First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

beagle-glad everything went ok last night.

I must have hit a capillary last night when I did my shot because I bled quite a bit. Well, four drops fell on the floor and that usually doesn't happen. Normally, I have a spot of blood if I have anything at all, so when I was at the office today I had the rude nurse draw two more circles just so I could see exactly :)wacko: it's not exact) where I'm supposed to put the needle.

My lining was 6.71, which is not thick enough. I can't understand when I go off BCP and everything is halfway natural, my lining gets to where it is supposed to be, but when I take special shots, it's now delayed. So...i'm not sure why it's not as thick as it's supposed to be, but whatever. I have some Estrace at home and I have a prescription for more, so I'll swing by CVS this afternoon and get that. Be prepared for blue discharge. yuck. Luckily my transfer is still in the first half of the month so even if it's delayed by a week, we're still not into Christmas. Hopefully it's only delayed by a week, if that. The rude nurse was actually pretty nice to me today. She said "I was wondering how you kept your head warm." My doctor and I laughed and I said 'There is a great invention called a hat. It works pretty well, surprisingly!' hee hee.

I'm going to be busy this morning so not sure how much I'll be able to play.
kfs1/Amy-I'll be looking for your updates.
beagle-glad everything went ok last night.

I must have hit a capillary last night when I did my shot because I bled quite a bit. Well, four drops fell on the floor and that usually doesn't happen. Normally, I have a spot of blood if I have anything at all, so when I was at the office today I had the rude nurse draw two more circles just so I could see exactly :)wacko: it's not exact) where I'm supposed to put the needle.

My lining was 6.71, which is not thick enough. I can't understand when I go off BCP and everything is halfway natural, my lining gets to where it is supposed to be, but when I take special shots, it's now delayed. So...i'm not sure why it's not as thick as it's supposed to be, but whatever. I have some Estrace at home and I have a prescription for more, so I'll swing by CVS this afternoon and get that. Be prepared for blue discharge. yuck. Luckily my transfer is still in the first half of the month so even if it's delayed by a week, we're still not into Christmas. Hopefully it's only delayed by a week, if that. The rude nurse was actually pretty nice to me today. She said "I was wondering how you kept your head warm." My doctor and I laughed and I said 'There is a great invention called a hat. It works pretty well, surprisingly!' hee hee.

I'm going to be busy this morning so not sure how much I'll be able to play.
kfs1/Amy-I'll be looking for your updates.

Well if you are delayed a week, that just means I get to steal you from Erin as my cycle buddy... :)
Terri - Ugh. I'm sorry. That stinks. Any delay is a bummer. Hopefully, it's not too long.

Beagle - Glad the first shot was easy peasy! You're on your way!

kfs - I'm so glad your scan went well yesterday. I hope your beta number comes back nice and high!

babywhisperer - Dr. Google is the worst! Stay away. :haha: I'm sure if your Dr. was worried, they would let you know.

Erin - There are multiple stages of blastocysts. They have to be at the expanded stage to do the biopsy. So if they weren't already at that stage when they froze them, they have to wait for them to get to that stage after they thaw them. Here is a website I used to help me understand the different stages: I hope you get the information you need from your clinic today. You are so close now!!!!

Amy - Good luck at your beta today. Hoping for a nice high number!

LadySosa - Wahoo on getting your calendar!! That is so exciting!! I'm glad you got the birth control you like. It's a bummer to have to use it at all but if it's one you like, then that makes it a little easier.

Jen - I haven't done any shopping yet! Ugh. Guess I need to get out there and do it. I hope your dinner out with DH was a good time and that he had a nice birthday. Hopefully, you were able to dust up some sexiness. :blush:

Hello to everyone else!! :flower:

I'm busy today too - have a big report due tomorrow that I need to polish up. I'll be checking in to see everyone's report out though!
My lining isn't thick enough so I have to take Estrace vaginally 3x a day and so my transfer date will be delayed. Grrr.

So sorry for the delay, I know that has to be aggravating. I know I'm not patient so I'd be climbing the walls.

Kfs we saw a sac which he said was what he wanted to see at this point. From my LMP I was 5w1d yesterday. That beta scares the crap out of me though. The doubling time is like 43hrs from my beta a week ago of 771. I go back on Monday.

Beagle I'm glad the first night went well.

Afm I passed out on the couch at 7 last night and went to bed but had a hard time falling asleep. I had the chills from being so tired and didn't really want to eat. I guess the high levels of hcg are affecting me. Would I be a crazy person or would it be too soon to go to my obgyn and request a scan on Fri?
Good morning everyone!

Boy am I tired this morning. Wish I could've slept in. And its only Tuesday! Oy. Haha. We have some friends staying with us Thurs - Mon and we're going to Whistler on Friday - Sun. So that will be fun. I went to barre last night and it was the High Impact Training barre - so like circuit training PLUS barre exercises. I can barely move today! Trying to burn some fat for my Christmas dress!

BabyW - Horrible Bosses 2 was funny. It didn't get very good reviews, and it definitely was not as good as the first one, but I still laughed a lot and enjoyed it. I LOVE Jason Bateman. He's hilarious.

Terri - sorry you're transfer is delayed, but at least its just a week. You're almost there!

Amy/Kfs - looking forward to hearing the news of your betas!

Beagle - glad you're first day went well! I watched the videos of the injections to prepare myself. I'm so nervous - those needles look gigantic. And there's so much involved with the mixing. Also, I get nauseous/dizzy when I see blood, so Terri's story of hitting a capillary scares the bejesus out of me! Lol

Hi to Erin and Booger and everyone else!
Terri - ugh! But now you are prob on Beagle's schedule!!

Babyw - the doubling is supposed to slow down as you get higher numbers. Your numbers are comparable to mine, I think you are fine (especially since you are feeling crappy!!)

Personally I would wait until Monday - before 6 weeks the heart prob hasn't started yet - you would just freak yourself out more if there is no heartbeat on Friday (which would be normal). I had my scans every Tuesday - tues, wed and thurs I would be fine but by the weekend I would be thinking the worst again and getting to the next Tuesday was always rough - but worth it to see the giant leaps that little guy had taken! My only advice - step away from Dr Google - it just freaks you out unnecessarily. (I still haven't taken my own advice but hope to someday!)
Terri - ugh! But now you are prob on Beagle's schedule!!

Babyw - the doubling is supposed to slow down as you get higher numbers. Your numbers are comparable to mine, I think you are fine (especially since you are feeling crappy!!)

Personally I would wait until Monday - before 6 weeks the heart prob hasn't started yet - you would just freak yourself out more if there is no heartbeat on Friday (which would be normal). I had my scans every Tuesday - tues, wed and thurs I would be fine but by the weekend I would be thinking the worst again and getting to the next Tuesday was always rough - but worth it to see the giant leaps that little guy had taken! My only advice - step away from Dr Google - it just freaks you out unnecessarily. (I still haven't taken my own advice but hope to someday!)

Thank you for helping to ease my nerves. I will try and stay busy this week and wait until Monday. How are you feeling?
LadySosa - I think the key to injections is icing the area to numb. The length of the needle is not important...only the thickness & they are really not bad. The needle I have I barely feel it. I only had pain or bruising when I did not ice or if I forgot to let the meds warm to room temp. But I am only doing injections in my stomache.

Babywhisperer - sorry you are so tired. I think my meds after just one night are already giving me the crazy dreams. Try to stay hydrated & maybe drink some high vitamin juices like POM or V8 or smoothies. You not eating dinner makes me nervous for you. But I know your body is going through a lot right now. I know I will probably be the same way. I am not a healthy eater as far as timing I will have to force myself to eat on a schedule when I am pregnant. Sometimes I skip lunch or breakfast or eat lunch really late. I have a huge fear of passing out when I am pregnant.

Work for me today is slow & I hate it! Makes the week drag on. My husband has worked like 12 days straight or something crazy. He was supposed to sleep in yesterday but got a nasty email from his manager about his area looking bad after the busiest weekend of the year! Such a tool. So he went in early yesterday & again today when he should be off. So I have a coupon for a free milkshake at Red Robin, so we are going to lunch today. I know that will make him feel better. Even though we have leftovers at home & should be saving our money.
LadySosa - I think the key to injections is icing the area to numb. The length of the needle is not important...only the thickness & they are really not bad. The needle I have I barely feel it. I only had pain or bruising when I did not ice or if I forgot to let the meds warm to room temp. But I am only doing injections in my stomache.

Babywhisperer - sorry you are so tired. I think my meds after just one night are already giving me the crazy dreams. Try to stay hydrated & maybe drink some high vitamin juices like POM or V8 or smoothies. You not eating dinner makes me nervous for you. But I know your body is going through a lot right now. I know I will probably be the same way. I am not a healthy eater as far as timing I will have to force myself to eat on a schedule when I am pregnant. Sometimes I skip lunch or breakfast or eat lunch really late. I have a huge fear of passing out when I am pregnant.

Work for me today is slow & I hate it! Makes the week drag on. My husband has worked like 12 days straight or something crazy. He was supposed to sleep in yesterday but got a nasty email from his manager about his area looking bad after the busiest weekend of the year! Such a tool. So he went in early yesterday & again today when he should be off. So I have a coupon for a free milkshake at Red Robin, so we are going to lunch today. I know that will make him feel better. Even though we have leftovers at home & should be saving our money.

You're a good wife. Tensions run high during the holidays and his mgr probably has his mgr up his backside and sh*t flows downhill.

I eat pretty well, just feel funky and food sometimes rubs me the wrong way. I am pretty good during the day, but when I get home it's crash city. 1st tri is the most fatigued. I feel bad I stopped my Mom from telling my Grandma before she left to go back home today, but I don't want to tell anyone else until I know things are ok. Our parents know, my 2 bff's know and 3 women I live near and commute with know bc we all share stuff on the train ride in the morning. Great group of women, all working Moms 37-44yrs old. I feel better being in a holding pattern with my emotions rather than getting ahead of myself. That's just how I am.

Terri, I bleed almost every night from the PIO injections....some more than others but it's rare that I don't. I've had 2 bad injections and it bled a lot but didn't hurt. I hope it gets better for you and that doesn't happen again.
booger, thank you for sharing that! So, I took a look at the link, and got more confused at first, because the last pics I saw of my embryos showed fully expanded blasts like in the picture on that link. So I was sitting here thinking, why do they need to expand if they were fully expanded blasts?? Well, so I googled a little more, and found out that when embies are frozen, they have to re-expand upon thawing, which takes a couple of hours. So now everything is making a bit more sense. Thanks for sharing the link!

terri, so sorry to hear about the delay! Ya know, with both my FETs now, I've used the E patches for 9-10 days, and then went in for my lining check, and both times, my RE has wanted me to go 5 more days to thicken a little more (it was 8mm, and she likes it at 10mm). I actually planned for it this time, since it happened last time. And I totally agree... I find it very odd that my lining thickened normally when using my body's own natural estrogen... Now while using E support, for some reason, it takes a few days longer...?? I thought that was strange too, and almost opted for a natural FET this cycle. But oh well. I know you're a tad frustrated about the delay... I feel your pain, since I had a couple of things delay me too. But you'll def be good to go in a week (heck, maybe even less... when is your next appt?).

beagle, i'm so glad your STIMs went well last night. :) I found videos to be helpful also, and I also had to pause them a couple of times, hehe! But of course, only the first time. After that, we can do it in our sleep practically. So excited that you've gotten started, and I'm a little jealous that you've stolen my cycle buddy! Haha!:haha: At least we'll all be around the same general time frame. Should be fun. :)

LadySosa, you'll do great! Terri's bleeding came from the IM shots. That's the only way to hit a capillary. Do you have any IM shots for your protocol? I was able to do STIMs super easy after the first day or two. It was the PIO IM injection that I had an issue with, and had to switch to Crinone. I didnt hit any capillaries... it was just all in my head... completely mental. But everyone else here has done them with NO problems. I'm the only wuss, I think.:winkwink:

BabyW, sorry you don't feel well (although symptoms are certainly a good thing!). I think I agree w/Moni... if it would still be too early to hear the HB, it wouldn't really give you much peace of mind, would it? Well, maybe it would, just to see what they see....?

Hi to everyone!!!
Thanks everyone. I'm not that bummed about the delay. It is what it is, and yay for still having a buddy. hee hee. Thanks beaglemom. I have to wait for the call tonight to see what they say about going back for another ultrasound. It may not be a week delay. I just guessed a week.

ERose-you always tell me stuff after the fact. I wish I had known your lining was also not as thick as they share too late. HA!!HA!! I still love ya though, so it's ok. Gotcha on the expanded blasts. I was thinking the same thing as booger that they have to keep growing but your research prevailed in that they have to grow again once they're thawed. I'm a little freaked out about mine not continuing to grow, but I'm putting that thought out of my mind.

LadySosa-I was a little freaked out with the amount of blood, but by the time I cleaned it up, I had stopped bleeding, thankfully. I wanted to put the needle in the cushy part of my butt (I now have more junk in my trunk than a girl needs to have), but after getting a circle drawn on today, I realized I was a little too low.

OOOh it's lunchtime..bbl.
Terri - I'm so sorry to hear about the delay. That really blows :(

Well I went to have my blood drawn this morning (haven't gotten the results back yet) but what's really freaking me out is I started spotting last night. Not heavy, heavy spotting, but not light either. I'm really sad.
Actually my husband's manager is just a tool. He barely works when he is there & his way of managing is by intemidation. Not a good manager at all. I told my husband not to worry because soon enough he will be promoted out of there!

Amy do not worry about spotting...some women have it through their whole pregnancy. I had a friend on here who had bleeding...she said it was a lot, she thought she was losing the baby...but all was fine & it even happened a couple more times. She is still pregnant now, no issues.

Terri - I know you are probably not sulking in a corner about the delay...but it still sucks. I think we have all been delayed here & there...but we just have to move on.

Erin - I was also a wuss on the P shots. I never even had one, I just automatically opted for the endometrin. But even my husband was like EVERY DAY for 12 weeks (if pregnant)! So yeh, we went the wuss way. But oh well...I am happy about it. Less stress for me in my opinion.
Oh beagle, that's right! I forgot you opted for supps instead of PIO. Ok, at least I have one wuss buddy, heheh! And yes, it is less stress. While it's messy (and the shots were no mess), I felt a lot better after switching, because I had anxiety every day leading up to the PIO! The only time I've allowed myself to be a wuss throughout all of this, because I knew there was an alternative.

Oh Amy, don't worry!! I, too, have heard TONS of women spot. I knew a girl who wasn't TTC when we were younger, and she didn't find out she was PG until she was 8 weeks along, because she thought she'd had her period. Even my coworker here at work bled right when she found out she was PG. She cramped and bled and really thought it was a full-on period. Both of them now have beautiful healthy children!

Terri, I'm sorry, ha! I actually thought I had mentioned it during my first FET when I had to go back five days later for another scan. I could've sworn it came up, since I probably updated you girls on the appt. But maybe not, since I don't get to check in always. I didnt mention this time though, because I was so sure it was gonna happen again anyway!
Terri - I'm so sorry to hear about the delay. That really blows :(

Well I went to have my blood drawn this morning (haven't gotten the results back yet) but what's really freaking me out is I started spotting last night. Not heavy, heavy spotting, but not light either. I'm really sad.

When was af due? Sometimes you can spot or even bleed around the time when af is due. Try and take a deep breath and stay positive. It is quite common, even I spotted for a couple of days last week. I bet when you get your results all will be fine and you'll rest easier.

I keep wondering if this is how I am with a baby inside me or even with Jack who can't leave the house without me, what kind of a raving lunatic scared Mom am I going to be when they go across the street to play?!?!?!?! I get nervous when dh takes Jack in the car without me!
Amy-I'm sure everything is you have to continue your progesterone?


beaglemom-Yeah, any delay is a sucky one because I was ready to get this show on the road, but there's nothing I can do and maybe it's just the plan. :shrug:

booger-You are so smart about everything. so glad you're here.

BabyW-I can't believe you didn't want to tell your grandmother. I would tell my grandmother before I told anyone else. But...I can't anymore because she is in heaven. BUT...grandmothers love that stuff. Make her happy! What's one more person. hee hee.

Before I realized it was lunchtime, I was going to say that the past few days, three of my fingernails have split near the side where the fingernail starts growing. Since I've been taking prenatals for so long my nails have looked amazing. Well now, they are all breaking and it HURTS!! That hurts more than my shots, and trying to cut my nail where it first starts growing is difficult to do. Now my thumb and first finger on my right hand have splits in them, and I just know I'm going to accidentally snag it on a sweater or something and rip my whole nail. *sigh*
Amy-I'm sure everything is you have to continue your progesterone?


beaglemom-Yeah, any delay is a sucky one because I was ready to get this show on the road, but there's nothing I can do and maybe it's just the plan. :shrug:

booger-You are so smart about everything. so glad you're here.

BabyW-I can't believe you didn't want to tell your grandmother. I would tell my grandmother before I told anyone else. But...I can't anymore because she is in heaven. BUT...grandmothers love that stuff. Make her happy! What's one more person. hee hee.

Before I realized it was lunchtime, I was going to say that the past few days, three of my fingernails have split near the side where the fingernail starts growing. Since I've been taking prenatals for so long my nails have looked amazing. Well now, they are all breaking and it HURTS!! That hurts more than my shots, and trying to cut my nail where it first starts growing is difficult to do. Now my thumb and first finger on my right hand have splits in them, and I just know I'm going to accidentally snag it on a sweater or something and rip my whole nail. *sigh*

I know I should have let my Mom tell her but I was afraid she would tell my Aunts, or cousins. We aren't even telling dh's siblings. Plus she would worry, I'd rather tell her when we have a clearer picture. Last time I didn't tell anyone until I was around 8/9weeks and we surprised my Mom on Mother's Day.

As for your nails, Sephora sells this light pink almost clear gel that I swear has made my nails healthy and strong. That and Burt's Bees lemon cuticle cream keeps them nice and moist which can help breakage.
I will probably only tell my mom & sister. I don't know about my husband's family only because I don't trust them to stay quiet. I def would rather wait just a little before announcing it all over. But then again, maybe we will be too excited & have to tell everyone. We will just have to wait & see how we feel.
I'll catch up later - just reporting my beta results. Beta was 3749, P was 41.56. :happydance:
I'll catch up later - just reporting my beta results. Beta was 3749, P was 41.56. :happydance:

I'm seriously loving this for you and to make that Dr of yours feel like a negative Nancy. I'm so happy for you! That's a great beta!!! How are you feeling?

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