First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Amy, I wouldn't worry that the line isn't getting darker... if it was getting lighter each day, I'd be more likely to worry. Or if you'd had a SUPER light squinter, and it was still a squinter, I might be wondering. But your line was a very nice color already. And from what I've read, some women secrete more/less of the hormone in their urine than others. I've heard of plenty of girls saying their line stayed the same, and that's just as dark as it was gonna get for them while they're beta kept rising. I think you're good!!

Ugh, beagle, I hate that your banker is being such a dick. Like you really want to deal w/ that right now! Btw, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. You'll do totally fine. Like I said, when you go under anesthesia, they typically do whatever it takes to make you comfy... the few times I've been under, they added a couple things to the IV... something to relax me, and something to prevent nausea. To be honest, I felt pretty lovely! Obviously after a few hours when that stuff wears off, you'll start to feel some discomfort, but sounds like they gave you plenty of vicodin, and that will kick pain's butt. Glad your DH is being so awesome! Love that!

BabyW, looking forward to hearing your beta results today, yay!! I just know its gonna be good!:happydance:

kfs, can't wait for yours too! I'm feeling pretty confident that all you recently prego ladies of ours are going to get great beta results.:thumbup:

booger, cute pillow cases! I'm not crafty at ALL.

Hi to everyone else!
Leens08 - Sorry you're having such a rough time with the vajayjay bullets lol (I think it's so funny you call them that). I haven't experienced what you are experiencing but I can say that I have been told that all these hormones can definitely throw off the ph balance down there. It is possible that it may start a yeast or bacterial infection. If the odor lingers, I would definitely tell your Dr. about it.

Terri - What a crazy schedule for you this week. Do you like the variation or is it a pain in the a** lol?

beaglemom - I'm sorry work (or your banker more so) is driving you nuts. Why did he say you were wearing him out? Did you tell you why? That would have made me so mad. Or maybe cry. I don't know, it would have depended on the day lol. Good luck with your surgery tomorrow, we'll be thinking of you.

Booger76 - SUPER CUTE pillow cases. I've always wanted to learn how to sew, but never got around to it :( I can fix something small, but I want to get a machine, learn how to use it, and then learn to make my own curtains and stuff lol. When my grandmother passed away I inherited her sewing machine that she got from her grandmother from the late 1800's. It's pretty neat.

kfs1 - Can't wait to hear your beta results today!!

Babywhisperer - Can't wait to hear your beta results today also!! Oh and let me get this straight. Your BIL is dating a woman whom your husband (his brother) dated for 6 years???? Who does that? What kind of woman dates the brother of a man she dated for 6 years? What kind of brother does that? Oh wow.

AFM - I told DH, he of course doesn't want to get excited AT ALL until the blood test. Like the positive could be a fluke lol. I have tested every morning, Sat, Sun and today. The test is exactly the same. Not getting darker at all. I did take a digital test and it did say pregnant. But I'm still soooo worried since the FRER isn't getting darker and I'm not sure if I'm over reacting or not?? Google doesn't help. Some people insist that the test should be getting darker, other people say not to rely on that at all since many things factor in and are different with each test. My beta is tomorrow but I'm afraid that won't really tell me anything until my second beta. *sigh* I'm letting this really get me down, and I'm not sure why?

They are not dating but have stayed very close as she always hangs around dh's's pathetic. She is a sh*t stirrer so I stay away. The BIL hangs out with her and always mentions it to us, like 5 times in different ways to get under my skin. He is very manipulative and has serious issues...but she'd never date him, he's gross. She'll just mooch off him for free drinks and probably a good portion of this trip.
Hey ladies - sorry I've been MIA.

Babywhisperer, kfs1, and Amy - congrats on your BFPs!!:happydance:

Brighteyez - I'm so sorry to hear about your negative, and I'm thinking about you. :hugs:

AFM - I started getting my period on Wednesday (while still on the progesterone gel) and got confirmation of my BFN from my beta. I was crushed and had a melt down on Tuesday when I just knew - period cramps, spotting, and still neg HPT. By Wednesday I was doing better. At least I had an answer and didn't have the stress of waiting. We can't start with FETs until next cycle because they have to get auth from the insurance and wouldn't have it in time for this cycle. So, we will try the old fashioned way this month, and keep our fingers crossed. If we end up having to do FETs, then I am going to ask for the progesterone injections, because it really is disgusting having your period and the built up progesterone gel as well. I think someone else also mentioned the same thing a while back ...

Hello to you all!!
Hey ladies - sorry I've been MIA.

Babywhisperer, kfs1, and Amy - congrats on your BFPs!!:happydance:

Brighteyez - I'm so sorry to hear about your negative, and I'm thinking about you. :hugs:

AFM - I started getting my period on Wednesday (while still on the progesterone gel) and got confirmation of my BFN from my beta. I was crushed and had a melt down on Tuesday when I just knew - period cramps, spotting, and still neg HPT. By Wednesday I was doing better. At least I had an answer and didn't have the stress of waiting. We can't start with FETs until next cycle because they have to get auth from the insurance and wouldn't have it in time for this cycle. So, we will try the old fashioned way this month, and keep our fingers crossed. If we end up having to do FETs, then I am going to ask for the progesterone injections, because it really is disgusting having your period and the built up progesterone gel as well. I think someone else also mentioned the same thing a while back ...

Hello to you all!!

Hey lady, I'm so sorry about the witch rearing her ugly head. I hope you stay encouraged, it seems like a lot of women feel that FETs work better more often. I will say the PIO is much easier to tolerate, esp when dh does it the right way and doesn't make me bleed by pulling out the needle at an angle! Ouchy! Have a great Thanksgiving, eat blue and brie cheese, have wine, and look forward to that bfp that will come. :hugs:
Hi ladies!

knitgirl - I'm so sorry about your negative results. ERose is so good about making sure everyone is doing okay on here. I'm glad you and DH are going to move forward with a FET. I think the cycle in between will give your body a little more time to recover and get ready. Hopefully, the FET will be a success for you!

Amy - I can't really speak to the pregnancy test issue but it sounds like you've already gotten good advice from the experts on here. :thumbup: I'd say that if a digital test is reading positive, that is a very good sign - at least that is what I always read.

Beagle - That's super annoying that your banker said what he did when you were just doing what he asked you to do. :dohh:

Babywhisperer - Sorry for all the family drama with your BIL. Too bad you can't just smack him upside the head.

Thanks for all the kind words on the pillowcases. Any one of you could do it and I am not kidding. I am NOT a crafty person but I did learn to sew about 10 years ago. My Mom helped me make a pair of PJs and then I took a class. It is a nice skill to have from time to time. I've made several sets of curtains, even a futon cover, but it really comes in handy for fixing clothes and then little crafty, gift projects. I also plan on making some cute, simple aprons for my friends for X-mas.
Hi everyone...I am feeling sick today. I looked at a website earlier today that had a glittery sparkling something or other and I've felt nauseous ever since. I'm ready to stop looking at the computer. This orange background that is on this site from the amazon kindle isn't making me feel better either.

knitgirl- I am SOOO sorry you didn't get a positive result. It's even more terrible that you had to deal with both AF and progesterone. I can't even imagine. Be thankful you have frosties and you can try again whenever you're ready. Take some time if need be, and get back on the horse. You can do this, and I know it'll happen for you. :hugs:

Hi to everyone else. I'm getting a foster dog tonight. I need some puppy love in my life. It's an 8 year old beagle mix that is having some crate training problems. Not sure what other issues he has, but I will be home for the rest of the week (mostly), so I don't mind hanging with a dog. Amy, I do like working third shift every now and again because it's only for a couple hours and I get the next day off. It's not really difficult, it's just a little labor intensive. Moving boxes onto carts, lugging the carts up the elevator, storing them in the incubator, writing up paperwork about the tests, etc..
knit girl - so sorry about the negative. I am sure the next go round will be it for you! Enjoy your time off...taking a break can be so great sometimes. But I know the delay is annoying.

I actually got through the day without reminding my banker I am off tomorrow! Awesome...because I am so sure he forgot...especially since he didn't mention it to me. Anyone else work with someone who says too many words??? Just say it! No need for all the extra nonsense...I don't need to hear every thought in your head!

So a thought just occurred to me with all of our delays. Not sure if anyone follows astrology or believes any of that stuff. I like that kind of stuff, but not sure how much I believe in it. Anyways...wonder what astrology thinks about frozen embryos. I mean, they are created in one month, but the baby may not be born 9 months all our babies are created at the same time. Anyways...just an interesting thought that came to me.

I want to be able to sew so I can do my own thing. I would like to be able to make sheets or curtains for baby out of whatever fabric I want.
Hi everyone...I am feeling sick today. I looked at a website earlier today that had a glittery sparkling something or other and I've felt nauseous ever since. I'm ready to stop looking at the computer. This orange background that is on this site from the amazon kindle isn't making me feel better either.

knitgirl- I am SOOO sorry you didn't get a positive result. It's even more terrible that you had to deal with both AF and progesterone. I can't even imagine. Be thankful you have frosties and you can try again whenever you're ready. Take some time if need be, and get back on the horse. You can do this, and I know it'll happen for you. :hugs:

Hi to everyone else. I'm getting a foster dog tonight. I need some puppy love in my life. It's an 8 year old beagle mix that is having some crate training problems. Not sure what other issues he has, but I will be home for the rest of the week (mostly), so I don't mind hanging with a dog. Amy, I do like working third shift every now and again because it's only for a couple hours and I get the next day off. It's not really difficult, it's just a little labor intensive. Moving boxes onto carts, lugging the carts up the elevator, storing them in the incubator, writing up paperwork about the tests, etc..

Sorry you're not feeling well Terri. I agree that the orange border is quite jarring to the eye. I am sooooooo jealous you get to have a dog for the week! I would love a dog, but it's just not going to happen. We are never home and are quickly running out of space as Jack is learning to walk. My brother has a German short haired pointer and we got to see her on Saturday, she's great with kids.

Beagle I look at sometimes for astrology and it can be spooky sometimes with their forecasts.
Beta was 244. It was 105 4 days ago so not looking good. :cry:
kfs1 - Don't lose hope yet. It's still getting higher which is good. What did they want it to be at?

Beaglemom - I never thought about that with the frozen embryos. That's crazy.
Beta was 244. It was 105 4 days ago so not looking good. :cry:

I understand it should double every 48 hours, but it is going up...& going up a lot. What were they expecting? Did they show concern? I hope it is nothing to worry about. Moni had low numbers in the beginning & it turned out perfectly fine.
Beta was 244. It was 105 4 days ago so not looking good. :cry:

kfs1, I'm keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you. It's still going up, so I think that's a good sign. What did they say about it?

Sending you :hugs:
On my way to pick up the dog but just wanted to say not to give up just yet, kfs1. When do you go back? 244 is still really good. :hugs: :<3
She said that my HCG is not where it should be but she wants to see me one more time to be sure. She'd said sometimes crazy things happen but it's not looking good. Betabase median is 575 so I'm way under. Just feel terrible.
A median is just a statistical term for middle, which means some are lower and some are higher. I'm not trying to get your hopes up because I know you "like to hear it straight", but that's why you have Dr. Debbie Downer. Lucky for you, I'm not her. I don't think the fat lady has sung just yet, so I'm keeping all fingers and toes crossed. Seriously...envision that baby growing and growing!

And beagle-Hope tomorrow is as easy as pie! Let us know when you're on the recovery side of things. :hugs2:
Hi, I just received my BFN... =( been TTC for 2 years and a half... I'm 36 and DH is 39. I'm so depressed =( :cry:
Hi, I just received my BFN... =( been TTC for 2 years and a half... I'm 36 and DH is 39. I'm so depressed =( :cry:

I'm so sorry Maquita. How many eggs did they retrieve? How many fertilized? Did you do a 3 or 5 day transfer? Did you have any embryos to freeze? Don't be discouraged. Many women don't get their bfp on their first round but go on to be successful in future cycles. Don't give up.
Sorry, I don't post here but was looking through the assisted conception threads. I just had to reply to KFS's post. With my first pregnancy my beta was 383 at 22dpo (the database shows median at 2282). My DS is 7.5 now and very happy and healthy. Being below median doesn't mean that there is anything wrong. Please think positive and your hcg is going up which is the main thing. Good Luck.

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