First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Well, ladies, my beta was positive! I'm in total shock. HCG was 105 - she didn't mention progesterone. My RE is "cautiously optimistic" as am I. Still way too early to get overly excited but I'm so happy to have passed the first hurdle. They actually called me so early - around 11 when I was at work which is way earlier than normal. I didn't answer though because I didn't want to be at work in case the news was bad. Anyway, she called AGAIN at 12 and so I couldn't take it anymore and left the office to work from home. I couldn't read her voice on the message either - she was sort of monotone. Anyway, can't believe it. No words.

And yep, haven't even told my DH yet - he's still at work.

Yaaayyyy! I am so excited for you!!! Congratulations!!!! :happydance:
kfs - so awesome! I can't remember...did you have a negative hpt test? That number sounds great to me.

ICSI was an extra fee for me so I can understand being upset if you didn't know they were going to do it. It is a definite for me since male factor infertility...but some places will tell you it is something they may do if it does not seem to be happening the other way...either way, you should have been told.

I had my financial lady resend my paperwork for what is included in my package & what is not. So then I know what to expect when I go in for visits. Unfortunately that large payment I made did not cover everything.
kfs1-I'm no longer worried and so super excited for you. My question is, did you have sushi the other night?! hee hee. And now, my second question is, you seriously didn't feel ANYTHING? Like nothing, nada? Just your little sniffle??? I am so super pumped..I feel like I had a positive beta. HA!!HA!!

Can't wait to get this show on the road, and hear about every single thing. I'm so happy this finally worked for you after such a long time. You totally deserve it and i can't wait to hear about your DH's reaction and everything.

Ok..let it sink in. Do you go back on Saturday or do you have to wait until Monday to go back? 105 is nothing to be cautious about. You're going to be a mom, and you may even be a mom of two. That would be amazing. <3
Wow, kfs, HOORAY!!!!! Congrats girly!!!! SOOO happy to see that when i checked in!!:happydance: I'm moving you to the Successes section (i know everyone is cautious when they first find out, but no reason not to celebrate this success, unless you just really don't want me to!) hehe! So remind me, how many dpt are you, so that i can get it right on the front page. And you didnt use any HPTs at all, right? You totally waited until Beta?

BabyW, do not get worked up Hun.... I KNOW it is so hard, trust me. But pink spotting is so normal. And it can totally be different from one pregnancy to the next. I have friends who have 2-4 kids, and each one was different for them. One friend of mine on her second child actually thought she had AF and was totally out... she had bleeding and cramping, and when it didnt last as long as usual, she started to think, hmm.... and she took a test, and her little boy is 2 now! Your bean is fine!! I've already moved you to the success section on the front page, because I believe in celebrating every second of it. :) But let me know if you want me to remove you until you've confirmed. This is what i have for you... is this correct?

Babywhisperer - Fresh Transfer 11/12 - :bfp: on 11/18 on HPT (6dp5dt)
kfs1 - WHOOOO HOOOOO!!!! :happydance::wohoo::yipee: I AM SOOO HAPPY AND EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!! I honestly can't believe you weren't tempted and were able to hold out on testing lol!!
Wow, kfs, HOORAY!!!!! Congrats girly!!!! SOOO happy to see that when i checked in!!:happydance: I'm moving you to the Successes section (i know everyone is cautious when they first find out, but no reason not to celebrate this success, unless you just really don't want me to!) hehe! So remind me, how many dpt are you, so that i can get it right on the front page. And you didnt use any HPTs at all, right? You totally waited until Beta?

BabyW, do not get worked up Hun.... I KNOW it is so hard, trust me. But pink spotting is so normal. And it can totally be different from one pregnancy to the next. I have friends who have 2-4 kids, and each one was different for them. One friend of mine on her second child actually thought she had AF and was totally out... she had bleeding and cramping, and when it didnt last as long as usual, she started to think, hmm.... and she took a test, and her little boy is 2 now! Your bean is fine!! I've already moved you to the success section on the front page, because I believe in celebrating every second of it. :) But let me know if you want me to remove you until you've confirmed. This is what i have for you... is this correct?

Babywhisperer - Fresh Transfer 11/12 - :bfp: on 11/18 on HPT (6dp5dt)

Thanks girl. I needed that kick in the butt! The info you have for me is correct. I'm such a freak show I came home and tested and it's darker than this morning. My anxiety has subsided a little but I'm still cautious. Do you think if it was a chemical the test would be darker from this morning or it doesn't matter?

I forgot how nerve wracked I was during my first tri last time. I guess I feel like it's too good to be true.

In happy news my 95yr old grandmother arrived today from SC and I swear she is sharp as a tack and so sassy. She is such an inspiration and she made a sweater, hat and scarf for Jack's Bday. She never stops. I hope I'm like that at her age.

Kfs so excited for you. I was thinking about it on my commute home. So happy for you!
Thanks so much ladies!! DH was surprised, too, but he seems to be more on the cautious side until things progress a bit more. He said he was nervous to come home - we were originally going to call her together but I couldn't wait! I was seriously shaking and so nervous at work - I had to get outta there.

Terri - Thank you my friend for being so excited for me. seriously, the only thing I felt was slight cramps (felt more like P cramps) for the first few days, a few headaches, and the throat/congestion thing. That is IT. Felt absolutely normal - I'm not kidding.

Erin - I did not POAS at all because I was too scared. I'm 9dp5dt today.

Babyw - what time's your appt tomorrow? I'll be thinking of you.
Thanks so much ladies!! DH was surprised, too, but he seems to be more on the cautious side until things progress a bit more. He said he was nervous to come home - we were originally going to call her together but I couldn't wait! I was seriously shaking and so nervous at work - I had to get outta there.

Terri - Thank you my friend for being so excited for me. seriously, the only thing I felt was slight cramps (felt more like P cramps) for the first few days, a few headaches, and the throat/congestion thing. That is IT. Felt absolutely normal - I'm not kidding.

Erin - I did not POAS at all because I was too scared. I'm 9dp5dt today.

Babyw - what time's your appt tomorrow? I'll be thinking of you.

My appt is first come first serve from 7-8:30 and my train gets me there around 7:20. I won't know until mid to late afternoon. I usually get a call from 3-4 pm.

Now go enjoy the night with hubs. It's funny dh is also cautious. Have a great night. Savor this moment!
babyW-I know it's hard but you only have one more day until test day, so just try to relax..whatever is meant to be, is meant to be and getting yourself worked up isn't going to change things one way or the other, so go rent a funny movie, get a hot decaf tea, put your warm socks on and try to chill out and not think about symptoms and what ifs. We all know what you're going through, but you have to try to remain calm.

Leens-Did you ask someone about switching from the suppositories to the injections or maybe you can find those tablets like Amy mentioned. I think ICSI is under the IVF umbrella, so I think it's all the same basically, it's just a slightly different method of fertilization. Are you saying that they haven't received your money? Sometimes I have difficulty understanding what you're saying. hee hee. If they haven't received your cash, I would be angry too! It doesn't seem that difficult, people.

I think AF is here for me. I spotted a bit at work so I just put in a tampon because I don't trust this pantiliner, so I have no idea what's going on (I like to monitor my AF amounts if it's not a super heavy flow). I'll most likely start a new FF chart when I leave work. It is a new cycle so why not.

kfs1-I am starting to worry about you...:flower: :hugs: :flow: <3

Thanks for the support :) I've aske my RE about changing but he didn't want to mid-cycle, he said we could look into other options if this round is not successful or after my bfp. I was upset about the ISCI because it was planned all along, I just feel like I'm not being told things and I'm the type of person that needs information to be at ease. I have an appointment with The Cape fertility clinic on the 25th just to compare the two, my RE works out of a hospital. They received my money, had to before any procedure was done but just won't give an invoice, very rude about it too, saying things like why do you even need an invoice. I do, my money comes from a fund, if I take money out I need to produce an invoice, their response is well our other patients don't ask but I guess I'll have to do one and then they don't get back to me. Eeek, the hospital is around the corner from my work, I'm tempted to go there after work today to speak to a supervisor (I recorded on my cellphone how rude the one guy was) but that will just cause trouble with someone's job and I don't want to do that, I'll just feel bad although he maybe deserves it.
Well, ladies, my beta was positive! I'm in total shock. HCG was 105 - she didn't mention progesterone. My RE is "cautiously optimistic" as am I. Still way too early to get overly excited but I'm so happy to have passed the first hurdle. They actually called me so early - around 11 when I was at work which is way earlier than normal. I didn't answer though because I didn't want to be at work in case the news was bad. Anyway, she called AGAIN at 12 and so I couldn't take it anymore and left the office to work from home. I couldn't read her voice on the message either - she was sort of monotone. Anyway, can't believe it. No words.

And yep, haven't even told my DH yet - he's still at work.

WOW Congratulations, having such a crap morning so far but now you've really made my morning :hugs:
Good morning ladies! I broke down this morning & went to Hardees & got a full on breakfast was awesome! My office is empty today so I am really hoping for stress free! I need to make a list of things to get done this weekend. I want to really clean the house so when I get home Tues after surgery I can relax & feel comfortable. I also need some things from the store for Thanksgiving. We do not do it on Thursday because my mom & husband work in retail. But this year we are lucky that my mom gets off Friday morning (night shift) & off the weekend. So I will cook on Saturday while my husband is at work. I also just found out the local theatre center has this huge horse show...the royal gala of horses I think it is I bought tickets for me & my mom. She is a horse fanatic! I am ready for the weekend & to just get closer to having my surgery over with. I am still anxious but I am sure it will all be fine. The only thing nagging at me is if this is not smooth, my IVF will probably be cancelled since they close up the clinic the end of the year. But trying not to think about it. I have never had any female issues before, so I am sure this will be easy & we can just move on!

I know we have some folks with blood tests today...I hope everyone gets good results...even if your hpt were coming out negative.
Good luck today knitgirl, brighteyez, and BabyW!!!! Another exciting day is on the horizon.

beagle-What is a theater center? Is it a fairgrounds? I can't understand what kind of horse show is at a theater. I'm sure all will be well with your surgery. What are you cooking for Thanksgiving? I might need to get some whole cranberries. I like making cranberry sauce now that I know how to make it.

I have to go get something to eat. You had me at breakfast combo..:haha:
Fx Fx Fx Babywhisperer, Brighteyez, and knitgirl!

Beagle - good plan to get your cleaning done before the surgery so you can relax. Are you cooking?

Terri - are you cooking? We're heading to PA to visit my FIL's side of the family. They're great and we only see them once a year. I don't mind the drive there but the drive back is always the worst when you're so full and uncomfortable.
Surprisingly, I'm not cooking. I think I'll cook next year. I have some delicious Thanksgiving recipes, but we usually go to my bestie's house. Her husband makes a huge, fancy spread of deliciousness , and they have a big family, so it's a lot of fun carrying on, watching football, eating, laughing, talking loudly. It's the ideal Thanskgiving as far as I'm concerned since I can't be with my own family. I usually just bring whatever they ask and that's it. My hubs' has gone with me two years straight and the Cowboys have lost both years, so he's a little salty about going. But if he doesn't, he'll be starving and the Cowboys will still lose! I am a mean wife.

Well, be thankful it's only a day trip. Sometimes a weekend with family can be overwhelming (like my Christmas this year. I'm already dreading it).
Good morning ladies! I broke down this morning & went to Hardees & got a full on breakfast was awesome! My office is empty today so I am really hoping for stress free! I need to make a list of things to get done this weekend. I want to really clean the house so when I get home Tues after surgery I can relax & feel comfortable. I also need some things from the store for Thanksgiving. We do not do it on Thursday because my mom & husband work in retail. But this year we are lucky that my mom gets off Friday morning (night shift) & off the weekend. So I will cook on Saturday while my husband is at work. I also just found out the local theatre center has this huge horse show...the royal gala of horses I think it is I bought tickets for me & my mom. She is a horse fanatic! I am ready for the weekend & to just get closer to having my surgery over with. I am still anxious but I am sure it will all be fine. The only thing nagging at me is if this is not smooth, my IVF will probably be cancelled since they close up the clinic the end of the year. But trying not to think about it. I have never had any female issues before, so I am sure this will be easy & we can just move on!

I know we have some folks with blood tests today...I hope everyone gets good results...even if your hpt were coming out negative.

You are a busy bee! A horse show sounds fun, I love horses. Is it me or does cleaning the house feel cathartic sometimes?? Must be nice to have an empty office, jerko is officially sitting across from me and is embarrassed about the move and how it looks. And well he should be!!!

Good luck Knitgirl & Brighteyez! I had my test and decided to do a hpt, it's a little lighter, all symptoms are gone and I'm still spotting, so not feeling encouraged.
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Good luck to babywhisperer and brighteyez!! :flower:

kfs - I'm still so excited for you. It was like a sort of torture waiting for you to post your results. I can only imagine what it must be like to wait for that call! I think you're awesome for holding out and waiting for beta. You have nerves of steel, mama!

beagle - Getting the house clean sounds like a good idea! I know you're nervous about your hysteroscopy but I'm sure it will all go well. It's normal to be nervous about these kinds of things, especially when you've been waiting so anxiously. Enjoy the horse show with your Mom.

Terri - We are going to friends house for Thanksgiving, too. We don't have any family near us so it's nice to have somewhere else to go. And even though I love my family dearly, sometimes it's nice to be around other people's relatives and watch all that craziness. I don't think you're a mean wife - I think it's funny. Maybe that makes me a mean person, too??

Leens - That seems strange that they would give you such a hard time about getting an invoice. I would think that would be an easy thing to generate as I'm guessing all that is computerized. I would certainly be inclined to head over there and speak to someone in person about it.

Hello to everyone else out there!!!!

No exciting plans for the weekend here. I do plan on cleaning the house just because it needs it. We use a wood stove to heat our house and it takes about 5 seconds for everything to get dusty once that thing is lit. I love the heat from the wood stove but I hate that it makes everything so dirty. I have to vacuum about every other day, I swear.
Well, ladies, my beta was positive! I'm in total shock. HCG was 105 - she didn't mention progesterone. My RE is "cautiously optimistic" as am I. Still way too early to get overly excited but I'm so happy to have passed the first hurdle. They actually called me so early - around 11 when I was at work which is way earlier than normal. I didn't answer though because I didn't want to be at work in case the news was bad. Anyway, she called AGAIN at 12 and so I couldn't take it anymore and left the office to work from home. I couldn't read her voice on the message either - she was sort of monotone. Anyway, can't believe it. No words.

And yep, haven't even told my DH yet - he's still at work.

YAY!!! SO excited for you kfs1!!!! Congrats!!!
Hello ladies,

It's a negative!!:cry:

Aw babe I'm so sorry. I wish we all lived closer so we could meet up, hug, and help ease the pain of this process. Do whatever you need to do to grieve and maybe see what the Dr thinks. Be kind to yourself. We are all here for you. :hugs:

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