm I was asleep on the couch by 7:45 and went up to bed at 8:30. Dh woke up this morning and opened the bathroom door while I was drying my hair and scared the ever loving sh*t out of me. I jumped so high! He asked me to test. I was in such a rush I didn't want to. I had to catch a 6:17 train to get to the Dr before work. I poas and left before looking at it. Well he texted me and said it was broken or I did it wrong. Yes dear, I've been trying to get prego for months and I'm poas wrong, gotta love him. Apparently the control line was super faint but the test line was dark. I said it must have been a faulty test and explained that this is why I don't want to poas anymore. I want to wait for the beta, u/s, and 2nd u/s for fhb. Man, and I thought I was impatient!

As a side note about family drama, 'tis the season. The problematic BIL is on a vacay with his ex gf that he dated for 3mos over a year ago, another girl he used to work with (when he had a job 18mos ago), and dh's ex gf of 6yrs that literally wants to set me on fire b/c they dated so long and never got engaged and he and I got engaged 8mos after we met. So he's been posting pics on FB, but took it a step further, he sent a pic of him and dh's ex gf in a text to the entire family including dh and I...and we are not speaking to him. This is a sick person trying to hurt us. I really don't know what to do anymore. I was thinking of not responding at all or sending something like "Have a great time" to show I don't care...Thoughts??
babyW - the B in me wants to say respond with whatever you think will sting the most...Have a great time, what a cute picture, lots of smileys...whatever you think will get to him. But the serene part of me whats to say let it go.
Leens08 - Sorry you're having such a rough time with the vajayjay bullets lol (I think it's so funny you call them that). I haven't experienced what you are experiencing but I can say that I have been told that all these hormones can definitely throw off the ph balance down there. It is possible that it may start a yeast or bacterial infection. If the odor lingers, I would definitely tell your Dr. about it.

Terri - What a crazy schedule for you this week. Do you like the variation or is it a pain in the a** lol?

beaglemom - I'm sorry work (or your banker more so) is driving you nuts. Why did he say you were wearing him out? Did you tell you why? That would have made me so mad. Or maybe cry. I don't know, it would have depended on the day lol. Good luck with your surgery tomorrow, we'll be thinking of you.

Booger76 - SUPER CUTE pillow cases. I've always wanted to learn how to sew, but never got around to it :( I can fix something small, but I want to get a machine, learn how to use it, and then learn to make my own curtains and stuff lol. When my grandmother passed away I inherited her sewing machine that she got from her grandmother from the late 1800's. It's pretty neat.

kfs1 - Can't wait to hear your beta results today!!

Babywhisperer - Can't wait to hear your beta results today also!! Oh and let me get this straight. Your BIL is dating a woman whom your husband (his brother) dated for 6 years???? Who does that? What kind of woman dates the brother of a man she dated for 6 years? What kind of brother does that? Oh wow.

AFM - I told DH, he of course doesn't want to get excited AT ALL until the blood test. Like the positive could be a fluke lol. I have tested every morning, Sat, Sun and today. The test is exactly the same. Not getting darker at all. I did take a digital test and it did say pregnant. But I'm still soooo worried since the FRER isn't getting darker and I'm not sure if I'm over reacting or not?? Google doesn't help. Some people insist that the test should be getting darker, other people say not to rely on that at all since many things factor in and are different with each test. My beta is tomorrow but I'm afraid that won't really tell me anything until my second beta. *sigh* I'm letting this really get me down, and I'm not sure why?
Amy, the line does not need to get darker. Some women even say their second pee of the day is darker line than first. And your beta will def give you something. The 2nd beta only confirms if it doubles. But most of the time I think a hgih number on the first is a good sign. Not sure how high it needs to be. I can't really know for sure, but I have a feeling when I get pregnant my husband will be ecstatic no matter what. I really do not see him worrying too much. I will of course.

I was telling my banker we needed an updated financial. He said why, we have one dated Jan 2014. Well I said it will be out of date by March & you always say to get a new one every year & ask for everything one time. So I am following his own policy & he said I was wearing him out I guess because I am being a stickler. But you have to understand, he will be the same person to ask me later on why I didn't get the updated one. He will completely forget this conversation.

I think I am going to take a sewing class at the community college next year. I am waiting until after the IVF to determine when. I think there is a class in Feb.

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